Result of EGM
SMG plc announces that the resolutions to approve the Tender Offer,
Share Consolidation and Change of Name proposed at the General
Meeting held at 10:30am today were duly passed on a show of hands.
Two copies of the resolutions relating to the special business of the
Meeting have been submitted to the UK Listing Authority and will
shortly be available at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing
Facility which is situated at:-
The Financial Services Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London E14 5HS
Tel: (020) 7066 1000
Details of proxy voting instructions, lodged prior to the Meetings,
are set out below:-
General Meeting
Resolution For Discretion Against Withheld
1. THAT, the Company be and 714,885,032 126,607 543,816 16,289
is hereby generally and
unconditionally authorised
in accordance with section
166 of the Companies Act
1985 to make market
purchases (within the
meaning of Section 163(3)
of the Companies Act 1985)
of ordinary shares of 2.5
pence each in the capital
of the Company, pursuant
to a tender offer for
ordinary shares on the
terms set out or referred
to in the circular to the
Company's shareholders
dated 5 September 2008
(the "Circular"), (a copy
of which is produced to
the meeting and signed for
identification purposes by
the chairman of the
meeting), provided that:
(a) the aggregate nominal
value of ordinary shares
hereby authorised to be
acquired shall not exceed
(b) the minimum price
which may be paid for an
ordinary share is 9 pence,
exclusive of all expenses;
(c) the maximum price
which may be paid for an
ordinary share is 15
pence, exclusive of all
expenses; and
(d) this authority expires
on 31 December 2008, save
that the Company may
before the expiry of such
authority make a contract
to purchase which will or
may be executed wholly or
partly after the expiry of
such authority and the
Company may make a
purchase of such shares
after such expiry pursuant
to such contract and all
shares so purchased in
pursuance of this
authority shall be
cancelled immediately upon
completion of the purchase
and the amount of the
Company's issued share
capital (but not its
authorised share capital)
shall be reduced by the
nominal amount of the
shares so purchased.
2. THAT conditional upon the 714,963,855 149,639 432,393 25,857
passing of Resolutions 1
and 4, the Company be and
is hereby generally and
authorised, in
substitution for any
existing authority (save
for the authority
conferred by Resolution 1
above, which shall be in
addition to the authority
hereby conferred) in
accordance with Section
166 of the Companies Act
1985 (within the meaning
of Section 163(3) of the
Companies Act 1985) of
ordinary shares of 50p
each in the capital of the
Company and the directors
be and are hereby
generally and
unconditionally authorised
to exercise all the powers
of the Company to purchase
such shares, provided
(a) the aggregate nominal
value of ordinary shares
hereby authorised to be
acquired shall not exceed
(b) the minimum price
which may be paid by the
Company for a share
purchased pursuant to this
authority shall be 50
(c) the maximum price
which may be paid by the
Company for a share
purchased pursuant to this
authority shall not be
more than the higher of
(i) 5% above the average
of the middle market
quotations for a share
derived from the London
Stock Exchange Daily
Official List for the five
business days immediately
preceding the day on which
such share is purchased
and (ii) an amount equal
to the higher of the price
of the last independent
trade of an ordinary share
and the highest current
bid for an ordinary share
as derived from the London
Stock Exchange Trading
System; and
(d) unless renewed, the
authority conferred by
this resolution shall
expire on the earlier of
the conclusion of the next
Annual General Meeting of
the Company after the
passing of this resolution
and the expiry of 12
months from the date of
the passing of this
resolution, save that the
Company may before the
expiry of such authority
make a contract to
purchase which will or may
be executed wholly or
partly after the expiry of
such authority and the
Company may make a
purchase of such shares
after such expiry pursuant
to such contract and all
shares so purchased in
pursuance of this
authority shall be
cancelled immediately upon
completion of the purchase
and the amount of the
Company's issued share
capital (but not its
authorised share capital)
shall be reduced by the
nominal amount of the
shares so purchased.
3. THAT the name of the 715,149,310 148,757 255,580 18,097
Company be changed from
SMG Plc to stv group plc
with effect from 1 October
2008, and that the
Company's Memorandum of
Association be amended
4. THAT subject to and with 714,930,828 172,321 447,294 21,301
effect from the amendment
of the Official List of
the Financial Services
Authority to reflect the
consolidation of the
Company's ordinary share
capital provided for in
this resolution and the
admission of the new
ordinary shares to trading
on London Stock Exchange
plc's main market for
listed securities becoming
effective by 31 October
2008 (or such later date
as the Directors of the
Company may decide):
(a) every 20 existing
ordinary shares of 2.5
pence each in the capital
of the Company which are
authorised but unissued be
consolidated into one new
ordinary share of 50 pence
each in the capital of the
Company provided that any
fraction of a share which
arises from such
consolidation shall be
(b) in respect of each
holding of issued ordinary
shares of 2.5 pence each
on the register of members
of the Company at 5.00
p.m. on 30 September 2008,
every 20 existing ordinary
shares of 2.5 pence each
be consolidated into one
new ordinary share of 50
pence each in the capital
of the Company on terms
that the fractional
entitlements to such new
ordinary shares shall be
aggregated and
consolidated into new
ordinary shares and the
Directors of the Company
be authorised in
accordance with the
Company's Articles of
Association to sell such
new ordinary shares
arising from the
consolidation of
fractional entitlements.
(c) the Company's
memorandum of association
be amended by the deletion
of the existing paragraph
6 and its substitution by
the following new
paragraph 6
, with effect from the
conclusion of this
"6. The authorised share
capital of the company is
£31,692,512 divided into
63,385,024 Ordinary Shares
of 50 pence each."
Resolutions 1-3 were proposed as special resolutions and resolution 4
was proposed as an ordinary resolution.
A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the
calculation of proportion of votes "For" or "Against" a resolution
The total number of ordinary shares of 2.5p in issue as at 23
September 2008 is 951,151,887.
Jane E A Tames
Company Secretary
23 September 2008