Requisition to convene EGM

Lupus Capital PLC 18 October 2002 18 October 2002 Lupus Capital plc Receipt of requisition to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting from certain shareholders The board of Lupus Capital plc (the 'Company' or the 'Group') received on 17 October 2002, without any prior notice or discussion, a requisition convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company from shareholders of the Company representing approximately 13 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company. The form of the requisitions and the statement accompanying each of them are set out in the attached Appendices. The board of the Company (the 'Board') intends unanimously and strenuously to oppose the proposed resolutions, and rebut the underlying assumptions, and will make a further announcement in due course. In line with the Company's strategy, the Board is currently actively engaged in discussions with a number of parties with a view to a sale of Gall Thomson Environmental Limited ('Gall Thomson') at a price which would represent a premium to the consolidated net asset value of the whole Group. Any such sale would require the approval of shareholders at which time the Board would set out its proposals with regard to the use of the sale proceeds. In this context, it is clearly not helpful, in terms of time, cost and process, to deal with the requisitionists. Further, the Board notes that the managers to be appointed by the requisitionists intend to earn themselves incentive fees over the next two years based on a level which they have calibrated to Lupus's current share price, which is standing at a substantial discount to net asset value. The bulk of the incentive fees which they propose are not dependent on any value being realised for shareholders. The Board on the other hand is determined to create value significantly more quickly judged against the book value of the Company's assets, for the benefit of all shareholders. The Board reiterates the statement made at the time of the announcement of the interim results on 12 September 2002 that Gall Thomson's excellent performance in the first half of 2002 has continued into the second half. The outlook for Gall Thomson both for the rest of the year, and for next year, is very encouraging. - Ends - Attached: Appendix A: Notice to requisition Extraordinary General Meeting and special notice of ordinary resolutions to be submitted to such meeting. Appendix B: Text of letter from the requisitionists. Contact Details: Lupus Capital plc Tel: 020 7976 8000 Charles Ryder, Chief Executive James Orr, Finance Director Merlin Financial Tel: 020 7606 1244 Paul Downes/Tom Randell APPENDIX A For the attention of the Board of Directors The Company Secretary Lupus Capital plc 85 Buckingham Gate London SW1 6PD 15 October 2002 Dear Sirs NOTICE TO REQUISITION EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (' EGM ') AND SPECIAL NOTICE OF ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS TO BE PASSED AT SUCH MEETING. Pursuant to Section 368 of the Companies Act 1985 we, the undersigned, being members of Lupus Capital plc (the 'Company'), acting on behalf of our Customer, Discovery Trust plc, holding 12,757,993 paid up ordinary GBP0.005 shares of the Company as at the date of this requisition and carrying the right to vote at general meetings of the Company, hereby require you forthwith to proceed to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company the objects of which shall be to consider and if thought fit pass the following ordinary resolutions proposing changes to the composition of the Board of Directors of the Company and of which special notice is given under section 303(2) of the Companies Act 1985: 1. To remove Mr Charles Ryder as a director with immediate effect in accordance with section 303 of the Companies Act 1985; 2. Subject to and conditionally upon the passing of resolution 1, to appoint Mr Konrad Patrick Legg, who has confirmed his willingness to act, as a director with immediate effect; 3. To remove Mr James Orr as a director with immediate effect in accordance with section 303 of the Companies Act 1985; 4. Subject to and conditionally upon the passing of resolution 3, to appoint Mr Frederic Arthur Gregory Hoad, who has confirmed his willingness to act, as a director with immediate effect; 5. To remove Mr Peter Cawdron as a director with immediate effect in accordance with section 303 of the Companies Act 1985; 6. Subject to and conditionally upon the passing of resolution 5, to appoint Mr Roland Hillary Tate MA MSI (Dip), who has confirmed his willingness to act, as a director with immediate effect; 7. To remove Mr Peter So as a director with immediate effect in accordance with section 303 of the Companies Act 1985. We also require you to circulate with the notice of the meeting which is the subject of this requisition the attached statement to shareholders and have arranged for there to be deposited a cheque for £150.00 made payable to Lupus Capital plc to meet the Company's expenses in circulating such statement. There are attached to this requisition notices to the Company from Messrs Legg, Hoad and Tate confirming their willingness to be appointed as directors of the Company. The particulars relating to the proposed directors which would, if they were appointed, be required to be included in the Company's register of directors are as follows: Full Name: Mr Konrad Patrick Legg Usual Residential Address: Tudeley Hall Tudeley Tonbridge Kent TH11 OPQ Nationality: British Business Occupation: Director Date of Birth: 1/4/44 Other UK directorships currently held: Cafe d'Or Limited Capital Coffee Limited CK Coffee Limited Coburg Coffee Company Limited Coburg Group plc Coburg Tea & Coffee Limited The Continental Fig Company Limited The Eastern Tea & Coffee Limited The Eastern Tea & Coffee Company Limited Investeco Overseas Holdings Limited Isis Research plc Jubilee Coffee Roasting Company Limit KPL Investments Limited Langdons (Coffee & Tea) Limited Lendu Holdings PLC Rowe Evans Investments PLC Thomas Seager Limited Seagers Properties Limited Tanzania Investments Limited Tudeley Estates Limited (Tanzania) Tudeley Holdings Limited Tudeley Plantations Limited Willington plc Other directorships held in the last five years: Citifilter Limited Ralli Plantations Limited Full Name: Mr Frederic Arthur Gregory Hoad Usual Residential Address: Otford Nower Road Dorking Surrey RH4 3BL Nationality: British Business Occupation: Director Date of Birth: 29/8/39 Other UK directorships currently held: Coal Developments (Queensland) Ltd Commercial Union Capital Ltd Commercial Union Equipment Finance Ltd Commercial Union Leasing Limited Cube Airfinance Ltd Giffard Newton & Sons Ltd. Head & Co (Consultants) Limited Dorking Lawn Tennis and Squash Club Ltd Other directorships held in the last five years: Argus Fire & Security Group plc Argus Group plc Argus Alarms Limited Argus Fire Systems Limited Argus House Limited Collmain plc Collmain Customer Installations Ltd Collmain Services Limited Commercial Union (BES) Investment Management Ltd Jonhoad Ltd Mercock Ltd Rosco Clothing Limited Samaritan Integrated Systems Ltd Samaritan Security Systems Ltd Spearhead Ltd (in receivership) Full Name: Mr Roland Hillary Tate Usual Residential Address: 93 Village Court Whiteley Bay Tyne & Wear NE26 3QB Nationality: British Business Occupation: Corporate Financier Date of Birth: 25/3/57 Other UK directorships currently held: Nil Other directorships held in the last five years: Cloth Market Partners Ltd Yours faithfully APPENDIX B Dear Shareholder You will receive with this statement a notice convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of Lupus Capital plc ('Lupus' or the 'Company'). This Extraordinary General Meeting has been requisitioned by the below named shareholder of Lupus who together with others (see attached) holds not less than one tenth of the Company's issued share capital. Since the Company issued 95,150,150 Ordinary Shares to purchase Gall Thomson Environmental plc, now Gall Thomson Limited ('Gall Thomson'), in December 1999 at a share price of 12p per share, the Company's share price has fallen by 58.3% to 5p. The shares now trade on a discount of 41.7% to the latest reported net asset value at 30th June 2002. For a company with a market capital of £8.5m at 5p per share, the central costs of £1.4 million per annum are excessive. The Company employs five full-time executives and one part-time executive with support staff to manage five disclosable investments and we believe that this is totally unsustainable in current markets. In addition, the basis for rewarding the executive directors whereby they receive bonuses on the profitable realisation of individual investments, but do not suffer a set-off where losses are incurred, clearly represents a failure to align their interests with those of the shareholders as a whole. We believe that the purpose for which the Company was set up is now irrelevant, that the Company has significantly under-performed, and that it is now apposite that the Company's strategy was changed and that cash and value are returned to shareholders. To achieve this, we believe it is essential that there is a number of changes made to the composition of the Board and summarise our nominees as follows: Konrad Legg, aged 58. If appointed it is intended that he would be non-executive Chairman of the Board. He is currently non-executive director of various listed companies including Rowe Evans Investments PLC and Willington PLC, and has spent the majority of his career building up Plantation & General Investments PLC, a tropical agriculture company, which he left in 1997. He has experience of dealing with the requirements of listed companies and with smaller industrial and trading companies (both as director and part owner). Roland Tate, aged 45. If appointed it is intended he would be a non-executive director. After a period working in the oil and gas sector, he spent eight years as an executive and director at three private equity investment organisations and was appointed a non-executive director of several venture capital backed businesses. In 1997 he became a corporate financier, working at PriceWaterhouseCoopers and subsequently KPMG as a Corporate Finance Director, where he gained considerable experience in mergers and acquisitions. He has just been appointed Director of Corporate Finance at RMT, a regional independent firm of business advisors based in Newcastle. Fred Hoad, aged 63. If appointed it is intended he would be a non-executive director. He is currently a non-executive of a number of private companies and Aviva plc subsidiaries. Before his retirement in 1996, he spent 28 years at Commercial Union where, amongst a number of senior positions, he was Head of Corporate Finance, Head of Overseas Division Finance and Head of Private Equity Investment. If the proposed changes to the Board are approved, the new directors will constitute a majority of the Board. They intend to appoint Progressive Value Management Limited ('PVML') to implement the revised strategy within a maximum period of two years. PVML is an investment management company which specialises in providing investment work-out services for investors. It is the manager of Advance Value Realisation Company Limited (one of the requisitionists). The new directors intend to appoint PVML's sister company, Cavendish Administration Limited ('Cavendish') as Company Secretary and Administrator with responsibility for the Company's administration and accountancy functions. The terms of the appointments of PVML and Cavendish are designed to reduce dramatically the Company's fixed overheads and to provide incentives for early and effective realisation of the Company's investments. Specifically PVML will receive a basic fee of £260,000 per annum for the first fifteen months with three months' notice thereafter, a realisation fee of 1% of any cash returned to shareholders within the first twelve calendar months and 10% of all monies returned to shareholders (and/or value retained within Lupus at contract termination) in excess of 5 pence per share. Cavendish will receive a fee of £35,000 per annum and 0.05% of the cash returned to shareholders and have the same contract termination arrangements as PVML. Where applicable, VAT will be added to the fees payable to PVML and Cavendish. Depending on the extent to which VAT is recoverable and assuming that there will be no abnormal costs in terminating the Company's current lease of premises, it is hoped that the new strategy and the proposed arrangements for achieving it will enable the Company's central costs to be reduced by over £1 million per annum. The current executive directors have failed to achieve the realisation of Gall Thomson and the Chief Executive has stated that, even if such a realisation were achieved, it would not be his intention to return the proceeds to shareholders. We therefore urge you to vote in favour of the ordinary resolutions effecting the necessary management changes at the requisitioned Extraordinary General Meeting as we intend to do in respect of the 22,285,606 Ordinary Shares held by us and the attached (representing 13.1% of the total equity). We believe that approval of these resolutions will enhance both value and liquidity for all holders of the Company's Ordinary Shares. Yours faithfully Details of shareholders of Lupus referred to in letter dated 15 October 2002 Shareholder No. of Ordinary Shares Discovery Trust 12,757,993 ADVARC 2,161,480 Undervalued Assets Trust 7,366,133 Total 22,285,606 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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