Interim Results

Spectris PLC 10 September 2001 Date: Embargoed until 7.00am, Monday 10 September 2001 Contact: Hans Nilsson, Chief Executive Tel: 020 7269 7291(am) Spectris plc Tel: 01784 470470 Richard Mountain Financial Dynamics Tel: 020 7269 7291 (am) SPECTRIS plc 2001 INTERIM RESULTS Spectris plc, the precision instrumentation and controls company, announces its interim results for the six months to 30 June 2001. £m H1 2001 H1 2000 Change Sales 276.9 164.2 + 69% Operating Profit* 31.2 20.7 + 51% Profit before Tax* 25.2 18.3 + 38% Normalised e.p.s.* 16.1p 13.2p + 22% Dividend 3.75p 3.55p + 6% *before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation Highlights include: * Sales, profits and e.p.s. substantially up on first half 2000 * Like for like sales up 7% * Gross margins maintained * Broad spread of markets provides downside protection * Integration of Spectris AG acquisition progressing well Commenting on the results, Hans Nilsson, Chief Executive said: 'First half e.p.s. growth of 22% reflects a strong performance in tough market conditions. Our broad spread of customers and products combined with wide geographical coverage have served us well and will continue to be important given an uncertain macro economic outlook.' CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Overview Sales, profits and earnings per share increased substantially compared with the equivalent prior year period. The results benefited from an earnings-enhancing contribution from Spectris AG acquired in mid 2000. In the context of the US economic slowdown, the wide spread of markets served enabled the continuing businesses to perform creditably, if unevenly, to produce a robust performance and an increase in profits. Results Sales increased by 69%. The acquired businesses generated sales of £113.7m. On a like for like basis the continuing businesses, excluding Filtration Systems, generated sales growth of 7%. Currency effects were helpful but small. Gross margins were maintained. Operating profit before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation increased by 51% although underlying organic profit growth of 2% was essentially a function of the different fortunes of businesses exposed to the telecommunications and semiconductor collapse on the one hand and units exposed to the wider international economy on the other. Geographically, sales were weaker in the US with better performances from other territories. Capital expenditure amounted to £16m, of which £9m was due to non-recurring items inherited with the Spectris AG acquisition. Adjusting for these items, conversion of operating profit to operating cash was 54%. This was comparable with the first half of the previous year and we expect the historical pattern of improved cash generation to repeat itself at the year end. In the second half, capital expenditure, excluding the non-recurring items referred to above, is likely to return to past levels and to be close to depreciation. The working capital to sales ratio improved slightly compared with the prior year end, but there are opportunities to improve performance, particularly in some of the new companies. Net borrowings at the half year were £140m compared with £153.5m at year end. Disposals raised £42.8m and acquisitions consumed £3m. The Board intends to pay an interim dividend of 3.75p, a 6% increase on the previous year. The dividend will be paid on 16 November 2001 to shareholders on the register at 19 October 2001. Operating Review Electronic Controls As foreshadowed at the AGM, the electronic controls segment, with significant exposure to the telecommunications equipment and electronics industries, experienced a contraction in sales. This, allied with margin pressures and measures to reduce costs, saw a near halving of operating profits. Although an early improvement in demand appears unlikely, the position has not further deteriorated. Process Instrumentation Process instrumentation performed well with sales and profit growth of nearly 14% and 19% respectively compared with the equivalent period of the prior year. However there was considerable variation in the performance of the individual units. The two businesses dependent upon the semiconductor industry - Luxtron and Particle Measuring Systems - broke even in the period. Profit recovery will, in the short term, depend more on the benefits of cost reduction measures, which have already been implemented, than on improved demand. A good performance was achieved at Fusion UV Systems, where the positive developments are expected to continue, albeit attenuated by the likely near term reduction of orders from the optical fibre industry. Servomex benefited from improved demand as confidence returned to the oil and gas industry after the consolidation of recent years and from the advantage of improved prices for oil and petrochemicals. The actions taken since acquisition to revamp the product portfolio and streamline operating processes are beginning to deliver better results. Elsewhere in our instrumentation businesses the diversity of markets served and the inherent strength in providing products which deliver productivity benefits to customers proved their worth and produced a flat, but creditable, result. Spectris AG The Spectris AG units enjoyed strong order intake. There were particularly encouraging results at BTG, and at HBM where the manufacturing activities in China are being expanded. The companies collectively delivered an operating profit contribution of £11.4m on £113.7m of sales. The Bruel & Kjaer, Schenck Condition Monitoring Systems unit made major progress following rationalisation of two previously separate activities. The larger Bruel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration business has taken longer to integrate, but the elimination of the sales matrix under which the businesses previously operated, is close to completion. Given the seasonality referred to in earlier reports, the progress towards operating margins in the mid-teens is, subject to reasonable continuity of demand, on track. Filtration Systems Disposals of our filtration businesses proceeded according to plan, with a total realisation of £30.5m in the period. One business remains to be sold and the process is well advanced. The nuclear fuel canister business will be closed on the completion of customer commitments shortly after the year end. The closure will not impact profitability. The Board Shareholders will be aware that I succeeded Sir Robin Biggam as non-executive Chairman after the AGM in May. Ron Williams retired in August after completing six years as a non-executive director and Chairman of the Audit Committee. To both of them I offer my personal thanks, as well as those of the Board, for their help and support over six eventful years, during which the company progressed decisively towards its goal of making the transition from a mechanical engineering group to the strategically focused instrumentation and controls business that it is today. Their contributions have been invaluable. Andrew Given, appointed to the Board in June, has replaced Ron Williams as Chairman of the Audit Committee. He is Finance Director of Logica plc and has much experience in technology- based industry in the UK and North America. Hans Nilsson succeeded me as Chief Executive and, following that move, James Otter was appointed to the Board in June as a Business Group Director and a member of the executive team. A natural sciences graduate and MBA, he has experience of managing businesses in chemicals and instrumentation in several European countries. I welcome both new members to the Board. Outlook The overall economic situation will be the main ingredient in shaping the second half results. The first quarter slow-down in activity in the technology and electronic sectors has continued and has negatively influenced investment in US industry generally. Although North American orders in recent months have been dull, they appear to be stable whereas the position elsewhere is more uncertain. Spectris, with short lead times and order books, is no stranger to managing in circumstances of poor visibility of demand, and operationally, management is focused on cost containment and the realisation of further benefits from the Spectris AG acquisition. Taking all these factors into account, the Board's current view is that the company will deliver an improved performance for the year as a whole. - ENDS - A table of results is attached. Copies of this notice are available to the public from the registered office: Station Road, Egham, Surrey TW20 9NP and on the company's website at Group Results For the half year to 30 June 2001 2001 2000 2000 Notes Half Half Full year year year £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Existing businesses 267,930 158,332 458,086 Operations disposed 8,922 5,899 5,899 ______ ______ _______ Continuing operations 2 276,852 164,231 463,985 ______ ______ _______ Operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items Existing businesses 29,931 19,968 57,961 Operations disposed 1,277 686 686 ______ _______ ______ Continuing operations 2 31,208 20,654 58,647 Goodwill amortisation (2,948) (513) (3,289) Operating exceptional items 3 (1,915) 1,888 (4,296) ______ _______ _______ Operating profit 26,345 22,029 51,062 Profit/(loss) on sale of businesses 4 20,712 (2,802) (2,256) ______ _______ _______ Profit before interest and taxation 47,057 19,227 48,806 Net interest payable (6,051) (2,368) (7,630) ______ _______ _______ Profit before taxation 41,006 16,859 41,176 Taxation on operating profit 5 (7,547) (5,230) (15,021) Exceptional taxation (charge)/credit 5 (3,810) (566) 1,162 ______ _______ _______ Profit after taxation 29,649 11,063 27,317 Dividends (4,103) (3,903) (12,832) ______ _______ _______ Retained profit 25,546 7,160 14,485 ______ _______ _______ Average number of shares in issue 109.5 98.8 103.9 (millions) Earnings per ordinary share 27.1p 11.2p 26.3p Fully diluted earnings per share 26.8p 11.1p 26.1p Normalised earnings per share 16.1p 13.2p 34.6p Dividends per ordinary share 3.75p 3.55p 11.7p Balance Sheet Summary 2001 2000 2000 30 June 1 July 31 December £'000 £'000 £'000 Intangible assets 109,669 19,775 104,700 Fixed assets 80,948 33,736 77,122 Fixed asset investments 11,463 6,474 9,451 Current asset investments - - 12,061 Working capital 102,278 65,847 101,160 Tax payable (21,987) (12,064) (19,167) Dividends payable (4,103) (3,917) (8,949) Provisions (5,059) (3,095) (11,348) 273,209 106,756 265,030 Net borrowing (139,894) (8,453) (153,528) Net assets 133,315 98,303 111,502 Share capital 5,585 5,582 5,584 Reserves 127,730 92,721 105,918 Equity shareholders' funds 133,315 98,303 111,502 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds Retained profit 25,546 7,160 14,485 Foreign exchange adjustments (3,855) (31) 5,631 New share capital subscribed 122 55,586 55,794 Goodwill realised - 9,546 9,550 Net increase 21,813 72,261 85,460 Opening shareholders' funds 111,502 26,042 26,042 Closing shareholders' funds 133,315 98,303 111,502 Cash Flow Summary 2001 2000 2000 Half year Half year Full year £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash inflow from operating 15,774 13,329 53,894 activities Net capital expenditure (13,099) (2,350) (5,849) Net interest paid (6,051) (2,301) (6,821) Tax paid (8,597) (5,631) (10,843) Free cash flow (11,973) 3,047 30,381 Dividends paid (8,948) (7,205) (11,102) Share issues 122 55,586 55,794 Purchase of fixed asset investments (2,442) (900) (3,300) Cash generated by company held for 0 0 3,788 resale Purchase of subsidiaries (2,958) (1,485) (169,521) Sale of subsidiaries 42,811 9,592 12,275 Exchange adjustment (2,978) (2,773) (7,528) Movement in net debt in the period 13,634 55,862 (89,213) Net debt at the beginning of the (153,528) (64,315) (64,315) period Net debt at the end of the period (139,894) (8,453) (153,528) Reconciliation of operating profit to cash inflow from operating activities Operating profit 26,345 22,029 51,062 Depreciation 6,696 3,574 10,967 Goodwill amortisation 2,948 513 3,289 Increase in working capital (14,800) (12,787) (11,558) (Utilisation)/increase in (5,415) 0 134 provisions 15,774 13,329 53,894 Notes to the Accounts 1. Principal accounting policies and basis of preparation The interim report has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2000 statutory accounts and approved by the Board on 10 September 2001. This report does not constitute statutory accounts for the company. The interim figures for 30 June 2001 and 1 July 2000 are unaudited. The results for 2000 are not the statutory accounts but an abridged version of the full accounts which have received an unqualified report by the auditors and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2. Business sector analysis 2001 2000 2000 Half year Half year Full year £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Electronic Controls 24,526 27,479 56,261 Process Instrumentation 123,239 112,641 237,469 Spectris AG 113,691 - 129,444 Filtration Systems 6,474 18,212 34,912 Existing businesses 267,930 158,332 458,086 Operations disposed 8,922 5,899 5,899 Total continuing operations 276,852 164,231 463,985 Operating profit Electronic Controls 2,599 4,498 8,710 Process Instrumentation 14,653 12,482 29,770 Spectris AG 11,424 - 13,706 Filtration Systems 1,255 2,988 5,775 Existing businesses 29,931 19,968 57,961 Operations disposed 1,277 686 686 Total continuing operations 31,208 20,654 58,647 Goodwill amortisation (2,948) (513) (3,289) Operating exceptional items (1,915) 1,888 (4,296) Operating profit 26,345 22,029 51,062 3. Operating exceptional items The operating exceptional items comprise redundancy and restructuring costs incurred by the Spectris AG businesses acquired in 2000. 4. Profit on disposal of businesses A surplus to net assets of £20.7m was generated following the disposal of three businesses: the Arlon group of companies, Fairey Microfiltrex and Fusion Aetek. There is no goodwill associated with any of these businesses. 5. Tax on profit on ordinary activities The taxation charge for the six months to 30 June 2001 is based on an estimate of the effective rate of taxation for the current year (excluding exceptional items and goodwill amortisation) of 30%. The effective rate of tax for the year to 31 December 2000 was 29.4%. The tax charge/(credit) is analysed as follows: 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 UK 750 199 Overseas 6,797 5,031 7,547 5,230 Tax (credit)/charge on operating exceptional items (252) 566 Tax charge on sale of businesses 4,062 0 11,357 5,796 6. Earnings per share Earnings Earnings per share 2001 2000 2001 2000 Half Half Half Half year year year year £'000 £'000 pence pence Basic earnings and earnings per share 29,649 11,063 27.1 11.2 Basic earnings and earnings per share attributable to: Operating exceptional items 1,915 (1,888) 1.7 (1.9) Goodwill amortisation 2,948 513 2.7 0.5 Profit on sale of businesses (20,712) 2,802 (18.9) 2.8 Tax (credit)/charge on operating (252) 566 (0.2) 0.6 exceptional items Tax charge on profit on sale of businesses 4,062 0 3.7 0 Normalised earnings and earnings per share 17,610 13,056 16.1 13.2 The weighted average number of 5p ordinary shares in issue during the period was 109.5 million (2000: 98.8 million), after adjusting for the effects of the rights issue in 2000. Normalised earnings per share is presented to show the underlying performance of the Group more clearly. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the group profit of £29,649,000 and on the diluted weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 110.8 million. 7. Interim report Copies of the interim report, which will be posted to shareholders in the week commencing 10 September, may be obtained from the registered office at Station Road, Egham, Surrey TW20 9NP.


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