November 6, 2023
London Stock Exchange
Dear Madam, Sirs,
Sub: Acquisition of 26% equity stake in TP Vardhaman Surya Ltd.
This has reference to our disclosure dated October 19, 2023, wherein it was informed that
Tata Steel Limited ('Company') had agreed to execute a Share Purchase and Shareholders' Agreement with Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiary,
TP Vardhaman Surya Ltd. to acquire 26% equity shareholding in TP Vardhaman Surya Ltd.
In this connection, we wish to inform you that, the Company has, today, i.e. November 6, 2023, executed the aforementioned Share Purchase and Shareholders' Agreement with Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiary, TP Vardhaman Surya Ltd and has completed the acquisition of 13,000 equity shares of face value ₹10 each, at par, of
TP Vardhaman Surya Ltd., i.e., 26% equity shareholding, for an aggregate consideration of ₹1,30,000/-.
This disclosure is being made in compliance with Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended.
This is for your information and records.