Interim Results

TRY GROUP PLC 15 September 1999 INTERIM STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30TH JUNE 1999 (unaudited) HIGHLIGHTS * Profit before tax £1.85m (1998: £1.2m) 52% increase * Earnings per share 2.4p (1998: 1.5p) 60% increase * Interim dividend of 0.4p per share (1998: 0.35p) 14% increase * Shareholders funds stand at £16.7m (1998: £13.5m) 23% increase Comments from Hugh Try, Chairman: '...the Group's first half trading has been ahead of expectations. 'Try Homes value of sales in hand at £20m is 81% higher than last year...we expect sales for the full year to show a significant increase over 1998'. 'Prospects for the remainder of 1999 are very encouraging and we look forward to reporting further progress in six months time'. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT RESULTS I am pleased to announce that the Group's first half trading has been ahead of expectations. The profit before tax for the first six months was £1.85m, up 52% on a year ago. Turnover including our share of joint ventures and associates is up 19% at £82.5m, reflecting the expansion in housebuilding and growth from the repositioning of our contracting activities. Our finances remain strong, with shareholders funds up 23% on a year ago at £16.7m and net debt of £2.8m at 30 June, representing gearing of 17%. Earnings per share have risen by 60% to 2.4p. DIVIDEND The directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.4p per share (1998: 0.35p) which will be paid on 29th October 1999 to shareholders on the register on 1st October 1999. CONTRACTING Contracting operating profits were up 13% at £306,000. The initiatives taken in the first half of the year to move our contracting businesses more strongly into the provision of long term services and higher margin fit out work are starting to have a positive effect. Try Interiors has recently won fit out contracts for the Tate Gallery and Scottish Power, and has also been awarded the fit out works for the Grosvenor Estate's new corporate head office in Mayfair. We are seeing a good flow of enquiries from both current and new clients and anticipate continued expansion into 2000 and beyond. Try Construction's emphasis on working as a preferred contractor for regular clients has resulted in a series of contract awards for clients such as BP Amoco, CGU and Michelin Tyres, a client of our expanding Midlands operation. We have completed a motorway services area on the M42 south of Birmingham for Welcome Break, a new client, with whom further projects are under discussion. In June, the first phase of our current project for the All England Lawn Tennis Club at Wimbledon was handed over to the client. Over 700 new seats were in use on the remodelled west side of Centre Court at this year's Championships and courts 16 and 17 were brought into use. We have recently completed the demolition of the remaining structure of the old Number 1 Court and are on programme to hand over a world class facilities building for competitors, members and officials for the Championships in 2000. Try Accord's relaunch as a buildings maintenance and infrastructure provider in the spring has started to generate new opportunities. We are reaching a number of good short lists, and have recently secured a 3 year term contract for the Tower of London and Kensington Palace. However, there is a long lead time for this class of work and it will be next year before the benefits are expected to flow. This year we are investing in IT facilities and the training of staff to ensure our quality standards match the best in the industry. HOUSEBUILDING Housebuilding operating profits were up 36% at £2.1m. Try Homes sold 76 houses and apartments in the first half year (1998: 48). Our timely acquisition of Amey Homes last October has enabled us to accelerate our growth in the South East. The average selling price was £184,000 (1998: £242,000), resulting from an increase in the number of smaller homes sold following the acquisition. We are taking full advantage of the continued strength of the market in the South East, and with the value of sales in hand currently £20m (1998: £11m) we expect sales for the full year to show a significant increase over 1998. The enlarged business is generating operating margins in excess of 13%. Try Homes' track record for developing on recycled land and conversions continues to generate a significant number of new opportunities. Our expertise is clearly in line with the Government's intention to encourage such development and the Urban Task Force report 'Towards an urban renaissance' also reinforces our strategy. Our reputation for developing imaginative schemes on brownfield sites was further enhanced by the receipt of the RIBA Award for design excellence for our conversion of The Piper Building in Fulham from an office block into 77 apartments. Our conversion of the former Littlemore Hospital buildings in Oxford into 83 houses and apartments is proving to be particularly successful, as is our development of 39 town houses and apartments on the site of the former bus garage in St Albans. We are currently selling from 18 sites across the South East from Hertfordshire and Kent to Dorset. Sites recently acquired include a development for 29 homes at Walton on Thames and a 15 homes site at Hampton. New sites on which contracts have exchanged include a listed building in Sussex for conversion into 28 houses and apartments and 32 homes in Islington, North London. Our land bank of plots owned and under contract stands at 458 and we have a number of good opportunities to maintain the rate of expansion of the business. OUTLOOK Try Group has made a strong start to the year. Prospects for the remainder of 1999 are very encouraging and we look forward to reporting further progress in six months time. H W Try Chairman 15th September 1999 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Half year Half year Year ended 30 June ended 30 June ended 31 Dec 1999 1998 1998 £000 £000 £000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Turnover - group and share of joint ventures and associates 82,461 69,020 150,611 Less: share of joint ventures' and associates' turnover (1,660) (10,069) (11,254) ______________________________________________________________________________ Group turnover 80,801 58,951 139,357 ______________________________________________________________________________ Gross profit 5,737 3,974 9,648 Net operating expenses (3,957) (3,512) (6,590) ______________________________________________________________________________ Group operating profit 1,780 462 3,058 Share of profits in joint ventures 164 572 285 Share of losses in associates - - (92) Share of profits in property associates 67 247 397 ______________________________________________________________________________ Profit on ordinary activities before interest 2,011 1,281 3,648 Net interest (payable)/receivable - Group (129) (68) (242) - Joint ventures 16 2 74 - Associates (52) - (74) _____________________________________ (165) (66) (242) ______________________________________________________________________________ Profit on ordinary activities before tax 1,846 1,215 3,406 Tax (185) (180) (253) ______________________________________________________________________________ Profit on ordinary activities after tax 1,661 1,035 3,153 Dividends (277) (242) (692) ______________________________________________________________________________ Profit for the period 1,384 793 2,461 ______________________________________________________________________________ Earnings per ordinary share 2.40p 1.50p 4.56p ______________________________________________________________________________ Diluted earnings per share 2.33p 1.46p 4.46p ______________________________________________________________________________ CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 30 June 30 June 31 Dec 1999 1998 1998 £000 £000 £000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Fixed assets Tangible assets 6,818 6,834 6,867 Investments in joint ventures Share of gross assets 2,096 4,451 2,433 Share of gross liabilities (2,024) (1,739) (1,987) _____________________________________ 72 2,712 446 Investments in associates 434 160 377 Other investments 553 622 622 ______________________________________________________________________________ 7,877 10,328 8,312 Current assets Developments 32,260 19,857 27,040 Debtors 27,310 21,727 25,483 Cash at bank & in hand 6,430 4,064 11,246 ______________________________________________________________________________ 66,000 45,648 63,769 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (56,472) (41,144) (56,322) ______________________________________________________________________________ Net current assets 9,528 4,504 7,447 ______________________________________________________________________________ Total assets less current liabilities 17,405 14,832 15,759 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year and provisions (728) (1,314) (503) ______________________________________________________________________________ 16,677 13,518 15,256 ______________________________________________________________________________ Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,920 6,920 6,920 Share premium account 2,888 2,888 2,888 Revaluation reserve 1,760 1,760 1,760 Profit and loss account 5,002 1,950 3,618 Other reserves 107 - 70 ______________________________________________________________________________ Equity shareholders' funds 16,677 13,518 15,256 ______________________________________________________________________________ CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Half year Half year Year ended 30 June ended 30 June ended 31 Dec 1999 1998 1998 £000 £000 £000 ______________________________________________________________________________ Net cash (outflow)/from operating activities (5,295) (7,998) (970) Dividends received from joint ventures - 142 256 Net interest paid (93) (59) (182) Taxation (60) 122 - Capital expenditure and financial investment 441 (216) 2,814 Acquisitions and disposals - 1,494 (4,021) Equity dividends paid (450) (415) (657) ______________________________________________________________________________ Net cash (outflow) before use of liquid resources and financing (5,457) (6,930) (2,760) ______________________________________________________________________________ Management of liquid resources Reduction in short term deposits with banks 827 5,834 2,634 Financing Repayment of bank loans (641) 1,959 (462) Borrowings acquired with subsidiaries - - 5,433 ______________________________________________________________________________ (641) 1,959 4,971 ______________________________________________________________________________ (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (5,271) 863 4,845 ______________________________________________________________________________ Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash ______________________________________________________________________________ (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (5,271) 863 4,845 Cash repaying bank loans 641 (1,959) 462 Borrowings acquired with subsidiaries - - (5,433) Reduction in short term deposits with banks (827) (5,834) (2,634) ______________________________________________________________________________ Change in net cash (5,457) (6,930) (2,760) Net cash at 1 January 2,661 5,421 5,421 ______________________________________________________________________________ Net (debt)/cash at 30 June (2,796) (1,509) 2,661 ______________________________________________________________________________ Notes: 1. Segmental analysis Turnover Group Turnover Group Profit/(loss) including turnover including turnover before interest associates associates and joint and joint ventures ventures 1999 1999 1998 1998 1999 1998 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Contracting 66,552 66,552 54,231 51,512 306 271 Housebuilding 15,326 14,249 11,750 7,439 2,051 1,504 Group and other 583 - 3,039 - (346) (494) ______________________________________________________________________________ 82,461 80,801 69,020 58,951 2,011 1,281 ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Basis of preparation The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in Try Group PLC's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1998 and in accordance with applicable UK accounting standards. All the figures are consolidated and for the six months ended 30 June 1999 and 30 June 1998 are unaudited. The figures for the year ended 31 December 1998 have been extracted from the statutory financial statements of Try Group PLC on which the auditors gave an unqualified report and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The foregoing financial information does not constitute statutory financial statements. 3. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share is calculated using the profit on ordinary activities after tax and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. Full details are given in the table below: Earnings 1999 Per- Earnings 1998 Per- (£) Number of share (£) Number of share shares amount shares amount ______________________________________________________________________________ Basic earnings per share 1,661,000 69,203,200 2.40p 1,035,000 69,203,200 1.50p Effect of dilutive securities: Share option scheme - 996,776 - - 913,167 - Restricted share scheme - 1,114,542 - - 637,097 - ______________________________________________________________________________ Diluted earnings per share 1,661,000 71,314,318 2.33p 1,035,000 70,753,464 1.46p ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Interim Dividend The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.4p per share (1998: 0.35p) totalling £276,813 (1998: £242,211) which will be paid on 29th October 1999 to Ordinary shareholders on the register at the close of business on 1st October 1999. 5. Year 2000 The Group stated in its 1998 Annual Report that its Year 2000 investigation into its internal business systems had been satisfactorily completed and that no issues of materiality had arisen from its investigation into its potential responsibilities under construction contracts. This remains the situation, with overall expenditure contained within normal operating levels. Further enquiries to:- David Calverley, Chief Executive - 01895 855219 Frank Nelson, Finance Director - 01895 855226 Ann-marie Wilkinson, Biddick Associates Ltd - 0171 377 6677 Copies of this statement will be sent to all holders of the Company's listed securities. Copies are available to the public at the registered office of the Company; The Secretary, Try Group PLC, Cowley Business Park, Cowley, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2AL


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