Portfolio Update (Correction)

Portfolio Update (Correction)

Downing FOUR VCT plc (the “Company”)
LEI: 21380035MV1VRYEXPR95
7 June 2021
Portfolio Update ( Correction )

The announcement issued by the Company on 3 June 2021 at 15:47 contained an error in respect of the increase in value of the Company’s holdings in Arecor Therapeutics plc on its admission to AIM. The correct figures for the increase in value of the Company’s holdings were 0.7p per Generalist Share and 6.3p per Healthcare Share (not 0.9p and 8.0p as originally stated). This equates to increases of 1.0% and 9.0% in the NAV of the Generalist Shares and Healthcare Shares (not 1.3% and 11.4% as originally stated).

The full corrected text of the 3 June 2021 announcement is as follows:

The Directors of the Company are pleased to report that Generalist and Healthcare Share portfolio company, Arecor Therapeutics (“Arecor”), has today (3 June 2021) had its ordinary shares admitted to trading on AIM. The admission follows a successful £20.0 million placing of new shares at a price of 226 pence per ordinary share (the “placing price”).

Based on the placing price, the values of the Company’s Generalist and Healthcare Share pools’ holdings in Arecor have increased by approximately 0.7p per Generalist Share and 6.3p per Healthcare Share (based on shares in issue at 28 February 2021, being the date of the latest NAVs announced by the Company). This is equivalent to increases of 1.0% and 9.0% in the unaudited NAVs of the Generalist and Healthcare Share pools respectively, as at 28 February 2021.

Grant Whitehouse
Downing LLP
Company Secretary
020 7630 4333

UK 100