Interim Results
F&C Smaller Companies PLC
18 December 2001
Embargoed for 7.00am 18 December 2001
Contact: Sandy Fleming, F&C Management Ltd, 020 7628 8000/Emma Chilvers,
Lansons Communications, 020 7294 3606
Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results
for the half year ended 31 October 2001
Key Points
* The interim dividend has been increased by 2.3%, broadly in line with
* Portfolio ahead of benchmark, down 18.7% compared with a fall of 20% in
the Extended Hoare Govett Smaller companies index.
* In the same period the share price fell by 16.7%
31 Oct 30 April %
2001 2001 Change
Attributable to equity shareholders
Net assets £223.4m £274.9m -18.7
Net asset value per share 238.4p 291.9p -18.3
Share price 202.0p 242.5p -16.7
6 months to 6 months
31 Oct 31 Oct %
2001 2000 Change
Earnings per share 2.50p 2.53p -1.2
Dividends per share 1.34p 1.31p +2.3
Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results for the half year ended 31 October
Extracts from the Chairman's Statement
In the first half of our financial year, stock markets around the world fell
significantly. It is modest consolation to be able to report that we were
ahead of our benchmark. The Extended Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index
declined 20% during the first six months of our year, while your Company's net
asset value and share price both fell, by 18.7% and 16.7% respectively.
The relative outperformance was largely due to good performance in the USA and
the UK while Europe has shown a marked improvement. Unfortunately the return
in Japan has again proved disappointing. In part, this reflects differences in
our portfolios in these markets. In the USA and the UK, the portfolios have
been somewhat underweight in technology, while the Japanese smaller company
market is still dominated by technology-related companies and our portfolio
reflects this. However, while we have been reviewing the mix of our portfolio
across the Pacific region as a whole, we still believe that new technologies
will offer above-average returns in the longer term, and therefore consider it
right to maintain our exposure.
Markets & Investment Policy
Your Company began the year well, but share prices were already weak before
the tragic events of 11 September precipitated further falls. Markets have
bounced back somewhat since, in anticipation of a significant economic
recovery in 2002. However, the outcome is still highly uncertain, as all the
major regions of the world are displaying economic weakness. The task for your
Board and its manager is to position the portfolio so as to provide protection
from further downward shocks, without losing the ability to enjoy the benefits
of recovery wherever it comes.
In uncertain times, the broad geographic scope of your Company's portfolio,
combined with an increasingly international approach to allocation between
industrial sectors, provides us with a potential advantage: it enables us to
spread our exposure. When investing in smaller companies this spread is
particularly important as, although the markets for major stocks are becoming
increasingly globalised, there remains greater diversity in the performance of
smaller companies.
Although the ability to borrow remains an essential advantage of investment
trusts, you will have noted that by the year end, last April, we had reduced
the level of borrowing to historically low levels because of our nervousness
regarding the short-term outlook. Since then we have continued to keep the
level of borrowing low, while continuing to take advantage of market
opportunities to buy where we think share prices have fallen too far. We are
therefore cautiously placed in the event of a further market slide, while
having substantial scope to participate in the next, sustained, market upturn.
Our cautious attitude to the market has been reflected in the changes in the
list of the top 30 shares listed. The list contains 14 new names. The mix has
changed as we have realised profits from some of our larger investments, while
the value of some others has, meanwhile, been driven up by increased investor
interest in their defensive characteristics. One such holding is BSS Group, a
distributor of heating and plumbing equipment to both the industrial and
domestic markets. A new management team is having a positive impact on
developing the profitability of the business and during a period of falling
stock markets this company has enjoyed an increase of 25.5% in its share
Dividend & Share Buy-backs
For some time I have been warning that a slowdown in Company earnings placed
some constraint on our ability to raise dividends. However, in the six months
under review, your Board has again been able to increase the dividend without
recourse to our substantial revenue reserve. We have decided on a rise of 2.3%
in the interim dividend, which is broadly in line with inflation. At the AGM
in July, authority was granted for 14.9% of the outstanding shares to be
bought in for cancellation, if that was deemed appropriate by your Board. The
number of individual shareholders, investing directly or through a number of
excellent saving schemes run by F&C Management has continued to rise year on
year. In the past six months the number of new shareholders invested through
these various schemes has risen to over 8,850, while the total number of
shareholders has increased by some 3.5% in the past 12 months.
Share price volatility shows no sign of abating, increasing the attraction of
collective investment vehicles. Smaller company markets continue to offer
exciting potential, currently at better value than in the recent past. We
shall continue to seek out opportunities across all sectors and major
geographic regions, and should be well placed to benefit from a recovery in
economic growth.
Sarah Hogg
17 December 2001
Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results for the half year ended 31 October
Balance Sheet
at 31 at 31 at 30
Oct Oct April
2001 2000 2001
£'000s £'000s £'000s
Fixed assets
Investments 227,714 314,943 284,064
Current assets
Debtors 1,560 3,100 1,902
Cash at bank and short term deposits 27,203 16,739 23,083
28,763 19,839 24,985
Current liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year:
Foreign currency and sterling loans (20,476) (22,345) (20,558)
Other (2,576) (5,140) (3,518)
(23,052) (27,485) (24,076)
Net current asset/(liabilities) 5,711 (7,646) 909
Total assets less current liabilities 233,425 307,297 284,973
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one
Sterling loan - (5,000) (5,000)
Debenture (10,000) (10,000) (10,000)
Net assets 223,425 297,297 274,930
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 23,429 23,845 23,547
Capital redemption reserve 2,754 2,338 2,636
Share premium 23,132 23,132 23,132
Capital reserves 167,524 241,598 220,117
Revenue reserve 6,586 6,384 5,498
Total shareholders' funds 223,425 297,297 274,930
Net asset value per share - pence 238.41 311.70 291.89
Geographical distribution of total assets less current liabilities (excluding
loans) at 31 October 2001 was United Kingdom 49%; USA 22%; Japan 11%; Europe
13%; Far East and others 5%.
Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results for the half year ended 31 October
Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account*)
-6 months to 31 October- -6 months to 31 October-
- 2001 - - 2000 -
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s
Gains and losses on - (50,782) (50,782) - (12,851) (12,851)
Exchange gains and losses 7 68 75 (6) (986) (992)
Income 3,486 - 3,486 3,393 - 3,393
Management fee (225) (526) (751) (209) (487) (696)
Other expenses (312) (17) (329) (265) (10) (275)
Net return before finance
costs and taxation 2,956 (51,257) (48,301) 2,913 (14,334) (11,421)
Interest payable and (231) (539) (770) (246) (573) (819)
similar charges
Return on ordinary
Activities before taxation 2,725 (51,796) (49,071) 2,667 (14,907) (12,240)
Taxation on ordinary (381) 303 (78) (246) 171 (75)
Return attributable to
equity shareholders 2,344 (51,493) (49,149) 2,421 (14,736) (12,315)
Dividends on ordinary
shares (equity) (1,256) - (1,256) (1,247) - (1,247)
Amount transferred to/ 1,088 (51,493) (50,405) 1,174 (14,736) (13,562)
(from) reserves
Return per ordinary share - 2.50 (54.84) (52.34) 2.53 (15.40) (12.87)
* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results the half year ended 31 October 2001
Cash Flow Statement
6 months to 6 months to
31 Oct 2001 31 Oct 2000
£'000s £'000s
Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,289 2,114
Cash outflow from the servicing of finance (808) (805)
Total tax paid (125) (80)
Net cash inflow from financial investment 6,365 15,969
Equity dividends paid (2,487) (2,397)
Net cash inflow before use of liquid resources 5,234 14,801
and financing
Increase in short term deposits (2,865) (13,901)
Net cash outflow from financing (1,096) (2,714)
Increase/(decrease) in cash during the period 1,273 (1,814)
During the half year to 31 October 2001 the Company purchased for cancellation
475,000 ordinary shares of 25p at a total cost of £1,100,000.
The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 1.34p per share payable on
1 February 2002 to shareholders registered on 31 December 2001.
The interim Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on or around 3
January 2002. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the
Company's Registered Office, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY.
By order of the Board
F&C Management Limited - Secretary
18 December 2001