Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S London Stock Exchange Bourse de Luxembourg Other stakeholders Company Announcement No 16/2020 |
Peberlyk 4 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark Tel +45 74 37 37 37 Fax +45 74 37 35 36 Sydbank A/S CVR No DK 12626509, Aabenraa |
26 May 2020 |
Dear Sirs
Notice Convening the Annual General Meeting of Sydbank A/S
Sydbank’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 18 June 2020 at 3:00pm at Sønderjyllandshallen, H.P. Hanssensgade 7, 6200 Aabenraa, Denmark.
To minimise the risk of covid-19 infection and in the interest of everyone’s safety, we encourage shareholders to vote by postal vote or to issue an instrument of proxy instead of attending the General Meeting physically. For the same reason management will only be represented by the Chairman and the CEO. No refreshments will be served.
The notice and the agenda for the General Meeting have been attached to this announcement.
Yours sincerely
Flemming Ramberg Mortensen
Group Executive Vice President