For Release: 0700 Wednesday 23rd November 2011
Transense Technologies plc (the 'Company' or 'Transense')
Transense is pleased to announce that following a successful field trial of the Translogik iTrack Tyre Monitoring System for OTR ('Off the Road') vehicles, Otraco South America has now successfully completed its internal validation process and will be offering the system to its network of mine operators.
The iTrack field trial took place at the BHP Billiton ('BHP') Cerro Colorado copper mine, within the Atacama Desert at an altitude of 2600m, east of Iquique, Chile. Three Caterpillar 793F haul trucks took part in an extensive and rigorous testing programme which began in June 2011. The iTrack test systems consisted of external valve mounted tyre sensor canisters, receiver electronics and an in-cab display installed on the vehicles which communicates tyre pressure, tyre temperature and other data via GSM or wi-fi to a remote iTrack server. This continuous, live data can be viewed in real-time allowing mine operators to continuously monitor the condition and performance of the tyres. All these components successfully completed the trial.
The external canister solution can be fitted to a vehicle within minutes and provides in-tyre pressure and ambient temperature data. Otraco has stated a requirement for an increased level of accuracy for tyre temperature. In order to meet this demand Translogik has supplied Otraco with an internal tyre wall mounted sensor which can provide accurate in-tyre temperatures. A short test of the new in-tyre iTrack sensor is due to commence in December, further enhancing the commercial value of the system.
Otraco South America is one of the world's leading providers of Earthmover and Off-the-Road (OTR) tyre management services to the mining industry. Otraco South America is responsible for the running and maintenance of BHP's mining truck tyres at Cerro Colorado and has now fully validated the iTrack online system for real-time remote monitoring of tyre temperatures and pressures. Otraco South America will now be able to install, manage and support the iTrack system at its various customer sites throughout the region. Against a backdrop of ever increasing tyre prices (the price of a 40.00R57 OTR tyre increased 362% in the year to May 2011), and global tyre shortages (BHP is ordering its tyres now to meet its need in three years' time due to a shortage of supply), Otraco South America believes that the potential cost savings achieved through using the iTrack system to remotely monitor and manage mining tyres will make the system extremely attractive within the global OTR tyre market.
Pedro Pacheco, Gerente General at Otraco South America commented: "The results have demonstrated that real-time monitoring of the pressure and temperature variables of the tyres is fundamental in improving tyre life. And also that it allows more rapid and correct decisions to be made in relation to tyre maintenance.
At the same time, the tracking functions have allowed improvement of the equipment operators' conduct, contributing largely to greater care of the tyres and equipment, as well as increasing safety in the mine operations.
Installation of this system in a large number of the mine units is already being organised."
Laren Yeomans, Sales Director of Translogik commented: "We are delighted that our iTrack system has proven so successful in the very tough and inhospitable environment of the Atacama Desert. Customer requirements for the system were both extensive and demanding, which has required on-going development and customisation of the system over the course of the trial. However, this development work in a live environment has 'battle hardened' the system such that iTrack now provides a rugged and reliable solution with a range of features that allows mine operators to track their vehicles in real-time with a level of accuracy that was not previously possible.
The global truck population of the type used in this trial is forecast to grow to 38,000 by 2015 (27,500 in 2010) and given spiralling tyre costs the requirement to maximise tyre life is absolutely critical to the profitability of mining companies. We believe the business case for iTrack is compelling given that the financial saving from preventing a single mining truck tyre blowout through accurate monitoring would more than cover the cost of multiple iTrack systems. Translogik is now ideally positioned to service this high-value growth market and we are hopeful that now the system has been proven, orders will follow."
For more information, please contact:
Transense Technologies plc Tel: +44 (0) 1869 238 380
Graham Storey, Chief Executive
Brewin Dolphin - Nomad
Neil Baldwin Tel: 0845 213 4726
Hybridan LLP - Broker
Claire Noyce Tel: +44 (0) 207 947 4350
Notes to Editors
About Transense
Transense Technologies is a technology transfer company based in Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire, UK.
Transense develops Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW), wireless, battery-less, sensor systems in partnership with its licensees and partners, Honeywell, Melexis, Michelin, SenGenuity, Stack, Tai-Saw, Texas Instruments, SCHOTT, McLaren Electronic Systems and Carbon Motors.
Current applications include Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) and torque systems for Electrical Power Assisted Steering (EPAS) and driveline management.
Transense is listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange (TRT)
About Otraco Chile
Otraco is the world's leading provider of Earthmover/Off-the-road tire management services to the mining industry. Our world-class credentials are based on a proven ability to reduce the cost of earthmover tire operation for major open pit miners while maximizing production and enhancing safety. Advanced engineering systems and innovative maintenance, analysis and reporting technologies combine to consistently reduce Client tire costs, typically by 20% or more.
As an independent technical adviser and service provider to mining houses in Australia, Asia, Africa and South and North America, Otraco has established an impressive track record since its inception in 1972.
About BHP Billiton
BHP Billiton is the world's leading diversified resources company, developing and converting natural resources which fuel development and growth all over the world.