Final Results - Part 2
20 June 2000
Unaudited consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 March 2000
Notes Contin- Acquisi- Total Discont- Total
uing tions contin- inued
operat- uing opera-
ions opera- tions
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover: Group 70,472 25,810 96,282 5,390 101,672 98,750
and share of
joint ventures
Less: share of
joint ventures' - (5,570) (5,570) - (5,570) -
turnover ----------------------------------------------
Group turnover 1 70,472 20,240 90,712 5,390 96,102 98,750
Cost of sales (756) (11,055)(11,811) (2,137)(13,948)(18,701)
Gross profit 1 69,716 9,185 78,901 3,253 82,154 80,049
expenses (49,667) (9,437) (59,104) (585) (59,689) (47,177)
Group operating 1 23,814 3,997 27,811 2,772 30,583 35,981
profit before
amortisation and
Depreciation 1 (3,699) (597) (4,296) (104) (4,400) (3,135)
Amortisation of 1
intangible assets (66) (2,147) (2,213) - (2,213) 26
Group operating 1 20,049 1,253 21,302 2,668 23,970 32,872
profit before
costs - (1,505) (1,505) - (1,505) -
Group operating 1 20,049 (252) 19,797 2,668 22,465 32,872
Share of
operating loss in - (792) (792) - (792) -
joint ventures
Total operating 20,049 (1,044) 19,005 2,668 21,673 32,872
Group and share
of joint ventures
(Loss)/profit on (47) 3,818
sale of investment
Profit on sale of 7 992 76
Loss on sale of 7 (21,471) -
property business
Net interest 2 (5,638) (15,712)
(Loss)/profit on (4,491) 21,054
ordinary activities
before taxation
Taxation on 3
(loss)/profit on (732) (3,645)
ordinary activities ---------------
(Loss)/profit (5,223) 17,409
attributable to
Dividends 4 (9,759) (7,735)
(loss)/profit for (14,982) 9,674
the year ---------------
Earnings per 5 (1.10)p 3.94p
Diluted earnings 5 (1.09)p 3.91p
per share
Earnings per 5 2.36p 1.82p
share derived
from continuing
Unaudited balance sheets
31 March 2000
2000 1999 2000 1999
Group Group Company Company
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Goodwill 80,437 - - -
Negative goodwill (5,830) (5,930) - -
Other intangible assets 14,772 - -
Intangible assets 89,379 (5,930) - -
Tangible assets 139,885 104,160 780 436
Investment properties 109,461 231,318 - -
Investments in joint ventures:
-share of gross assets 31,307 - - -
-share of gross liabilities (24,480) - - -
6,827 - - -
Trade investments 24,644 - - -
Investments in subsidiaries - - 91,559 59,095
Investments 31,471 - 91,559 59,095
370,196 329,548 92,339 59,531
Current assets
Development properties - 86,486 - -
Stock 775 497 - -
Debtors 54,424 29,769 273,480 407,674
Cash at bank and in hand 13,452 11,036 8,624 2,203
68,651 127,788 282,104 409,877
Current liabilities
Creditors - amounts falling due
within one year (52,607) (37,866) (27,859) (117,062)
Net current assets 16,044 89,922 254,245 292,815
Total assets less current 386,240 419,470 346,584 352,346
Creditors - amounts falling due (108,343)(190,672) (60,578) (126,125)
after more than one year
Accruals and deferred income (830) (916) - -
Provisions for liabilities and (5,439) (602) - -
Net assets 271,628 227,280 286,006 226,221
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 50,695 44,202 50,695 44,202
Share premium account 136,304 85,186 136,304 85,186
Capital reserve 49,634 46,043 69,653 69,653
Revaluation reserve 3,391 3,943 - -
Profit and loss account 30,307 46,609 29,354 27,180
Equity shareholders' funds 270,331 225,983 286,006 226,221
Equity minority interests 1,297 1,297 - -
Capital employed 271,628 227,280 286,006 226,221
Unaudited consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 March 2000
2000 2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating 29,212 47,742
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received 4,359 1,869
Interest paid (10,831) (17,776)
Interest element of finance lease
and hire purchase repayments (588) (675)
-------- --------
Net cash outflow from returns on (7,060) (16,582)
investments and servicing of
Taxation (2,522) (3,768)
Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (12,463) (1,629)
Sale of investment properties 6,953 33,746
Purchase of investment properties (4,877) (25,635)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 211 48
Grant received - 1,188
------- --------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow for (10,176) 7,718
capital expenditure and financial
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiaries (31,375) (1,969)
(including costs of acquisition)
Purchase of other business (21,175) -
Sale of property business 169,993 -
Transaction costs in respect of (16,211) -
sale of property business
Sale of trade investments 8,198 618
Other acquisitions and disposals 915 -
Net cash acquired with
subsidiaries 1,070 441
-------- -------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) for 111,415 (910)
acquisitions and disposals
Equity dividends paid (8,177) (7,735)
Management of liquid resources
Cash (placed on)/withdrawn from (4,030) 2,795
Purchase of US securities (1,269) (964)
------- -------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from (5,299) 1,831
management of liquid resources
Share options exercised 163 -
Bank loans drawn down 23,608 48,202
Repayment of bank loans (132,693) (73,016)
Capital element of finance lease
and hire purchase repayments (1,733) (1,323)
------- -------
Net cash outflow in respect of (110,655) (26,137)
financing -------------------------
(Decrease)/increase in net cash
in the year (3,262) 2,159
Unaudited consolidated statement of
total recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 March 2000
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
(Loss)/profit attributable to shareholders (5,223) 17,409
Unrealised surplus/(deficit) on revaluation 834 (4,114)
of investment properties
Exchange differences on overseas investments (2,706) (297)
Total net (losses)/gains for the year (7,095) 12,998
Unaudited historical cost profits and
for the year ended 31 March 2000
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before (4,491) 21,054
Realised revaluation surplus/(deficit) of 1,386 (589)
previous years
Taxation on (loss)/profit on ordinary (732) (3,645)
Historical cost (loss)/profit on ordinary (3,837) 16,820
activities after taxation
Dividends (9,759) (7,735)
Retained historical cost (loss)/profits for (13,596) 9,085
the year -------------------
1. Segmental information
Business analysis
Turnover from airport operations has
been analysed to separately identify
traffic income (which now includes
income related to passenger numbers in
addition to aircraft movements),
commercial income and tenant income.
This is a change from previous analyses,
and has been reflected in the
comparative amounts because the
directors believe this provides a more
relevant indication of the relative
performance of the various elements of
the business.
In the segmental information below,
airport ownership relates to airports
which are either owned or operated under
long term interests.
Contin- Acquisi- Total Disconti- Total Restat-
uing tions contin- nued ed
operat- uing operat-
ions operat- ions
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Group turnover
Airport Traffic 43,151 3,584 46,735 - 46,735 39,170
Ownership income
Commercial 15,031 1,084 16,115 - 16,115 16,206
Tenant 5,885 399 6,284 - 6,284 5,409
Airport - 13,452 13,452 - 13,452 -
Airport Management - 1,721 1,721 - 1,721 -
64,067 20,240 84,307 - 84,307 60,785
Property - - - 5,390 5,390 34,291
Other operations 6,405 - 6,405 - 6,405 3,674
70,472 20,240 90,712 5,390 96,102 98,750
Gross profit
Airport Traffic 43,151 3,584 46,735 - 46,735 39,170
Ownership income
Commercial 15,031 1,084 16,115 - 16,115 16,206
Tenant 5,885 399 6,284 - 6,284 5,329
Airport - 2,628 2,628 - 2,628 -
Airport Management - 1,490 1,490 - 1,490 -
64,067 9,185 73,252 - 73,252 60,705
Property - - - 3,253 3,253 15,670
Other operations 5,649 - 5,649 - 5,649 3,674
69,716 9,185 78,901 3,253 82,154 80,049
Group operating
profit before
amortisation and
reorganisation costs
Airport Ownership 28,139 1,625 29,764 - 29,764 26,516
Airport Services - 1,803 1,803 - 1,803 -
Airport Management - 1,178 1,178 - 1,178 -
28,139 4,606 32,745 - 32,745 26,516
Property - - - 2,772 2,772 13,725
Other operations 1,318 - 1,318 - 1,318 938
Head office costs (5,643) (609) (6,252) - (6,252) (5,198)
23,814 3,997 27,811 2,772 30,583 35,981
Depreciation -------------------------------------------------
Airports (2,754) (597) (3,351) - (3,351) (2,396)
Property - - - (104) (104) (75)
Other operations (708) - (708) - (708) (377)
Head office costs (237) - (237) - (237) (287)
(3,699) (597) (4,296) (104) (4,400) (3,135)
Amortisation of
intangible assets
Airports 33 (2,147) (2,114) - (2,114) 77
Property - - - - - -
Other operations (99) - (99) - (99) (51)
Head office costs - - - - - -
(66) (2,147) (2,213) - (2,213) 26
Group operating
profit before
reorganisation costs
Airports 25,418 1,862 27,280 - 27,280 24,197
Property - - - 2,668 2,668 13,650
Other operations 511 - 511 - 511 510
Head office costs (5,880) (609) (6,489) - (6,489) (5,485)
20,049 1,253 21,302 2,668 23,970 32,872
Group operating
Airports 25,418 357 25,775 - 25,775 24,197
Property - - - 2,668 2,668 13,650
Other operations 511 - 511 - 511 510
Head office costs (5,880) (609) (6,489) - (6,489) (5,485)
20,049 (252) 19,797 2,668 22,465 32,872
(Loss)/profit on
ordinary activities
before taxation
Airports 25,418 (435) 24,983 - 24,983 24,197
Property - - - 2,621 2,621 17,468
Other operations 511 - 511 - 511 586
Head office costs (5,880) (609) (6,489) - (6,489) (5,485)
Exceptional items - 992 992 (21,471) (20,479) -
Net interest (4,166) (369) (4,535) (1,103) (5,638) (15,712)
15,883 (421) 15,462 (19,953) (4,491) 21,054
The exceptional items, included in the
profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation table above, represent
the profit on the sale of 29% of
Northern Territories Airports of some
£1.0 million, and the loss on sale of
the property business of some £21.5
million as shown in Note 7.
The 1999 operating profit was analysed
as follows:
Continuing Discontinued Total
operations operations
£'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 63,942 34,808 98,750
Gross profit 63,862 16,187 80,049
Administrative expenses, (41,549) (2,519) (44,068)
excluding depreciation -------------------------------------
and amortisation of
intangible assets
Operating profit before 22,313 13,668 35,981
depreciation and
amortisation of
intangible assets
Depreciation (3,000) (135) (3,135)
Amortisation of 50 (24) 26
intangible assets -------------------------------------
Operating profit 19,363 13,509 32,872
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Net assets
Airports 316,458 208,801
Property - 190,739
Other operations 33,157 14,931
Net debt (Note 8) (77,987) (187,191)
271,628 227,280
Other operations include the hotel,
aircraft and unallocated head office
assets and liabilities.
Geographical analysis (origin and destination)
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Turnover United Kingdom 64,159 86,646
Rest of Europe 4,552 3,146
North America 22,255 8,958
South America 5,136 -
96,102 98,750
Profit before interest United 20,550 34,895
and taxation Kingdom*
Rest of Europe (770) (457)
North America 280 2,328
South America 1,510 -
Australasia** 1,048 -
22,618 36,766
*This excludes the loss on sale of the
property business
** This includes the profit arising on the Group's disposal of 29.1%
of Northern Territories Airports PTY Limited.
Net assets United Kingdom 137,570 208,378
Rest of Europe 25,290 6,516
North America* 79,975 12,386
South America 1,069 -
Australasia 27,724 -
271,628 227,280
*The goodwill arising on the acquired
operations has been allocated to North
2. Net interest 2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Interest payable and similar charges
Continuing operations
Interest payable on bank and similar 8,663 8,636
Interest on finance lease and hire 586 673
purchase arrangements
Bank charges 29 65
Group's share of joint ventures' 692 -
interest charges ---------------------
9,970 9,374
Discontinued operations
Interest payable on bank and similar 632 5,915
Debenture interest 442 2,012
Interest on finance lease and hire 2 2
purchase arrangements
Bank charges 48 277
1,124 8,206
Total 11,094 17,580
Interest receivable and similar income
Continuing operations
Short term deposits and corporate 3,426 1,322
Interest receivable from other 2,009 -
investments --------------------
5,435 1,322
Discontinued operations --------------------
Short term deposits and corporate 21 546
bonds --------------------
21 546
Total 5,456 1,868
Net interest payable
Continuing operations 4,535 8,052
Discontinued operations 1,103 7,660
Total 5,638 15,712
The net interest expense relating to discontinued operations
represents interest on loans and deposits specifically attributed to
the Group's property business.
3. Taxation
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
The charge for taxation is made up
as follows:
Continuing operations
Airport and other operations
Current year
UK corporation tax at 30% 3,345 3,286
Deferred taxation 155 -
Share of joint ventures' taxation - -
Overseas taxation 724 -
Prior years
UK corporation taxation (582) -
Deferred taxation 568 -
4,210 3,286
Discontinued operations -----------------------
Property and other operations
Current year
UK corporation tax at 30% (3,478) 359
(3,478) 359
Total 732 3,645
Included within overseas taxation from
continuing operations there is a
taxation charge of £160,000 in respect
of the profit arising on the Group's
disposal of 29.1% of Northern
Territories PTY Limited. In addition,
included within UK corporation tax from
discontinued operations there is a
taxation credit of some £3.5 million in
respect of the loss arising on the sale
of the property business.
As at 31 March 2000, losses estimated at
£20 million (1999 : £23 million) were
available to be carried forward for
taxation purposes and offset against
future taxable profits.
The taxation relating to discontinued
operations arises in respect of the
companies engaged in the carrying on and
financing of the Group's property
4. Dividends
2000 1999 2000 1999
Pence per Pence per £'000 £'000
share share
Interim dividend - paid 0.60 0.50 2,652 2,210
Final dividend - 1.40 1.25 7,107 5,525
proposed --------------------------------------
2.00 1.75 9,759 7,735
5. Earnings per share
Earnings per share have been calculated
in accordance with FRS 14, 'earnings per
share', by dividing the (loss)/profit
attributable to shareholders for the
year by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the
year, based on the following
Year ended Year ended
31 March 2000 31 March 1999
(Loss)/profit attributable to (5,223) 17,409
shareholders (£'000)
Earnings from continuing operations 11,252 8,025
Basic weighted average share capital 476 442
(number of shares, million)
Diluted weighted average share capital 479 446
(number of shares, million)
The difference between the basic and the diluted weighted average
number of shares is wholly attributable to outstanding share options.
The calculation of earnings per share
from continuing operations is based on
the following analysis:
Year to 31 Year to 31
March 2000 March 1999
Continuing operations
Turnover 90,712 63,492
Operating profit before reorganisation 20,510 19,363
Non-recurring items* (513) -
Profit on ordinary activities before 19,997 19,363
interest and taxation
Net interest expense (4,535) (8,052)
Profit on ordinary activities before 15,462 11,311
Taxation on profit on ordinary (4,210) (3,286)
activities -----------------------
Profit for the financial period 11,252 8,025
Discontinued operations
Turnover 5,390 34,808
Operating profit before reorganisation 2,668 13,509
Non-recurring items** (21,518) 3,894
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (18,850) 17,403
before interest and taxation
Net interest expense (1,103) (7,660)
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (19,953) 9,743
before taxation
Taxation on (loss)/profit on ordinary 3,478 (359)
activities ------------------------
(Loss)/profit for the financial period (16,475) 9,384
Total operations ------------------------
(Loss)/profit for the financial period (5,223) 17,409
*This includes reorganisation costs of
£1.5 million and the profit recognised
on the partial sale of Northern
Territories Airports PTY Limited of £1
**This relates to the loss on the sale
of the property business and the loss on
sale of investment properties.
The directors believe that it is
appropriate to calculate earnings per
share on continuing operations because
the year ended 31 March 2000 is a
transitional year for the Group with
significant non-recurring items
6. Principal acquisitions
Airport Group International
During the year, the Group acquired the
entire issued share capital of Airport
Group International Holdings, LLC
('AGI'). The fair value attributed to
the assets and liabilities acquired and
the goodwill arising on the transaction
was accounted for in accordance with FRS
7, 'fair value in acquisition
Date of acquisition 20 September 1999
Fair value of consideration £86 million
Form of : cash £28 million
: shares £58 million
Costs of acquisition £3 million
Note AGI Accounting Fair Fair
unaudited policy value value to
consolida alignment adjustmen the Group
ted ts
sheet as
at 20
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Tangible fixed assets 3,569 (566) - 3,003
Intangible assets (a) - - 7,560 7,560
Investments in joint (b) 8,113 - 349 8,462
Other investments (b) 31,900 - 1,335 33,235
Stock 135 - - 135
Debtors (c) 14,887 - (3,331) 11,556
Short term investments 360 - - 360
Cash 1,064 - 6 1,070
Creditors: due within (d) (13,919) - (3,170) (17,089)
one year
Provisions for (e) - - (3,150) (3,150)
liabilities and charges
Loans (a) (16,516) - (7,574) (24,090)
Minority interest (41) - 41 -
Net assets acquired 29,552 (566) (7,934) 21,052
Consideration 85,759
Costs of acquisition 3,065
Goodwill arising (67,772)
The investments in joint ventures
comprise the AGI interests in London
Luton Airport and Hobart International
Airport in Australia. The other
investments predominantly comprise the
AGI interests in Perth and Darwin
airports in Australia.
Significant fair value adjustments
(a) This adjustment predominantly represents the recognition of the
loan obligations acquired under the concession agreement to operate
the Bolivian airports together with the corresponding intangible
asset of this said agreement
(b) The Group have valued the joint venture and trade investments on
the basis of available market information
(c) The Group have assessed that some £3.3 million of debtors are not
readily collectable
(d) The Group have identified liabilities of some £3.2 million not
reflected in the AGI balance sheet
(e) As part of the Group's fair value exercise, some further £3.2
million of unrecorded liabilities were not properly reflected.
These amounts are in respect of pending claims in respect of which
the outcome is uncertain
US Airports, Inc
On 12 October 1999, the Group acquired
certain net assets and the goodwill of
the above company.
The fair value attributed to the assets
and liabilities acquired and the
goodwill arising on the transaction was
accounted for in accordance with FRS 7
'fair value in acquisition accounting'.
Date of acquisition: 12 October 1999
Fair value of consideration: £13.0 million
Form of initial £10.5 million
deferred £2.5 million
US Airports , Inc audited balance
sheet as at 12 October 1999 and
fair value to the Group.
Tangible fixed assets 1,714
Stock 47
Debtors 848
Creditors (599)
Net assets acquired 2,010
Initial consideration 10,474
Costs of acquisition 35
Deferred consideration 2,509
Goodwill arising (11,008)
There were no fair value adjustments
arising on this transaction.
There were other acquisitions in the
period, giving rise to aggregate
goodwill amounting to £3.4 million, but
these are not considered significant
enough to warrant further disclosures.
7. Sale of property business and
partial disposal of trade investment
Property business
On 21 June 1999, the Group disposed of
its property business which encompassed
its non-airport related investment and
development properties, excluding the
Hilton Cardiff Hotel, to London &
Regional Properties Limited ('London &
The total transaction proceeds were £190
million including the issue of a loan
note from a subsidiary of London &
Regional for a principal amount of £20
million. The loan note is interest
bearing and has a maturity date of 30
June 2001.
This transaction was timed to coincide
with the early redemption of the £22.5
million 8 3/4 % First Mortgage Debenture
Stock ('Debenture') and the repayment of
certain other indebtedness.
The loss on sale of the property
business amounted to some £17.9 million
after expensing the penalties on early
redemption of the Debenture and other
indebtedness and professional fees. A
further amount of £3.6 million,
representing the reinstatement and write-
off of goodwill previously written off
directly to reserves, increased the
total charge in the period in respect of
the sale of the property business to
£21.5 million.
Northern Territories Airports PTY
Limited, Australia ('Northern Territories')
On 31 March 2000, the Group divested of
29.1% of its original interest of 49.0%
in Northern Territories which it had
acquired as part of the AGI transaction.
The total transaction proceeds were
£8.20 million (A$21.65 million) which
realised a profit on sale of £0.99
million (A$2.65 million).
8.Analysis of net debt
Cash Loan Other Sub Debt Debt Finance Total
note bank total due due lease
receiv deposi within after and
able ts one one hire
year year purchase
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
At 31 4,240 - 6,796 11,036 (11,070) 178,728 (8,429) (187,191)
March 1999
Cashflow (3,262) - 5,299 2,037 19,115 89,970 1,733 112,855
Acquisitions - - 360 360 (16,114) (6,690) - (22,444)
Non-cash - 20,000 - 20,000 4 (4) (991) 19,009
Exchange (42) - 61 19 (517) 282 - (216)
At 31 936 20,000 12,516 33,452 (8,582) (95,170) (7,687) (77,987)
March 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------
At 31 2,062 - 8,476 10,538 (5,603)(191,091) (6,336)(192,492)
March 1998
Cashflow 2,159 - (1,831) 328 (5,467) 30,281 1,323 26,465
Acquisitions - - - - - (17,254) - (17,254)
Non-cash - - - - - - (3,416) (3,416)
Exchange 19 - 151 170 - (664) - (494)
At 31 4,240 - 6,796 11,036 (11,070)(178,728) (8,429)(187,191)
March 1999 --------------------------------------------------------------
Corporate operational information
Airport ownership with a controlling interest
31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
March March March March March March March March March March
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
Belfast Cardiff Orlando Stockholm Bolivian
International International Sanford Skavsta Airports
Airport Airport Airport
768,962 658,005 988,077 945,687 860,555 1,106,033 13,839 19,754 - -
2,318,018 319,852 1,038,100
2,011,108 303,972 22,728 - 236,060 187,952 2,388,386
24,759 43,205 29,322 33,622 113,218 221,140 8,308 4,657 - -
3,111,739 1,337,251 996,501 258,207 1,038,100
2,712,318 1,283,281 1,327,173 212,363 2,388,386
Spend per head
£2.18 £2.18 £2.78 £3.58 £4.17 £3.74 £1.74 £4.87* £0.72** N/A
Net passenger
per head
£4.54 £4.86 £5.63 £4.58 £1.52 £1.34 £0.47 £0.44* £0.33** N/A
£6.72 £7.04 £8.41 £8.16 £5.69 £5.08 £2.21 £5.31* £1.05** N/A
Number of
22 20 28 30 16 16 3 3 - -
Number of
seats (capacity)
880,000 785,000 1,135,721 1,074,971 905,000 1,165,000 14,644 21,950 - -
New charter
3 4 - 1 - - - - - -
Number of
11 10 4 4 1 - 2 2 7 9
Number of seats
3,180,000 542,151 75,394 - 340,272 858,600
3,000,000 533,340 268,394 1,880,280
41,474 41,068 3,091 2,649 9,775 11,519 25,519 31,676 5,929 11,700
Some of the direct services from Belfast International Airport -
Aberdeen, Birmingham, Brussels, Cardiff, East Midlands, Edinburgh,
Glasgow, Jersey, Liverpool, London Heathrow, London Luton, Manchester, New
York and Shannon.
Some of the services from Cardiff International Airport - Amsterdam,
Brussels, Dublin, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Orlando, Paris and Toronto.
Some of the services from Orlando Sanford - Atlantic City, Bahamas,
Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Dublin, East Midlands, Edinburgh,
Gary, Glasgow, Gulfport, Humberside, London Gatwick, London Luton,
Manchester, Memphis, Newark, Newcastle, Pittsburg, Portsmouth, Shannon and
Some of the services from Stockholm Skavsta Airport - Crete, London
Stansted, Mallorca, Malmo, Tenerife and Visby.
Some of the services from the Bolivian Airports - Asuncion, Buenos
Aires, Caracas, Lima, Panama City, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo and
*This information is calculated for the period post acquisition by TBI.
** This information relating to a period prior to the acquisition by TBI is
not available in a reliable form.
9. Basis of preparation
This preliminary announcement has been prepared on the basis of
accounting policies consistent with those set out in the Annual Report
and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 1999, except that, following
the acquisition of Airport Group International the following
additional accounting policies have been adopted:
a. Investments in joint ventures
Investments in joint ventures are included at cost together with
the Group's share of retained profits or losses.
b. Other investments
Other investments are valued at cost less provision for any
permanent diminution in value.
c. Other intangible assets
Other intangible assets, including deferred start-up costs, are
capitalised and amortised on a straight-line basis over the lower
of 20 years or the minimum life of the related asset, subject to
review for impairment.
This preliminary announcement was approved by the Board on 19 June