Spire Healthcare Group plc (the "Company")
12 June 2015
Purchase of shares by EBT
The Company was notified by Equiniti Trust (Jersey) Limited, acting as Trustee to the Spire Healthcare 2015 Employee Benefit Trust (the "EBT"), that, on 14 April 2015, the EBT purchased 1,192,242 ordinary shares of 1p each ("Ordinary Share") at 333.17p per Ordinary Share and on 21 April 2015, the EBT purchased 500,000 Ordinary Shares at 316.67p per Ordinary Share.
Following above transactions, the EBT holds 1,692,242 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.42 per cent of the Company's total issued share capital.
The EBT is a discretionary trust for the benefit of employees of the Company who have been granted share options. The Executive Directors of the Company are included in the class of potential beneficiaries of the EBT and are deemed to be interested in those shares and any associated dealings.
In the event of query contact:
Anthony Dand
Interim Deputy Company Secretary
020 7427 9092