Spire Healthcare Group plc
For immediate release 18 May 2016
Spire Healthcare Group plc (the "Company") announces today that John Gildersleeve, Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent Director, has informed the Company of his intention to stand down from the Board of Directors for personal reasons. Mr Gildersleeve will remain as a director until a new independent non-executive director has been appointed, which the Company anticipates will be by the end of 2016. A further announcement will be made in due course. Mr Gildersleeve will remain as the Company's Senior Independent Director, and will continue to serve as chairman of the Nomination Committee and as a member of the Remuneration Committee, until his departure.
The search for a new independent non-executive director has commenced and updates will be provided in due course. Details will also be provided on the identity of the new Senior Independent Director once this is also confirmed.
Garry Watts, Chairman of the Company, commented: "On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank John for his service and wish him well. During his time on the Board, he has provided guidance to the independent directors and helped establish the corporate governance of the Group since we listed in 2014. John has been a dedicated member of the Board and I thank him for his significant contribution."
Spire Healthcare Group plc Philip Davies, Deputy Company Secretary
+44 (0)20 7427 9092