IFRS Restatement - Part 2
Standard Chartered PLC
12 May 2005
The following pro-forma financial information is provided to illustrate the
effects of IAS 39 'Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement' and IAS
32 'Financial instruments: disclosure and presentation' that has been excluded
from the restated 2004 results. It does not form part of the restated 2004
results that will be presented as comparatives in the 2005 Interim Report. IAS
32 and 39 will be applied from 1 January 2005, with corresponding adjustments to
opening reserves.
Basis of preparation
This pro-forma financial information complies in full with IAS 32 and 39 as
endorsed by the EU.
Overview of IAS 32 and 39
IAS 32 and IAS 39 prescribe the accounting for, and financial reporting of,
financial instruments. IAS 32 covers disclosure and presentation whilst IAS 39
covers recognition and measurement. The principal changes from UK GAAP are:
• reclassification between liabilities and shareholders' funds of
certain subordinated securities and preference shares;
• recording interest on a 'level yield' or 'effective yield' basis;
• recording all derivatives at fair value on the balance sheet;
• new classifications of assets and liabilities and related measurement
• recording bad debt charges for time-value discount provisions and
portfolio specific provisions; and
• grossing up of the balance sheet for financial instruments no longer
permitted to be netted.
Explanation of pro-forma IAS 32 and 39 income statement and balance sheet
1. Debt/Equity classification
a) UK GAAP required that where there was an obligation to deliver economic
benefits, a financial instrument should be classified as a liability.
Preference shares were required to be classified as a non-equity element of
shareholders' funds.
b) Convertible debt should be recorded as a liability and the conversion to
equity should not be anticipated. Interest was recorded at the coupon rate of
the debt.
a) The IFRS definition of a liability is similar to UK GAAP but the legal
obligation to deliver cash takes precedence over the judgements of substance
used under UK GAAP. Where an obligation to deliver cash can be avoided, an
instrument must be classified as equity.
b) For convertible debt, the option to convert debt to equity is recognised
separately from the host debt instrument. Convertible debt issued with a fixed
conversion rate in a currency different to an entity's functional currency
should be treated as a derivative liability and be fair valued at each period
end. A discount is created when the option element is separated from the host
debt and interest is recognised on the liability element at a market rate of
interest for similar debt that does not have an option to convert to equity.
a) The Group has reclassified £300 million 8.103 per cent Step-Up Callable
Perpetual Trust Preferred Securities from liabilities to equity. £195 million
non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares have been reclassified from equity
to liabilities. £200 million 2022 step up notes have been reclassified from
liabilities to equity. The net effect is $566 million transfers from
liabilities to equity. A net interest expense of $45 million is treated as an
appropriation of distributable reserves instead of being presented as an
interest expense.
b) Interest expense for convertible debt has increased by $12 million. A fair
value gain of $23 million was recorded on the conversion option derivative
element. However, the Group's €575 million 4.5 per cent 2010 convertible notes
were called and repaid by the Group on 18 April 2005 so these effects will not
recur after that date.
2. Effective yield
Loan origination costs were generally expensed when incurred. Fees and
commissions receivable were spread over the expected life of a loan where in
substance they were part of the interest yield. Interest was recorded on an
accrual basis, including when customers pay a lower-than-market rate of interest
for a fixed period.
Interest is recognised on a 'level yield' basis, otherwise known as the
effective yield. This means that substantially all income and costs that are
incremental and directly attributable to loan origination are capitalised and
amortised to interest income over the expected life of the loan. Additionally,
customer interest rate discounts are spread over the expected life of the loan.
If the expected life of loans change, IFRS requires the recalculation of the
amortisation. Any cumulative differences between the amount amortised and the
amount that should have been amortised under the new expected life must be
recorded in the income statement.
The 'level yield' basis of interest recognition only changes the timing of
recording loan origination income and expenses. It does not change the total net
revenue and related cash due to the Group.
The effect of this change is that an additional $12 million has been recognised
as net interest income from amortising capitalised fee income and costs. Net
fees and commission income has increased by $5 million due to capitalisation of
current period fee income and costs. Retained earnings are increased by $109
million, being the accumulated effect of capitalising costs from prior periods
in transition to IFRS.
The rate of capitalisation of income and costs and amortisation will be affected
by the several factors, including the rate of growth in the business, changes in
the expected life of assets, and changes in products.
3. Derivatives and hedging
UK GAAP permitted derivatives that had been designated as being held for hedging
purposes to be accounted for in a manner similar to the hedged item. That is,
interest from derivative contracts was accrued to net interest income (NII) and
revaluation to market or fair value was not required. All other derivative
contracts were recorded at fair value ('marked to market' or 'MTM') in other
assets and liabilities on the balance sheet.
Gains and losses arising from the de-designation of a hedge relationship were
deferred and amortised to income over the original contractual period of the
derivative or until the item formerly being hedged was sold, at which point the
full deferred amount was recognised in income.
UK GAAP permitted assets and liabilities, and related income and expense, to be
netted where there was a legal right of offset.
All derivatives must be recorded as assets or liabilities at their fair value
and presented in separate lines of the balance sheet. Accounting for changes in
fair values depends on the intended use of the derivative. All gains and losses
are recorded in the income statement unless it is a derivative contract that is
designated as a hedge against variability of cash flows (known as a 'cash flow
hedge'). In this case, the MTM gain or loss is recorded in a reserves account
until the change in cash flows of the underlying hedged item affects income, at
which time it is transferred to the income statement.
Gains and losses arising from the de-designation of a cash flow hedge remain in
equity and are released to income in line with the formerly hedged item. In
respect of fair value hedges that are sold or terminated, fair value adjustments
made to the underlying hedged item are amortised to income.
IAS 39 has a very strict definition of a qualifying hedge relationship and the
recognition of hedge ineffectiveness. This makes it more difficult to establish
and maintain hedge accounting. Where hedge accounting is not achieved or fails,
earnings volatility results.
A description of the types of hedging is set out in Appendix 5, page 48.
Under IAS 32, a financial asset and financial liability shall be offset, and the
net amount presented in the balance sheet, when an entity currently has a
legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts and intends to
settle on a net basis.
The accounting rules for fair valuing all derivatives is expected to cause some
degree of earnings volatility in the future. Hedging relationships (as defined
by IAS 39) might not be established even when the economic intent is clearly to
hedge e.g. when using derivatives to mitigate risk on a portfolio basis.
Although the Group will aim to minimise this volatility, our priority will be to
ensure risk is managed effectively.
During 2004 the Group was managing risk within the framework of accounting
permitted under UK GAAP. The Group has established new processes to evidence
the relationship between derivatives and items being hedged.
On this basis, the impact of IAS 39 for 2004 is to decrease net interest income
by $6 million (from the net reversal of interest accruals), and reduce net
trading income by $4 million (to recognise the net fair value change of
derivatives that are not cash flow hedges). Costs increased by $44 million in
2004 because certain foreign exchange hedge contracts taken out in 2002 and 2003
did not meet transitional hedge accounting criteria. $7,592 million and $7,278
million of derivative assets and liabilities have been transferred to separate
derivative asset and liability lines on the face of the balance sheet.
Additionally, $5,088 million and $4,746 million has been added to derivative
assets and liabilities representing the reversal of netting permitted under UK
GAAP, and remeasurement. The Group's issued debt has been adjusted by $225
million for fair value changes where fair value hedging has been achieved. A
cash flow hedge reserve of $61 million has been created representing the total
change in the fair value of cash flow hedge derivatives and hedged financial
4. Asset classification and fair value
Under UK GAAP, non-trading assets and liabilities (including loans, debt
securities, equity investments that are less than 20 per cent of the share
capital of the issuing entity, and deposits) were recorded at cost (less
impairment in the case of assets). Income was recognised on an accruals basis.
Unrealised fair value gains and losses were not recorded on the balance sheet.
Trading assets and liabilities were recorded at market value with gains and
losses from changes in market values being recorded in dealing profits.
UK GAAP permitted assets and liabilities, and related income and expense, to be
netted where there was a legal right of offset.
Under IAS 39 all financial assets are classified as either loans and
receivables, held to maturity (HTM), at fair value (either trading or
designated), or available for sale (AFS):
Loans and receivables: income is recognised on a level yield basis as noted in 2
HTM: income is recognised on a level yield basis.
At fair value: changes in fair values are recorded in net trading income.
AFS: changes in fair values are recorded in reserves until either sold or
maturity, at which point realised gains or losses are transferred to the income
statement. Where an AFS asset is designated in a fair value hedge relationship,
unrealised gains and losses are recorded in income. Foreign exchange gains and
losses are recorded directly in income. Where there is objective evidence of
impairment, the cumulative loss recognised in equity is transferred to the
income statement.
Financial liabilities are classified as either at cost or, if they are for
trading purposes, at fair value.
At present the European Union has prohibited the designation of non-trading
liabilities as held at fair value. The IASB is reviewing the criteria for
designating non-trading assets and liabilities at fair value. This may change
the classification of certain assets and liabilities.
Netting is only permitted where there is an intention to settle on a net basis
as well as having the legal right to do so.
Upon transition at 1 January 2005, all loans and advances will be classified as
loans and receivables, unless a loan was acquired with the intention to dispose
of it in the short term, in which case a loan will be classified as trading.
The majority of non-trading debt securities and equity investments will be
classified as AFS. Certain non-trading assets will be classified as held at
fair value. A summary table of reclassification is set out in appendix 3J.
Had this policy been applied in 2004 it would have resulted in a net decrease in
income of $2 million for 2004. Retained earnings at 31 December 2004 decrease
by $27 million and a new AFS reserve of $87 million is created.
Assets and liabilities have increased by $1,121 million in respect of balances
that had been netted under UK GAAP.
5. Impairment
UK GAAP required specific provisions to be made where the repayment of an
identified loan is in doubt. A general provision was held for the inherent risk
of loss in a portfolio which, although not identified separately, was known from
experience to be present. Interest was suspended when there was reasonable
doubt as to its collectability.
In addition to making a provision for incurred losses in a similar way to UK
GAAP, IFRS requires the time it takes to collect recoverable cash to be recorded
by way of a time-value discount provision. This provision unwinds to interest
income over the cash collection period.
General provisions are not allowed but portfolio specific provisions are
required. These portfolio provisions are based on flow rate and historic loss
methodology and are likely to fluctuate from period to period.
Suspended interest is not relevant under IAS 39 as interest is recognised on the
recoverable element of impaired loans (represented by the unwind of the discount
noted above).
For 2004, additional revenue of $59 million is recognised from unwinding of
discounts and an element of interest that had been suspended under UK GAAP.
Additional provision charges for impaired loans and advances of $76 million are
made for discounting and movements in portfolio specific provision. Equity is
increased and provisions are reduced from the reversal of the UK GAAP general
provision, offset by IFRS provision requirements.
The rate at which the new discount provisions are created during a period will
differ from the rate that provisions created in previous periods unwind to
interest income.
As at 31 December 2004
Pro-forma Pro-forma
31.12.04 30.06.04
$m $m
Cash and balances at central banks 3,960 3,447
Treasury bills and other eligible bills 5,302 6,535
Loans and advances to banks 17,402 17,388
Derivative financial instruments 12,680 7,849
Loans and advances to customers 72,300 63,982
Debt securities 33,101 29,096
Equity shares 304 206
Intangible fixed assets 2,353 2,154
Property, plant and equipment 555 525
Deferred tax assets 172 172
Prepayments, accrued income and other assets 5,265 5,109
Total assets 153,394 136,463
Deposits by banks 15,814 17,118
Derivative financial instruments 12,024 7,849
Customer accounts 85,452 78,214
Debt securities in issue 11,629 9,979
Current tax liabilities 296 281
Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities 10,886 8,014
Subordinated liabilities:
Undated loan capital 1,588 1,572
Dated loan capital 4,756 3,872
Total liabilities 142,445 126,899
Shareholders' funds 9,989 9,055
Minority interest 960 509
Total equity 10,949 9,564
Total equity and liabilities 153,394 136,463
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Pro-forma Pro-forma Pro-forma
12 months 6 months 6 months
ended ended ended
31.12.04 30.06.04 31.12.04
$m $m $m
Interest and similar income 5,350 2,567 2,783
Interest expense and similar charges (2,092) (1,005) (1,087)
Net interest income 3,258 1,562 1,696
Other finance income 10 3 7
Fees and commissions income 1,589 779 810
Fees and commissions expense (239) (111) (128)
Net trading income 677 337 340
Other operating income 205 175 30
2,232 1,180 1,052
Total operating income 5,500 2,745 2,755
Administrative expenses:
Staff (1,559) (793) (766)
Premises (321) (158) (163)
Other (770) (348) (422)
Depreciation and amortisation (238) (123) (115)
Total operating expenses (2,888) (1,422) (1,466)
Operating profit before provisions 2,612 1,323 1,289
Impairment losses on loans and advances (290) (137) (153)
Amounts written off fixed asset investments (68) (69) 1
Operating profit before taxation 2,254 1,117 1,137
Taxation (624) (333) (291)
Operating profit after taxation 1,630 784 846
Minority interest (34) (16) (18)
Profit for the period attributable to shareholders 1,596 768 828
Dividends on other equity interests (103) (51) (52)
Dividends on ordinary equity shares (630) (429) (201)
Retained profit 863 288 575
Basic earnings per share 127.3c 61.2c 66.1c
Diluted earnings per ordinary share 124.3c 60.1c 64.2c
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Pro-forma Pro-forma
12 months 6 months
ended ended
31.12.04 30.06.04
$m $m
Cash flow from/(used in) operating activities
Operating profit before taxation 2,254 1,117
Adjustment for items not involving cash flow or shown separately
Depreciation and amortisation of premises and equipment 238 123
Gain on disposal of tangible fixed assets (4) (5)
Gain on disposal of investment securities (164) (159)
Amortisation of investments (41) 18
Gain on disposal of subsidiary undertakings - (4)
Impairment losses on loans and advances 290 137
Amounts written off fixed asset investments 68 69
Debts written off, net of recoveries (481) (106)
Increase(decrease) in accruals and deferred income 80 (156)
Increase in prepayments and accrued income (256) (219)
Net (increase)/decrease in mark to market adjustment (224) 519
Interest paid on subordinated loan capital 293 231
UK and overseas taxes paid (573) (271)
Net cash inflow from trading activities 1,480 1,294
Net increase in cheques in the course of collection (45) (83)
Net (increase)/decrease in treasury bills and other eligible bills (78) 52
Net (increase) in loans and advances to banks and customers (11,999) (6,927)
Net increase in deposits from banks, customer accounts/debt securities in issue 15,004 12,103
Net increase in dealing securities (2,118) (286)
Net increase/(decrease) in other accounts 3,037 (18)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 5,281 6,135
Net cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (240) (95)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (333) -
Acquisition of treasury bills (9,188) (6,346)
Acquisition of debt securities (75,353) (33,931)
Acquisition of equity shares (121) (42)
Disposal of subsidiaries, associated undertakings and branches 6 6
Disposal of tangible fixed assets 51 53
Disposal and maturity of treasury bills 10,778 5,363
Disposal and maturity of debt securities 71,482 31,788
Disposal of equity shares 356 352
Dividend paid on minority shareholders of subsidiary undertakings (17) (3)
Net cash used in investing activities (2,579) (2,855)
Net cash inflow from financing activities
Interest paid on subordinated loan capital (293) (231)
Gross proceeds from issue of subordinated loan capital 499 4
Repayment of subordinated liabilities (25) (21)
Dividend paid on other equity interests (103) (51)
Equity dividend paid to members of the company (587) (396)
Net cash inflow from financing activities (509) (695)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 2,193 2,585
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 21,773 21,773
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 57 (39)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 24,023 24,319
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Pro-forma Pro-forma Pro-forma
12 months 6 months 6 months
ended ended ended
31.12.04 30.06.04 31.12.04
$m $m $m
Operating profit after taxation 1,630 784 846
Exchange translation differences 96 (66) 162
Actuarial (loss)/gain on retirement benefits (5) 15 (20)
Available for sale investments:
Gain on revaluation of available for sale investments 11 (22) 33
Gain on revaluation of available for sale investments sold (145) (143) (2)
Gain on revaluation of available for sale investments matured (1) 12 (13)
Gain on revaluation of cashflow hedges 61 - 61
Deferred tax on items taken directly to reserves 38 71 (33)
Recognised income and expense for the period 1,685 651 1,034
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 1,651 635 1,016
Minority interest 34 16 18
1,685 651 1,034
At 31 December 2004
IFRS Debt/ Effective Derivatives/
31.12.04 Equity yield hedging
$m $m $m $m
Cash and balances at central banks 3,960 - - -
Treasury bills and eligible bills 4,425 - - -
Loans and advances to banks 17,382 - - -
Derivative financial instruments - - - 12,680
Loans and advances to customers 72,159 - 123 -
Debt securities 32,842 - - -
Equity shares 253 - - -
Intangible fixed assets 2,353 - - -
Property, plant and equipment 555 - - -
Deferred income tax assets 272 - - -
Prepayments, accrued income and
other assets 12,877 - (24) (7,592)
Total assets 147,078 - 99 5,088
Deposits by banks 15,814 - - -
Derivative financial instruments - - - 12,024
Customer accounts 85,458 - (6) -
Debt securities in issue 11,627 - - 2
Current tax liabilities 295 - - -
Accruals, deferred income and other
liabilities 17,047 - (4) (7,278)
Subordinated liabilities:
Undated loan capital 1,588 - - -
Dated loan capital 5,180 (649) - 225
Total liabilities and shareholders'
funds 137,009 (649) (10) 4,973
Share capital/premium and redemption
reserve 3,818 (375) - -
Other equity instruments - 941 - -
AFS reserve - - - -
Cash flow hedge reserve - - - 61
Premises revaluation 76 - - -
Own shares in ESOP Trust (8) - - -
Profit and loss account 5,219 83 109 58
Minority interest 964 - - (4)
Total equity 10,069 649 109 115
Asset Pro-forma
classification/ IFRS
fair values Impairment Tax 31.12.04
$m $m $m $m
Cash and balances at central banks - - - 3,960
Treasury bills and eligible bills 877 - - 5,302
Loans and advances to banks 20 - - 17,402
Derivative financial instruments - - - 12,680
Loans and advances to customers (26) 44 - 72,300
Debt securities 259 - - 33,101
Equity shares 51 - - 304
Intangible fixed assets - - - 2,353
Property, plant and equipment - - - 555
Deferred income tax assets - - (100) 172
Prepayments, accrued income and
other assets - 4 - 5,265
Total assets 1,181 48 (100) 153,394
Deposits by banks - - - 15,814
Derivative financial instruments - - - 12,024
Customer accounts - - - 85,452
Debt securities in issue - - - 11,629
Current tax liabilities - - 1 296
Accruals, deferred income and
other liabilities 1,121 1 (1) 10,886
Subordinated liabilities:
Undated loan capital - - - 1,588
Dated loan capital - - - 4,756
Total liabilities and
shareholders' funds 1,121 1 - 142,445
Share capital/premium and
redemption reserve - - - 3,443
Other equity instruments - - - 941
AFS reserve 87 - (14) 73
Cash flow hedge reserve - - (19) 42
Premises revaluation - - - 76
Own shares in ESOP Trust - - - (8)
Profit and loss account (27) 47 (67) 5,422
Minority interest - - - 960
Total equity 60 47 (100) 10,949
At 30 June 2004
IFRS Debt/ Effective Derivatives/
30.06.04 Equity Yield Hedging
$m $m $m $m
Cash and balances at central banks 3,447 - - -
Treasury bills and eligible bills 5,978 - - -
Loans and advances to banks 17,387 - - -
Derivative financial instruments - - - 7,849
Loans and advances to customers 63,743 - 120 -
Debt securities 28,900 - - -
Equity shares 179 - - -
Intangible fixed assets 2,154 - - -
Property, plant and equipment 525 - - -
Deferred tax assets 251 - - -
Prepayments, accrued income and
other assets 10,084 - (34) (4,945)
Total assets 132,648 - 86 2,904
Deposits by banks 16,999 - - -
Derivative financial instruments - 14 - 7,835
Customer accounts 78,219 - (5) -
Debt securities in issue 9,985 - - (6)
Current tax liabilities 258 - - -
Accruals, deferred income and other
liabilities 12,402 - (5) (5,140)
Subordinated liabilities:
Undated loan capital 1,572 - - -
Dated loan capital 4,351 (621) - 142
Total liabilities 123,786 (607) (10) 2,831
Share capital/premium and redemption
reserve 3,778 (354) - -
Other equity instruments - 888 - -
AFS reserve - - - -
Cash flow hedge reserve - - - -
Premises revaluation 81 - - -
Own shares in ESOP Trust (74) - - -
Retained earnings 4,447 73 96 75
Minority interest 630 - - (2)
Total equity 8,862 607 96 73
Asset Pro-forma
classification/ IFRS
fair values Impairment Tax 30.06.04
$m $m $m $m
Cash and balances at central banks - - - 3,447
Treasury bills and eligible bills 557 - - 6,535
Loans and advances to banks 1 - - 17,388
Derivative financial instruments - - 7,849
Loans and advances to customers 20 99 - 63,982
Debt securities 196 - - 29,096
Equity shares 27 - - 206
Intangible fixed assets - - - 2,154
Property, plant and equipment - - - 525
Deferred tax assets - - (79) 172
Prepayments, accrued income and
other assets - 1 3 5,109
Total assets 801 100 (76) 136,463
Deposits by banks 119 - - 17,118
Derivative financial instruments - - - 7,849
Customer accounts - - - 78,214
Debt securities in issue - - - 9,979
Current tax liabilities - - 23 281
Accruals, deferred income and
other liabilities 780 - (23) 8,014
Subordinated liabilities:
Undated loan capital - - - 1,572
Dated loan capital - - - 3,872
Total liabilities 899 - - 126,899
Share capital/premium and
redemption reserve - - - 3,424
Other equity instruments - - - 888
AFS reserve 71 - (9) 62
Cash flow hedge reserve - - - -
Premises revaluation - - - 81
Own shares in ESOP Trust - - - (74)
Retained earnings (50) 100 (67) 4,674
Minority interest (119) - - 509
Total equity (98) 100 (76) 9,564
For the year ended 31 December 2004
12 months
ended Debt/ Effective Derivatives/
31.12.04 Equity yield hedging
$m $m $m $m
Interest receivable and similar
income 5,312 - 11 (19)
Interest expense and similar
charges (2,130) 33 1 13
Net interest income 3,182 33 12 (6)
Other finance income 10 - - -
Fees and commissions income 1,614 - (38) -
Fees and commissions expense (282) - 43 -
Net trading income 651 23 - (4)
Other operating income 207 - - (2)
2,190 23 5 (6)
Total operating income 5,382 56 17 (12)
Administrative expenses:
Staff (1,559) - - -
Premises (321) - - -
Other (731) - 5 (44)
Depreciation and amortisation (238) - - -
Total operating expenses (2,849) - 5 (44)
Operating profit before provisions 2,533 56 22 (56)
Impairment losses on loans and
advances (214) - - -
Amounts written off fixed assets (68) - - -
Operating profit before taxation 2,251 56 22 (56)
Taxation (630) - - -
Operating profit after taxation 1,621 56 22 (56)
Minority interest (43) - - -
Profit for the period attributable
to shareholders 1,578 56 22 (56)
Dividends on other equity interests (58) (45) - -
Dividends on ordinary equity shares (630) - - -
Retained profit 890 11 22 (56)
Asset 12 months
classification/ ended
fair values Impairment Tax 31.12.04
$m $m $m $m
Interest receivable and similar
income - 46 - 5,350
Interest expense and similar
charges (9) - - (2,092)
Net interest income (9) 46 - 3,258
Other finance income - - - 10
Fees and commissions income - 13 - 1,589
Fees and commissions expense - - - (239)
Net trading income 7 - - 677
Other operating income - - - 205
7 13 - 2,232
Total operating income (2) 59 - 5,500
Administrative expenses:
Staff - - - (1,559)
Premises - - - (321)
Other - - - (770)
Depreciation and amortisation - - - (238)
Total operating expenses - - - (2,888)
Operating profit before provisions (2) 59 - 2,612
Impairment losses on loans and
advances - (76) - (290)
Amounts written off fixed assets - - - (68)
Operating profit before taxation (2) (17) - 2,254
Taxation - - 6 (624)
Operating profit after taxation (2) (17) 6 1,630
Minority interest 9 - - (34)
Profit for the period attributable
to shareholders 7 (17) 6 1,596
Dividends on other equity
interests - - - (103)
Dividends on ordinary equity
shares - - - (630)
Retained profit 7 (17) 6 863
For six months ended 30 June 2004
6 months
ended Debt/ Effective Derivatives/
30.06.04 Equity yield Hedging
$m $m $m $m
Interest and similar income 2,568 - 5 (28)
Interest expense and similar
charges (1,017) 16 1 (1)
Net interest income 1,551 16 6 (29)
Other finance income 3 - - -
Fees and commissions income 793 - (18) -
Fees and commissions expense (130) - 19 -
Net trading income 333 8 - 5
Other operating income 175 - - -
1,171 8 1 5
Total operating income 2,725 24 7 (24)
Administrative expenses:
Staff (793) - - -
Premises (158) - - -
Other (336) - 3 (15)
Depreciation and amortisation (123) - - -
Total operating expenses (1,410) - 3 (15)
Operating profit before provisions 1,315 24 10 (39)
Impairment losses on loans and
advances (139) - - -
Income from joint venture - - - -
Amounts written off fixed assets (69) - - -
Operating profit before taxation 1,107 24 10 (39)
Taxation (331) - - -
Operating profit after taxation 776 24 10 (39)
Minority interest (20) - - -
Profit for the period attributable
to shareholders 756 24 10 (39)
Dividends on other equity interests (29) (22) - -
Dividends on ordinary equity shares (429) - - -
Retained profit 298 2 10 (39)
Asset 6 months
classification/ ended
fair values Impairment Tax 30.06.04
$m $m $m $m
Interest and similar income (4) 26 - 2,567
Interest expense and similar
charges (4) - - (1,005)
Net interest income (8) 26 - 1,562
Other finance income - - - 3
Fees and commissions income - 4 - 779
Fees and commissions expense - - - (111)
Net trading income (9) - - 337
Other operating income - - - 175
(9) 4 - 1,180
Total operating income (17) 30 - 2,745
Administrative expenses:
Staff - - - (793)
Premises - - - (158)
Other - - - (348)
Depreciation and amortisation - - - (123)
Total operating expenses - - - (1,422)
Operating profit before provisions (17) 30 - 1,323
Impairment losses on loans and
advances - 2 - (137)
Income from joint venture - - - -
Amounts written off fixed assets - - - (69)
Operating profit before taxation (17) 32 - 1,117
Taxation - - (2) (333)
Operating profit after taxation (17) 32 (2) 784
Minority interest 4 - - (16)
Profit for the period attributable
to shareholders (13) 32 (2) 768
Dividends on other equity
interests - - - (51)
Dividends on ordinary equity
shares - - - (429)
Retained profit (13) 32 (2) 288
At 1 January 2004
Audited Asset Pro-forma
IFRS Debt/ Effective Derivatives/ classification/ IFRS
01.01.04 equity yield hedging fair values Impairment Tax 01.01.04
$m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m
Share capital, share premium
and redemption reserve 3,768 (349) - - - - - 3,419
Other components of equity - 877 - - - - - 877
AFS reserve - - - - 227 - (47) 180
Cash flow/hedge reserve - - - - - - - -
Premises revaluation 57 - - - - - - 57
Own shares held in ESOP
Trusts (60) - - - - - - (60)
Retained earnings 4,182 72 86 114 (34) 59 (72) 4,407
Minority interest 620 - - - (129) - - 491
8,567 600 86 114 64 59 (119) 9,371
At 31 December 2004 and 30 June 2004
Designated Pro-forma
Held to Available at 31.12.04
maturity Originated for sale Trading fair value Total
$m $m $m $m $m $m
Treasury bills and other
eligible bills 57 - 3,881 1,120 244 5,302
Loans and advances to banks - 16,508 - 894 - 17,402
Loans and advances to customers - 72,101 6 144 49 72,300
Debt securities 983 343 26,272 3,894 1,609 33,101
Equity shares - - 292 12 - 304
1,040 88,952 30,451 6,064 1,902 128,409
Designated Pro-forma
Held to Available at 30.06.04
maturity Originated for sale Trading fair value Total
$m $m $m $m $m $m
Treasury bills and other 127 - 5,119 740 549 6,535
eligible bills
Loans and advances to banks - 15,910 - 1,478 - 17,388
Loans and advances to - 63,694 - 288 - 63,982
Debt securities 973 294 23,751 2,999 1,079 29,096
Equity shares - - 206 - - 206
1,100 79,898 29,076 5,505 1,628 117,207
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Hong Asia
Kong Singapore Malaysia Pacific India
Audited IFRS $m $m $m $m $m
Operating income 1,406 513 270 825 466
Operating expenses (658) (228) (145) (518) (252)
Operating profit before
provision 748 285 125 307 214
Charge for debts (125) (33) (2) (40) (22)
Impairment/other - - - - 2
Operating profit before
taxation 623 252 123 267 194
IAS 32/39 adjustments
Operating income 10 4 25 10 20
Operating expenses (4) (4) (2) (6) (1)
Operating profit before
provision 6 - 23 4 19
Impairment losses on loans
and 13 (4) (26) (35) (8)
Impairment/other - - - - -
Operating profit before
taxation 19 (4) (3) (31) 11
Operating income 1,416 517 295 835 486
Operating expenses (662) (232) (147) (524) (253)
Operating profit before
provision 754 285 148 311 233
Impairment losses on loans
and (112) (37) (28) (75) (30)
Impairment/other - - - - 2
Operating profit before
taxation 642 248 120 236 205
UAE Other Africa Group Total
Audited IFRS $m $m $m $m $m
Operating income 271 377 584 670 5,382
Operating expenses (100) (170) (360) (418) (2,849)
Operating profit before 171 207 224 252 2,533
Charge for debts (1) (1) (12) 22 (214)
Impairment/other - - - (70) (68)
Operating profit before 170 206 212 204 2,251
IAS 32/39 adjustments
Operating income (1) 1 6 43 118
Operating expenses (1) (1) (5) (15) (39)
Operating profit before (2) - 1 28 79
Impairment losses on loans and
advances (5) (6) (8) 3 (76)
Impairment/other - - - - -
Operating profit before (7) (6) (7) 31 3
Operating income 270 378 590 713 5,500
Operating expenses (101) (171) (365) (433) (2,888)
Operating profit before 169 207 225 280 2,612
Impairment losses on loans and
advances (6) (7) (20) 25 (290)
Impairment/other - - - (70) (68)
Operating profit before 163 200 205 235 2,254
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Consumer Wholesale items not
Banking Banking allocated Total
Audited IFRS $m $m $m $m
Total operating income 2,700 2,574 108 5,382
Total operating expenses (1,400) (1,426) (23) (2,849)
Operating profit before provisions 1,300 1,148 85 2,533
Charge for debts (242) 28 - (214)
Amounts written off fixed assets - (1) (67) (68)
Operating profit before taxation 1,058 1,175 18 2,251
IAS32/39 adjustments
Total operating income 73 45 - 118
Total operating expenses (17) (22) - (39)
Operating profit before provisions 56 23 - 79
Impairment losses on loans and
advances (53) (23) - (76)
Amounts written off fixed assets - - - -
Operating profit before taxation 3 - - 3
Total operating income 2,773 2,619 108 5,500
Total operating expenses (1,417) (1,448) (23) (2,888)
Operating profit before provisions 1,356 1,171 85 2,612
Impairment loss on loans and advances (295) 5 - (290)
Amounts written off fixed assets - (1) (67) (68)
Operating profit before taxation 1,061 1,175 18 2,254
12 months ended 6 months ended
31.12.04 30.06.04
Average Average
IFRS number IFRS number
Profit of shares Cents Profit of shares Cents
Earnings per Ordinary Share $m ('000) per share $m ('000) per share
Basic earnings per
ordinary share 1,493 1,172,921 127.3 717 1,170,699 61.2
Effect of dilutive potential
ordinary shares:
Convertible bonds 12 34,488 9 34,488
Options - 3,444 - 2,252
Diluted earnings per
ordinary share 1,505 1,210,853 124.3 726 1,207,439 60.1
Normalised earnings per ordinary share
The Group measures earnings per share on a normalised basis.
The following table shows the calculation of normalised earnings per share, i.e.
based on the Group's results excluding amounts written off fixed assets, profits
/losses of a capital nature and profits/losses on repurchase of capital
12 months 6 months
ended ended
31.12.04 30.06.04
$m $m
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders, as above 1,493 717
Profit on sale of shares in - KorAm (95) (95)
- Bank of China (36) (36)
Premium and costs paid on repurchase of subordinated debt 23 21
Cost of Hong Kong incorporation 18 18
Tsunami donation 5 -
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (4) (4)
Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertakings (4) (4)
Amounts written off fixed assets 68 69
Normalised earnings 1,468 686
Normalised earnings per ordinary share 125.2c 58.6c
The following is a summary of Standard Chartered PLC's significant influence but not control,
new Group accounting policies under IFRS. Where generally accompanying a shareholding of between 20
policies have changed under IFRS this is indicated by per cent and 50 per cent of the voting rights.
*. No adjustments have been made for any changes in Investments in associates are accounted for by the
estimates made at the time of approval of the UK GAAP equity method of accounting and are initially
financial statements. recognised at cost.
The Group's investment in associates includes goodwill
(net of any accumulated impairment loss) identified
Basis of accounting on acquisition.
The Group's share of its associates' post-acquisition
profits or losses is recognised in the income
As set out on page 4 in the Basis of Preparation, the statement, and its share of post-acquisition movements
restated financial information has been prepared in in reserves is recognised in reserves. The cumulative
accordance with International Accounting Standards post-acquisition movements are adjusted against the
(IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards carrying amount of the investment. When the Group's
(IFRS) as endorsed by the EU or expected to be share of losses in an associate equals or exceeds its
applicable at 31 December 2005. interest in the associate, including any other
unsecured receivables, the Group does not recognise
further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or
made payments on behalf of the associate.
Critical accounting policies
Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and
its associates are eliminated to the extent of the
Group's interest in the associates. Unrealised losses
Standard Chartered PLC's management considers the are also eliminated unless the transaction provides
following to be the most important accounting policies evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred.
in the context of the Group's operations.
b) Interest in Joint Ventures *
1 Accounting convention*
The Company and Group's consolidated financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with Interests in jointly controlled entities are
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as recognised using proportionate consolidation whereby
required by European Directives. The the assets, liabilities, income and expenses are
financial statements have been prepared under the combined line by line with similar items in the
historical cost convention, as modified by the Group's financial statements.
revaluation of certain fixed assets and dealing
The preparation of financial statements in 3 Foreign currency translation*
conformity with IFRS requires the use of certain
critical accounting estimates. It also requires
management to exercise its judgement in the process of a) Functional and presentation currency items
applying the Company's accounting policies. included in the financial statements of each
of the Group's entities are measured using the
currency of the primary economic environment in which
the entity operates ('the functional currency').
2 Consolidation *
Subsidiaries are all entities (including special The consolidated financial statements are
purpose entities) over which the Group has the power presented in US dollars, which is the Group's
to govern the financial and operating policies functional and presentation currency.
generally accompanying a shareholding of more than one
half of the voting rights. Subsidiaries are fully
consolidated from the date on which control is
transferred to the Group. They are de-consolidated b) Transactions and balances
from the date that control ceases.
The purchase method of accounting is used to account Foreign currency transactions are translated into the
for the acquisition of subsidiaries by the Group. The functional currency using the exchange rates
cost of an acquisition is measured as the fair value prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign
of the assets given, equity instruments issued and exchange gains and losses resulting from the
liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of settlement of such transactions and from the
exchange, plus costs directly attributable to the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary
acquisition. Identifiable assets acquired are fair assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
valued at the acquisition date, irrespective of the currencies are recognised in the income statement.
extent of any minority interest. The excess of the
cost of acquisition over the fair value of the Group's
share of the identifiable net assets acquired
is recorded as goodwill. If the cost of acquisition is c) Group companies
less than the fair value of the net assets of the
subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognised
directly in the income statement.
The results and financial position of all the
Inter-company transactions, balances and unrealised Group entities that have a functional currency
gains on transactions between Group companies are different from the
eliminated. Unrealised losses are also eliminated
unless the transaction provides evidence of impairment
of the asset transferred.
a) Associates are all entities over which the
Group has presentation currency are translated into the b) Computer software
Acquired computer software licenses are capitalised on
currency as follows. the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and bring
to use the specific software. These costs are
amortised on the basis of the expected useful lives
(three to five years).
i) assets and Costs associated with developing or maintaining
liabilities for each balance sheet presented are computer software programs are recognised as an
translated at the closing rate at the balance sheet expense as incurred.
6 Property, plant and equipment*
ii) income and expenses
for each income statement are translated at average Land and buildings comprise mainly branches and of
exchange rates; and offices. All property, plant and equipment is
stated at cost less depreciation. Cost includes
expenditure that is directly attributable to the
acquisition of the items.
iii) all resulting
exchange differences are recognised as a separate Subsequent costs are included in the asset's carrying
component of equity. amount or are recognised as a separate asset, as
appropriate, only when it is probable that future
economic benefits associated with the item
On consolidation, exchange differences arising from will flow to the Group and the cost of the
the translation of the net investment in foreign item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and
entities, and of borrowings and other currency maintenance are charged to the income statement during
instruments designated as hedges of such investments, the financial period in which they are
are taken to shareholders' equity. When a foreign incurred.
operation is sold, such exchange differences are
recognised in the income statement as part of the gain Land is not depreciated. Depreciation on other assets
or loss on sale. is calculated using the straight-line method to
allocate their cost to their residual values over
Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the their estimated useful lives, as follows:
acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets
and liabilities of the foreign entity and translated Buildings up to 50 years
at the closing rate. Leasehold improvements
life of lease, up to 50 years
4 Sale and repurchase agreements* Equipment and motor vehicles 3 to 15 years
Securities sold subject to repurchase agreements The assets' residual values and useful lives are
('repos') are reclassified in the reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance
financial statements as pledged assets when the sheet date.
transferee has the right by contract or custom to sell
or repledge the collateral; the counterparty liability
is included in amounts due to other banks, deposits
from banks, other deposits or deposits due to Gains and losses on disposals are included in the
customers, as appropriate. Securities purchased under income statement.
agreements to resell ('reverse repos') are recorded as
loans and advances to other banks or customers, as
appropriate. The difference between sale and
repurchase price is treated as interest and accrued 7 Leases*
over the life of the agreements using the effective
interest method. Securities lent to counterparties are
also retained in the financial statements. a) Where a Group company is the lessee
Securities borrowed are not recognised in the
financial statements, unless these are sold to
third parties, in which case the purchase and sale are The leases entered into by the Group are primarily
recorded with the gain or loss included in trading operating leases. The total payments made under
income. operating leases are charged to the income statement
on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
5 Intangible assets*
a) Goodwill
When an operating lease is terminated before the lease
Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an period has expired, any payment required to be made to
acquisition over the fair value of the Group's share the lessor by way of penalty is recognised as an
of the net identifiable assets of the acquired expense in the period in which termination takes
subsidiary/associate at the date of acquisition. place.
Goodwill on acquisitions of subsidiaries is included
in 'intangible assets'. Goodwill on acquisitions of
associates is included in 'investments in associates'.
Goodwill is tested annually for impairment and carried
at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Gains and
losses on the disposal of an entity include the
carrying amount of goodwill relating to the entity
sold. Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units
for the purpose of impairment testing.
b) Where a Group company is the lessor on the employees remaining in service for a specified
period of time (the vesting period). In
When assets are held subject to a finance this case, the past-service costs are amortised on a
lease, the present value of the lease payments is straight-line basis over the vesting period.
recognised as a receivable. The difference between the
gross receivable and the present value of the
receivable is recognised as unearned finance
income. Lease income is recognised over the term of b) For defined contribution plans, the
the lease using the net investment method (before Group pays contributions to publicly or privately
tax), which reflects a constant periodic rate administered pension insurance plans on a mandatory,
of return. contractual or voluntary basis. The Group has no
further payment obligations once the contributions
have been paid.
8 Cash and cash equivalents*
For the purposes of the cash flow statement, b) Share-based compensation *
cash and cash equivalents comprise balances with less
than three months' maturity from the date of The Group operates equity-settled, share-based
acquisition, including: cash and balances with central compensation plan with specific cash settled elements.
banks, treasury bills and other eligible bills, loans The fair value of the employee services received in
and advances to banks, amounts due from other banks exchange for the grant of the options is recognised as
and short-term government securities. an expense. The total amount to be expensed over the
vesting period is determined by reference to the fair
value of the options granted, excluding the impact of
9 Provisions any non-market vesting conditions (for example,
profitability and sales growth targets).
Provisions for restructuring costs and legal claims Non-market vesting conditions are included in
are recognised when: the Group has a present legal or assumptions about the number of options that are
constructive obligation as a result of past events; it expected to become exercisable. At each balance sheet
is more likely than not that an outflow of date, the entity revises its estimates of the number
resources will be required to settle the obligation; of options that are expected to become exercisable. It
and the amount has been reliably estimated. recognises the impact of the revision of original
estimates, if any, in the income statement, and a
corresponding adjustment to equity over the remaining
10 Employee benefits vesting period.
The proceeds received net of any directly attributable
a) Pension obligations transaction costs are credited to share capital
(nominal value) and share premium when the options are
The liability recognised in the balance sheet in exercised.
respect of defined benefit pension
plans is the present value of the defined benefit
obligation at the balance sheet date less
the fair value of plan assets, together with 11 Deferred income tax*
adjustments for unrecognised actuarial gains or losses
and past service costs. The defined benefit Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the
obligation is calculated annually by liability method, on temporary differences arising
independent actuaries using the projected unit credit between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and
method. The present value of the defined benefit their carrying amounts in the consolidated
obligation is determined by discounting financial statements. Deferred income tax is determined
the estimated future cash outflows using using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted
interest rates of high-quality corporate bonds that or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and
are denominated in the currency in which the benefits are expected to apply when the related deferred income
will be paid, and that have terms to tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax
maturity approximating to the terms of the related liability is settled.
pension liability.
Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience The principal temporary differences arise from
adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions are depreciation of property, plant and equipment,
charged or credited to income over the employees' revaluation of certain financial
expected average remaining working lives. Past-service assets and liabilities including derivative contracts,
costs are recognised immediately in income, unless the provisions
changes to the pension plan are conditional
for pensions and other post-retirement benefits 13 Share capital*
and tax losses carried forward; and, in relation to
acquisitions, on the difference between the fair
values of the net assets acquired and their tax base. a) Share issue costs
The rates enacted or substantively enacted at the
balance sheet date are used to determine deferred Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue
income tax. However, the deferred income tax is not of new shares or options or to the acquisition of a
accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of business are shown in equity as a deduction, net of
an asset or liability in a transaction other than a tax, from the proceeds.
business combination that at the time of the
transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable pro
profit or loss. b) Dividends on ordinary shares
Deferred tax assets are recognised where it is Dividends on ordinary shares are recognised in equity
probable that future taxable profit will be in the period in which they are approved by the
available against which the temporary differences can Company's shareholders. Dividends for the year that
be utilised. are declared after the balance sheet date are dealt
with in the subsequent events note.
Deferred income tax is provided on temporary
differences arising from investments in subsidiaries
and associates, except where the timing of the
reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by c) Treasury shares
the Group and it is probable that the difference will
not reverse in the foreseeable future. Where the Company or other members of the consolidated
Group purchases the Company's equity share capital,
the consideration paid is deducted from total
shareholders' equity as treasury shares until they are
Income tax payable on profits, based on the cancelled. Where such shares are subsequently sold or
applicable tax law in each jurisdiction, is recognised reissued, any consideration received is included in
as an expense in the period in which profits shareholders' equity.
arise. The tax effects of income tax losses available
for carry forward are recognised as an asset when it
is probable that future taxable profits will
be available against which these losses can be 14 Fiduciary activities*
The Group commonly acts as trustees and in other
fiduciary capacities that result in the
Deferred tax related to items which are charged or holding or placing of assets on behalf of individuals,
credited directly to equity, is credited or charged trusts, retirement benefit plans and other
directly to equity and is subsequently recognised in institutions. These assets and income arising thereon
the income statement together with the deferred gain are excluded from these financial statements,
or loss. as they are not assets of the Group.
12 Borrowings*
15 Bad and doubtful debts
Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value,
being their issue proceeds (fair value of Provisions for bad and doubtful debts are held in
consideration received) net of transaction costs respect of loans and advances, including cross border
incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at exposures. The provisions comprise two elements -
amortised cost; any difference between proceeds net of specific and general.
transaction costs and the redemption value is Provisions against loans and advances are based on an
recognised in the income statement over the period of appraisal of the loan portfolio. Specific provisions
the borrowings using the effective interest method. are made where the repayment of identified loans is in
doubt and reflect an estimate of the amount of loss
expected. The general provision is for the inherent
risk of losses which, although they have not been
Preference shares, which carry a mandatory coupon, or separately identified, are known from experience to be
are redeemable on a specific date or at the present in any loan portfolio and to other material
option of the shareholder, are classified as uncertainties where specific provisioning is not
financial liabilities and are presented in appropriate. The amount of the general provision
other borrowed funds. The dividends on these reflects past experience and judgements about current
preference shares are recognised in the income conditions in particular locations or business
statement as interest expense on an amortised cost sectors.
basis using the effective interest method.
If the Group purchases its own debt, it is removed
from the balance sheet, and the difference between the Provisions are made against cross border exposures
carrying amount of a liability and the consideration where a country may experience or has experienced
paid is included in net trading income. external liquidity problems and doubts exist as to
whether full recovery will be achieved.
Provisions are applied to write off advances, in part 17 Off-Balance Sheet Financial Instruments
or in whole, when they are considered wholly or partly
Off-balance sheet financial instruments are valued
with reference to market prices and the resultant
Interest on loans and advances is accrued to income profit or loss is included in the profit and loss
until such account, except where the position in the instrument
has been designated as a hedge when the profit or loss
time as reasonable doubt exists about its resulting from marking them to market is dealt with in
collectability; thereafter, and until all or part of the same way as the accounting treatment applied to
the loan is written off, interest continues to accrue the position hedged.
on customers' accounts, but is not included in income.
Such suspended interest is deducted from loans and
advances on the balance sheet.
Trading positions are valued at market rates, and
non-trading positions are valued on the same basis as
the items being hedged. Netting occurs where
16 Debt Securities, Equity Shares and Treasury transactions with the same counterparty meet the
Bills following requirements. The balances must be
determinable and in freely convertible currencies, the
Securities, including equity shares and treasury Standard Chartered entity can insist on net
bills, which are intended for use on a continuing settlement, and this ability is beyond doubt.
basis in the Group's activities are classified as
investment securities. They include portfolios of
securities held in countries where the Group is
required to maintain a stock of liquid assets. 18 Fees and commissions
Investment securities are stated at cost less any
provision for permanent diminution in value. The cost Fees or commissions which represent a payment for a
of dated investment securities is adjusted to reflect service provided in setting up a transaction, are
the amortisation of accretion of premiums and credited to the profit and loss account once they are
discounts on acquisition on a straight-line basis over receivable.
the residual period to maturity. The amortisation and
accretion of premiums and discounts are included in Fees or commissions which in substance amount to an
interest income. additional interest charge, are recognised over the
life of the underlying transaction on a level yield
Securities other than investment securities are
classified as dealing securities and are held at
market value. Where the market value of such
securities is higher than cost, the original cost is
not disclosed as its determination is not practicable.
The pro-forma financial information has been prepared a hedged item for which the effective interest method
using the same accounting policies as set out in is used is amortised to profit or loss over
appendix 4 with the exception that the following the period to maturity. The adjustment to the carrying
policies have been amended by the application of IAS32 amount of a hedged equity security remains in retained
and IAS39 (as endorsed by the EU) as set out in this earnings until the disposal of the equity security.
b) Cash flow hedge
• Bad and Doubtful Debts
The effective portion of changes in the fair value of
• Debt Securities, Equity Shares and Treasury derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash
Bills flow hedges are recognised in equity. The gain
or loss relating to the ineffective portion is
• Off Balance Sheet Financial Instruments recognised immediately in the income statement.
• Fees and Commissions Amounts accumulated in equity are recycled to the
income statement in the periods in which the hedged
item will affect profit or loss.
1 Derivative financial instruments and When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when
hedge accounting* a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge
accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in
Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on equity at that time remains in equity and is
the date on which a derivative contract is entered recognised when the forecast transaction is ultimately
into and are subsequently remeasured at their fair recognised in the income statement. When a forecast
value. Fair values are obtained from quoted market transaction is no longer expected to occur, the
prices in active markets, including recent market cumulative gain or loss that was reported in equity is
transactions, and valuation techniques, including immediately transferred to the income statement.
discounted cash flow models and options
pricing models, as appropriate. All derivatives are
carried as assets when fair value is positive and as c) Net investment hedge
liabilities when fair value is negative.
Hedges of net investments in foreign operations are
The best evidence of the fair value of a derivative at accounted for similarly to cash flow hedges.
initial recognition is the transaction price (i.e., Any gain or loss on the hedging instrument relating to
the fair value of the consideration given or received) the effective portion of the hedge is recognised in
unless the fair value of that instrument is evidenced equity; the gain or loss relating to the ineffective
by comparison with other observable current market portion is recognised immediately in the income
transactions in the same instrument (i.e., without statement. Gains and losses accumulated in equity are
modification or repackaging) or based on a included in the income statement when the foreign
valuation technique whose variables include only data operation is disposed of.
from observable markets.
Certain derivatives embedded in other d) Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge
financial instruments, such as the conversion option in accounting
a convertible bond, are treated as separate
derivatives when their economic characteristics and Certain derivative instruments do not qualify for
risks are not closely related to those of the host hedge accounting. Changes in the fair value of any
contract and the host contract is not carried at fair derivative instrument that does not qualify for hedge
value through profit or loss. These embedded accounting are recognised immediately in the income
derivatives are measured at fair value with changes in statement.
fair value recognised in the income statement.
The method of recognising the resulting fair value
gain or loss depends on whether the derivative is 2 Interest income and expense*
designated as a hedging instrument, and if so, the
nature of the item being hedged. The Group designates Interest income and expense are recognised in the
certain derivatives as either: (1) hedges of the fair income statement for all instruments measured at
value of recognised assets or liabilities or amortised cost using the effective interest method.
firm commitments (fair value hedge); or, (2)
hedges of highly probable future cash flows The effective interest method is a method of
attributable to a recognised asset or liability, or a calculating the amortised cost of a financial
forecasted transaction (cash flow hedge). asset or a financial liability and of
Hedge accounting is used for derivatives designated in allocating the interest income or interest expense
this way provided certain criteria are met. over the relevant period. The effective interest rate
is the rate that discounts estimated future cash
The Group documents, at the inception of the payments or receipts through the expected life of the
transaction, the relationship between hedging financial instrument or, when appropriate, a
instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk shorter period to the net carrying amount of the
management objective and strategy for undertaking financial asset or financial
various hedge transactions. The Group also documents liability. When calculating the effective interest
its assessment, both at hedge inception and on an rate, the Group estimates cash flows
ongoing basis, of whether the derivatives that are considering all contractual terms of the
used in hedging transactions are highly effective in financial instrument (for example, prepayment options)
offsetting changes in fair values or cash but does not consider future credit losses. The
flows of hedged items. calculation includes all fees and points paid or
received between parties to the contract that are an
integral part of the effective interest rate,
transaction costs and all other premiums or discounts.
a) Fair value hedge
Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are
designated and qualify as fair value hedges are
recorded in the income statement, together with any
changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or
liability that are attributable to the hedged risk. If
the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge
accounting, the adjustment to the carrying amount of
Once a financial asset or a group of similar through profit or loss, held to maturity and
financial assets has been written down as a available for
result of an impairment loss, interest income is
recognised using the rate of interest used to discount sale are recognised on trade- date - the date on which
the future cash flows for the purpose of
measuring the impairment loss. the Group commits to purchase or sell the asset. Loans
are recognised when cash is advanced to the borrowers.
Financial assets are initially recognised at fair
3 Fee and commission income* value plus transaction costs for all financial
assets not carried at fair value through profit and
Fees and commissions are generally recognised on an loss account. Financial assets are derecognised when
accrual basis when the service has been provided. Loan the rights to receive cash flows from the financial
syndication fees are recognised as revenue when the assets have expired or where the Group has transferred
syndication has been completed and the Group retained substantially all risks and rewards of ownership.
no part of the loan package for itself or retained a
part at the same effective interest rate for the other
participants. Portfolio and other management advisory
and service fees are recognised based on the Available-for-sale financial assets and
applicable service contracts, usually on a financial assets at fair value through profit
time-apportionate basis. or loss are subsequently carried at fair
value. Loans and receivables and held-to-maturity
investments are carried at amortised cost using the
4 Financial assets* effective interest method. Gains and losses arising
from changes in the fair value of the 'financial
The Group classifies its financial assets at fair value through profit or
assets in the following categories: financial loss' category are included in the income statement in
assets at fair value through profit or loss; the period in which they arise. Gains and losses
loans and receivables; held-to-maturity investments; arising from changes in the fair value of
and available-for-sale financial assets. available-for-sale financial assets are
Management determines the classification of recognised directly in equity, until the
its investments at initial recognition. financial asset is derecognised or impaired at which
time the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised
in equity should be recognised in profit or
loss. However, interest calculated using the effective
a) Financial assets at fair value through profit interest method is recognised in the income statement.
or loss Dividends on available-for-sale equity instruments are
recognised in the income statement when the entity's
This category has two sub-categories: right to receive payment is established.
financial assets held for trading, and those designated
at fair value through profit or loss at
inception. A financial asset is classified
in this category if acquired principally The fair values of quoted investments in active
for the purpose of selling in the short term or if so markets are based on current bid prices. If the market
designated by management. Derivatives are also for a financial asset is not active (and for
categorised as held for trading unless they are unlisted securities), the Group establishes fair value
designated as hedges. by using valuation techniques. These include the use
of recent arm's length transactions, discounted cash
flow analysis, option pricing models and other
b) Loans and receivables valuation techniques commonly used by market
Loans and receivables are non-derivative
financial assets with fixed or determinable
payments that are not quoted in an active market. They
arise when the Group provides money, goods or services 5 Offsetting financial instruments*
directly to a debtor with no intention of trading the
receivable. Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the
net amount reported in the balance sheet when there is
a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised
amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net
c) Held-to-maturity basis, or realise the asset and settle the liability
Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative
financial assets with fixed or
determinable payments and fixed maturities
that the Group's management has the positive intention 6 Impairment of financial assets*
and ability to hold to maturity. Were the Group to
sell other than an insignificant amount of
held-to-maturity assets, the entire category would be a) Assets carried at amortised cost
tainted and reclassified as available for
sale. The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether
there is objective evidence that a financial
asset or group of financial assets is
impaired. A financial asset or a group of
d) Available-for-sale financial assets is impaired and impairment
losses are incurred if, and only if, there is
Available-for-sale investments are those intended to objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or
be held for an indefinite period of time, more events that occurred after the initial
which may be sold in response to needs for liquidity recognition of the asset (a 'loss event') and that
or changes in interest rates, exchange rates or equity loss event (or events) has an impact on the estimated
prices. future cash flows of the financial
asset or group of financial assets that can be
reliably estimated.
Purchases and sales of financial assets at
fair value
The Group first assesses whether objective Estimates of changes in future cash flows for
evidence of impairment exists individually for groups of assets should reflect and be
financial assets that are individually significant, directionally consistent with changes in related
and individually or collectively for observable data from period to period (for example,
financial assets that are not individually changes in unemployment rates, property prices,
significant. If the Group determines that no payment status, or other factors indicative of changes
objective evidence of impairment exists for an in the probability of losses in the group and their
individually assessed financial asset, whether magnitude). The methodology and assumptions used for
significant or not, it includes the asset in a estimating future cash flows are reviewed
group of financial assets with similar credit regularly by the Group to reduce any differences
risk characteristics and collectively assesses them between loss estimates and actual loss experience.
for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed
for impairment and for which an impairment loss is or
continues to be recognised are not included in a
collective assessment of impairment. When a loan is uncollectable, it is written off
against the related provision for loan impairment.
Such loans are written off after all the necessary
procedures have been completed and the amount of the
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss loss has been determined. Subsequent recoveries of
on loans and receivables or held-to-maturity amounts previously written off decrease the amount of
investments carried at amortised cost has been the provision for loan impairment in the income
incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the statement. If, in a subsequent period, the amount of
difference between the asset's carrying amount and the the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be
present value of estimated future cash flows related objectively to an event occurring after the
(excluding future credit losses that have not been impairment was recognised (such as an improvement in
incurred) discounted at the financial asset's the debtor's credit rating), the previously recognised
original effective interest rate. The carrying amount impairment loss is reversed by adjusting the allowance
of the asset is reduced through the use of an account. The amount of the reversal is recognised in
allowance account and the amount of the loss is the income statement.
recognised in the income statement. If a loan or
held-to-maturity investment has a variable interest
rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment
loss is the current effective interest rate determined b) Assets carried at fair value
under the contract. As a practical expedient, the
Group may measure impairment on the basis of an The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether
instrument's fair value using an observable market there is objective evidence that a financial
price. asset or a group of financial assets is
impaired. In the case of equity investments classified
as available-for-sale, a significant
The calculation of the present value of the estimated or prolonged decline in the fair value of the
future cash flows of a collateralised security below its cost is considered in determining
financial asset reflects the cash whether the assets are impaired. If any such evidence
flows that may result from foreclosure less exists for available-for- sale financial
costs for obtaining and selling the collateral, assets, the cumulative loss - measured as the
whether or not foreclosure is probable. For the difference between the acquisition cost and the
purposes of a collective evaluation of impairment, current fair value, less any impairment loss on that
financial assets are grouped on the basis of financial asset previously recognised in profit
similar credit risk characteristics (i.e. on the basis or loss - is removed from equity and
of the Group's grading process that considers asset recognised in the income statement. Impairment losses
type, industry, geographical location, collateral recognised in the income statement on equity
type, past-due status and other relevant factors). instruments are not reversed through the income
Those characteristics are relevant to the estimation statement. If, in a subsequent period, the fair value
of future cash flows for groups of such assets of a debt instrument classified as available
by being indicative of the debtors' ability to pay all for sale increases and the increase can be objectively
amounts due related to an event occurring after the impairment
loss was recognised in profit or loss, the
according to the contractual terms of the assets being impairment loss is reversed through the income
evaluated. statement.
7 Impairment of financial assets
Future cash flows in a group of
financial assets that are collectively evaluated for
impairment are estimated on the basis of the The fair value of the liability portion of a
contractual cash flows of the assets in the convertible bond is determined using a market interest
Group and historical loss experience for assets with rate for an equivalent non-convertible bond. This
credit risk characteristics similar to those in the amount is recorded as a liability on an amortised cost
Group. Historical loss experience is adjusted on the basis until extinguished on conversion or maturity of
basis of current observable data to reflect the bonds. The remainder of the proceeds is allocated
the effects of current conditions that did not affect to the conversion option.
the period on which the historical loss experience is
based and to remove the effects of conditions in the
historical period that do not exist currently.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange