Re Directorate

Web Shareshop (Holdings) PLC 24 October 2001 Web Shareshop (Holdings) plc ('the Company') Appointment of director and share subscription Bruce Rowan is joining the board of AIM listed Web Shareshop (Holdings) plc with immediate effect. The Company and Mr Rowan have agreed that he will subscribe for 6.45 million new shares in the Company at 2.5p per share. The transaction will be completed on 17 December 2001 or earlier. Mr Rowan brings his expertise in underwriting fundraising for listed and unlisted companies, which he has deployed successfully for a number of companies over the last 3 years. Mr Rowan is a controlling shareholder in Sunvest Corporation Ltd, a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Sunvest has stakes ranging from 5% to 37% in 8 companies - 4 quoted on ASX, 2 on AIM and 2 on OFEX. He also has stakes in his own name in a number of other AIM and OFEX companies. Web Shareshop was floated on AIM last year with the objective of enabling private investors to participate in new issues, particularly Placings, on equal terms with institutions. Owing to market conditions, it has not been possible to proceed with the original plan and the board proposes to use Mr Rowan's skills, experience and contacts in the coming year to underwrite fundraising for small IPO and pre-IPO businesses, involving shares, warrants and options. This step enables the company and its shareholders to remain focused on new issues and pre-IPO stocks but with a proven business model which the board believes will achieve attractive results, regardless of current market volatility. The following information falls to be disclosed in relation to Ronald Bruce Rowan in accordance with paragraph F of Schedule 2 of the AIM Rules. Present Directorships (all since 1987) Sunvest Corporation Limited Murraya Holdings Pty Ltd Vogon Pty Ltd Country Corporation Pty Ltd Wellington Pacific Pty Ltd Starlight Holdings Ltd. Bruce Rowan has no unspent convictions for any indictable offence and has not been declared bankrupt nor has made any voluntary arrangement with his creditors. He has not been a director of a company at the time of or within the twelve month preceding any receivership, compulsory liquidation, creditors' voluntary liquidation, administration or voluntary arrangement of that company or any composition or arrangement with its creditors generally or any class of its creditors nor has he been a partner in a partnership at the time of or within the twelve months preceding any compulsory liquidation, administration or voluntary arrangement of that partnership. He has not had any asset which has been subject to a receivership or has been in a partnership at the time of or within the twelve months preceding an asset of the partnership being subject to a receivership. He has not been publicly criticised by any statutory or regulatory authority (including any recognised professional body) or has been disqualified by a Court from acting as a director of, or in the management or conduct of the affairs of any company. William Jackson 24 October 2001


Starvest (SVE)
UK 100

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