AGM resolutions
Telefonica SA
21 June 2006
Telefonica, S.A., as provided in article 82 of the Spanish Stock Market Act (Ley
del Mercado de Valores) hereby informs of the following:
The Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of TELEFONICA, S.A. held at second
call today, June 21st, 2006, with the participating of 91,114 shareholders,
present or represented, holding 2,581,191,128 shares representing 52.45% of the
share capital of the Company, has approved all the draft resolutions submitted
by the Board of Directors for deliberation and vote by the General Shareholders'
Meeting. The full text of the draft resolutions is attached.
It is likewise placed on the record that, in compliance with article 14 of the
Regulations of the Company Board of Directors, Mr. Mario Eduardo Vazquez has
given up his directorship. The Board of Directors expresses its appreciation for
the dedication and services rendered by Mr. Mario Eduardo Vazquez.
Madrid, June 21st, 2006
20/21 June 2006
Proposal regarding Item I on the Agenda: Examination and approval, if deemed
appropriate, of the Individual Annual Accounts, of the Consolidated Financial
Statements (Consolidated Annual Accounts) and of the Management Report of both
Telefonica, S.A. and its Consolidated Group of Companies, as well as of the
proposed application of results of Telefonica, S.A. and of the management of the
Board of Directors thereof, all with respect to Fiscal Year 2005.
A. To approve the Individual Annual Accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss
Statement and Notes), the Consolidated Financial Statements -Consolidated
Financial Accounts- (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Cash Flow
Statement, Statement of Recognized Income and Expenses, and Notes), and the
Management Reports of Telefonica, S.A. and its corresponding Consolidated
Group of Companies for the Fiscal Year 2005 (ended December 31 of such
year), as drawn up by the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting
on February 28, 2006, as well the management performed by the Board of
Directors of Telefonica, S.A. during such Fiscal Year.
In the Individual Annual Accounts, the Balance Sheet as of December 31,
2005 reflects assets and liabilities in the amount of 50,934.94 million
Euros each, and the Profit and Loss Account as of the end of the fiscal year
reflects positive results of 1,754.39 million Euros.
In the Consolidated Financial Statements (Consolidated Annual
Accounts), the Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2005 reflect assets, and
equity and liabilities in the amount of 73,173.77 million Euros each, and
the Profit and Loss Account as of the close of the Fiscal Year reflects
positive results of 4,445.85 million Euros.
B. To approve the following Proposal for the Allocation of the Results of
Telefonica, S.A. for Fiscal Year 2005:
To distribute the profits obtained by Telefonica, S.A. during Fiscal
Year 2005, amounting to 1,754,393,498.01 Euros, as follows:
• 64,149,297.20 Euros to fund the Legal Reserve (thus reaching 20% of
share capital).
• 1,230,282,599.25 Euros, as a maximum, to pay dividends (maximum amount
to be allocated corresponding to a fixed dividend of 0.25 Euros per
share for all 4,921,130,397 shares into which the Company's share
capital is divided).
• The remainder of profits (459,961,601.56 Euros, at a minimum), to the
Voluntary Reserve.
It is expressly noted for the record that the amount allocated to the
payment of dividends is discharged in full with the payment on May 12,
2006 of a dividend against profits for Fiscal Year 2005 in the fixed
gross amount of 0.25 Euros for each of the issued and outstanding shares
of the Company entitled thereto, as approved by the Board of Directors
at its meeting of February 28, 2006.
Proposal regarding Item II on the Agenda: Examination and approval, if deemed
appropriate, of the Merger Plan of Telefonica, S.A. and Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
and approval, as the Merger Balance Sheet, of the Balance Sheet of Telefonica,
S.A. as of December 31, 2005. Approval of the merger of Telefonica, S.A. and
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. through the absorption of the latter by the former,
with the termination of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. and the transfer en bloc and as
a whole of all of its assets to Telefonica, S.A., with the provision that the
exchange of shares will be carried out by means of the delivery of treasury
shares of Telefonica, S.A., all of the foregoing in compliance with the
provisions of the Merger Plan. Application to the merger of the special tax
regime set forth in Chapter VIII of Title VII of the Restated Text of the
Corporate Income Tax Law. Establishment of the procedure to facilitate the
exchange. Delegation of powers.
A. Examination and approval, if applicable, of the Plan of Merger of
Telefonica, S.A. and Telefonica Moviles, S.A. by means of the absorption of the
latter by the former.
To approve in its entirety the Plan of Merger by absorption of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. by Telefonica, S.A., drawn up and signed by the Directors of both
companies upon the terms set forth in the Merger Plan itself, and approved by
their respective Boards of Directors at meetings of both held on March 29, 2006.
The Merger Plan was deposited with the Commercial Registry of Madrid on April 3,
2006, with the corresponding marginal notations therein, and publication of such
deposit was made in the Official Gazette of the Commercial Registry on April 17,
The text of the Merger Plan approved by this resolution is included as an
exhibit to the Minutes of the General Meeting.
B. Examination and approval, if deemed appropriate, as the Merger Balance
Sheet, of Telefonica, S.A.'s Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2005.
To approve, as the Merger Balance Sheet of Telefonica, S.A., of the Balance
Sheet as of December 31, 2005 drawn up by the Board of Directors of Telefonica,
S.A. at its meeting of February 28, 2006, duly verified on March 1, 2006 by
Ernst & Young, S.L., the Auditor of Telefonica, S.A., and approved by the
shareholders at this General Meeting under item I of the Agenda.
The text of the Merger Balance Sheet and the corresponding verification of the
Company's Auditor is included as an exhibit to the Minutes of the General
C. Examination and approval, if applicable, of the merger of Telefonica, S.A.
and Telefonica Moviles, S.A., through the absorption of the latter by the
former, with the termination of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. and the transfer en
bloc and as a whole of all of its assets to Telefonica, S.A., with the provision
that the exchange of shares will be carried out by means of the delivery of
treasury shares of Telefonica, S.A., all of the foregoing in compliance with the
provisions of the Merger Plan. Application to the merger of the special tax
regime set forth in Chapter VIII of Title VII of the Restated Text of the
Corporate Income Tax Law (Texto Refundido de la Ley del Impuesto de Sociedades).
I. Approval of the merger of Telefonica, S.A. and Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
To approve the merger of Telefonica, S.A. and Telefonica Moviles, S.A.,
through the absorption of the latter company by the former, with the
dissolution without liquidation of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. and the en
bloc transfer of all of its property, including all of the items that
make up its assets and liabilities, to Telefonica, S.A., which, through
a general devise, will acquire all of the rights and obligations of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Merger Plan, in order to carry out the
exchange under the merger, Telefonica, S.A. will deliver to the
shareholders of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. the appropriate number of
shares of Telefonica, S.A. resulting from the exchange ratio established
in the Merger Plan. The exchange shall not be effected in respect of the
shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. held by such company, by Telefonica,
S.A. or by any person acting in such person's own name but on behalf of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. or Telefonica, S.A., because they are affected
by the provisions of Section 249 of the Business Corporations Law in
accordance with the resolution to be adopted below.
Given that, taking into account the current terms and conditions of the
MOS Plan and the liquidation transactions carried out to date regarding
said plan, the number of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. shares to remain in
treasury as of the date of registration of the merger will amount to a
minimum of 19,009,513 shares, and that therefore, the number of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. shares that will participate in the exchange
will not exceed 305,640,634 shares, the number of shares of Telefonica,
S.A. required to satisfy the exchange will amount to a maximum of
244,512,507 shares. Considering that Telefonica, S.A. owns a total
number of treasury shares that exceeds such maximum, the merger exchange
may be carried out entirely with treasury shares of Telefonica, S.A.,
without the need for a capital increase. As from the date of the merger
resolution, Telefonica, S.A. will freeze 244,512,507 treasury shares,
provided that, once the definitive number (within the above-mentioned
maximum) of shares of Telefonica, S.A. needed to satisfy the exchange is
determined, only this final number of shares is frozen.
It is also stated for the record that, of the maximum amount of
244,512,507 Telefonica Moviles, S.A. shares required to satisfy the
exchange, a total of 1,363,163 are shares re-purchased from Caja de
Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona with respect to the stock option plan
for managers of Terra Networks, S.A., which was approved by this company
on October 1, 1999 (regarding which, due to the merger in 2005,
Telefonica, S.A. succeeded Terra Networks, S.A. as the responsible
entity). Since the underlying options have not been exercised, said
shares will not be delivered to the potential beneficiaries of the plan
and, although in such circumstances and pursuant to the terms and
conditions of the plan, they would normally be cancelled and Telefonica,
S.A.'s capital decreased, it is expressly resolved to modify said plan
and use those 1,363,163 shares to satisfy the exchange, thus saving
resources and avoiding two transactions with opposite effects (capital
reduction at Telefonica, S.A. and the use of additional shares to
satisfy the exchange, either with outstanding shares or by means of a
capital increase).
The exchange of shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. will be carried
pursuant to the procedure and the exchange ratio described in the Merger
Shares from the treasury of Telefonica, S.A. used to satisfy the
exchange shall be shares of the same class and series as the other
shares of Telefonica, S.A. that are currently outstanding, and shall
give their holders, as from delivery thereof, the right to participate
in corporate earnings beginning on January 1, 2006, upon the same terms
as the other outstanding shares.
A delegation is made to the Board of Directors, with authorization to
delegate in turn to the Executive Commission or the Executive Chairman,
all of the powers required such that, within the maximum amount set out
above and under the condition set forth below, it may specify the exact
number of shares of Telefonica, S.A. needed to satisfy the exchange of
currently outstanding shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. pursuant to the
above-mentioned exchange ratio. The condition that the Board of
Directors and, if applicable, the Executive Commission or the Executive
Chairman shall take into account is that the exact figure of the number
of shares of Telefonica, S.A. to be delivered out of its treasury stock
shall be the figure necessary on the basis of the exchange ratio of four
(4) Telefonica, S.A. shares for every five (5) shares of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A., taking into account that, pursuant to Section 249 of the
Business Corporations Law, the shares of the latter company held by it,
by Telefonica, S.A. or by any other person acting in such person's own
name but on behalf of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. or of Telefonica, S.A.
will not be exchanged and will be cancelled and voided as a result of
the merger.
In addition, the Board of Directors is empowered, with the authorization
to so delegate to the Executive Commission or the Executive Chairman, to
set the conditions for the delivery of the shares to the extent not
provided by the shareholders at the General Meeting, including the
further development of the procedure for the exchange of shares.
All of the foregoing shall be carried out in accordance with the Merger
Plan dated as of March 29, 2006, and deposited with the Commercial
Registry of Madrid, pursuant to the procedure governed by the Second
Section of Chapter VIII of the Business Corporations Law, and in view of
the report of the independent expert KPMG Auditores, S.L., issued on May
10, 2006 in compliance with the provisions of Section 236 of the
Business Corporations Law.
Furthermore, in compliance with Section 228 of the Regulations of the
Commercial Registry, and as an integral part of the content of this
merger resolution, the following details are stated:
1. Identification of the Entities Participating in the Merger.
1.1 Telefonica, S.A. (Acquiring Company).
Telefonica, S.A.: domiciled in Madrid, calle Gran Via 28, incorporated for
an indefinite period of time under a notarial instrument executed before the
Madrid Notary Mr. Alejandro Rosello Pastor on April 19, 1924 under number
141 of his book of notarial records. Telefonica, S.A. adapted its by-laws to
the Business Corporations Law currently in force under a notarial instrument
executed before the Madrid Notary Mr. Miguel Mestanza Fraguero on July 10,
Telefonica, S.A. is registered with the Commercial Registry of Madrid in
Volume 12534, Folio 21, Section 8, Page M-6164.
The Tax ID Code of Telefonica, S.A. is A-28015865.
1.2 Telefonica Moviles, S.A. (Acquired Company).
Telefonica Moviles, S.A.: domiciled in Madrid, calle Goya 24, incorporated
for an indefinite period of time under a notarial instrument executed before
the Madrid Notary Mr. Jose Antonio Escartin on February 14, 2000 under
number 582 of his book of notarial records.
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. is registered with the Commercial Registry of
Madrid in Volume 14837, Folio 155, Section 8, Page M-246786.
The Tax ID Code of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. is A-82573759.
2. Bylaw Amendments.
No amendments will be made to the by-laws of Telefonica, S.A as a result of
the merger.
3. Merger Exchange Ratio.
The exchange ratio for the shares of the entities participating in the
merger, which has been determined on the basis of the actual value of the
assets of Telefonica, S.A. and Telefonica Moviles, S.A., will be as follows,
without any additional cash compensation:
Four (4) shares of Telefonica, S.A., each having a par value of one (€1)
Euro, for every five (5) shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A., each having a
par value of fifty (€0.50) Euro cents.
In determining the exchange ratio, account has been taken of the dividends
that both companies plan to distribute and to which reference is made in
section 8 of the Merger Plan and in section 5 below.
4. Share Exchange Procedure.
The procedure for exchanging the shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. for
shares of Telefonica, S.A. will be as follows:
a. Once the merger is approved by the shareholders acting at the General
Shareholders' Meetings of both companies, the equivalent documents
mentioned in Sections 26.1 d), 41.1 c) and related provisions of
Royal Decree 1310/2005 of November 4 are filed with the National
Securities Market Commission (Comision Nacional del Mercado de
Valores) (hereinafter, the 'CNMV') and the merger instrument is
registered with the Commercial Registry of Madrid, the exchange of
shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. for shares of Telefonica, S.A.
will proceed.
b. The exchange will commence on the date specified in the notices to be
published in one of the most widely circulated newspapers in Madrid,
in the Listing Bulletins of the Spanish Stock Exchanges and, if
applicable, in the Official Bulletin of the Commercial Registry. For
such purpose, a financial institution will be appointed to act as
Agent and will be named in the above-mentioned notices.
c. The exchange of the shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. for shares of
Telefonica, S.A. will be made through the entities participating in
the Sociedad de Gestion de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensacion y
Liquidacion de Valores S.A. (Securities Registration, Clearing and
Liquidation Systems Management Company) (IBERCLEAR) that are
depositaries thereof, in accordance with the procedures established
for the book-entry system, pursuant to the provisions of Royal
Decree 116/1992 of February 14 and applying such provisions of
Section 59 of the Business Corporations Law as may be applicable.
d. Shareholders holding shares that represent a fraction of the number
of shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. designated as the exchange
ratio may purchase or transfer shares in order to exchange them in
accordance with such exchange ratio. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the companies participating in the merger may implement mechanisms
designed to make such exchange easier for shareholders of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. who hold a number of shares that, according to the
agreed exchange ratio, does not entitle them to receive a whole
number of shares of Telefonica, S.A., including the appointment of
an Odd-Lot Agent.
e. As a result of the merger, the shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
will be terminated.
As of the date of the Merger Plan, Telefonica, S.A. owned, directly and
indirectly, four billion, three million, nine hundred thousand, seven
hundred and forty-nine (4,003,900,749) shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A.,
representing 92.457% of its share capital. It is noted for the record that
between the date of the Merger Plan and the date of this resolution,
Telefonica, S.A. has acquired, as provided in the Merger Plan, the shares of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. theretofore held by Telefonica Internacional, S.A.
Unipersonal, as well as an additional two million (2,000,000) shares of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. As a result of such acquisitions, Telefonica, S.A.
now directly owns four billion, five million, nine hundred thousand, seven
hundred and forty-nine (4,005,900,749) shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A.,
representing 92.50% of its share capital. As provided in Section 249 of the
Business Corporations Law and pursuant to the regulations governing treasury
shares, all such shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. held by Telefonica, S.A.
will not be exchanged for Telefonica, S.A. shares.
In addition, it is stated for the record that as of the date of the Merger
Plan, Telefonica Moviles, S.A. owned one thousand five hundred and
ninety-nine (1,599) treasury shares. In addition, in connection with the
coverage of the share option plan of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. (the MOS
Plan), the latter had as of said date a call option on twenty million, nine
hundred and fifty-seven thousand, seven hundred and eighty-four (20,957,784)
shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. (the 'Hedging Shares') owned by Caja de
Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona and Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.,
subscribed for by those entities on the terms of the summary prospectus
verified by the National Securities Market Commission on September 28, 2001.
The MOS Plan expired on January 3, 2006 and is currently in liquidation,
which will be concluded prior to the registration of the merger,
notwithstanding which Telefonica, S.A. will succeed Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
as the entity liable for any pending obligation derived from such
liquidation. Upon the exercise of the aforementioned call option, Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. shall maintain in its treasury the shares that are not used to
liquidate the Plan (a maximum of 20,957,784 shares, and a minimum of
19,007,914). These shares, together with the 1,599 shares mentioned above,
also cannot participate in the exchange, as provided in Section 249 of the
Business Corporations Law and related provisions.
5. Date as from which the New Shares Delivered in Exchange Carry the Right
to Participate in the Profits of the Company and Specific Characteristics of
Such Right.
January 1, 2006 is set as the date as from which the shares delivered in
exchange will entitle the holders thereof to participate in the earnings of
Telefonica, S.A. For this reason, the existing shares of Telefonica, S.A. of
the same class and series as the other shares of Telefonica, S.A. currently
outstanding used to effect the exchange will entitle the holders thereof, as
from the date of delivery, to participate in the earnings of the company
posted as from January 1, 2006, on the same terms as the other outstanding
In distributions made after the merger instrument is registered with the
Commercial Registry, all the shares of Telefonica, S.A., including those
delivered in order to carry out the exchange, will participate with the same
rights in proportion to the par value of each share.
It is stated for the record that, in accordance with the provisions of the
Merger Plan, Telefonica, S.A. has made or, as the case may be, plans to make
the following dividend distributions:
(i) Payment of a gross interim dividend of 0.25 Euro per share,
based on the earnings of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, which
was paid on May 12, 2006. This dividend was approved by the Board of
Directors at its meeting of February 28, 2006 and announced to the
market the same day.
Such dividend does not benefit shareholders of Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
who become shareholders of Telefonica, S.A. as a result of the merger.
This has therefore been taken into account for the formulation of the
exchange ratio.
(ii) As was announced to the market on February 28, 2006, the Board
of Directors of Telefonica, S.A. intends to distribute, during fiscal
year 2006, an additional gross dividend of 0.25 Euro per share, to which
end the required corporate resolutions will be adopted. In any event,
such dividend will be paid after the merger is registered with the
Commercial Registry of Madrid.
Unlike the dividend mentioned in paragraph (i) above, this dividend will
benefit both Telefonica, S.A. shareholders and the shareholders of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. who become shareholders of Telefonica, S.A. as
a result of the merger. Accordingly, it was not taken into account for
the calculation of the exchange ratio.
For its part, in accordance with the provisions of the Merger Plan,
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. plans to make the following dividend distributions:
i. Previously-announced dividend:
Payment of a gross dividend of 0.205 Euro per share of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. to be charged to the unappropriated retained earnings
of fiscal year 2005 and to unrestricted reserves. The proposal for
such distribution was approved by the Board of Directors of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. at its meeting of February 27, 2006 and was
announced to the market the following day. The effectiveness of the
distribution is subject to approval thereof by the shareholders
acting at the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. It is expected that this dividend will be paid on July
21, 2006 and, in any event, prior to the registration of the merger
of Telefonica, S.A. and Telefonica Moviles, S.A. with the Commercial
Registry, for which reason, since it will only benefit the
shareholders of Telefonica Moviles, S.A., it was taken into account
in formulating the exchange ratio.
ii. Dividends proposed by the Board of Directors of Telefonica Moviles,
S.A. for approval by the shareholders acting at the General
Shareholders' Meeting, within the framework of the negotiation
between Telefonica, S.A. and Telefonica Moviles, S.A. and whose
effectiveness is contingent upon the approval of the merger by the
shareholders acting at the General Shareholders' Meetings of both
• Payment of a gross dividend of 0.085 Euro per share of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. to be charged to the reserve
for the issuance premium and other unrestricted
reserves. The Board of Directors of Telefonica Moviles,
S.A., at its meeting of March 29, 2006, agreed to submit
this proposal for approval of the shareholders acting at
the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A.
• Payment of a gross interim dividend of 0.35 Euro per
share of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. to be charged to the
profits posted between January 1 and March 28, 2006. The
Board of Directors of Telefonica Moviles, S.A., at its
meeting of March 29, 2006, agreed to submit this
proposal for approval of the shareholders acting at the
Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A.
As previously stated, the two proposals mentioned above are contingent upon
approval of the planned merger by the shareholders acting at the General
Shareholders' Meeting of both companies. If these proposals are approved by
the shareholders at the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. and if the condition described above is met, payment of the
dividends to which the proposals refer (in the aggregate gross amount of
0.435 Euro per Telefonica Moviles, S.A. share) will be made on the same date
as the date set for payment of the previously announced dividend, mentioned
in subsection (i) above, i.e., July 21, 2006. Accordingly, this distribution
will only benefit the shareholders of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. and it has
therefore been taken into account in formulating the exchange ratio.
6. Date of Accounting Effects of the Merger.
January 1, 2006 is set as the date as from which all transactions of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. will, for accounting purposes, be deemed to have
been made on behalf of Telefonica, S.A.
7. Special Rights.
There are no special shares or special rights in Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
other than the shares. However, it is noted for the record that, as set
forth in section 4 above, the stock option plan of Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
(the MOS Plan) expired on January 3, 2006 and is currently in liquidation,
which will be concluded prior to the registration of the merger.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Telefonica, S.A. will succeed Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. as the entity responsible for any possible pending liability
stemming from the above-mentioned liquidation.
The shares of Telefonica, S.A. that are delivered to the shareholders of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. by virtue of the merger will not grant any special
rights to the holders thereof.
8. Benefits Accorded to the Directors and to the Independent Expert.
No benefits of any kind will be accorded to the Directors of either of the
entities participating in the merger or to the Independent Expert that has
participated in the merger process.
II. Subjecting the Merger to the Special Tax Regime Provided for in
Chapter VIII of Title VII of the Consolidated Text of the Corporate Income
Tax Law.
To resolve that the approved merger transaction be governed by the tax
regulations set forth in Chapter VIII of Title VII and in the second
additional provision of the Consolidated Text of the Corporate Income Tax
Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 4/2004.
For such purpose, and pursuant to Section 96 of the above-mentioned
Consolidated Text, the merger transaction will be reported to the Ministry
of Economy and Finance as required under current regulations.
D. Establishment of Procedure to Facilitate the Exchange.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Merger Plan, Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
shareholders owning shares that represent a fraction of the number of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. shares set as the exchange ratio may acquire or transfer shares in
order to exchange them at such exchange ratio. Each shareholder must
individually make timely decisions for such purpose to either purchase or sell
shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. on the market in order to secure a number of
shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. that is a multiple of five (5).
Notwithstanding the foregoing and as provided in the Merger Plan, it is resolved
to establish a mechanism designed to facilitate the exchange for those
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. shareholders who are holders of a number of shares that
is not a multiple of five (5). The basic terms and conditions of such mechanism
are as follows:
(i) Taking into account that the exchange ratio for the merger is
equivalent, in unitary terms, to the delivery of one share of Telefonica, S.A.
for every 1.25 shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. as of the close of the last
session for trading in Telefonica Moviles, S.A. on the Spanish stock exchanges
(hereinafter, the 'Reference Date'), each shareholder of Telefonica Moviles,
S.A. who, by application of such unitary exchange ratio of one share of
Telefonica, S.A. for every 1.25 shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A., is entitled
to receive a whole number of Telefonica, S.A. shares and who has an odd-lot
residue of less than 1.25 shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. may transfer such
residue to the odd-lot agent appointed for such purpose (hereinafter, the
'Odd-Lot Agent'), all with the understanding that for the calculation of the
odd-lot corresponding to each shareholder position, all of the Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. shares forming such position will be computed. Likewise, a
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. shareholder who owns less than 1.25 shares of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. will be able to transfer such shares to the Odd-Lot
Agent. It shall be deemed that each shareholder of Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
accepts the odd-lot acquisition system established herein, without having to
remit instructions to the relevant entity participating in IBERCLEAR, which
shall inform the shareholder of the result of the transaction once it has
(ii) Given the agreed exchange ratio and regardless of the number of shares
comprising each shareholder's position, the only circumstances under which the
acquisition of odd-lots may take place are the following:
| Number of | Corresponding | Odd-lot shares of |
|Telefonica | Telefonica, S.A. | Telefonica Moviles, S.A. |
| Moviles |shares by virtue of | subject to the odd-lot |
| shares | the exchange | acquisition system |
| 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 0.75 |
| 3 | 2 | 0.50 |
| 4 | 3 | 0.25 |
| 5 | 4 | 0 |
Therefore, in any shareholder position, an odd-lot will range between a minimum
of 0.25 shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. and a maximum of 1 share of
Telefonica Moviles, S.A.
(iii) The acquisition price of the odd-lots will be determined based on the
arithmetical mean of the average weighted price of the shares of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. on the Automated Quotation System (Sistema de Interconexion
Bursatil) (Continuous Market) for the last three trading sessions for Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. on the Spanish stock exchanges. If the odd-lot in question
consists of one share of Telefonica Moviles, S.A., its purchase price will be
the arithmetical mean of the average weighted price of the shares of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. on the Automated Quotation System (Continuous Market) for the last
three trading sessions of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. stock; similarly, if the
odd-lot in question is other than one share, its acquisition price will be
calculated based on the same procedure described herein, but in a proportion
corresponding to the specific amount of the odd-lot.
(iv) The entity appointed as Odd-Lot Agent, acting on its own behalf, will
acquire the odd-lot shares remaining in the positions existing at the close of
the trading session of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. on the Reference Date. The
shares or fractional shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. acquired by the Odd-Lot
Agent will be exchanged for the corresponding number of Telefonica, S.A. shares
as provided in the Merger Plan.
(v) Authorization is granted to the Board of Directors, with the express
power of substitution to the Executive Commission or the Executive Chairman, to
develop the mechanism for the acquisition of odd-lots or fractions of stock
provided for herein, including, but not limited to, the determination of the
Reference Date in order to carry out the acquisition of odd-lots at the end of
such day; the drafting of the corresponding announcement of the exchange; the
designation of the entity to act as Odd-Lot Agent; and any other powers that are
necessary or merely appropriate to properly carry out the merger exchange and
the odd-lot acquisition mechanism approved herein.
All of the foregoing is without prejudice to Telefonica, S.A. and/or Telefonica
Moviles, S.A., prior to the merger, acquiring the odd-lot shares of Telefonica
Moviles, S.A. required for the number of shares of Telefonica Moviles, S.A. that
must participate in the exchange to be an exact multiple of the exchange ratio.
E. Delegation of powers to formalize, interpret, remedy and carry out this
To jointly and severally authorize the Executive Chairman of the Board of
Directors and the Secretary of the Board of Directors, such that, without
prejudice to any other delegations included in this resolution and any
powers-of-attorney to convert the resolution into a public instrument, any of
them may formalize and execute it, with the power for such purpose to execute
the public or private documents that are necessary or appropriate (including
those of interpretation, clarification, correction of errors and the curing of
defects and publication of any announcements that are required or merely
convenient) for the most correct performance hereof and for the registration
hereof, to the extent required, with the Commercial Registry or any other Public
Registry. The delegation includes, upon the broadest possible terms, the power
to guarantee the claims of those creditors, if any, who oppose the merger.
Proposed Resolutions Regarding Item III on the Agenda: Re-election, Ratification
and Appointment, as Applicable, of Directors:
III.1 To re-elect as a Director Mr. Carlos Colomer Casellas, appointing him
for a new period of five years.
III.2 To re-elect as a Director Mr. Isidro Faine Casas, appointing him for a
new period of five years.
III.3 To e-elect as a Director Mr. Alfonso Ferrari Herrero, appointing him
for a new period of five years.
III.4 To re-elect as a Director Mr. Luis Lada Diaz, appointing him for a new
period of five years.
III.5 To re-elect as a Director Mr. Antonio Massanell Lavilla, appointing
him for a new period of five years.
III.6 To ratify the interim appointment as a Director of the Company, as
previously approved by the Board of Directors, of Mr. David Arculus,
appointing him as a Director for a period of five years, pursuant to
the provisions of Law and the By-Laws.
Mr. David Arculus was appointed as a Director on an interim basis by resolution
of the Board of Directors on January 25, 2006, to fill the vacancy produced by
the resignation of Mr. Jose Fonollosa Garcia.
III.7 To ratify the interim appointment as a Director of the Company, as
previously approved by the Board of Directors, of Mr. Peter Erskine, appointing
him as a Director for a period of five years, pursuant to the provisions of Law
and the By-Laws.
Mr. Peter Erskine was appointed as a Director on an interim basis by resolution
of the Board of Directors on January 25, 2006, to fill the vacancy produced by
the resignation of Mr. Antonio Alonso Ureba.
III.8 To ratify the interim appointment as a Director of the Company, as
previously approved by the Board of Directors, of Mr. Julio Linares Lopez,
appointing him as a Director for a period of five years, pursuant to the
provisions of Law and the By-Laws.
Mr. Julio Linares Lopez was appointed as a Director on an interim basis by
resolution of the Board of Directors on December 21, 2005, to fill the vacancy
produced by the resignation of Mr. Jose Antonio Fernandez Rivero.
III.9 To ratify the interim appointment as a Director of the Company, as
previously approved by the Board of Directors, of Mr. Vitalino Manuel Nafria
Aznar, appointing him as a Director for a period of five years, pursuant to the
provisions of Law and the By-Laws.
Mr. Vitalino Manuel Nafria Aznar was appointed as a Director on an interim basis
by resolution of the Board of Directors on December 21, 2005, to fill the
vacancy produced by the resignation of Mr. Jesus Maria Cadenato Matia.
Furthermore, the ratification of any interim appointments of Directors that may
have been approved by the Board of Directors since the call to the General
Shareholders' Meeting and the meeting event, will be proposed, if applicable.
Proposal Regarding Item IV on the Agenda: Approval, if appropriate, of a
long-term incentive plan consisting of the delivery of shares of and which is
linked to changes in the listing price of shares of Telefonica, S.A.
To approve a long-term incentive plan (hereinafter, the 'Plan'), directed toward
the executive Directors and management personnel of Telefonica, S.A. and other
companies within the Telefonica Group (hereinafter, as defined below, 'Grupo
Telefonica'), as described below. The Plan consists of the delivery for such
purpose to the selected participants, after compliance with the requirements of
the Plan, of a certain number of shares of Telefonica, S.A. as variable
compensation. The basic conditions are as follows:
1. Participants in the Plan: Executive Directors, Senior Managers and other
management personnel of Grupo Telefonica, which involves a total of
approximately 1,900 potential participants. Without prejudice to the
foregoing, new participants who meet the aforesaid requirements due to
promotion, new hires within the Group or other reasons, may be added to
the Plan without modification of its other terms and conditions.
2. Term: The total expected initial duration of the Plan will be seven
years. The Plan is divided into five cycles of three years each (i.e.,
with the delivery of shares corresponding to each of the cycles three
years after commencement thereof), that are independent of each other,
with the first cycle commencing on July 1, 2006 (with delivery of shares
beginning on July 1, 2009) and the fifth cycle commencing on July 1,
2010 (with delivery of shares beginning on July 1, 2013).
3. Maximum Number of Shares to be Delivered: The maximum number of shares of
Telefonica, S.A. to be delivered to the participants in the execution of
the Plan at the end of each of the cycles will be the number resulting
from dividing the maximum sum allocated to the Plan in each of the
cycles by the average weighted listing price of Telefonica, S.A. shares
for the thirty stock exchange business days prior to July 1 of the first
year of the corresponding cycle of the Plan (hereinafter, the 'Reference
Value'), except with respect to the first cycle, 2006-2009, when the
arithmetical mean of the average weighted prices of the shares of
Telefonica, S.A. shares for the thirty stock exchange business days
prior to May 11, 2006. The maximum amount allocated to the Plan during
each of the cycles will be determined each year by the Board of
Directors of Telefonica, S.A. after receiving a report from the
Nominating, Compensation and Corporate Governance Subcommittee, and may
not exceed the amount of 754,000,000 Euros over the entire effective
period of the plan (i.e., over seven years).
In any event, the total number of shares to be delivered in execution of
the Plan at the end of each cycle may never exceed 0.20% of the share
capital of Telefonica, S.A. as of July 1, 2006.
The participants in this plan include the current executive Directors of
Telefonica, S.A., who, at the end of the first cycle, and if they fully
comply with the requirements and conditions established in the Plan,
would have the right to receive up to the maximum number of shares
herein set forth: Mr. Cesar Alierta Izuel: 129,183 shares; Mr. Peter
Erskine: 181,762 shares; Mr. Luis Lada Diaz: 62,354 shares; Mr. Julio
Linares Lopez: 65,472 shares, and Mr. Antonio Viana-Baptista: 62,354
For each of the remaining cycles, the Board of Directors, after
receiving a report from the Nominating and Compensation and Corporate
Governance Subcommittee, shall determine the maximum amounts to serve as
the basis for establishing the maximum number of shares that may be
delivered as a function of the Reference Value, without such amount in
any event being able to exceed the total amount of 29,814,000 Euros for
all of the executive Directors as a group over the effective period of
the plan (i.e. over seven years).
The specific number of shares that are delivered under the Plan to each
executive Director at the end of each cycle, as well as the number of
effective shares delivered to Senior Management personnel and other
Management personnel, will be reported pursuant to applicable legal
4. Requirements and Conditions for the Delivery of Shares: The specific
number of shares within the established maximum that are delivered at
the end of each cycle will be subject to and determined by the Total
Shareholder Return (hereinafter, as defined below, the 'TSR') of
Telefonica, S.A. shares (from the Reference Value) during each cycle,
with respect to the TSRs experienced by the shares of companies in the
telecommunications industry making up the 'FTSE Global Telecoms Index,'
which, for the purposes of the Plan, will be the Comparison Group. In
this sense, the TSR is considered to be the metric for determining the
generation of value at Grupo Telefonica in the short and long term, as
it measures the return on investment for the shareholder and is defined
for purposes of the Plan and for each cycle as the sum of the increase
in Telefonica, S.A. share prices plus dividends or other similar items
received by the shareholder during the cycle in question. The Plan will
forecast that the number of shares to be delivered will range between
30% of the number initially allocated in the event that changes in the
TSR for Telefonica, S.A. shares are equal to the median of the
Comparison Group, and 100% in the event that such changes are equal to
or greater than the third quartile of the companies making up the
Comparison Group, using linear extrapolation to calculate the percentage
in cases between the median and the aforementioned third quartile. If
changes in the TSR are lower than the median, no shares will be
For the foregoing purposes, the companies making up the aforementioned
index as of July 1 of the first year of each cycle will be taken into
account, excluding those companies belonging to Grupo Telefonica, and
keeping them without change for the entire duration of each cycle. The
companies making up such index as of May 12, 2006 are indicated below,
although there may be some changes at the time the first cycle
commences: Alltel Corp, AT&T, BCE Inc, Belgacom, Bellsouth Corp, BT
Group, China Mobile Hong Kong, China Netcom GP, China Unicom, Deutsche
Telekom, France Telecom, KDDI , Nipon Telg. & Tel. NTT Docomo Inc.,
Portugal Telecom. SGPS, Qwest Comms. Intl., KPN Kon, Singapore Telecom,
Sprint Nextel, Swisscom R, Telefonica, Telefonica Moviles, Telekom
Austria Telecom Italia, Telenor, Teliasonera, Telstra, Telus, Verizon
Communications and Vodafone Group.
If the above-referenced index ceases to be published during the term of
the Plan or undergoes substantial modification in the makeup thereof,
the Board of Directors shall in all events adopt appropriate measures in
order to continue with the preparation and establishment of the relevant
index, solely for purposes of the Plan, based on grounds that are
homogenous and equivalent to those constituting the basis of the Plan.
In addition, regardless of the other conditions and requirements that
may be established, in order for each of the participants to have the
right to receive shares of Telefonica, S.A. covered by the Plan, they
must remain as an employee of Grupo Telefonica on the date of delivery
of the shares corresponding to each cycle.
5. Date of Delivery of the Shares: The delivery of the shares will take
place at the end of each cycle, i.e., in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and
2013, respectively, with the specific delivery date determined by the
Board of Directors or the body or person to whom this power is
6. Grupo Telefonica: For purposes of the provisions of the Plan, Grupo
Telefonica shall be understood as the companies making up such group
pursuant to he provisions of Section 4 of Law 24/1988, of July 28, on
the Securities Market.
7. Origin of the Shares: The shares of Telefonica, S.A. to be delivered to
the participants may be (a) shares of Telefonica, S.A. held in treasury
that are acquired or have been acquired by Telefonica, S.A. itself as
well as any companies within its group, after compliance with the legal
requirements for such purpose; or (b) newly-issued shares resulting from
the capital increase made at any time for such purpose.
To the extent advisable under the legal rules applicable to any of the
participants or subsidiary companies, the basic conditions stated above may be
adjusted (including, if necessary, the possibility of making payments under the
Plan in cash, without the physical delivery of shares), without making
substantive changes and, in any event, without changing the conditions described
in paragraphs 1 to 6 above.
Furthermore, and without prejudice to the generality of resolution seven, the
Board of Directors of Telefonica, S.A. is authorized to put the Plan into
effect, and may clarify wherever necessary the rules set forth herein and the
content of the contracts to be signed by the Plan Participants, and may also
ratify, to the extent necessary, the actions taken for such purpose through the
date hereof. The Board of Directors is also authorized such that, in its
discretion, it may decide not to carry out or cancel one or more cycles of the
Plan at any time prior to the date of commencement of such cycle. The Board of
Directors may in turn delegate these powers to the Executive Commission or to
the Nominating and Compensation and Corporate Governance Subcommittee of
Telefonica, S.A. All of the foregoing is understood to be without prejudice to
the exercise by any applicable decision-making bodies of Telefonica, S.A.'s
subsidiaries of the powers they have to put the Plan into practice with respect
to their employees.
Proposal Regarding Item V on the Agenda: Authorization to Acquire the Company's
Own Shares, Directly or Through Companies within the Group.
A) To authorize, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 75 et. seq. and
the first additional provision, paragraph 2, of the current Business
Corporations Law, the derivative acquisition, at any time and as many times
as deemed appropriate, of Telefonica, S.A.'s own fully paid-in shares
-either directly or through any subsidiaries it controls- by purchase or by
any other legal means of consideration.
The minimum acquisition price or consideration shall be equal to the par
value of the shares acquired, and the maximum price or consideration shall
be equal to the listing price of the shares acquired on an official
secondary market at the time of acquisition.
Such authorization is granted for a period of 18 months from the date of
this Meeting and is made expressly subject to the limitation that at no time
may the nominal value of the Company's shares acquired through the use of
this authorization, added to those already possessed by Telefonica, S.A. and
any of its controlled subsidiaries, exceed 5 percent of the share capital
thereof at the time of acquisition, and the limitations established by the
regulatory authorities in the markets where shares of Telefonica, S.A. are
admitted for listing must also be respected.
It is expressly stated for the record that the authorization to acquire the
Company's own shares may be used in whole or in part for the acquisition of
shares of Telefonica, S.A. that it must deliver or transfer to
administrators ro employees of the Company or companies within its group,
either directly or as a result of the exercise by them of options, all
within the framework of duly approved compensation systems linked to the
listing price of the Company's shares.
B) To authorize the Board of Directors, upon the broadest terms
possible, to exercise the authorization covered by this resolution and to
carry out the other provisions hereof, and such powers may be delegated by
the Board of Directors to the Executive Commission, the Executive Chairman
of the Board of Directors, or any other person that the Board of Directors
expressly authorizes for such purpose.
C) To rescind the unutilized portion of the authorization granted under
item VI of the Agenda of the Company's General Shareholders' Meeting of May
31, 2005.
Proposal Regarding Item VI on the Agenda: Authorization to the Board of
Directors to Increase the Share Capital Under the Terms and Conditions of
Section 153.1.b) of the Business Corporations Law, with a Delegation of the
Power to Exclude Preemptive Rights Pursuant, in this Latter Case, to the
Provisions of Section 159.2 of the Business Corporations Law.
To authorize the Board of Directors, as fully and effectively as possible under
the Law and pursuant to the provisions of Section 153.1.b) of the Business
Corporations Law in effect so that, within a maximum term of five years from the
resolution adopted at the General Meeting and without the need to subsequently
call any such General Meeting or for any resolution to be subsequently adopted
thereat, the Board may resolve to increase of Company's share capital, on one or
more occasions, when and as required by the Company's needs in the judgment of
the Board itself, by the maximum amount of 2,460,565,198 Euros, equal to
one-half of the current share capital of the Company, by issuing and putting
into circulation for such purpose the corresponding new shares, be they common
shares or of any other kind among those permitted by the Law, including shares
with a fixed or variable premium, and in all cases with payment for the issued
shares in the form of cash contributions, and expressly providing for the
possibility of an incomplete subscription for such shares as may be issued,
pursuant to Section 161.1 of the Business Corporations Law. In addition, the
Board of Directors is authorized to exclude preemptive rights in whole or in
part, pursuant to Section 159.2 of the Business Corporations Law and related
The powers thus delegated include the specification of the various aspects and
conditions applicable to each issuance, according to the characteristics of each
transaction decided to be conducted under the authorization to which this
resolution refers, and will include the power to amend the text of the article
of the By-Laws relating to share capital, once the increase has been resolved
upon and implemented, and the power to carry out all the formalities required
for the new shares covered by the capital increase to be admitted to trading on
the domestic and foreign Stock Exchanges on which the Company's shares are
listed, in accordance with the procedures established in each of such Stock
Pursuant to Section 141, number 1, second paragraph, of the Business
Corporations Law, the Board of Directors is also authorized to delegate to the
Executive Commission such powers granted by means of this resolution as may be
Proposal Regarding Item VII on the Agenda: Delegation of Powers to Formalize,
Interpret, Remedy and Carry out the Resolutions Adopted by the Shareholders at
the General Shareholders' Meeting.
To jointly and severally authorize the Executive Chairman of the Board of
Directors and the Secretary of the Board of Directors, such that, without
prejudice to any other delegations included in this foregoing resolutions and
any powers-of-attorney to convert existing resolutions into public instruments,
any of them may formalize and execute the foregoing resolutions, with the power
for such purpose to execute the public or private documents that are necessary
or appropriate (including those of interpretation, clarification, correction of
errors and the curing of defects) for the most correct performance thereof and
for the registration thereof, to the extent required, with the Commercial
Registry or any other Public Registry.
* * *
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange