Company Announcement No 09 /2022 |
Peberlyk 4 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark Tel +45 70 10 78 79 Fax +45 74 37 35 36 Sydbank A/S CVR No DK 12626509, Aabenraa |
24 March 2022 |
Dear Sirs
Annual General Meeting of Sydbank
Today Sydbank’s AGM adopted the Directors’ Report, the Annual Report for 2021 and the recommendation for the allocation of profit.
Sydbank will distribute DKK 12 per share as dividend to the shareholders and donate DKK 12m to the sponsorship fund Sydbank Fonden.
The remuneration report was approved in connection with the advisory vote.
4 new members were elected and 14 members were re-elected to the Shareholders’ Committee, which now counts 67 members.
PwC Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-appointed as auditor.
The proposal of the Board of Directors to reduce the Bank’s share capital by DKK 12,890,000 to DKK 583,873,200 was approved. The resolution will imply an amendment to Article 2 (1) of the Articles of Association.
The proposal of the Board of Directors to insert a new agenda item in the Articles of Association as regards the AGM “Advisory vote on the remuneration report” was approved. The proposal of the Board of Directors to hold virtual general meetings was not approved.
The authorisation of the Board of Directors to acquire own shares at a total value of up to 10% of the Bank’s share capital was approved.
Yours sincerely
Sydbank A/S