Holding(s) in Company

9 August 2006 1pm plc ("1pm" or the "Company") Holdings in Company The Company has been informed that Wills and Co has sold 12,500,000 Ordinary Shares in the Company to certain of its private customers. In addition, Hoodless Brennan plc has sold 7,500,000 Ordinary Shares in the Company, also to certain of its private customers. As a result of these transactions, neither holds a notifiable interest in the Company. In addition, the Company has been informed by SVS Securities plc that it has sold 5,804,681 Ordinary Shares in the Company to a number of its private customers. As a result it too no longer holds a notifiable interest in the Company. Enquiries: 1pm plc John Stickley 08707 397 397 Managing Director ARM Corporate Finance Limited Nick Harriss 020 7512 0191
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