Result of Meeting
Telefonica SA
21 December 2001
Joaquin de Fuentes Bardaji, holder of identity card no. 50,407.969 - L, acting
on behalf of TELEFONICA, S.A. (hereinafter the 'Company' or 'Telefonica') in his
capacity as Vice-Secretary of the Board of Directors, hereby declares before the
Spanish National Securities Commission;
I. That the Company's General Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on June
15th, 2001 resolved to carry out two successive capital increases to be
charged to freely disposable reserves, in an amount equivalent to 2% of the
share capital of the Company subscribed and paid-in each, through the
issue of new shares that will be freely allocated to the shareholders at a
ratio of one new share for every fifty old shares held.
The General Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting also resolved to delegate to the
Board of Directors the power (which in turn may be sub- delegated in whole
or in part to its Standing Committee and/or in any of the Director with
delegated powers) to set the dates on which the aforementioned capital
increases may be executed and to specify the conditions for the capital
increases that have not been provided for in the Meeting.
II. That, under said authorization, and considering the convenience to execute
the first of these capital increases, the Board of Directors, at its
meeting held on December 19th, 2001, resolved to execute the resolution
referred to in the previous paragraph and set the amount for the capital
increase at Euros 93,438,317, through the issue of 93,438,317 ordinary
shares, of the same series and carrying the same rights as those currently
outstanding, of a nominal value of one (1) euro each and represented by
book entries
III. That, by means of this document, and by virtue of that stated in article 26
of the Stock Market Law 24/1988 of July 28 (modified by Law 37/1998 of
November 16), and articles 5.2.a), 8.1 and 9 of Royal Decree 291/1992 of
March 27, regarding Issues and Public Sale Offers of Securities (modified
by Royal Decree 2590/1998, December 7), the mandatory Prior Communication
regarding the increase in the Company's share capital is presented, and the
main characteristics of this are stated below:
1. Issuer
The issuer of the shares derived from the aforementioned capital increase
is TELEFONICA S.A., with its registered head office in Madrid, Gran Via 28
and C.I.F. A-28/015865, registered in the Madrid Mercantile Register,
volume 12,534 of the book of Companies, sheet 21, page M-6164, registering
2. Nature and characteristics of the securities to be issued and the amount of
the issue
The securities issued in the capital increase are ordinary Telefonica
shares, with a nominal value of one Euro each, of the same series, and with
the same rights as those Telefonica shares currently outstanding and
represented by book entries.
The new shares issued by virtue of this capital increase will entitle
holders to receive the entire amount of the dividends distributed from the
issue date, including, therefore, those to be charged to fiscal 2001.
The capital increase will be entirely charged to the Company's freely
disposable reserves, in the ratio of one (1) new share for every fifty (50)
Company shares currently outstanding, and this increase will be based on
the balance duly audited by the Company's auditors for the year ended
December 31, 2000.
The number of shares derived from the capital increase (93,438,317 shares)
will be equal to 2% of the Company's subscribed and paid-in capital stock
at the time of the adoption hereof, as established in the Shareholders
Meeting's resolution referred to in Point I. The shares will be issued at
par, that is with an issue price of one (1) euro per share.
The Company will apply for the listing of these shares on the four Spanish
Stock Exchanges and in the Spanish Automated Quotation System (Mercado
Continuo), as well as their listing on the foreign securities exchanges
where the Company's outstanding shares are already listed and their
inclusion in the Stock Exchange Automated Quotation System (SEAQ
International), subject to the regulations governing said stock markets.
3. Group of subscribers to whom the issue will be offered
All those Company shareholders who, at the end of the working day previous
to the beginning of the free allocation period referred to below, were
registered as such, will be entitled to receive one (1) new share for every
fifty (50) old ones held. The free allocation rights will be transferable
during this period under the same conditions as the shares from which they
For the purposes of that stated in the previous paragraph, every natural or
legal person, who, at the end of the aforementioned day, is registered as a
holder of the Company's shares at the registries of the member-entities of
the Spanish Settlement and Clearance Service (SCLV) will be considered a
Telefonica shareholder.
4. Allocation procedure
The free allocation rights may be exercised during a fifteen-day period
which will begin on the working day subsequent to the publication of the
announcement of the capital Mercantile Register.
As the share capital increase is charged to reserves, no disbursement will
need to be made by the holders of free allocation rights.
5. Entities participating in the issue
All the member-entities of the SCLV, in the course of their normal
activity, will participate in the allocation of the shares from this
capital increase.
6. The Issue's Prospectus
Telefonica shall present the corresponding abridged Prospectus on the Issue
corresponding to this capital increase, in order for this to be verified
and registered by the Spanish National Securities Commission, in accordance
with that stated in article 5.2.d) of Royal Decree 291/1992.
In witness thereof,
IT IS REQUESTED that the Spanish National Securities Commission (Comision
Nacional del Mercado de Valores) on acknowledging the filing of this Prior
Communication relative to the capital increase on reserves, admits it and, after
having completed the required formalities, proceeds to register it in the
appropriate Registry.
Madrid, December 20, 2001
Mr. Joaquin de Fuentes Bardaji
Vice-Secretary of the Board of Directors