Investment Update to June 07

Utilico Limited 11 September 2007 Date: 11 September 2007 Contact: Charles Jillings Utilico Limited 01372 271 486 Utilico Limited Unaudited Investment Update to 30 June 2007 Utilico Limited is a newly-incorporated Bermuda company which began trading on 20 June 2007 as a successor vehicle of Utilico Investment Trust plc ('UIT'). Utilico Limited's first reportable results will be the interims to 31 December 2007. However, in the interest of providing shareholders with information on the period from 30 June 2006, the last financial year end of UIT, to 30 June 2007, the month end following the transfer of assets from UIT to Utilico Limited, we have prepared a brief Investment Update as at 30 June 2007 which covers both UIT and Utilico Limited and treats them as one and the same entity ('Utilico'). As this combined report covers two companies it does not constitute statutory accounts, contains certain 'pro forma' information and has not been audited (or reviewed under auditing standards). FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS • Convertible unsecured loan stock converted into ordinary shares • £75.0m of new zero dividend preference shares issued* • Profit for the period of £117.6m • Undiluted net asset value per share increased by 57.5% to 350.29p *Issued by Utilico Finance Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Utilico Limited. PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 30 June 2007 30 June 2006 Change Ordinary shares Capital value Net asset value per ordinary share (undiluted) 350.29p 222.35p 57.5% Net asset value per ordinary share (diluted) 312.06p 187.68p 66.3% Share prices and indices Ordinary share price 299.00p 180.25p 65.9% Discount (based on diluted NAV per ordinary share) 4.2% 4.0% FTSE All-Share Index 3,404 2,968 14.7% Dow Jones World Utilities Index (sterling adjusted) 125.6 105.0 19.6% Returns and dividends Revenue return per ordinary share (undiluted) 1.84p 0.89p 106.7% Capital return per ordinary share (undiluted) 178.01p 35.50p 401.4% Total return per ordinary share (undiluted) 179.85p 36.39p 394.2% Dividend per ordinary share 0.80p 0.40p 100.0% Zero dividend preference (ZDP) shares 1 2012 ZDP shares (7.00%) Capital entitlement per ZDP share 123.71p 115.63p 7.0% ZDP share price 126.75p 118.50p 7.0% 2014 ZDP shares (7.25%) Capital entitlement per ZDP share 100.29p n/a n/a ZDP share price 103.25p n/a n/a 2016 ZDP shares (7.25%) Capital entitlement per ZDP share 100.29p n/a n/a ZDP share price 103.00p n/a n/a Warrants 2008 warrant price 260.00p 86.00p 93.5%2 2012 warrant price 88.25p n/a n/a Equity holders funds (£m) Gross assets 454.6 270.1 68.3% Bank debt 44.8 55.0 (18.5)% ZDP debt 130.8 51.8 152.5% CULS3 - 20.6 n/a Equity holders' funds 279.0 142.74 95.5% Revenue account (£m) Income 8.4 6.9 21.7% Costs (management and other expenses)5 2.6 2.2 18.2% Finance costs 4.1 3.6 13.9% Financial ratios of the Group Revenue yield on average gross assets 2.3% 2.8% Total expense ratio5 on average gross assets 0.7% 0.9% Bank loans, CULS and ZDP shares gearing on gross assets 38.6%3 46.5% 1 Issued by Utilico Finance Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Utilico Limited in June 2007. Previously issued by Utilico Investment Trust plc. 2 Adjusted for June 2007 corporate action. 3 CULS converted in June 2007 into ordinary shares. 4 Excluding CULS equity component. 5 Excluding performance fee. chairman's statement Since the launch of Utilico Investment Trust plc, the company's predecessor, in August 2003 the initial ordinary shareholders have seen their undiluted NAV per ordinary share increase from 99.47p to 350.29p. This increase, including dividends, represents a compound annual growth of 39.2%. Clearly we are faced with challenging market conditions. The resolution and outcome of a range of issues will determine the market's direction. I am delighted to be writing my inaugural Chairman's statement for Utilico Limited. It is pleasing to be able to comment on the strong performance of Utilico Investment Trust plc and its successor Utilico Limited. Over the twelve months to 30 June 2007 the net assets of Utilico have risen £136.3m to £279.0m, an outstanding gain of 95.5%. This includes the profit for the period of £117.6m, nearly all from portfolio gains. Since the launch of Utilico Investment Trust plc, the Company's predecessor, in August 2003 the initial ordinary shareholders in Utilico have seen the undiluted NAV per ordinary share increase from 99.47p to 350.29p. This increase, including dividends, represents a compound annual return of 39.2%. Utilico Limited is a newly-incorporated Bermuda company which began trading on 20 June 2007 as a successor vehicle of Utilico Investment Trust plc ('UIT'). Utilico Limited's first reportable results will be the interims to 31 December 2007. However, in the interest of providing shareholders with information on the period from 30 June 2006, the last financial year end of UIT, to 30 June 2007, the month end following the transfer of assets from UIT to Utilico Limited, we have prepared a brief investment update as at 30 June 2007 which covers both UIT and Utilico Limited and treats them as one and the same entity ('Utilico'). As this combined report covers two companies it does not constitute statutory accounts, contains certain 'pro forma' information and has not been audited (or reviewed under auditing standards). Utilico's three core investments Infratil, UEM and Ecofin have continued their strong performance throughout the year. The combined investment in these three positions rose from £130.7m to £231.0m, up 76.7%. These investments continue to comprise diversified underlying portfolios. To present the underlying risk of the gross portfolio more appropriately these three investments are analysed (in preparing the top ten, sector analysis, geographical analysis and the split of investments by category) on a 'look through' basis, thus showing the underlying investments rather than the holding company. Utilico successfully placed £75.0m of zero dividend preference ('ZDP') shares in the market on 20 June 2007 effectively raising long term debt at 7.25% per annum. Initially these funds were used to repay bank debt of £18.0m. In addition, Utilico paid fees in relation to the migration of Utilico Investment Trust and invested further funds into the market. At 30 June 2007 Utilico held cash balances of £46.0m. Bank debt stood at £44.8m. As forecasted in the June 2006 annual report and accounts and again in the December 2006 interims, the holders of convertible unsecured loan stock elected to convert their holdings into ordinary shares during June 2007. As a result of this and the performance of the underlying portfolio, shareholders' funds increased from £142.7m to £279.0m, a rise of 95.5%. The consolidated revenue yield has remained low at 2.3%. It remains the case that a number of our investments offer capital growth with either little or no yield. This includes our investment in Ecofin and ERG. With running costs of 0.7% and after allowing for finance costs and tax, the consolidated revenue undiluted pro forma EPS for the period was only 1.84p. In June 2007 Utilico paid a dividend of 0.80p per share to the ordinary shareholders. A strong feature of Utilico has been the establishment of a net long index put options position which at 30 June 2007 provided protection of £134.0m against the market. The manager's skilful execution of this strategy is commendable. The manager has partially funded this position by selling short dated puts against part of the position. At the year end there were no short dated puts outstanding. The manager has been concerned about our exposure to the New Zealand dollar. As such it has hedged out NZ$130.4m, being the look through underlying exposure to the New Zealand dollar for Utilico's Infratil holding. As a past non-executive director of Utilico Emerging Markets Limited I had a close working relationship with the management team. I look forward to working with them on Utilico. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise and thank Alan Wheatley and his board for their consistent and wise counsel to the managers over the years. Alan Wheatley and Andrew Barker have both stepped down from the Board and I would like to thank them for their contribution to Utilico. I am pleased that both Eric Stobart and Roger Urwin will continue as directors and I look forward to working with Susan Hansen and Warren McLeland. I would also like to thank Duncan Saville, Charles Jillings and their team for their consistent drive and energy in moving Utilico forward. Clearly we are faced with challenging market conditions. The resolution and outcome on a range of issues will determine the market's direction. These issues include inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, credit pricing and availability and commodity prices. Within Utilico's portfolio we continue to look for our investee companies to deliver long term growth. As such we expect further progress within Utilico's focused portfolio. J. Michael Collier September 2007 Investment report Utilico's objective of providing long-term capital appreciation was achieved once again with undiluted NAV per ordinary share increasing by 57.5% to 350.29p. Looking forward the outlook in the short term is challenging. Our investments, in the main, continue to make progress and we remain cautiously optimistic for the period through to June 2008. Utilico's objective of providing long term capital appreciation was achieved once again with the undiluted NAV per ordinary share increasing by 57.5% to 350.29p. This represents another year of positive growth in asset value and another year of out performance against equity markets. Since 14 August 2003 Utilico has achieved an annual average compound return of 39.2%. This is substantially ahead of the FTSE All Share Index which achieved 13.4% over the same period. Portfolio The portfolio turnover was more modest in the last twelve months when compared to the prior two years. During the year Utilico realised £48.6m including £16.5m from Cable & Wireless, £7.0m from Deutsche Post and £5.9m from Ecofin. Utilico invested £79.9m including £7.9m in Renewable Energy Group, £6.1m in Vienna Airport and £5.0m in ERG. A key feature continues to be Utilico's strategic investments in Infratil, UEM and Ecofin. Each of these continues to offer a different profile thus widening Utilico's exposure. The market value of Utilico's investment in Infratil nearly doubled from £60.4m to £118.0m. The key driver within Infratil was the rise in value of TrustPower whose share price increased by 18.3% during the year. Over the period, Infratil increased its holding from 35% to 51% enabling TrustPower to be consolidated in Infratil's accounts. In terms of Infratil's other main investments, Infratil Airports Europe, consisting of Glasgow Prestwick Airport and Kent International Airport in the UK, and Lubeck Airport in Germany, increased passenger numbers and freight volumes, although earnings fell, reflecting the start-up nature of some of the operations. Elsewhere, NZ Bus increased fare income despite a slight decline in passenger numbers. Finally, Wellington Airport's passenger numbers rose by a modest 1.4% but it managed to increase earnings at a faster rate on ancillary revenues. UEM's market value of investments including warrants, rose from £48.3m to £74.3m, an increase of 53.9%. This increase mirrored increases across nearly all of UEM's investments with UEM recording consistent month on month NAV growth. UEM paid dividends of 2.7p up from 1.5p in the prior year. UEM's shares continue to be well supported in the market. They ended the year at 156.5p up 47.3%. UEM's top holding is Companhia de Concessoes Rodoviarias S.A. ('CCR') which ranks 16th in Utilico's portfolio on a look through basis. UEM's portfolio comprises 63 holdings with the top ten accounting for 50.0% of its portfolio. Ecofin has continued its strong performance with its capital shares benefiting from its leveraged structure. Over the year Ecofin's capital shares gained 112.0%. We continued to reduce our holding of Ecofin capital shares decreasing our position by £5.9m in the year. Ecofin focuses principally on utilities in Europe and North America. Its portfolio remains less concentrated than Utilico's and includes more traditional large capitalisation utilities. On a look through basis Ecofin's largest holding Airtricity ranks 33rd in Utilico's portfolio. Ecofin has over 100 positions in its portfolio. Zurich Airport's value has increased by 71.5% to £28.8m. Zurich has seen its operational performance continue to improve with rising passenger numbers combined with improving margins. ERG shares ended the year at 13.5c, up from 9.4c last year. ERG has seen its shares trade as high as 33.5c in the year. While ERG continues to report progress, the significant nature of its larger turnkey contracts mean that its ability to report a clear outlook is dependent on material events. During the year Utilico has continued to support ERG and invested a further £5.0m by way of secured loans. We continue to have faith in the company's longer term prospects. Jersey Electricity ('JEL') has again been frustrating rising only 11.4% to £14.2m. The performance of JEL has been held back by their decision not to fully pass through increases in the cost of purchased electricity. This harshly imposed 'self regulation' does not follow usual regulatory practice whereby electricity distribution companies can pass through increased external costs to their customers. Keytech has performed well in the period rising by 37.5% from BMD11.0 to BMD15.0 after Cable & Wireless made a bid for the company. Whilst this was later withdrawn, as a result of dissatisfaction over the offered price, the share price remained at the increased level which we still believe undervalues the company. The investment in Renewable Energy Generation ('REG') was increased significantly during the year resulting in the investment rising from £3.5m to £11.9m. REG has been disappointing with its share price declining during the year from 117.5p to 113.0p. REG continues to make progress in building out its windfarm assets. This process will take time but the company looks to have a bright future having secured a substantial pipeline of future development opportunities. Utilico continued to invest in Flughafen Wien ('Vienna Airport'). The increase in investment together with an increase in the share price of 22.4% to €73.1 has seen Vienna Airport rise from number 14 to number 10 in the portfolio. Geographically, Vienna Airport is well positioned to benefit from the continuing expansion of air travel in Eastern Europe. Vienna Airport is seeking to position itself as the hub for the Far and Middle East. Passenger numbers grew by 9.0% in the year. Over the twelve months there have been some movements in the geographic split of investments. Australasia and North America have remained virtually the same at 31.5% and 9.4% respectively. The UK has reduced from 18.2% to 10.0%. This has mainly arisen as a result of the sale of Cable & Wireless, increasing investment outside the UK by Utilico and Ecofin and combined with a strong performance in other markets. Europe increased as a result of the investment in Vienna Airport and several other European investments combined with increased values for Zurich Airport. Asia and the Far East has risen due to increased investment by UEM and Latin America has correspondingly reduced. On a sectoral basis the portfolio has remained broadly stable. The significant move being in electricity where the increased value of TrustPower (combined with Infratil's increased holding) up from 10.6% to 14.9% of the portfolio together with increased investments in Europe has seen the electricity sector as a whole increase from 32.4% to 36.8%. Debt On a consolidated basis Utilico's bank debt stood at £44.8m at the year end, down £10.2m on last year. This decrease reflects the repayment of Utilico's NZ$30.0m facility in late June 2007. Utilico's £45.0m bank facility was fully drawn. As at 30 June 2007 the £44.8m bank drawings on a consolidated basis were £24.9m in Swiss francs, £14.9m in US dollars and £5.0m in Euros. The blended interest rate on the bank debt was 4.1%. Utilico Limited benefits from interest rate swap agreements on part of the US dollar and Euro loans which were entered into by Utilico Investment Trust plc. Financing charges were £8.5m for the full year, an increase on the prior year of £7.1m. Overall the financing cost represented a cost of 5.0% (prior year 6.0%) based on the average balances for the group's debt, CULS and ZDP shares. The drawings have continued to act as a natural hedge to investments in Swiss francs, US dollars and Euros. During the year we increased our forward exchange contracts on the New Zealand dollar. At year end Utilico held NZ$130.4m forward exchange contracts at an exchange rate of 2.61. Utilico ended the year with consolidated cash balances of £46.0m arising from funds raised at the issue of £75.0m ZDP shares. Revenue income The revenue income for the year increased by 21.7% to £8.4m. This reflected the investment of non revenue realisations (Simon Group) into revenue generating investments. The revenue yield fell to 2.3% as a result of the strong asset performance. Expenses The advisory and administration fees and other expenses (excluding the performance fee) were £2.6m for the year (prior year £2.2m). Based on average consolidated gross assets less current liabilities (excluding loans) of £362.3m, this represents a TER of 0.7% (prior year 0.9%). The cost of migration to Bermuda was in line with expectations. Derivatives A key feature of Utilico over the past few years has been the continued emphasis on market protection. We have implemented a program of hedges against both the general equity market and the New Zealand dollar. We have consistently invested in long dated put options against both the S&P Index and the FTSE Index. In order to partially fund the cost of these we have sold a limited number of short dated puts. In the rising markets for most of the year to June 2007 these short dated puts have expired out of the money with no consequent liability to Utilico. At 30 June Utilico held long dated S&P put options with strikes ranging from of 1,225 to 1,525 with an underlying market exposure of US$202m together with long dated FTSE put options with strikes of 6,225 to 6,425 with an underlying market exposure of £33m. Together these offer market protection amounting to £134.0m covering 32.4% of Utilico's gross portfolio. The market value of these put positions as at 30 June 2007 is £7.9m. The cost of establishing this position has been substantially offset by the short dated puts sold during the year. At 30 June 2007 there were no short dated puts outstanding. Outlook The year to June 2007 saw outstanding investment performance. The migration to Bermuda removes a number of investment constraints. The conversion of the CULS strengthens Utilico's balance sheet and reduces the finance costs. The new ZDP shares partially re-gear the ordinary shares. Looking forward, the outlook in the short term is challenging and markets have seen increased volatility since the period end. Last year we stated that exchange rates and interest rates will present challenges. To this we can add inflation, oil prices, debt liquidity and global growth as important issues that will test the resolve of the markets. Our investments, in the main, continue to make progress and we remain cautiously optimistic for the period through to June 2008. SUMMARY OF CONSOLIDATED NET ASSETS At 30 June 2006 £'000s £'000s Non-current assets Investments 413,598 Current assets Other receivables 1,642 Derivatives financial instruments 13,577 Cash and cash equivalents 46,048 61,267 Current liabilities Bank loans (24,934) Other payables (17,556) Derivatives financial instruments (2,715) (45,205) Net current assets 16,062 Total assets less current liabilities 429,660 Non-current liabilities Bank loans (19,891) Zero dividend preference shares (130,740) (150,631) Net assets 279,029 Equity attributable to equity holders Ordinary share capital 7,966 Share premium account 237,554 Warrant reserve 35,118 Capital reserves (1,582) Revenue reserve (27) Total attributable to equity holders 279,029 Net asset value per ordinary share Basic - pence 350.29 Diluted - pence 312.06 The Unaudited Investment Update will be posted to shareholders in the middle of September 2007. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the Company's registered office, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY. By order of the Board F&C Management Limited, Secretary 11 September 2007 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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