(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2021/303811/06
JSE Share Code: TGA
LSE Share Code: TGA
ISIN: ZAE000296554
Tax number: 9111917259
('Company' or 'Thungela Resources')
At the inaugural (1st) annual general meeting ("AGM") of the shareholders of Thungela Resources held on Tuesday, 24 May 2022, all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed at the AGM were approved by the requisite majority of votes, save for special resolution number 1 relating to the general authority to acquire the Company's own ordinary shares. In this regard, the Company confirms the voting statistics from the AGM as follows:
Resolutions |
Votes cast disclosed as a percentage in relation to the total number of shares voted at the meeting
Number of shares voted |
Shares voted disclosed as a percentage in relation to the total issued shares*
Shares abstained disclosed as a percentage in relation to the total issued shares*
For |
Against |
Ordinary resolutions: |
1. Re-appointment of the independent external auditor |
99.68% |
0.32% |
68 982 960 |
50.61% |
0.09% |
2.1 Re-election of retiring director: SS Ntsaluba |
92.90% |
7.10% |
68 974 691 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
2.2 Re-election of retiring director: KW Mzondeki |
90.43% |
9.57% |
68 974 726 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
2.3 Re-election of retiring director: TML Setiloane |
99.68% |
0.32% |
68 974 690 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
2.4 Re-election of retiring director: BM Kodisang |
93.67% |
6.33% |
68 960 290 |
50.59% |
0.10% |
2.5 Re-election of retiring director: SG French |
97.41% |
2.59% |
68 974 786 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
2.6 Re-election of retiring director: J Ndlovu |
98.82% |
1.18% |
68 977 995 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
2.7 Re-election of retiring director: GF Smith |
99.26% |
0.74% |
68 978 091 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
3.1 Election of audit committee member: KW Mzondeki |
97.51% |
2.49% |
68 974 622 |
50.50% |
0.09% |
3.2 Election of audit committee member: TML Setiloane |
99.09% |
0.91% |
68 974 644 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
3.3 Election of audit committee member: BM Kodisang |
97.36% |
2.64% |
68 973 198 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
4.1 Non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration policy |
94.00% |
6.00% |
68 967 802 |
50.60% |
0.10% |
4.2 Non-binding advisory vote on the implementation report |
91.11% |
8.89% |
68 967 847 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
5. General authority for directors to allot and issue ordinary shares |
82.36% |
17.64% |
68 984 426 |
50.61% |
0.09% |
6. Authorisation to sign documents to give effect to resolutions |
97.82% |
2.18% |
68 979 819 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
Special Resolutions: |
1. General authority to acquire the Company's own ordinary shares |
66.77% |
33.23% |
68 798 724 |
50.47% |
0.22% |
2. Remuneration payable to non-executive directors |
98.25% |
1.75% |
68 957 871 |
50.59% |
0.10% |
3. Granting of financial assistance in terms of sections 44 and 45 of the Companies Act of South Africa |
96.81% |
3.19% |
68 970 251 |
50.60% |
0.09% |
*Total issued shares are 136 311 808.
The special resolutions will, where necessary, be lodged for registration with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission in due course.
25 May 2022
Company Secretary
Francois Klem
Investor Relations
Ryan Africa
Media Contacts
Tarryn Genis
UK Financial adviser and corporate broker
Liberum Capital Limited
Tel: +44 20 3100 2000
Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)