Final Results

Tandem Group PLC 07 April 2003 April 2003 TANDEM GROUP PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JANUARY 2003 Tandem Group plc, the sports and leisure equipment manufacturer and distributor today announced its preliminary results for the year ended 31 January 2003. RESULTS 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Turnover 37,317 35,320 Operating profit 787 1,225 Net interest payable 553 657 Pre-tax profit 234 568 Shareholders' funds 4,709 1,953 Earnings per share (before goodwill amortisation) Basic and diluted (see note 5) 0.24p 0.32p HIGHLIGHTS • Acquisition of the Ben Sayers golf equipment business. • Acquisition of AIM listed MV Sports Group Plc should be completed on 8 April 2003. • Strong sales of Claud Butler and Dawes high specification bicycles. • Another successful year for Pot Black which is now a major contributor to the Group's profitability. • Stephen Hendry MBE has signed a 3 year endorsement deal. Growth opportunities for market share in cue sports. • Much improved balance sheet with gearing at lowest level for 8 years. Commenting on Tandem's progress, Chairman Graham Waldron, said: 'The Group's priority is to improve shareholder value and increase profitability. The investment and development of brands in our key product groups and the recent acquisition of the MV Sports Group Plc puts the Group in a stronger position than for many years'. For further information, please contact: Mervyn Keene, Finance Director, Tandem Group plc 01733 211399 David Haggie, Haggie Financial Limited 020 7417 8989 Chairman's statement This has been a year of considerable activity including the acquisitions of the Ben Sayers golf equipment business and the AIM quoted MV Sports Group Plc ('MV Sports'), a company that distributes sports and leisure products and toys. The MV Sports acquisition should be completed on 8 April 2003. As previously reported, competition in the lower specification bicycle market in the important months of November and December adversely affected Christmas sales volumes and full year profits from this part of the business were below expectations. The indoor and outdoor play equipment business traded in line with budget for the year. The results for the year ended 31 January 2003 are in line with the forecast announced on 3 February 2003 and show a profit on ordinary activities before interest, goodwill amortisation and taxation of £988,000 compared to £1,372,000 last year. Interest payable was £553,000 (2002 - £657,000) and goodwill amortisation was £201,000 (2002 - £147,000). Falcon Sales of the high specification models in the upper price points, particularly the Claud Butler range, increased over the previous year. Lower specification products were affected by cheap imports and national grocery retailers taking market share from our traditional customer base. This reduced Falcon's operating profit and reversed the trend seen in the previous year. In a highly competitive market Falcon, with its well-established brand names of Falcon, Claud Butler, Townsend and British Eagle, continues to maintain an excellent reputation for product quality and service. Operational changes have been introduced which will improve the profitability of the Falcon business. The product range has been rationalised allowing sales of lower priced products to be generated at acceptable margins and also leading to significant savings of fixed costs. The 2003 product range has been well received by key customers and increased listings have been achieved, not only in lower value products, but also in higher value models. Market share in the bicycle market is therefore expected to increase during 2003. Dawes Cycles Dawes is a long established brand, with products in the mid to upper price points, and has strong awareness in the cycling market and with the general public. It operates independently of Falcon in its marketing and selling strategy with the differential in brand profile enabling the Group to grow its overall market share in both volume and value. Although Dawes showed an improvement over the previous year, its results for the year to 31 January 2003, the first full year since acquisition, were below our target. Much effort is being made to increase and improve distribution among independent cycle dealers which, coupled with a lowering of fixed costs, should enable the business to make a satisfactory contribution to the Group's results. Two Wheel Trading In the interim statement we reported that our cycle accessory business suffered from supply chain problems. These were resolved leading to a much improved second half of the year. Efforts are being concentrated on improving the utilisation of working capital and controlling fixed costs. Pot Black I am pleased to report another year of growth at Pot Black, which is now a major contributor to the Group's profitability. New products contributed to an increase in turnover and with further improvements to operational efficiency, a satisfactory return on sales was achieved. There was significant growth in the sales of outdoor play equipment during the year establishing Pot Black as a major supplier in this sector. Further opportunities to develop the cue sport business of Pot Black have been identified and resources have been directed in that area. It is expected that this will increase turnover with favourable margins. In line with this, seven-times world champion Stephen Hendry MBE, the most successful snooker player of all-time, has signed a new 3 year endorsement deal with Pot Black. He will wear the Pot Black logo on his waistcoat at all ranking tournaments worldwide and will feature widely in Pot Black's publicity material. In addition he will also help to design and promote a completely new range of higher value slate bed tables, cues and other accessories for both snooker and English pool. Pot Black will be moving into new premises in the summer, which should produce more efficiencies and pave the way for further expansion. Ben Sayers On 25 February 2002, the Group widened its presence in sporting goods with the acquisition of the business and certain assets of Ben Sayers, one of the oldest independent golf club manufacturers in the world with over 120 years of trading. Ben Sayers manufactures and distributes golf clubs, bags and other accessories. Chairman's statement continued Significant expenditure has been invested in repositioning the Ben Sayers brand since its acquisition. New products have been introduced and more recently, in November 2002, we announced our appointment as exclusive distributor, for the UK and certain European countries, of the Joey Rodolfo and Resort 2 golf clothing brands with the aim of further strengthening and widening the customer base of our golf business. Already sales of the Spring 2003 ranges are encouraging. With increased sales and marketing expenditure the business showed an operating loss of £134,000 for the period since acquisition. The benefit of the additional sales and marketing costs and savings in product and fixed costs should enable our golf business to return to profit in the current year. Employees There have been re-organisations in the past year and the completion of the MV acquisition will bring further changes in the next few months. We would like to thank all staff for their enthusiastic commitment in dealing with the issues that arise in a fast growing and rapidly changing group. Acquisitions On 18 March 2003, shareholders approved resolutions at an Extraordinary General Meeting which will enable the acquisition of the MV Sports to be completed on 8 April 2003. The acquisition is by way of a scheme of arrangement under section 425 of the Companies Act 1985, which was sanctioned by the High Court on 7 April 2003. Our shareholders also approved a share capital reorganisation to consolidate the voting ordinary shares in the Company on the basis of one new ordinary share for ten voting ordinary shares existing before the consolidation. Shareholders in MV Sports will receive 2 new ordinary shares in Tandem for every 430 MV Sports shares. Your board believes that the MV Sports business is complementary to our current businesses. The product range features famous brands such as Barbie, Bob the Builder, Groovy Chick and many others. The increase in the number of products and customers will provide opportunities for all of the Group's businesses. The core turnover of MV Sports increases the Group's turnover by more than 40% and with a lower cost base this acquisition should become a major profit contributor. Savings in central overheads (not least of which is the cost of two companies maintaining a public quotation) are also anticipated. We are aware that investor interest in smaller companies is not always strong but that interest tends to improve as companies become larger. The increase in the Group's market capitalisation as a result of the acquisition of MV Sports, while in no way guaranteeing instant wider institutional investor interest will, in the opinion of the Directors, improve the likelihood that such interest will be generated. Current trading Trading is in line with expectations and the action that has been taken at the businesses in the Group should lead to improved results for the current year. Strategy and future prospects Efforts will continue to expand sales, control costs and increase profitability and cash flow at all businesses. There will be significant opportunities following the acquisition of MV Sports and resources are being deployed to ensure its successful integration into the Group. The balance sheet was significantly strengthened during the year with net assets rising from £3,092,000 to £5,431,000, reducing gearing to its lowest level for 8 years. New bank facility agreements with HSBC Bank plc were signed on 30 January 2003. As part of the agreements, HSBC Bank plc are providing a £2.5 million three year loan together with overdraft facilities of up to £3 million. This replaces the previous facility, which was repayable on demand. Net current assets at 31 January 2003 were £2,653,000, which is an improvement of over £12 million since 1999. Completion of the MV Sports acquisition will further strengthen the Group's balance sheet. The last audited accounts for MV Sports as at 30 June 2002 showed net assets of £5,116,000, including borrowings of only £800,000. Following the work carried out in the last few years the Group now has a solid balance sheet and a firm base for further consolidation and future expansion. Your board looks forward to another year of progress and improvement in shareholder value. Graham Waldron Chairman 7 April 2003 Consolidated profit and loss account Year ended 31 January 2003 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations 35,330 35,288 Acquisitions 1,987 - 37,317 35,288 Discontinued operations - 32 37,317 35,320 Cost of sales (26,382) (25,324) Gross profit 10,935 9,996 Net operating expenses (10,148) (8,771) Operating profit Continuing operations 917 1,478 Acquisitions (134) (282) 783 1,196 Discontinued operations (24) (3) - utilisation of prior year provision 28 32 Profit on ordinary activities before 787 1,225 interest Net interest payable (553) (657) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 234 568 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 9 (4) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 243 564 Non equity minority interests 151 (54) Profit for the financial year transferred to reserves 394 510 Earnings per share Pence Pence Basic and diluted 0.16 0.25 Adjusted, before goodwill amortisation Basic and diluted 0.24 0.32 Consolidated balance sheet At 31 January 2003 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 3,692 3,056 Negative goodwill (197) (71) 3,495 2,985 Tangible assets 1,153 1,354 4,648 4,339 Current assets Stocks 7,133 6,347 Debtors 6,433 5,619 13,566 11,966 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Bank overdraft 1,374 4,137 Other creditors 9,539 8,946 10,913 13,083 Net current assets/(liabilities) 2,653 (1,117) Total assets less current liabilities 7,301 3,222 Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year 1,801 33 Provisions for liabilities and charges 69 97 Net assets 5,431 3,092 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 11,174 9,214 Share premium account 5,442 5,040 Capital reserve 406 406 Merger reserve 63 63 Profit and loss account (12,376) (12,770) Equity shareholders' funds 4,709 1,953 Non-equity minority interests 722 1,139 5,431 3,092 Consolidated cash flow statement Year ended 31 January 2003 Notes 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities A 9 1,237 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (544) (655) Interest element of hire purchase rentals (9) (2) Bank fees paid - (31) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (553) (688) Taxation - - Capital expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed assets (214) (335) Sale of tangible fixed assets 48 27 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure (166) (308) Acquisitions Purchase of subsidiary undertakings B (1,170) (145) Additional costs of prior year acquisition - (9) Purchase of subsidiary company preference shares (140) (19) Net cash outflow from acquisitions (1,310) (173) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (2,020) 68 Financing Ordinary shares issued 2,450 - Expenses incurred in issue of ordinary shares (88) - New loans 2,500 - Capital element of hire purchase rentals (79) (30) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 4,783 (30) Increase in cash C & D 2,763 38 Notes to consolidated cash flow statement A. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 787 1,225 Depreciation charges 384 390 Amortisation of goodwill 201 147 Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (13) (3) (Increase)/decrease in stocks (457) 662 (Increase)/decrease in debtors (800) 10 Decrease in creditors (65) (1,162) Utilisation of provisions on discontinued activities (28) (32) Net cash inflow from operating activities 9 1,237 B. Purchase of subsidiary undertaking 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Net assets acquired Tangible fixed assets 5 - Stocks 487 1,081 Debtors - 988 Creditors - (2,061) Loans and finance leases - (8) 492 - Goodwill 678 736 1,170 736 Satisfied by Shares allotted - 231 Cash consideration 982 - Deferred consideration - cash - 360 Acquisition costs capitalised 188 145 1,170 736 C. Reconciliation of net cash inflow to movement in net debt 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Increase in cash 2,763 38 Cash to repay finance leases and hire purchase contracts 79 30 Changes in net debt resulting from cash flows 2,842 68 Bank loan (2,500) - New finance leases (231) - Lease and hire purchase obligations acquired with purchase of - (8) businesses Movement in net debt in the year 111 60 Net debt at 1 February 2002 (4,155) (4,215) Net debt at 31 January 2003 (4,044) (4,155) D. Analysis of net debt At Cash flow Non-cash At 1 February movements 31 January 2002 2003 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Bank overdraft (4,137) 2,763 - (1,374) Bank loan - (2,500) - (2,500) Hire purchase creditors (18) 79 (231) (170) (4,155) 342 (231) (4,044) Notes to the preliminary results 1. This preliminary announcement is not the Group's statutory accounts but extracts therefrom and is prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as used in the 2002 financial statements. Statutory accounts dealing with the financial year ended 31 January 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, however, statutory accounts dealing with the financial year ended 31 January 2003 have not yet been delivered. The auditors have reported on the accounts for the financial year ended 31 January 2002 and 31 January 2003. Their reports were unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2003 will be delivered to the registrar of companies following the Group's annual general meeting. 3. No dividend on the ordinary shares is being proposed (2002 - £nil) 4. Non-equity minority interests comprises dividends waived amounting to £178,000 less dividends accrued of £27,000. 5. The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is based on profits of £394,000 (2002 - £510,000) and on an average of 250,465,916 (2002 - 203,096,053) ordinary shares in issue during the year. Diluted earnings per share is after taking into consideration share options. 6. The Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly. 7. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 11:00 a.m. on 3 June 2003 at Eversheds, 1 Royal Standard Place, Nottingham NG1 6FZ. 7 April 2003 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange FR FGGGDVNGGFZM


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