Tissue Regenix Group Plc
("Tissue Regenix" or "the Company")
Employee SAYE Share Plan
The Company has established a H.M. Revenue and Customs "HMRC" approved Save As You Earn option scheme (the "Scheme"), effective over a three year period from 10 June 2015, at a fixed price of 16.34p per share.
All employees, including the Directors of the Company, will be entitled to participate in the Scheme under the same terms. Current HMRC rules allow employees to invest up to a maximum of £500 per month. Should an employee choose to invest the maximum amount it would result in them being entitled to buy 110,159 shares at the end of the three year period. However, participants may opt to withdraw from the Scheme, recovering any funds that they may have paid into the scheme.
It is envisaged that Antony Odell, Chief Executive Officer and Ian Jefferson, Chief Financial Officer will participate in the scheme. This notification is therefore made due to the potential beneficial interest of these Directors.
For Further Information
Tissue Regenix Group Plc: +44 19 0443 5176
Antony Odell
Ian Jefferson
Jefferies International Ltd: +44 20 7029 8000
Simon Hardy
Harry Nicholas
Tulchan Communications: +44 207 353 4200
Tom Buchanan
Victoria Huxster
About Tissue Regenix
In November 2012 Tissue Regenix Group plc set up a subsidiary company in the United States- 'Tissue Regenix Wound Care Inc.', as part of its commercialisation strategy for its dCELL® technology platform.