Detailed Interim Results 1/5
Toyota Motor Corporation
24 December 2002
1. Semi-Annual Consolidated Financial Statements, etc.
(1) Semi-Annual Consolidated Financial Statements
(a) Semi-Annual Consolidated Balance Sheets (In millions of yen)
FY2002 semi-annual FY2003 semi-annual FY2002 selected data
(As of September 30, 2001) (As of September 30,2002) (As of March 31, 2002)
Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Amount Percentage
(Assets) % % %
I Current assets
1. Cash and deposits 1,124,697 1,042,984 707,233
2. Trade notes and accounts receivable 1,407,435 1,317,877 1,561,623
3. Marketable securities 1,264,925 1,447,001 1,605,460
4. Inventories 918,718 986,311 1,022,718
5. Installment credit from dealers 2,716,279 3,480,274 3,334,357
6. Short-term loans 1,135,084 1,260,688 1,192,054
7. Deferred income taxes 368,496 383,622 379,668
8. Other 534,730 812,948 718,693
9. Less: allowance for doubtful accounts (68,971) (120,339) (110,843)
Total current assets 9,401,394 51.4 10,611,370 53.2 10,410,966 52.3
II Fixed assets
(1) Property, plant and equipment *1
1. Buildings and structures 1,190,186 1,215,000 1,230,871
2. Machinery and equipment 1,106,401 1,174,074 1,179,305
3. Vehicles and delivery equipment *2 1,118,180 1,237,833 1,269,275
4. Land 1,055,608 1,078,622 1,070,869
5. Construction in progress 164,266 268,288 270,497
6. Other 416,051 433,430 416,958
Total property, plant and equipment 5,050,695 27.6 5,407,249 27.1 5,437,777 27.4
(2) Intangible fixed assets
Software 4,278 4,116 4,328
Total intangible fixed assets 4,278 0.0 4,116 0.0 4,328 0.0
(3) Investments and other assets
1. Investments in securities 2,678,266 2,599,479 2,642,122
2. Long-term loans 691,425 727,049 796,349
3. Deferred income taxes 392,614 327,816 465,193
4. Other 102,533 299,042 159,450
5. Less: allowance for doubtful accounts (24,465) (19,187) (27,251)
Total investments and other assets 3,840,373 21.0 3,934,200 19.7 4,035,865 20.3
Total fixed assets 8,895,347 48.6 9,345,567 46.8 9,477,970 47.7
Total assets 18,296,742 100.0 19,956,937 100.0 19,888,937 100.0
(In millions of yen)
FY2002 semi-annual FY2003 semi-annual FY2002 selected data
(As of September 30, 2001) (As of September 30, 2002) (As of March 31, 2002)
Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Amount Percentage
(Liabilities) % % %
I Current liabilities
1. Trade notes and accounts payable 1,340,797 1,420,607 1,483,170
2. Current portion of bonds 849,363 1,008,708 1,020,930
3. Short-term borrowings 1,136,140 1,042,581 1,104,365
4. Commercial paper -- 1,102,701 --
5. Accrued expenses and other accounts payable 1,054,462 1,170,114 1,203,969
6. Income taxes payable 256,947 309,352 339,304
7. Deferred income taxes 695 1,391 1,769
8. Allowance for product warranties 201,356 240,397 229,246
9. Allowance for employee bonus 45,241 35,679 35,838
10.Other 1,379,908 833,916 1,764,476
Total current liabilities 6,264,913 34.2 7,165,451 35.9 7,183,071 36.1
II Long-term liabilities
1. Bonds 2,874,677 3,231,027 3,132,372
2. Convertible debentures 13,308 -- 13,308
3. Long-term borrowings * 529,334 467,989 481,007
4. Deferred income taxes 350,149 338,381 398,273
5. Allowance for retirement benefits 745,004 674,750 769,714
6. Other 18,008 96,184 121,897
Total long-term liabilities 4,530,482 24.8 4,808,334 24.1 4,916,572 24.8
Total liabilities 10,795,395 59.0 11,973,785 60.0 12,099,644 60.9
(Minority interest)
Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries 456,828 2.5 472,094 2.4 464,220 2.3
(Shareholders' equity)
I Common stock 397,049 2.2 -- -- 397,049 2.0
II Capital reserve 415,150 2.3 -- -- 415,150 2.1
III Consolidated earned surplus 6,253,584 34.1 -- -- 6,527,956 32.8
IV Net unrealized gains on other securities 168,926 0.9 -- -- 152,809 0.8
V Translation adjustments (151,885) (0.8) -- -- 22,855 0.1
7,082,826 38.7 -- -- 7,515,821 37.8
VI Less: treasury stock (4,270) (0.0) -- -- (157,766) (0.8)
VII Less: common stock of the Parent held by (34,038) (0.2) -- -- (32,983) (0.2)
consolidated subsidiaries
Total shareholders' equity 7,044,517 38.5 -- -- 7,325,072 36.8
I Common stock -- -- 397,049 2.0 -- --
II Capital surplus -- -- 415,769 2.1 -- --
III Retained earnings -- -- 6,884,863 34.5 -- --
IV Net unrealized gains on other securities -- -- 151,609 0.7 -- --
V Translation adjustments -- -- (83,968) (0.4) -- --
VI Less: treasury stock -- -- (254,265) (1.3) -- --
Total shareholders' equity -- -- 7,511,057 37.6 -- --
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 18,296,742 100.0 19,956,937 100.0 19,888,937 100.0
(b) Semi--Annual Consolidated Statements of Income (In millions of yen)
FY2002 semi-annual FY2003 semi-annual FY2002 selected data
April 1, 2001 through April 1, 2002 through April 1, 2001 through
September 30, 2001 September 30, 2002 March 31, 2002
Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Amount Percentage
% % %
I Net sales 6,833,560 100.0 7,886,681 100.0 15,106,297 100.0
II Cost of 5,231,678 76.6 5,933,485 75.2 11,518,782 76.3
Gross profit 1,601,882 23.4 1,953,196 24.8 3,587,515 23.7
III Selling,
general and
1. Freight 98,552 104,463 211,293
2. Selling 192,218 179,301 388,881
3. Advertiseme 130,360 136,710 331,903
4. Provision for 76,734 102,738 180,100
5. Salaries and 273,665 310,529 615,181
6. Provision for 24,314 22,180 23,233
employee bonus
7. Net periodic 13,036 21,348 43,435
pension cost
8. Depreciation 39,417 43,814 88,581
and amortization
9. Provision for 10,798 47,097 59,389
doubtful accounts
10. Amortization 1,888 10,711 1,649
of goodwill
11. Other 234,313 1,095,301 16.0 243,471 1,222,368 15.5 520,395 2,464,044 16.3
Operating income 506,581 7.4 730,827 9.3 1,123,470 7.4
IV Non-operati
ng income
1. Interest 27,546 23,072 46,958
2. Dividend 7,161 6,466 8,691
3. Gains on sale 5,165 1,767 12,147
of securities
4. Gains on 13,715 5,533 36,262
foreign exchange
5. Equity in 21,344 51,627 15,046
earnings of
6. Other 47,368 122,301 1.8 67,403 155,871 2.0 125,004 244,111 1.6
V Non-operatin
g expenses
1. Interest 17,690 15,426 29,838
2. Interest on 911 459 2,151
commercial paper
3. Loss on 14,906 25,820 52,637
disposal of fixed
4. Unrealized 10,788 2,034 30,782
holding loss on
5. Reduction 68 547 6,082
of acquisition
cost of fixed
6. Donations 3,063 3,806 7,593
7. Other 54,802 102,232 1.5 44,575 92,671 1.2 124,971 254,057 1.6
Ordinary income 526,649 7.7 794,028 10.1 1,113,524 7.4
VI Extraordina
ry gains
Gains on return -- -- -- 186,050 186,050 2.3 -- -- --
of substituted
portion of
employee pension
Income before 526,649 7.7 980,078 12.4 1,113,524 7.4
income taxes and
minority interest
in consolidated
Income taxes - 266,806 334,162 591,327
Income taxes - (37,607) 229,198 3.3 59,338 393,500 5.0 (111,169) 480,158 3.2
Minority interest 6,337 0.1 32,780 0.4 17,541 0.1
in consolidated
Net income 291,114 4.3 553,797 7.0 615,824 4.1
(c) Semi-Annual Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings and Capital Surplus (In millions of yen)
FY2002 semi-annual FY2003 semi-annual FY2002
April 1, 2001 through April 1, 2002 through April 1, 2001 through
September 30, 2001 September 30, 2002 March 31, 2002
Amount Amount Amount
I Consolidated 6,162,656 -- 6,162,656
earned surplus at
beginning of period
II Decreases in
consolidated earned
1. Dividends 50,905 -- 98,638
2. Bonuses to 2,096 -- 2,050
directors and
corporate auditors
3. Decrease resulting 16,817 -- 16,742
from increase in
4. Decrease resulting 1,148 -- 3,874
from decrease in
5. Decrease 129,218 200,186 -- -- 129,218 250,524
resulting from share
retirement by the
parent company
III Net income 291,114 -- 615,824
IV Consolidated 6,253,584 -- 6,527,956
earned surplus at end
of period
(Capital surplus)
I Capital surplus
at beginning of
Capital reserve -- -- 415,150 415,150 -- --
at beginning of
II Increase in
capital surplus
Gain on disposal -- -- 619 619 -- --
of treasury stock
III Capital -- 415,769 --
surplus at end of
(Retained earnings)
I Retained
earnings at beginning
of period
Consolidated -- -- 6,527,956 6,527,956 -- --
earned surplus at
beginning of period
II Increases in
retained earnings
1. Net income -- 553,797 --
2. Increase -- 1,496 --
resulting from
decrease in
3. Increase resulting -- -- 272 555,567 -- --
from increase in
affiliates accounted
for under the equity
III Decreases in
retained earnings
1. Dividends -- 53,342 --
2. Bonuses to -- 2,316 --
directors and
corporate auditors
3. Decrease resulting -- 9 --
from increase in
4. Decrease resulting -- -- 142,992 198,660 -- --
from retirement of
share by the parent
IV Retained -- 6,884,863 --
earnings at end of
(d) Semi--Annual Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (In millions of yen)
FY2002 semi-annual FY2003 semi-annual FY2002
April 1, 2001 through April 1, 2002 through April 1, 2001 through
September 30, 2001 September 30, 2002 March 31, 2002
Amount Amount Amount
I Cash flows from operating
1. Income before income taxes and 526,649 980,078 1,113,524
minority interest in consolidated
2. Depreciation expenses 382,075 416,044 803,607
3. Losses on disposal of fixed 14,906 25,820 52,637
4. Increase (Decrease) in 38,908 (181,472) 131,187
allowance for retirement benefits
5. Interest and dividend income (34,707) (29,539) (55,649)
6. Interest expenses 18,602 15,886 31,990
7. Equity in earnings of (21,344) (51,627) (15,046)
8. Increase in trade notes and (68,923) (143,035) (583,422)
accounts receivable
9. Increase in loans receivable (58,889) (98,704) (91,321)
of consolidated financial
10. Decrease in inventories 67,788 7,805 11,512
11. Increase (Decrease) in trade (113,443) (45,766) 14,686
notes and accounts payable
12. Other (40,935) (4,133) (174,576)
Subtotal 710,687 891,355 1,239,130
13. Interest and dividends 43,310 38,860 68,454
14. Interest paid (18,860) (15,574) (31,475)
15. Income taxes paid (281,813) (382,641) (516,959)
Cash flows from operating 453,325 532,001 759,149
(In millions of yen)
FY2002 semi-annual FY2003 semi-annual FY2002
April 1, 2001 through April 1, 2002 through April 1, 2001 through
September 30, 2001 September 30, 2002 March 31, 2002
Amount Amount Amount
II Cash flows from
investing activities
1. Net decrease 25,458 (11,248) 34,828
(increase) in time deposits
2. Payments for purchase (203,139) (483,502) (667,893)
of marketable securities and
investments in securities
3. Proceeds from sales of 82,373 107,632 159,139
marketable securities and
investments in securities
4. Proceeds from 300,377 462,247 604,080
redemption of marketable
securities and investments in
5. Payments for (461,419) (533,773) (961,402)
acquisition of property, plant
and equipment (excluding
vehicles for lease)
6. Payments for (287,774) (256,877) (566,690)
acquisition of vehicles for
7. Proceeds from sales of 32,050 31,605 65,119
property, plant and equipment
(excluding vehicles for lease)
8. Proceeds from sales of 234,186 126,598 408,422
vehicles for lease
9. Other (34,770) 34,403 (29,635)
Cash flows from investing (312,656) (522,914) (954,031)
III Cash flows from
financing activities
1. Net increase 90,571 (72,158) 26,112
(decrease) in short-term
2. Net increase (decrease) (176,912) 207,884 78,331
in commercial papers
3. Proceeds from 111,612 49,762 261,823
origination of long-term
4. Payments for repayment (102,795) (63,047) (293,559)
of long-term borrowings
5. Proceeds from issuance 734,130 840,917 1,493,896
of bonds
6. Payments for redemption (244,134) (498,603) (830,294)
of bonds
7. Payments for purchase (129,218) (169,213) (282,849)
of treasury stock
8. Dividends paid (50,905) (53,342) (98,638)
9. Other (4,818) (5,089) (6,816)
Cash flows from financing 227,530 237,111 348,005
IV Effect of exchange (10,741) (40,937) 32,375
rate changes on cash and cash
V Net increase in cash and 357,457 205,261 185,499
cash equivalents
VI Cash and cash 1,507,280 1,688,126 1,507,280
equivalents at beginning of
VII Decrease in cash and (4,654) -- (4,654)
cash equivalents due to change
in scope of consolidated
VIII Cash and cash 1,860,083 1,893,387 1,688,126
equivalents at end of period
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange