Interim Results
Transense Technologies PLC
14 September 2000
Chairman's Statement and Interim Results
for the 6 months to 30 June 2000.
I am pleased to report that the first six months of this year
marked a major milestone in the company's history with
manufacturing licensing agreements being agreed with two of
the largest companies in their field. In May we signed an
exclusive agreement with Sawtek one of the fastest growing
manufacturers of Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) devices in the
world with unit sales running at 150 million a year. This
licence has already brought us exciting new opportunities.
We followed this up in July signing an exclusive licence with
Atmel Grenoble. This company is the merged business of
Thomson-CSF the French integrated chip manufacturers, and
Atmel Corporation of America. Atmel are one of the largest
integrated chip manufactures in the world and as such make a
formidable partner.
Under the terms of these two agreements the high cost burden
of developing components in these respective fields is no
longer a liability of Transense. In addition to Transense
receiving a royalty on sales of all products relating to our
patented core technology we can also offer our potential
customers a high quality, high volume component supply
Actual sales revenues remain low, but this is no reflection
on our efforts nor the potential users' enthusiasm for our
technology. Many of our customers are now awaiting the
Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), which will
house all our electronics. After two years of intensive
design and development work the first prototype devices are
now expected at the end of this year. Many new doors have
also been opened and, in line with our strategy, we are
working towards potential future licence deals.
From a management point of view our expenses at the half-year
stage are running true to internal forecasts. We have spent
more than anticipated on new highly skilled personnel, but
less than expected on R&D as a large part of these costs are
now to be absorbed by our new partners. We are of course
still actively involved in developing our technology for
other potential applications such as gyros for mapping. As
you are aware we try to do this in partnership with
Government which gives rise to associated Government grants.
I am sure you will be pleased to see from the balance sheet
that we have ended the first half of the year with more funds
than when we started. You will recall that in December last
year we raised a total of £1.9 million after expenses to meet
our funding needs. Since then, as a result of the exercise of
options and strong cost management, cash at our disposal has
risen to £2.1 million.
We continue to believe that the Company's strategy of
licensing its technology without being involved in
manufacturing is the right course to take.
The Directors consider that the Company can successfully
exploit the opportunities that are being presented and is
well positioned for the future.
Graham Jarrett
13 September 2000
Technologies plc
Profit & Loss
Account for the 6
months to 30 June
6 months to 6 months to
30-Jun- 99 30-Jun- 00
£000 £000
Turnover 54 6
Cost of Sales (16) (3)
Gross profit 38 3
expenses (192) (188)
Operating Loss
(including Long
Term Provision no
longer required
£200,000 (1999 £ nil) (154) (185)
Interest income 0 56
Interest expense (15) (15) 0 56
Loss on ordinary
activities before
taxation (169) (129)
Taxation 0 0
Loss on ordinary
activities after
taxation (169) (129)
Dividends 0 0
Loss per share: Basic (2.3)p (1.2)p
Fully Diluted (2.0)p (1.0)p
Balance Sheet at 30
June 2000
31-Dec- 99 30-Jun- 00
£000 £000
Fixed Assets 713 844
Current assets
Debtors 54 44
Cash 1,928 2,146
1,982 2,190
Current liabilities
Creditors 195 93
Accruals 219 20
414 113
Net Current assets 1,568 2,077
Total assets less
current liabilities 2,281 2,921
Provision for
liabilities and
charges (200) 0
Total assets less
total liabilities 2,081 2,921
Capital & reserves
Share capital 1,038 1,161
Share premium 2,487 3,333
Other capital 5 5
Profit & Loss
account (1,449) (1,578)
Shareholders' funds 2,081 2,921
Technologies plc
Cash Flow Statement
for the 6 months to
30 June 2000
6 months to 6 months to
30-Jun- 99 30-Jun- 00
£000 £000
Net cash outflow from
operating activities
Returns on
investments and
servicing of finance (63) (658)
Interest received 0 56
Interest paid (15) 0
Net cash(outflow)
from returns on
and servicing of
finance (15) 56
Taxation UK
Corporation tax 0
Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire (90) (81)
intangible fixed assets
Payments to acquire 0 (68)
tangible fixed assets
Payments to acquire 0 (90) 0 (149)
(168) (751)
Equity dividends paid 0 0
Cash outflow before financing (168) (751)
Issue of new ordinary 283 969
Short term loans 34 317 0 969
Increase cash in the 149 218
Reconciliation of
operating loss to net
cash outflow from
operating activities
Operating loss (154) (185)
Depreciation and 4 18
Decrease in debtors 45 10
Increase / (Decrease) 40 (301)
in creditors
Decrease in
work in progress 2 0
Decrease in 0 (200)
provision for
and charges
(63) (658)
Reconciliation of net
cash flow to movement
in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in
cash in the period 149 218
Net funds at 1 January 4 1,928
Net funds at 30 June 153 2,146
At 31 December 1999, the Company had made a provision of
£200,000 for the Employer's National Insurance charge on
outstanding employees' share options should they be
exercised. At 30 June 2000, the Company has reversed this
provision on the basis that legislation has now received
Royal Assent which will enable the company to transfer the
Employer's National Insurance liability onto the relevant
employees. The elections to transfer the liability have been
signed by the Company and the employees concerned but have
not yet been formally approved by the Inland Revenue.
In the event that Inland Revenue approval is not ultimately
obtained, for whatever reason, then, depending upon the share
price at the dates on which the options are exercised, the
Company would be required to meet the Employer's National
Insurance liability which, based on the share price at 30
June 2000, would have necessitated a provision to the maximum
potential liability of £2.2 million.
Independent Review Report to Transense Technologies plc
We have been instructed by the company to review the
financial information set out on pages 2 to 4 and we have
read the other information contained in the interim report
and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information
contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been
approved by, the directors. The Listing Rules of the
Financial Services Authority request that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures
should be consistent with those applied in preparing the
preceding annual accounts, except where any changes, and the
reasons for them, are disclosed.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained
in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of management
and applying analytical procedures to the financial
information and underlying financial data and based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls
and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It
is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do
not express an audit opinion on the financial information.
Review conclusion
Included in the Cash Flow Statement and the Profit & Loss
Account summary are comparative figures for the six-month
period ended 30 June 1999. These figures are unaudited and
have not been subject to review.
On the basis of our review, we are not aware of any material
modifications that should be made to the financial
information as presented for the six months ended 30 June
BDO Stoy Hayward
Chartered Accountants
Bromley, Kent, BR1 3WA
13 September 2000
For further information, please contact:
Jim Perry
Chief Executive, Transense Technologies 01869 238 030
John Coyle
Clerkenwell Communications 020 7713 0900
0370 687 370
07699 727 796 (pager)
Graeme Bayley
Manager, Growth Companies Team, HSBC 020 7336 9000