Re Automotive Demerger

Smiths Group PLC 27 April 2001 Not for release, publication or distribution in or into, Canada, Japan or Australia Smiths Group plc - Proposed demerger of the Automotive Systems Division In line with the announcement made on 14 March 2001, Smiths Group plc ('Smiths') is pleased to announce that it has entered into definitive agreements for the Demerger of the Automotive Systems Division ('ASD'). ASD will be demerged to a new, unlisted, independent company to be called TI Automotive Limited ('Automotive'). The non-executive chairman of Automotive will be Mr Richard Lapthorne and, as previously announced, the chief executive will be Mr Bill Laule, the former CEO of TI Group. The syndication in relation to the senior debt facilities, which are underwritten by JP Morgan, was initiated earlier this week. The Demerger requires the approval of Smiths shareholders and the LCE Holders and the relevant documentation is being despatched today. The Demerger is being effected by way of a scheme of arrangement ('the Scheme') under Section 425 of the Companies Act. The indicative timetable for implementation of the Demerger is currently as follows: 2001 Smiths Group Extraordinary General Meeting 21 May Court Meeting of LCE Holders 21 May LCE Meeting 21 May Court Hearing to sanction the Scheme 22 June Scheme Effective Date and completion of the Demerger 30 June It should be noted that the above timetable of principal events is indicative only and will depend, amongst other things, on the date upon which the Court sanctions the Scheme. Further announcements will be made as appropriate. Copies of the the Demerger documents, which are being despatched to Smiths' shareholders and the LCE Holders, are available on the company's web site, under 'information releases' at: Enquiries: Smiths Group 020 8457 8203 Russell Plumley or Richard Bayliss JPMorgan 020 7600 2300 Bernard Taylor Julian Oakley The Directors of Smiths Group plc accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors of Smiths Group plc (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this announcement is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. JPMorgan, which is regulated in the United Kingdom by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, is acting for Smiths Group and no one else in connection with the Demerger and will not be responsible to anyone other than Smiths Group for providing the protections afforded to customers of JPMorgan, nor for providing advice in relation to the Demerger.
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