Prelims & Move to Main Market

Tribal Group PLC 26 June 2002 Embargoed for release at 7.00am 26 June 2002 26 June 2002 Tribal Group plc Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2002 STRONG GROWTH AND MOVE TO THE MAIN MARKET Highlights: - Strong growth during the period, with profit before tax up 326% to £8.1m; - Fully diluted earnings per share up 106% to 14.2p; - Turnover increased by 161% to £45.7m (2001: £17.5m) with underlying organic growth of 42%; - Operating margins improved to 18.3% (2001: 18.0%); - Operating cash flow £9.5m (2001: £2.9m), operating profit to cash conversion rate of 114%; - Committed income for 2003 over 50% of budgeted turnover; - A number of important contract wins; - Acquisitions successfully integrated; - Major move into health and social care; - Good start to the current year's trading; - Transfer to the Official List. David Telling, Chairman of Tribal Group plc, commented: 'I am delighted to be able to announce these excellent results today. The Group has consolidated its position as a leading professional support services and consultancy business, predominantly delivering services to the UK public sector, with particular focus on the education, local authority and health sectors. We have made some outstanding acquisitions during the year; continued to deliver very strong organic growth and have won several important contracts. The Group has the right skills, services, management and customer relationships to take advantage of the rapidly increasing opportunities in our markets. We expect this to be another successful year and believe that future growth will remain strong.' Financial highlights: Year ended 31 March 2002 2001 Turnover £45.7m £17.5m up 161% Operating profit before interest and taxation £8.4m £3.1m up 171% Operating margins 18.3% 18.0% Profit before taxation £8.1m £1.9m up 326% Fully diluted earnings per share 14.2p 6.9p up 106% Operating cash flow £9.5m £2.9m up 228% Note: Profits and earnings per share are stated before goodwill amortisation and employee benefit trust costs For further information contact: Tribal Group plc Tel 01285 886020 Henry Pitman, Chief Executive Tribal Group plc Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2002 and move to the Official List Chairman's statement I am pleased to report on the results of Tribal Group plc for the year to 31 March 2002. During this period, the Group has further consolidated its position as a leading professional support services and consultancy business, predominantly delivering services to the UK public sector, with particular focus on the education, local government and health sectors. Results In the year ended 31 March 2002, our first full year as a public company, the Group produced excellent results. Excluding amortisation of goodwill and the costs associated with employee benefit trusts, turnover was £45.7m (2001: £17.5m); operating profit was £8.4m (2001: £3.1m). Operating margins were 18.3 per cent (2001: 18.0 per cent), a strong performance given the level of growth during the year. Profit before taxation was £8.1m (2001:£1.9m) and fully diluted earnings per share were 14.2p (2001: 6.9p). During the period, the Group generated operating cash flow of £9.5m (2001: £2.9m), representing an operating profit to cash conversion rate of 114 per cent. In line with our previous policy, the directors are not recommending the payment of a dividend. Net debt at the year end was £3.0m representing gearing of 6 per cent. Growth There are three strands to our growth strategy. First, we have increased capacity in our existing businesses and enhanced their organic growth potential. This is supported by our focus on delivering the benefits of cross-selling between the businesses and capitalising on our national coverage. Secondly, we are now successfully using the skills and customer reference sites across the Group to secure major contracts that increase the level of our long term committed income. Thirdly, we have continued to make strategic acquisitions that add value to shareholders and either strengthen the Group's position in existing markets or extend our services into new, complementary skill or market areas. Over the year, on a like for like basis, the businesses within the Group have increased headcount by 31 per cent. and demonstrated revenue growth of 42 per cent. Without exception, all businesses have broadened and strengthened their management teams since acquisition. During the year, a number of contracts have been won and increasingly these are involving more than one part of the Group. In May 2001, we were awarded a £7m contract by London Underground Limited to provide document management and other services; in March 2002, we were awarded a £1.1m contract by the Department for Education and Skills to develop and deliver on-line literacy and numeracy training and, in May 2002, we were awarded a three year contract to provide strategic management services to Swindon local education authority. We expect to announce further contract wins in the coming weeks. The acquisitions we have made both in this and in previous years have exceeded our expectations and the incentivisation of management through equity participation has proved very successful in creating a stable yet dynamic culture. During the year, we have attracted high quality companies into the Group, thereby extending our cross-selling potential and our capability to bid for larger scale contracts. We made a number of acquisitions in the year for an aggregate initial consideration of £36.8m paid for by a combination of cash and shares. Deferred consideration of up to £25.4m is payable, primarily in shares, based on the respective performances, of the businesses acquired, over the next three years. These acquisitions were funded in part through a Placing and Open Offer in November 2001 raising £20.9m. In addition, in April 2002, we signed new banking facilities with BoS, including a £35m revolving facility. We continue to identify high margin, cash generative companies with strong track records and excellent growth potential, all of which have skills and services to add to our overall proposition. Since the year end, we have made two further acquisitions for an initial consideration of £10.0m, satisfied in cash and shares, with further deferred consideration of up to £10.4m, to be satisfied primarily in shares. Our services are now grouped into four areas: management consultancy; IT and information management services; HR and training services; and property services. Education is still our major area of activity but, in line with our strategy, we are now increasing our presence in the local authority sector and have recently entered the health and social care markets. We are now operating in sectors that account for over £100bn of government expenditure. Over time, we will extend our services into other parts of the public sector and increase our presence in the private sector. People We are a business that relies on the quality and commitment of our people and our success is thanks to the hard work and professional integrity of our 950 staff. We have created an environment in which individuals at all levels are given a high degree of autonomy within a supportive Group framework. We have established a clear set of values which encourage entrepreneurialism, profit focus and a dynamic culture within a strong ethos of customer service, integrity and social awareness. We have a strong tier of middle and senior management across the Group - high quality, able individuals who, in many cases, are nationally leading figures in their specialist areas. A key ingredient of our strategy is to incentivise these individuals through an equity interest in the Group. In November 2001, we introduced a Save As You Earn scheme, the take-up of which was 56 per cent, unusually high for first time schemes of this kind. We intend to offer employees another opportunity to join the scheme later this year. I would like to put on record the thanks of myself and of the Board to our employees at all levels. Their efforts have ensured that Tribal is one of the most exciting and successful young companies in the UK today. Move to the Official List The Board is pleased to announce that it intends to publish listing particulars later today to effect the transfer of the Company's shares to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange, as indicated in our announcement of 13 May 2002. The Board believes that the move will increase the profile of the Group, provide a stronger platform for bidding for new contracts, assist in the recruitment and retention of experienced and high quality staff and attract new investors. Prospects Tribal Group has now established itself as a major supplier of professional support services and consultancy to the public sector. The Group has the right skills, services, management and customer relationships to take advantage of the rapidly increasing opportunities in our markets. We have had a good start to this year's trading and committed income already exceeds 50 per cent. of this year's budgeted turnover. In addition, we are currently short-listed for several important new contracts and have a pipeline of further high quality acquisition prospects. Our intention is to maintain the momentum we have achieved throughout the coming year for the benefit of all employees and shareholders. The Board expects this to be another successful year and believes that future growth will remain strong. David M Telling Chairman 26 June 2002 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations 34,285 7,431 Acquisitions 11,366 10,034 45,651 17,465 Cost of sales (19,975) (8,477) Gross profit 25,676 8,988 Administrative expenses Amortisation of goodwill (2,903) (1,156) Other administrative expenses (17,810) (5,907) Total administrative expenses (20,713) (7,063) Operating profit Continuing operations 2,882 716 Acquisitions 2,081 1,209 4,963 1,925 Interest receivable and similar income 801 394 Interest payable and similar charges (1,084) (1,620) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 4,680 699 Taxation (1,851) (648) Profit for the financial year 2,829 51 Earnings per share Basic 7.6p 0.3p Diluted 6.6p 0.3p Adjusted basic before amortisation of goodwill and employee benefit trust costs 16.3p 7.1p Adjusted diluted before amortisation of goodwill and employee benefit trust costs 14.2p 6.9p There are no other recognised gains and losses in the current or prior year and, accordingly, no separate statement of total recognised gains and losses has been presented. Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 March 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets - goodwill 92,697 36,235 - development expenditure 244 - Tangible assets 2,261 601 Investments 71 - 95,273 36,836 Current assets Stock - work in progress 1,030 130 Debtors 18,063 5,872 Cash at bank and in hand 35,784 12,649 54,877 18,651 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (25,938) (6,069) Net current assets Due within one year 4,481 2,202 Cash collateralised beyond one year 24,458 10,380 28,939 12,582 Total assets less current liabilities 124,212 49,418 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (39,414) (11,353) Net assets 84,798 38,065 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 2,261 1,707 Share premium account 39,596 9,748 Capital reserve 9,545 9,545 Profit and loss account 2,795 (34) Shares to be issued 30,601 17,099 Equity shareholders' funds 84,798 38,065 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash inflow from operating activities 9,502 2,937 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (863) (1,349) Interest element of finance lease payments (3) (2) Debt issue costs - (139) Interest received 975 207 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on investments and servicing of finance 109 (1,283) Taxation Corporation tax paid (1,994) (210) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (1,088) (325) Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets (60) - Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets 115 - Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment (1,033) (325) Acquisitions Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (6,935) (4,951) Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings 3,599 725 Net cash outflow from acquisitions (3,336) (4,226) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 3,248 (3,107) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital less issue costs 20,881 10,097 Proceeds from loan conversions into ordinary share capital - 5,362 Proceeds from exercise of share warrants into ordinary share capital - 217 Repayments of borrowings (951) (11,700) New secured loans less issue costs - 11,331 Capital element of finance lease rental payments (42) (4) Collateralised cash (14,079) (10,380) Net cash inflow from financing 5,809 4,923 Increase in cash in the year 9,057 1,816 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 Increase in cash in the year 9,057 1,816 Cash (outflow)/inflow from movements in debt (13,094) 555 Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (4,037) 2,371 Finance leases acquired with subsidiaries (235) (28) New finance leases (38) - Loans converted into share capital in the year - 300 Reclassification of contingent consideration falling due after one year - 6,337 Movement in net debt in the year (4,310) 8,980 Net funds/(debt) at the start of the year 1,282 (7,698) Net (debt)/funds at the end of the year (3,028) 1,282 Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds for the year ended 2002 2001 31 March 2002 £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year 2,829 51 Other recognised gains and losses relating to the year New share capital subscribed (net of issue costs) 30,402 10,097 Shares to be issued 13,083 17,099 Credit in relation to share related awards 419 30 Loans converted into issued share capital (net of issue costs) - 9,645 Net addition to shareholders' funds 46,733 36,922 Opening shareholders' funds 38,065 1,143 Closing shareholders' funds 84,798 38,065 Notes to the preliminary announcement for the year ended 31 March 2002 1. Earnings per share 2002 2001 Basic Earnings for year (£'000) 2,829 51 Weighted average number of shares outstanding (number) 37,341,790 17,702,995 Basic earnings per share (pence) 7.6 p 0.3p Diluted Earnings for year (£'000) 2,829 51 Weighted average number of shares in issue including dilutive shares: Basic weighted average number of shares in issue (number) 37,341,790 17,702,995 Employee share options (number) 1,416,272 - Shares to be issued in respect of deferred consideration (number) 4,155,763 638,838 Adjusted number of shares outstanding 42,913,825 18,341,833 Diluted earnings per share (pence) 6.6p 0.3p Adjusted basic before goodwill amortisation and EBT costs Earnings for year (£'000) 2,829 51 Goodwill amortisation (£'000) 2,903 1,156 EBT costs net of tax (£'000) 346 58 Adjusted earnings before goodwill amortisation and EBT 6,078 1,265 costs (£'000) Weighted average number of shares in issue (number) 37,341,790 17,702,995 Adjusted basic earnings per share (pence) 16.3p 7.1p Adjusted diluted before goodwill amortisation and EBT costs Adjusted earnings before goodwill amortisation and EBT costs (£'000) 6,078 1,265 Weighted average number of shares in issue including dilutive shares (number) 42,913,825 18,341,833 Adjusted diluted earnings per share (pence) 14.2p 6.9p The two additional adjusted earnings per share figures shown on the profit and loss are included as the directors believe that they provide a better understanding of the underlying trading performance of the group. 2. Analysis of net debt At beginning Cash flow Arising from Other At end of of year acquisitions non-cash Year (excluding changes cash) £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 12,649 23,135 - - 35,784 Overdrafts - - - - - Cash collateralised (10,380) (14,078) - - (24,458) 2,269 9,057 - - 11,326 Debt due after one year (11,331) (24,971) (243) - (36,545) Debt due within one year - (2,000) - - (2,000) Finance leases (36) 42 (235) (38) (267) Cash collateralised 10,380 14,078 - - 24,458 Total 1,282 (3,794) (478) (38) (3,028) Included within cash at bank and in hand is £24,458,000 (2001: £10,380,000) of cash collateralised representing committed facilities that are specifically allocated to repay loan liabilities in respect of non-convertible loan notes issued to the previous owners of certain entities acquired. This cash is not available to Tribal Group Plc for any other use and is not sufficiently liquid to meet the definition of cash and cash equivalents set out in FRS 1. 3. Preliminary Announcement A duly appointed and authorised committee of the Board of Directors approved the preliminary announcement on 25 June 2002. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2002 or 2001, but is derived from those accounts. The financial information is prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as stated in the previous year's financial statements with the exception of those that have been changed to comply with FRS 19 which requires full provision to be made for deferred tax. It replaces the 'partial provision' rules previously allowed under Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 15. This change had no material impact on the company and hence there is no restatement of the opening reserves. Statutory accounts for 2001 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2002 will be delivered following the company's annual general meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under s237 (2) or (3) Companies Act 1985. End This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Tribal Group (TRB)
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