To: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE)
London Stock Exchange (LSE)
Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA)
Current report in compliance with the Law 24/2017 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations, Law no. 31/1990, FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations, and the Bucharest Stock Exchange Code
Report date: 19 July 2023
Company name: Societatea Energetica Electrica S.A. (Electrica)
Headquarters: 9 Grigore Alexandrescu Street, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania
Phone no.: 004-021-2085999
Fiscal Code: RO 13267221
Trade Register registration number: J40/7425/2000
Subscribed and paid in share capital: RON 3,464,435,970
Regulated market where the issued securities are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) and London Stock Exchange (LSE)
Significant events to be reported: Appointment of an interim member of the Board of Directors
Electrica informs the investors and shareholders that, on 18 July 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company, in accordance with art. 137^2, para. (1) of the Law no. 31/1990 and art. 18, para. (9) of the Articles of Association, appointed, on the position vacant since 15 May 2023, Ms. Valentina Elena Siclovan as interim member of the Board of Directors, starting with 24 July 2023 and until the next Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders.
Ms. Siclovan has an extensive professional experience in banking, energy and corporate governance, having held top executive and non-executive positions in international financial institutions and energy multinational holdings.
For any questions, please contact Investor Relations at or +40 21 208 5035 or +40 731 796 111.
Chief Executive Officer
Alexandru - Aurelian CHIRITA