Interim Sampling Results - Canada

RNS Number : 3862T
Tri-Star Resources PLC
06 December 2011


6 December 2011


("Tri-Star Resources" or the "Company")


Interim Sampling Results for Stanley Claims Geochemical Programme in Canada

Tri-Star Resources (AIM: TSTR), the antimony exploration and development company, has received all assay results from its 2011 geochemical programme undertaken on its Stanley property, the 17,000 Ha exploration concession located west of Fredericton in New Brunswick, Canada (the "Stanley Property"), which the Company acquired and announced on 30 September 2011.



·      Anomalous values confirmed

·      Glacial till anomalous values ranging from 5 to 11ppm (parts per million) (average regional background values are 0-1ppm, with regional anomalous values of 2-5ppm)

·      Bedrock Values up to 25 ppm

·      Discovery of unmapped underlying granites, which indicate significant prospectivity for antimony (Sb)

·      Further assay results are awaited from drilling programme


Stanley Property


The Stanley Property (previously referred to as the Fredericton claims) comprises four blocks of exploration claims acquired earlier this year and covers 17,000 hectares west of the New Brunswick capital of Fredericton. The claims contain a number of widespread, widely spaced antimony anomalies previously discovered by regional grid sampling of glacial tills by the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources (NBDNR) in 2010.


Brian Spratley, Chief Executive of Tri-Star commented: "The board is encouraged by the strong and consistent results achieved in this phase of the geochemical sampling at the Stanley Property.  Early indicators show significant prospectivity and we look forward to announcing additional assay results to substantiate the development of this project."


2011 Sampling


The purpose of this summer's sampling was to confirm the anomalous values and as far as possible determine the bedrock geology and the source of the antimony values shown in regional glacial till sampling programmes.


The till sampling confirmed the anomalous values with almost all the samples in the indicated areas returning higher than background values with samples of up to 11.1ppm Sb, with an range of anomalous values from 5-11ppm.  The bedrock sampling returned even more anomalous values with a maximum value of 25ppm.


The bedrock mapping confirmed that the area was generally underlain by the Kingsclear group of metamorphic greywackes, the same host rock context as the Lake George antimony mine to the south west.  The mapping also revealed that the glacial till in one of the anomalous areas was underlain by a mineralised granite, which is a significant indicater of prospectivity for antimony.

Several features of the geological terraine are similar to that of the Lake George mine, which for many years was the largest antimony producer in North America, which is situated some 45 kilometres to the south west.  The Kinsclear group greywackes occur alongside of a series of granite intrusions that on surface trend south west to north east, the largest being the Pokiok granite. The antimony veins at Lake George are emplaced with felsic dykes (including Quartz-Feldspar-Porphyry (QFP) dykes), in and around other granitic intrusions, associated with the Pokiok granites, that are intruded into the Kingsclear greywackes.


To confirm the results, a north south fence of short overburden/bedrock holes have been drilled.

The overburden drilling was conducted by Lantech Drilling Services Inc. using a truck mounted drill, and 2.5 metre auger extensions and a carbide bit. A total of 64 drill stations were completed along an access road leading northward across the terrain containing the suspected granites and anomalies, located immediately west of Fredericksburg, New Brunswick. Spacing was nominally 25 metres and located by GPS.


Two samples were taken from each station; one till sample taken above the bedrock interface and one sample of ground bedrock flour and chips. The holes were generally 1.5-2.0 metres or more through to bedrock. Only two stations were sufficiently shallow (<0.6 metres) so as not to yield a till sample. Bedrock depth varies from about 0.6 metres to a maximum of 8 metres, encountered at only one station. Bedrock depths in the southern half of the traverse were generally less than 3 metres and in the northern half of the traverse generally about 4.5 metres. Lithological composition of bedrock was evaluated  for the dual purpose of confirming and locating the granitic lithologies and secondly obtaining both till and bedrock samples for Sb analysis.


Samples have been submitted to the Activation Laboratories Inc. sample preparation facility in Fredericton for INAA (Neutron Activation) assay for Au, As, Sb, Ba, Hg, W and aqua regia assay for Ag, Cd, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, S, Zn).


The Company awaits the results of the new set of assays and will make further announcements in due course.


The Company has posted supporting information for this press release on its website



 Tri-Star Resources plc

 Brian Spratley

Tel:+44 (0)12 3362 9351

Strand Hanson Limited (Nomad)

James Harris / Paul Cocker

Tel: +44 (0)20 7409 3494


Gable Communications

Justine James / John Bick

Tel : +44 (0)20 7193 7463


Brian Spratley, the Company's Chief Executive Officer, has relevant experience within the sector and meets the criteria of a qualified person under the AIM note for mining, oil and gas companies and has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement.

The geochemical till and bedrock mapping and sampling has been undertaken by local geologist Glen Lutes, MSc P. Geo. who completed his MSc at the University of New Brunswick in 1981 on the Geology of the North-western Part of the Metamorphic Aureole of the Pokiok Batholith, and has worked on bedrock mapping and other exploration primarily in New Brunswick for 31 years, and is the Qualified Person supervising the Stanley Claims exploration programme.

This information is provided by RNS
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