Interim Results - Turnover Marginally Down
15 October 1999
Report for the half year to 30 June 1999
Statement by the Chairman
The lack of confidence in our marketplace is reflected in our somewhat
disappointing results for the first six months of the year, with turnover
marginally down on the same period last year and profits before tax
significantly lower than last year's record figure.
The decrease in business confidence, which I mentioned in my recent
statements, has adversely affected our order levels, which are currently still
behind last year's figures. We are of the opinion that this is mainly due to
a general downturn within our market sectors. We feel that it is too early
to assess the full extent of the impact of our targeted mailing campaigns,
although they have had the positive effect of increasing the level of contact
made with our existing and potential customers. In addition to the mailing
campaigns, we are to introduce a Call Centre at our Head Office in Bradford to
enhance our direct communication with our customers.
Whilst our investment in a formalised marketing strategy has obviously
increased our overhead costs, this investment is part of a medium to long term
strategy which aims to improve our market share.
The Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of 3.0p (1998: 4.0p) per
ordinary share. This will be paid on 4 January 2000 to shareholders
registered on 3 December 1999.
The unaudited results for the half year ended 30 June 1999 and 30 June 1998
are set out on the attached. The results for the year to 31 December 1998 are
an abridged version of the full accounts that received an unqualified audit
report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
This interim release has been prepared in accordance with the accounting
policies adopted for and set out in the accounts for the year ending 31
December 1998.
This report, which is to be sent to all shareholders, was approved by the
Board of Directors on 15 October 1999 and is available for inspection at the
Company's registered office.
J F Slingsby
15 October 1999
Registered Office
Preston Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 1JF
H C Slingsby plc
Profit and loss account for the six months ended 30 June 1999
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year Half Year Year
to to to
30/6/99 30/6/98 31/12/98
£'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover - continuing
operations 7,911 8,100 15,856
----- ----- -----
Operating profit 298 455 820
Interest receivable 42 49 99
----- ----- --
Profit on ordinary
operations before taxation 340 504 919
(102) (156) (252)
----- ----- -----
Profit attributable to
shareholders 238 348 667
----- ----- -----
Dividends 30 40 240
----- ----- -----
Earnings per share 23.8p 34.8p 66.7p
----- ----- -----
The company does not have any recognised gains or losses than those recorded
above within the profit and loss account, and therefore no separate statement
of total recognised gains and losses has been presented.
H C Slingsby plc
Balance Sheet as at 30 June 1999
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year Half Year Year
to to to
30/6/99 30/6/98 31/12/98
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets 1,661 1,313 1,749
Investments 300 - 300
Current assets
Stock 1,442 1,535 1,343
Debtors 2,489 2,935 2,624
Cash at bank and in hand 1,863 1,843 1,517
Creditors: Amounts falling
due within one year (3,190) (3,403) (3,165)
----- ----- -----
Net current assets 2,604 2,910 2,319
----- ----- -----
Total assets less current
liabilities 4,565 4,223 4,368
Provisions for liabilities
and charges
Deferred taxation (32) (16) (42)
----- ----- -----
Net assets 4,533 4,207 4,326
====== ====== ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 250 250 250
Profit and loss account 4,283 3,957 4,076
====== ====== ======
Equity shareholders' funds 4,533 4,207 4,326
====== ====== ======
H C Slingsby plc
Cash Flow Statement for the half year ended 30 June 1999
Unaudited Half Year to Audited
Half Year 30/6/98 Year
to to
30/6/99 31/12/98
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating activities
Net cash inflow from
operating activities 429 740 1,466
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received 43 49 97
UK Corporation tax paid (10) (7) (187)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed
assets (109) (146) (727)
Purchase of investment - - (300)
Sales of tangible fixed
assets 33 16 127
----- ----- -----
Net cash outflow from
capital expenditure and (76) (130) (900)
financial investment
Equity dividends paid (40) (30) (180)
----- ------ -----
Net cash inflow before
financing 346 622 296
Management of liquid
Increase in short-term
deposits with banks - - (250)
----- ------ -----
Increase in cash in the
period 346 622 46
====== ====== ======
H C Slingsby plc
Cash Flow Statement Notes for the half year ended 30 June 1999
1. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Half Year Half Year Year
to to to
30/6/99 30/6/98 31/12/98
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from
operating activities
Operating profit 298 455 820
Depreciation charges 175 169 342
Profit on sale of tangible
fixed assets (13) (5) (78)
(Increase)/decrease in
stocks (99) (30) 163
Decrease/(increase) in
debtors 135 (234) 80
(Decrease)/increase in
creditors (67) 385 139
----- ------ -----
Net cash inflow from
operating activities 429 740 1,466
====== ====== ======
2. Analysis of changes in net cash
At Cash Flows At 30/6/99
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cash at bank and in hand
1,517 346 1,863
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