Issue of Equity

Telefonica SA 28 November 2000 'LAUNCHING OF THE FIRST CAPITAL INCREASE CORRESPONDING TO THE STOCK OPTIONS PROGRAMME FOR THE TELEFONICA GROUP'S EMPLOYEES, WHICH COMES UNDER THE NAME THE 'TIES PROGRAMME'. The Annual General Shareholders' meeting of 'Telefonica, S.A.', held on April 7th, 2000, resolved to execute two capital increases, for respective amounts of Euros 1,197,880 and Euros 31,504,244, with no pre-emptive rights in favour of existing shareholders, aimed at addressing the needs derived from the drawing up of a retribution scheme linked to the trading price of the Company's shares, with the subscription to its shares and the entitlement to options on its shares, coming under the name the 'TIES Programme', aimed at non-management personnel belonging to the Telefonica Group. Following the agreement approved by the Board of Directors of 'Telefonica, S.A.' in order to execute that resolved by the General Annual Shareholders' Meeting, and subsequent to the verification by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission, on November 16th, 2000, of the corresponding Prospectus, the subscription period for the new shares to be issued, as a consequence of the first of the aforementioned capital increases, will begin in Spain today, Tuesday, November 28th and will last for two months. As has been previously mentioned, the capital increase will take place through the issuance of up to 1,197,800 new ordinary 'Telefonica, S.A.' shares, of the same class and series as those currently outstanding, of a nominal value of one euro each and an issue premium of four euros, which results in a issue rate of five euros. The new shares to be issued will exclude pre-emptive rights in favour of the Company's existing shareholders, in such a way that these shares may only be subscribed by 'Telefonica, S.A.' employees and those of its Spanish and foreign subsidiaries in which the Company holds majority voting rights, neither may the new shareholders be participants in any other share or options Programme with similar characteristics. Those employees that subscribe the new shares will only be obliged to pay, in cash, the issue price of these (five euros per share). An Annex is attached which provides a breakdown of the companies that make up the Telefonica Group, and whose employees will therefore be entitled to participate in the 'TIES Programme'. This communication shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there he any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would he unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. COMPANIES INCLUDED IN TIES PROGRAMME Telefonica, S.A. Telefonica Servicios de Distribucion, S.A.U (AERIS) Seguros de Vida y Pensiones ANTARES, S.A. PLEYADE Peninsular Correduria de Seguros del Grupo Telefonica, S.A. FONDITEL Entidad Gestora de Fondos de Pensiones, S.A. Telefonica Finanzas, S.A. Telefonica Consultora de Servicios, S.A. (TCS) Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A. (TIDSA) Telefonica Ingenieria de Seguridad, S.A. (TIS) Telefonica Procesos y Tecnologia de la Informacion, S.A. (TPTI) Venturini Espana, S.A. Fundacion Telefonica Telefonica de Espana, S.A. Asociacion Telefonica Asistencia Minusvalidos (ATAM) Playa de Madrid, S.A. Teleinformatica y Comunicaciones, S.A. (TSIG) Telefonica Telecomunicaciones Publicas, S.A. (TTP) Telefonica Soluciones Sectoriales, S.A. (TSS) Telefonica Internacional, S.A. Telefonica Internacional USA Inc. (Miami) TLD Puerto Rico Telefonica Media, S.A. Uniprex, S.A. (Onda Cero) Servicios de Teledistribucion, S.A. (ST Hilo) Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales, S.A. (TSA) Factoria de Contenidos Digitales, S.A. (Art Media) Telefonica Media Internacional y de Contenidos USA, Inc. (Miami) Telefonica Data Espana, S.A. Telefonica Data Uruguay, S.A. Telefonica Data do Brasil Telefonica Data, SA European Telecom Telefonica del Peru S.A. Telefonica Multimedia del Peru Telefonica Servicios Comerciales del Peru, S.A.C. Telefonica Servicios Financieros del Peru, S.A.C. Telefonica Servicios Internet del Peru, S.A.C. Transporte Urgente de Mensajeria del Peru, S.A.C. (TUMSAC) Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales del Peru, S.A.C. Telefonica Sistemas del Peru, S,A.C. Telefonica Ingenieria de Seguridad del Peru, S.A.C. Telefonica Servicios Digitales del Peru Telecomunicacoes de Sao Paulo, S.A. (Telesp, Brasil) Assit Telefonica, S.A. Emergia Brasil, Ltda. Ceterp Telefonica de Argentina, S.A. Tyssa, Telecomunicaciones y Sistemas, S.A. (Argentina) Telinver, S.A. (Argentina) Atento Argentina, S.A. Advance Telecomunicaciones, S.A. (Argentina) e- Marketplace Atento Telecomunicaciones Espana S.A. Atento Holding Telecomunicaciones, S.A. Atento de Puerto Rico, Inc Atento Marruecos Atento Chile Atento Centroamerica de Guatemala Atento USA, Inc (Miami) Atento Brasil, S.A. Atento Colombia, S.A. Teleatento del Peru, S.A.C. Tempotel, Empresa de Trabajo Temporal, S.A. Gestion de Servicios de Emergencia y Atencion al Ciudadano, S.A. (G.S.E.) Final updating: 22/11/00
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