To: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE)
London Stock Exchange (LSE)
Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA)
Current report in compliance with the Law 24/2017 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations, the Romanian Capital Market Law no. 297/2004, FSA Regulation no. 5/2018, and the Bucharest Stock Exchange Code
Report date: 15 December 2023
Company name: Societatea Energetica Electrica S.A. (Electrica)
Headquarters: 9 Grigore Alexandrescu Street, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania
Phone no.: 004-021-2085999
Fiscal Code: RO 13267221
Trade Register registration number: J40/7425/2000
Subscribed and paid in share capital: RON 3,464,435,970
Regulated market where the issued securities are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) and London Stock Exchange (LSE)
Significant events to be reported:
Signing EPC contract for Green Energy Consultancy & Investments S.R.L.
Electrica informs the shareholders and investors that, on 14 December 2023, Green Energy Consultancy & Investments S.R.L.(GECI), Electrica's subsidiary involved in the merger subject to the approval of the EGSM of 20 December 2023 as absorbed company, signed an EPC (engineering, procurement & construction) contract for the implementation of the "Vulturu" project. The photovoltaic project "Vulturu" has an installed capacity of 12 MWp and is located in Vulturu commune, Vrancea county, and Electrica has informed the investors about its acquisition through the current report on 6 February 2023 (BSE - IRIS code: F2300, LSE - RNS code: 0751P).
The list of GECI contracts, published as information material, on 17 November 2023, for the EGSM on 20 December 2023, is updated accordingly with this new contract, and the new list is available on the website at the following link (EGSM as of 20 December 2023).
Chief Executive Officer
Alexandru - Aurelian Chirita