Spectris plc: Director/PDMR Shareholding
Acquisition of Shares through participation in the dividend re-investment plan
This notification made under Article 19.1 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014 ("MAR") relates to the acquisition of shares by a Non-Executive Director following the reinvestment of dividends on shares held.
On 7 October 2020, Spectris plc (the "Company") was notified by Ulf Quellmann, Non-Executive Director that, on 2 October 2020, he and his wife, Christine Cote acquired a total of 33 ordinary 5p shares at a price of 2,406 pence per share through participation in the Company's dividend reinvestment plan . Full details are provided below:
Name |
Number of Shares purchased |
Total number of shares held |
Ulf Quellmann |
18 |
1,127 |
Christine Cote |
15 |
906 |
33 |
2,033 |
The forms required under MAR follow:
1 |
Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated |
a) |
N a m e |
Ulf Quellmann |
2 |
R eas o nforthenotification |
a) |
P o s i t i on / s t a t us |
Non-Executive Director |
b) |
Initial notification/Amendment |
Initial Notification |
3 |
D e tailsoftheissuer,emissionallowancemarketparticipant,auctionplatform,auctioneeror auctionmonitor |
a) |
N a m e |
Spectris plc |
b) |
213800Z4CO2CZO3M3T10 |
4 |
D e tailsofthetransaction(s):sectiontoberepeatedfor(i)eachtypeofinstrument;(ii)each typeoftransaction;(iii)eachdate;and(iv)eachplacewheretransactionshavebeen conducted |
a) |
D e s c riptionofthe financialinstrument,type ofinstrument Identification code |
O rdinaryShares of 5p each
b) |
N a t u reofthetransaction |
Acquisition of securities following the reinvestment of dividends on shares held by: i. Ulf Quellmann in a nominee account; and ii. Christine Cote (PCA of Ulf Quellmann) in a nominee account. |
c) |
P rice(s)andvolume(s) |
P rice(s) |
V o l u m e (s) |
£ 24.06 |
i. Ulf Quellamnn - 18 shares ii. Christine Cote - 15 shares
d) |
A gg regatedinformation |
A gg regatedVolume |
33 |
Total Aggregate P rice |
£793.98 |
e) |
D a t eofthetransaction |
2 October 2020 |
f) |
P l ac eofthetransaction |
L ondonStock Exchange: LON |
Name of contact and telephone number for queries:
Guy Holden
Group Share Plan and Reward Manager
01784 485 315
For and on behalf of Spectris plc
LEI Number: 213800Z4CO2CZO3M3T10
Date: 7 October 2020