Final Results
Siam Investment Fund
20 July 2001
In compliance with FSA Listing Rule 12.40 Preliminary statement of annual
results and dividends, our office is pleased to provide your office with the
attached 7 page report which includes a President's Report and key financial
data from the auditor's report for the Fund's FYE March 3l, 2001
The complete published 2001 annual report for the Fund will be submitted to your
office mid September.
Letter from Siam Investment Fund
Siam Investment Fund
The past year witnessed an almost uninterrupted decline in the Thai stock market
starting with the collapse of technology shares in the rest of the world in
March-April 2000 and continuing until the election of Thaksin Shinawatra as the
new Prime Minister of Thailand in January 2001. There was a sharp rally after
that election but the market has since given up much of its gains as the
euphoria, as always, gives way to the reality of having to govern.
The Fund continues to transform itself from a direct investment fund negotiating
substantial minority stakes in leading Thai companies in the aftermath of the
financial crisis to a more broad based portfolio of small to medium sized
companies thriving despite the overall poor trading environment. The Fund has
lightened its position in TISCO and Nation over the course of the year and has
moved those proceeds into companies which are absolutely as well as relatively
undervalued. Unfortunately the relentless decline of the Nation share price has
afforded few opportunities to sell which means that the transition will continue
into the next fiscal year.
In the first section of the annual report, James Marshall, our Director of
Research highlights the realities of the Thai stock market over the last year,
so I would draw your attention to his analysis to better understand the
environment which the Fund has faced these past twelve months. In contrast to
this macro view, I would highlight the encouraging performances of the
individual companies in which we hold shares. Companies like Serm Suk, Compass
East Industries, Delta Electronics, Phoenix Pulp and Paper, Thai Union Frozen
Foods and SE-Education deserve particular mention. They continue to do well
despite the environment and we must be patient until investors begin to
appreciate the value which exists in some of these shares. It will come, but it
is not yet clear when.
Going forward, the Fund will continue to divest itself of shares in TISCO and
Nation into rallies and shift further funds into the value stocks which continue
to attract little attention for the moment. We cannot predict when Thailand will
see a resurgence of investor interest but we can certainly see strong reasons to
own high quality companies at undemanding valuations and high dividend yields
while we wait.
On May 15, 2000 the Fund declared and paid out a dividend of US$1.00 per share.
Eugene S. Davis
June 1,2001
To the Shareholders of Siam Investment Fund
(incorporated in the Cayman Islands as an exempted company with limited
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Siam Investment Fund as at 31
March 2001 and the related statement of operations, statement of changes in net
assets and statements of cash flows for the year then ended. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Fund's management. Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
The financial statements of the Fund for the year ended 31 March 2000 were
audited by other auditor whose report thereon dated 19 May 2000 expresses an
unqualified opinion.
We conduced our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonably basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of Siam Investment Fund as at 31
March 2001, the result of its operations, changes in net assets and its cash
flows for the year then ended in conformity with International Accounting
We draw attention to Note 4 to the financial statements. The financial
statements include investments in unlisted securities (31 March 2001: US$
3,988,412 being 20.92% of net assets) whose values have been estimated by the
Directors in the absence of readily ascertainable market values. However,
because of the inherent uncertainly of valuation, particularly as these
investments are in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam which have all experienced
economic difficulties since 1997, the carrying values may differ significantly
from the values that would have been used had a ready market for the securities
existed, and the differences could be material to the financial statements. Our
opinion is not qualified In this respect.
Grant Thornton Limited
Bangkok, Thailand 25 April 2001
2001 2000
Notes US$ US$
Interest income 299,922 450,475
Dividend income 188,273 79,074
Gain on foreign exchange forward contracts 666,159 -
Other income 176,808 -
Total income 1,331,162 529,549
Loss on foreign exchange forward contracts - (18,720)
Advisory fees 12.1 (500,349) (501,370)
Administrative expenses 13 (266,412) (326,973)
Total expenses (766,761) (847,063)
Net income(loss) for the year 564,401 (317,514)
Earnings (Loss) per share 0.23 (0.13)
The notes to the financial statements on pages 6 to 20 form an integral part of
these financial statements.
2001 2000
Notes US$ US$
Investments 4 17,914,847 29,508,668
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 271,241 4,475,029
Accounts receivable 5 663,825
Forward contract receivable, net 6 123,362 17,836
Interest receivable 752,911 341,957
Other current assets 12,333 12,321
Total current assets 1,159,847 5,510,968
Current liabilities
Dividend payable 17 (2,500,000)
Accrued expenses (11,026) (23,465)
Amount due to broker - (23,677)
Total current liabilities (11,026) (2,547,142)
Net current assets 1,148,821 2,963,826
Net assets 19,063,668 32,472,494
Net assets financed by:
Share capital 7 12,500 12,500
Share premium 8 24,987,500 24,987,500
Capital reserves 9 (6,244,675) 7,728,552
Revenue reserves 10 308,343 (256,058)
Total shareholders' fund 19,063,668 32,472,494
Net asset value per share 11 7.63 12.99
The notes to the financial statements on pages 6 to 20 form an integral part of
these financial statements.
Share Share Capital Revenue
Capital Premium Reserve Reserve Total
Balance at 1 April 1999 12,500 24,987,500 (8,349,083) 6l,456 16,712,373
Net loss for the year - - - (317,514) (317,514)
Net unrealised gain on valuation
of investments - - 15,371,777 - 15,371,777
Net loss on value of
than temporary decline
in value - - (643,214) - (643,214)
Net realised loss on foreign
exchange - - (764,075) - (764,075)
Net unrealised gain on foreign
exchange relating to carrying
value of investments - - 1,409,612 - 1,409,612
Net realised gain on sale of
investments - - 3,203,535 - 3,203,535
Dividend for the year - - (2,500,000) - (2,500,000)
---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ----------
Balance at 31 March 2000 12,500 24,987,500 7,728,552(256,058) 32,472,494
======= ========== ========== ======== ==========
Balance at 1 April 2000 12,500 24,987,500 7,728,552(256,058) 32,472,494
Net income for the year - - - 564,401 564,401
Net unrealised loss on
valuation of investments - - (11,735,034) - (11,735,034)
Net realised loss on
foreign exchange - - (374,015) - (374,015)
Net unrealised loss on
foreign exchange relating
to carrying value of
investments - - (2,834,951) - (2,834,951)
Net realised gain on sale
of investments - - 970,773 - 970,773
--------- ---------- ---------- -------- ----------
Balance at 31 March 2001 12,500 24,987,500 (6,244,675)308,343 19,063,668
========= ========== ========== ======= ==========
The notes to financial statements on pages 6 to 20 form an integral part of
these financial statements.
2001 2000
------ ------
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income(loss) for the year 564,401 (317,514)
Unrealized gain on foreign exchange forward contracts (123,362) (17,836)
Amortisation of pre-operating expenses - 97,803
-------- --------
441,039 (237,547)
Changes in assets and liabilities
Accounts receivable 663,825 (663,825)
Forward contract receivable, net 17,836 -
Interest receivable (410,954) (340,241)
Other current assets (12) 53,194
Accrued expenses (12,439) 14,965)
Amount due to broker (23,677) 23,677
-------- --------
Total cash (used by) provided from
operating activities 675,618 (1,149,777)
--------- ----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
Investment (2,379,406) 1,665,826
---------- ---------
Total cash(used by) provided from
investing activities (2,379,406) 1,665,826
---------- ---------
Cash flows from financing activities:
Dividend payable (2,500,000) -
---------- ---------
Total cash(used by) financing activities (2,500,000) -
---------- ---------
Increase(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
for year (4,203,788) 516,049
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the
year 4,475,029 3,958,980
---------- ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 271,241 4,475,029
========== =========
The notes to the financial statements on pages 6 to 20 form an integral part of
these financial statements.