Final Results - Part 2
Standard Chartered PLC
16 February 2005
Part 2
1. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Reconciliation between operating profit before taxation and net cash inflow from
operating activities:
2004 2003*
$m $m
Operating profit 2,158 1,550
Adjustments for items not involving cash flow or shown separately:
Amortisation of goodwill 181 134
Depreciation and amortisation of premises and equipment 239 247
Gain on disposal of tangible fixed assets (4) (14)
Gain on disposal of investment securities (164) (62)
Amortisation of investments (41) (107)
Charge for bad and doubtful debts and contingent liabilities 214 536
Amounts written off fixed asset investments 1 11
Debts written off, net of recoveries (504) (807)
Increase in accruals and deferred income 59 201
(Increase)/decrease in prepayments and accrued income (165) 80
Net increase in mark-to-market adjustment*** (259) (403)
Interest paid on subordinated loan capital 338 298
Net cash inflow from trading activities 2,053 1,664
Net increase in cheques in the course of collection (45) (27)
Net increase in treasury bills and other eligible bills (78) (76)
Net (increase)/decrease in loans and advances to banks and customers (16,216) 2,398
Net increase in deposits from banks, customer accounts and debt securities in issue 14,927 2,128
Net increase in dealing securities (1,174) (1,550)
Net increase/(decrease) in other accounts** 3,036 (789)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,503 3,748
Analysis of changes in cash
Balance at beginning of period 5,661 3,496
Exchange translation differences 57 (7)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow (1,366) 2,172
Balance at end of period 4,352 5,661
* Comparative restated (see note 12 on page 51).
** This includes the effect of foreign exchange translation in the local
books of subsidiaries and branches.
*** Mark-to-market adjustments are being reclassified from the reconciliation
to 'Net cash inflow from operating activities', to the reconciliation to 'Net
cash inflow from trading activities', as this better reflects their impact on
cash flows.
2. Segmental Information by Geographic Segment
The following tables set out profit and loss information, average loans and
advances to customers, net interest margin and selected balance sheet
information by geographic segment for the years ended 31 December 2004 and 31
December 2003:
Asia Pacific
Hong Asia
Kong Singapore Malaysia Pacific India
$m $m $m $m $m
Interest receivable 1,389 720 343 798 541
Interest payable (461) (408) (159) (320) (254)
Net interest income 928 312 184 478 287
Other finance income 4 1 - - -
Fees and commissions 324 114 51 197 111
receivable, net
Dealing profits and 99 81 30 121 67
Other operating income 53 5 5 19 1
Net revenue 1,408 513 270 815 466
Costs (654) (226) (144) (510) (251)
Amortisation of goodwill - - - - -
Total operating expenses (654) (226) (144) (510) (251)
Operating profit before 754 287 126 305 215
Charge for debts (125) (33) (2) (40) (22)
Amounts written off - - - - 2
fixed asset investments
Income from joint - - - 2 -
Operating profit before 629 254 124 267 195
Loans and advances to 21,608 10,414 5,272 7,932 3,779
customers - average
Net interest margin (%) 2.2 1.6 2.4 2.5 3.6
Loans and advances to 21,744 11,765 6,374 9,274 4,610
customers - period
Loans and advances to 2,852 2,399 480 3,554 325
banks - period end
Total assets employed 48,459 20,419 7,130 21,424 8,528
Total risk weighted 20,337 13,892 4,411 13,344 6,413
assets and contingents
Other Americas
Middle UK &
East & Group
Other Head
UAE S Asia Africa Office Total
$m $m $m $m $m
Interest receivable 204 324 536 1,463 6,318
Interest payable (53) (109) (185) (1,201) (3,150)
Net interest income 151 215 351 262 3,168
Other finance income - - 4 1 10
Fees and commissions 87 116 153 181 1,334
receivable, net
Dealing profits and 33 42 74 101 648
Other operating income - 4 2 118 207
Net revenue 271 377 584 663 5,367
Costs (99) (169) (357) (405) (2,815)
Amortisation of goodwill - - - (181) (181)
Total operating expenses (99) (169) (357) (586) (2,996)
Operating profit before 172 208 227 77 2,371
Charge for debts (1) (1) (12) 22 (214)
Amounts written off fixed - - - (3) (1)
asset investments
Income from joint venture - - - - 2
Operating profit before 171 207 215 96 2,158
Loans and advances to 2,582 3,718 1,834 7,421 64,560
customers - average
Net interest margin (%) 2.6 3.5 7.6 0.6 2.7
Loans and advances to 3,132 3,840 2,013 8,844 71,596
customers - period end
Loans and advances to 535 932 510 7,335 18,922
banks - period end
Total assets employed 6,371 6,493 6,407 52,821 178,052
Total risk weighted 4,150 4,611 2,749 24,895 94,802
assets and contingents
See note 2a) to 2f) on page 41.
2. Segmental Information by Geographic Segment (continued)
Asia Pacific
Hong Asia
Kong Singapore Malaysia Pacific India
$m $m $m $m $m
Interest receivable 1,473 621 318 700 513
Interest payable (531) (287) (145) (300) (258)
Net interest income 942 334 173 400 255
Other finance income (3) (2) (1) (1) (2)
Fees and commissions 313 118 47 160 88
receivable, net
Dealing profits and 96 43 12 109 60
Other operating income 7 (7) 4 13 65
Net revenue 1,355 486 235 681 466
Costs (618) (210) (136) (429) (212)
Amortisation of goodwill - - - - -
Total operating expenses (618) (210) (136) (429) (212)
Operating profit before 737 276 99 252 254
Charge for debts (305) (33) 2 (99) (60)
Amounts written off - - - - (4)
fixed asset investments
Operating profit/(loss) 432 243 101 153 190
before taxation
Loans and advances to 21,428 8,624 4,329 6,675 2,811
customers - average
Net interest margin (%) 2.4 1.8 2.5 2.4 4.0
Loans and advances to 20,845 9,781 5,009 7,124 3,106
customers - period
Loans and advances to 2,113 1,045 204 2,784 239
banks - period end
Total assets employed 39,390 15,747 6,676 16,756 7,590
Total risk weighted 19,438 12,423 4,018 8,569 4,560
assets and contingents
Other Americas
Middle UK &
East & Group
Other Head
UAE S Asia Africa Office Total*
$m $m $m $m $m
Interest receivable 215 291 409 1,182 5,722
Interest payable (71) (94) (161) (907) (2,754)
Net interest income 144 197 248 275 2,968
Other finance income - - - (4) (13)
Fees and commissions 66 82 118 164 1,156
receivable, net
Dealing profits and 24 33 65 83 525
Other operating income - 3 12 7 104
Net revenue 234 315 443 525 4,740
Costs (91) (145) (282) (386) (2,509)
Amortisation of goodwill - - - (134) (134)
Total operating expenses (91) (145) (282) (520) (2,643)
Operating profit before 143 170 161 5 2,097
Charge for debts (2) 4 (9) (34) (536)
Amounts written off fixed - - - (7) (11)
asset investments
Operating profit/(loss) 141 174 152 (36) 1,550
before taxation
Loans and advances to 1,929 3,328 1,416 7,249 57,789
customers - average
Net interest margin (%) 3.4 3.8 6.7 0.8 2.8
Loans and advances to 2,110 3,484 1,739 6,546 59,744
customers - period end
Loans and advances to 605 889 308 5,167 13,354
banks - period end
Total assets employed 4,962 5,465 4,557 38,292 139,435
Total risk weighted 3,234 4,138 2,115 22,019 80,514
assets and contingents
* Comparative restated (see note 12 on page 51).
See note 2a) to 2f) on page 41.
2. Segmental Information by Geographic Segment (continued)
(a) Total interest receivable and total interest payable include
intra-group interest of $1,086 million (2003: $932 million).
(b) Group central expenses have been distributed between segments in
proportion to their direct costs and the benefit of the Group's capital has been
distributed between segments in proportion to their risk weighted assets.
(c) Business acquisitions are a result of corporate decisions made at
the centre and the amortisation of purchased goodwill is included in the
Americas, UK and Group Head Office segment.
(d) Total assets employed include intra-group items of $28,801 million
(2003: $11,726 million) and balances of $7,563 million (2003: $7,507 million)
which are netted in the Summarised Consolidated Balance Sheet. Assets held at
the centre have been distributed between geographic segments in proportion to
their total assets employed.
(e) Total risk weighted assets and contingents include $2,678 million
(2003: $2,352 million) of balances which are netted in calculating capital
(f) In 2004 other operating income includes profits and losses arising
from corporate decisions to dispose of investments in KorAm Bank ($95 million in
Americas, UK & Group Head Office) and BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited ($36
million in Hong Kong) and the premium on repurchase of surplus subordinated debt
($23 million in India). Costs include $18 million related to the incorporation
of the Hong Kong business (Hong Kong) and the $5 million donation to the Tsunami
relief effort (Malaysia, India, Other APR and Other MESA). These decisions
resulted in non-recurring gains and charges of $85 million. They are included
in the Geographic segmental information, but are not allocated to businesses in
the Business segmental information shown in note 2.
2. Segmental Information by Geographic Segment (continued)
The following tables set out the structure of Standard Chartered's deposits by
principal geographic region where it operates at 31 December 2004 and 31
December 2003:
Asia Pacific
Hong Asia
Kong Singapore Malaysia Pacific India
$m $m $m $m $m
Non interest bearing 3,602 2,040 989 1,228 1,224
current and demand
Interest bearing current 15,300 2,329 130 2,831 2
and demand accounts
Savings deposits 24 528 437 1,715 970
Time deposits 13,155 9,847 3,423 6,189 3,441
Other deposits 2 50 569 894 2
Total 32,083 14,794 5,548 12,857 5,639
Deposits by banks 1,204 3,150 813 3,361 1,109
Customer accounts 30,879 11,644 4,735 9,496 4,530
32,083 14,794 5,548 12,857 5,639
Debt securities in issue 1,508 758 401 1,063 387
Total 33,591 15,552 5,949 13,920 6,026
Other Americas
Middle UK &
East & Group
Other Head
UAE S Asia Africa Office Total
$m $m $m $m $m
Non interest bearing 1,114 1,146 1,159 16 12,518
current and demand
Interest bearing current 661 429 1,603 3,920 27,205
and demand accounts
Savings deposits 249 1,350 512 9 5,794
Time deposits 2,529 1,657 679 10,410 51,330
Other deposits 187 215 69 1,550 3,538
Total 4,740 4,797 4,022 15,905 100,385
Deposits by banks 1,007 355 110 4,704 15,813
Customer accounts 3,733 4,442 3,912 11,201 84,572
4,740 4,797 4,022 15,905 100,385
Debt securities in issue - - 1 3,260 7,378
Total 4,740 4,797 4,023 19,165 107,763
Asia Pacific
Hong Asia
Kong Singapore Malaysia Pacific India
$m $m $m $m $m
Non interest bearing 2,997 1,814 781 944 1,049
current and demand
Interest bearing current 14,294 1,538 94 1,906 3
and demand accounts
Savings deposits 22 492 453 978 786
Time deposits 12,671 7,751 2,833 4,993 2,987
Other deposits 16 45 593 803 230
Total 30,000 11,640 4,754 9,624 5,055
Deposits by banks 1,097 921 733 1,725 1,234
Customer accounts 28,903 10,719 4,021 7,899 3,821
30,000 11,640 4,754 9,624 5,055
Debt securities in issue 2,068 346 351 783 87
Total 32,068 11,986 5,105 10,407 5,142
Other Americas
Middle UK &
East & Group
Other Head
UAE S Asia Africa Office Total
$m $m $m $m $m
Non interest bearing 775 920 867 433 10,580
current and demand
Interest bearing current 599 325 991 3,863 23,613
and demand accounts
Savings deposits 214 1,080 520 4 4,549
Time deposits 2,108 1,480 749 8,105 43,677
Other deposits 169 246 150 20 2,272
Total 3,865 4,051 3,277 12,425 84,691
Deposits by banks 955 305 160 3,794 10,924
Customer accounts 2,910 3,746 3,117 8,631 73,767
3,865 4,051 3,277 12,425 84,691
Debt securities in issue - - 1 2,426 6,062
Total 3,865 4,051 3,278 14,851 90,753
3. Segmental Information by Class of Business
Consumer Wholesale Corporate
Banking Banking items not Total
$m $m allocated $m
Net interest income 1,952 1,216 - 3,168
Other finance income 3 7 - 10
Other income 738 1,343 108 2,189
Net revenue 2,693 2,566 108 5,367
Costs (1,388) (1,404) (23) (2,815)
Amortisation of goodwill - - (181) (181)
Total operating expenses (1,388) (1,404) (204) (2,996)
Operating profit before provisions 1,305 1,162 (96) 2,371
Charge for debts (242) 28 - (214)
Amounts written off fixed asset - (1) - (1)
Income from joint venture 1 1 - 2
Operating profit before taxation 1,064 1,190 (96) 2,158
Total assets employed 37,047 104,641 - 141,688
Total risk weighted assets and 28,069 64,055 - 92,124
Consumer Wholesale Corporate
Banking Banking items not Total*
$m $m Allocated $m
Net interest income 1,830 1,138 - 2,968
Other finance income (4) (9) - (13)
Other income 662 1,123 - 1,785
Net revenue 2,488 2,252 - 4,740
Costs (1,259) (1,250) - (2,509)
Amortisation of goodwill - - (134) (134)
Total operating expenses (1,259) (1,250) (134) (2,643)
Operating profit before provisions 1,229 1,002 (134) 2,097
Charge for debts (478) (58) - (536)
Amounts written off fixed asset - (11) - (11)
Income from joint venture - - - -
Operating profit before taxation 751 933 (134) 1,550
Total assets employed 33,890 86,312 - 120,202
Total risk weighted assets and 24,253 53,909 - 78,162
* Comparative restated (see note 12 on page 51).
See note 2b), 2c) and 2f) on page 41.
4. Taxation
2004 2003*
$m $m
Analysis of taxation charge in the period
The charge for taxation based upon the profits for the period comprises:
United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% (2003: 30%):
Current tax on income for the period 407 353
Adjustments in respect of prior periods 17 (34)
Double taxation relief (357) (286)
Foreign tax:
Current tax on income for the period 559 491
Adjustments in respect of prior periods (14) (26)
Total current tax 612 498
Deferred tax:
Origination/reversal of timing differences - current year 38 7
Adjustments in respect of prior periods (13) (8)
25 (1)
Tax on profits on ordinary activities 637 497
Effective tax rate 29.5% 32.1%
*Comparative restated (see note 12 on page 51).
Overseas taxation includes taxation on Hong Kong profits of $122 million (2003:
$134 million) provided at a rate of 17.5 per cent (2003: 17.5 per cent) on the
profits assessable in Hong Kong. The Group's total deferred tax asset is $322
million at 31 December 2004, (2003: $339 million). $276 million (2003: $290
million) is disclosed in other assets. The balance of $46 million in December
2004 (2003: $49 million) represents the deferred tax on pension liabilities, so
is offset against the pension liabilities amount included in other liabilities.
5. Dividends on Preference Shares
2004 2003
$m $m
Non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares:
7 3/8% preference shares of £1 each 14 12
8 1/4% preference shares of £1 each 15 13
Non-cumulative redeemable preference shares:
8.9% preference shares of $5 each 29 30
58 55
6. Dividends on Ordinary Equity Shares
2004 2003
Cents per Cents per
share share
Cents per $m Cents per $m
share share
Interim 17.06 201 15.51 182
Final 40.44 524 36.49 429
57.50 725 52.00 611
The 2004 final dividend of 40.44 cents per share will be paid in either
sterling, Hong Kong dollars or US dollars on 13 May 2005, to shareholders on the
UK register of members at the close of business on 25 February 2005 and to
shareholders on the Hong Kong branch register of members at the opening of
business in Hong Kong (9:00am Hong Kong time) on 25 February 2005. It is
intended that shareholders will be able to elect to receive shares credited as
fully paid instead of all or part of the interim cash dividend. Details of the
dividend will be sent to shareholders on or around 14 March 2005.
7. Earnings per Ordinary Share
2004 2003*
Average Per Average Per
number of share number of share
Profit shares amount Profit shares amount
$m ('000) cents $m ('000) cents
Basic EPS
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 1,421 1,172,921 969 1,167,333
Premium and costs paid on repurchase of - - (12) -
preference shares
Basic earnings per ordinary share 1,421 1,172,921 121.2c 957 1,167,333 82.0c
Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares:
Convertible bonds 23 34,488 21 34,488
Options - 3,444 - 6,161
Diluted EPS 1,444 1,210,853 119.3c 978 1,207,982 81.0c
The Group measures earnings per share on a normalised basis. This differs from
earnings defined in Financial Reporting Standard 14. The table below provides a
2004 2003*
$m $m
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders, as above 1,421 957
Amortisation of goodwill 181 134
Premium and costs paid on repurchase of preference shares - 12
Profit on sale of shares in - KorAm (95) -
- Bank of China (36) -
Premium and costs paid on repurchase of subordinated debt 23 -
Costs of Hong Kong incorporation 18 -
Tsunami donation 5 -
Profits less losses on disposal of investment securities (33) (62)
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (4) -
Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertakings (4) -
Amounts written off fixed asset investments 1 11
Normalised earnings 1,477 1,052
Normalised earnings per ordinary share 125.9c 90.1c
* Comparative restated (see note 12 on page 51).
8. Contingent Liabilities and Commitments
The table below shows the contract or underlying principal amounts, credit
equivalent amounts and risk weighted amounts of unmatured off-balance sheet
transactions at the balance sheet date. The contract or underlying principal
amounts indicate the volume of business outstanding and do not represent amounts
at risk. The credit equivalent and risk weighted amounts have been calculated
in accordance with the Financial Services Authority guidelines implementing the
Basel Accord on capital adequacy, after taking account of collateral and
guarantees received.
2004 2003
Contract or Contract or
underlying Credit Risk underlying Credit Risk
principal equivalent weighted principal equivalent weighted
amount amount amount amount amount amount
$m $m $m $m $m $m
Contingent liabilities
Acceptances and endorsements 976 976 842 716 716 535
Guarantees and irrevocable letters of credit 15,942 9,976 8,146 12,350 8,480 5,773
Other contingent liabilities 3,139 2,414 1,221 4,802 3,364 2,132
20,057 13,366 10,209 17,868 12,560 8,440
Documentary credits and short term trade- 2,924 585 494 2,157 431 394
related transactions
Forward asset purchases and forward 54 54 11 26 26 5
deposits placed
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit
lines and other commitments to lend:
One year and over 9,140 4,570 4,133 7,182 3,591 3,259
Less than one year 8,903 - - 5,203 - -
Unconditionally cancellable 25,933 - - 26,589 - -
46,954 5,209 4,638 41,157 4,048 3,658
9. Fair Values
These tables analyse the notional principal amounts and the positive and
negative fair values of the Group's derivative financial instruments. Positive
and negative fair values are the mark-to-market values of the derivative
contracts adjusted for any amounts recognised in the Consolidated Profit and
Loss Account for non-trading items. Notional principal amounts are the amount
of principal underlying the contract at the reporting date. Fair values at the
period end are representative of the Group's typical position during the period.
Trading activities are defined as positions held in financial instruments with
the intention of benefiting from short term rates or price movements. The risk
section of the Financial Review on pages 17 to 32 explains the Group's risk
management of derivative contracts.
2004 2003
Notional Notional
principal Positive Negative principal Positive Negative
amounts fair value fair value amounts fair value fair value
$m $m $m $m $m $m
Trading book
Forward foreign exchange contracts 409,003 6,789 6,500 405,983 8,936 8,535
Foreign exchange derivative contracts
Currency swaps and options 116,734 2,592 2,532 124,138 1,875 1,931
Exchange traded futures and options 238 - - 327 - -
Total 116,972 2,592 2,532 124,465 1,875 1,931
Interest rate derivative contracts
Swaps 409,418 3,359 3,125 253,359 2,834 2,941
Forward rate agreements and options 57,475 101 127 61,506 89 81
Exchange traded futures and options 96,282 54 54 108,995 24 27
Total 563,175 3,514 3,306 423,860 2,947 3,049
Total trading book derivative financial 1,089,150 12,895 12,338 954,308 13,758 13,515
Effect of netting (7,563) (7,563) (7,507) (7,507)
5,332 4,775 6,251 6,008
9. Fair Values (continued)
Non-trading activities are defined as positions held with respect to management
of the Group's assets and liabilities and related hedges.
2004 2003
Notional Notional
principal Positive Negative principal Positive Negative
amounts fair value fair value amounts fair value fair value
$m $m $m $m $m $m
Non-trading book
Interest rate derivative contracts
Swaps 2,304 17 4 28 - 2
Forward rate agreements and options 495 - - 92 - -
Exchange traded futures and options - - - 2,634 2 1
Total 2,799 17 4 2,754 2 3
Commodity derivative contracts* 6,030 33 33 866 1 1
Total non-trading book derivative 8,829 50 37 3,620 3 4
financial instruments
* The increase in commodity derivative contracts relates to oil options entered
into on a back-to-back basis to meet customer requirements.
2004 2003
Book Market Book Market
value value value value
$m $m $m $m
Listed and publicly traded securities:
Financial assets 16,627 16,689 17,542 17,548
Preference shares 676 856 649 768
Other financial liabilities 12,013 11,833 10,760 10,965
Financial liabilities 12,689 12,689 11,409 11,733
Financial assets include treasury bills, debt securities and equity shares.
Other financial liabilities include debt securities in issue and subordinated
loan capital.
10. Credit Exposures in respect of Derivative Contracts
The residual maturity analysis of the notional principal amounts of derivative
contracts, excluding exchange traded futures and options, held at 31 December
2004 and 31 December 2003 for trading and non-trading purposes is set out below:
Under One to Over
one five five
year years years Total
$m $m $m $m
Forward foreign exchange and foreign
exchange derivative contracts
Notional principal amount 479,468 41,409 4,860 525,737
Net replacement cost 7,640 1,504 237 9,381
Interest rate derivative contracts
Notional principal amount 243,369 189,548 36,775 469,692
Net replacement cost 519 1,782 1,176 3,477
Commodity derivative contracts
Notional principal amount 1,094 4,348 588 6,030
Net replacement cost 3 23 7 33
Counterparty risk
Financial institutions 11,532
Non financial institutions 1,359
Total net replacement cost 12,891
Under One to Over
one five five
year years years Total
$m $m $m $m
Forward foreign exchange and foreign
exchange derivative contracts
Notional principal amount 488,667 37,075 4,379 530,121
Net replacement cost 9,581 1,091 139 10,811
Interest rate derivative contracts
Notional principal amount 166,138 119,008 29,839 314,985
Net replacement cost 474 1,520 929 2,923
Commodity derivative contracts
Notional principal amount 445 421 - 866
Net replacement cost - 1 - 1
Counterparty risk
Financial institutions 12,901
Non financial institutions 834
Total net replacement cost 13,735
The risk section of the Financial Review on pages 17 to 32 explains the Group's
risk management of derivative contracts.
11. Forward Looking Statements
This document contains forward-looking statements, including such statements
within the meaning of section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933 and section
21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements concern, or may
affect, future matters. These may include the Group's future strategies,
business plans, and results and are based on the current expectations of the
directors of Standard Chartered. They are subject to a number of risks and
uncertainties that might cause actual results and outcomes to differ materially
from expectations outlined in these forward-looking statements. These factors
are not limited to regulatory developments but include stock markets, IT
developments, competitive and general operating conditions.
12. Restatement of Comparative Figures
a) The Group has fully adopted the accounting requirements of FRS17 -
Retirement Benefits. FRS17 replaces Statement of Standard Accounting Practice
(SSAP) 24 and Urgent Issue Task Force (UITF) Abstract 6 as the accounting
standard dealing with post-retirement benefits. The standard is being
introduced in the UK in stages, starting with disclosures in the notes to the
accounts. The full requirements of the standard are not mandatory until
reporting periods starting on or after 1 January 2005, however early adoption is
encouraged. The Group has adopted the standard one year early as there is now
more certainty that similar requirements will be incorporated within IFRS, under
which the Group will report for reporting periods starting on or after 1 January
The new standard requires the Group to include the assets of its defined
benefit schemes on its balance sheet together with the related liability to make
benefit payments net of deferred tax. The profit and loss account includes a
charge in respect of the cost of accruing benefits for current employees and any
benefit improvements. The expected return of the schemes' assets is included
within other income less a charge in respect of unwinding the discount applied
to the scheme's liabilities.
Under SSAP24 the profit and loss account included a charge in respect of
the cost of accruing surplus benefits for the current employees offset by a
credit in respect of the amortisation of the surplus in the Group's defined
benefit schemes. A net pension prepayment was included in the Group's balance
A prior year adjustment has been made reducing shareholders' funds at 31
December 2003 by $202 million to reflect the revised policy.
The effect of this change on the profit and loss account for the year
ended 31 December 2004 has been to introduce other finance income of $10 million
(2003: $13 million charge), and to decrease administrative expenses by $16
million (2003: $30 million decrease). Profit before tax has been increased by
$26 million (2003: $17 million increase).
The effect on the Group's balance sheet at 31 December 2004 has been to
include a provision for defined benefit schemes of $110 million (2003: $124
million), to reduce prepayments and accrued income by $60 million (2003: $81
million) and to reduce shareholders' funds by $183 million (2003: $202 million).
b) The cost recognition policy for the Group has been revised for share schemes
to reflect their usage as long term incentive plans, in accordance with the
Urgent Issues Task Force 17 Employee Share Schemes.
In previous years costs have been recognised on an up front basis. From
2004 the Group will spread the cost of share schemes over the
performance/vesting period. The effect of this change on the profit and loss
account for the year ended 31 December 2004 has been to decrease staff costs by
$14 million before tax (2003: $9 million increase staff costs). Shareholders'
funds have been increased by $10 million (2003: $16 million).
13. Dealings in the Company's listed securities
Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has bought, sold or redeemed any
securities of the Company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
during the year ended 31 December 2004.
14. Corporate Governance
The directors confirm that, throughout the period, the Company has complied with
the provisions of Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock
Exchange. The directors also confirm that the announcement of these results have
been reviewed by the Company's Audit and Risk Committee.
Financial Calendar
Ex-dividend date 23 February 2005
Record date 25 February 2005
Posting to shareholders of 2004 Report and Accounts 14 March 2005
Annual General Meeting 5 May 2005
Payment date - final dividend on ordinary shares 13 May 2005
Copies of this statement are available from:
Investor Relations, Standard Chartered PLC, 1 Aldermanbury Square, London, EC2V
7SB or from our website on
For further information please contact:
Tracy Clarke, Group Head of Corporate Affairs
+44 20 7280 7708
Paul Marriage, Head of Corporate Communications
+44 20 7280 7163
Romy Murray, Head of Investor Relations
+44 20 7280 7245
Cindy Tang, Head of Media Relations
+44 20 7280 6170
The following information is available on our website
• A live webcast of the 2004 annual results analysts' presentation
(available from 9:45am GMT)
• A pre-recorded webcast including the Q/A session of the analysts'
presentation in London (available 1:00pm GMT)
• Interviews with Mervyn Davies, Group Chief Executive and Peter Sands,
Group Finance Director (available from 8:00am GMT)
• Slides of the Group's presentations (available after 11:00am GMT)
Images of Standard Chartered are available for the media at
Information regarding the Group's commitment to corporate responsibility is
available at
The 2004 Report and Accounts will be made available on the website of the Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong and on our website
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange