Interim Results
Sarantel Group PLC
24 May 2006
Embargoed until 7:00 24 May 2006
Sarantel Group PLC (AIM: SLG.L), the leading manufacturer and supplier of
filtering antennas for wireless devices, today announces its unaudited results
for the six months ended 31st March 2006. Highlights are as follows:
•Turnover more than doubled to £2.3m (2005: £1.0m)
•Loss before tax narrowed to £2.7m (2005: £2.8m)
•Successful production ramp up of new satellite radio antenna
•Quadrupled manufacturing capacity
•Roll out of new second generation GPS product on track
•Cash balances of £8.4m (2005: £16.7m)
David Wither, Chief Executive Officer, said:
'Sarantel continues to experience strong revenue growth and posted a solid
performance for the first half. We made demonstrable gains in all areas of the
business and are very pleased with the successful production launch of our new
satellite radio antenna. We are encouraged by the level of new design activity
with XM Satellite Radio and our new GPS antenna. We expect to convert a number
of these designs to new business as we expand our customer base in the coming
year, although near term order visibility remains limited and it is still too
early to determine how much revenue we can expect from satellite radio this
year. Regardless of these near term issues, we expect revenue growth to continue
and believe that our technology is well positioned to capitalise on market
trends towards thinner, more highly integrated portable devices.'
An analyst briefing will be held at 9.30am today at the offices of Smithfield,
10 Aldersgate Street, London, EC1A 4HJ.
For further information please contact:
Sarantel Group PLC 01933 670560
David Wither, CEO/Sitkow Yeung, CFO
Smithfield 020 7360 4900
Sara Musgrave/Tania Wild
Pictures are available for the media to view and download from
Sarantel designs, manufactures and sells patented, ceramic, filtering antennas
for use in portable wireless devices. These antennas allow a clearer signal than
conventional antennas whilst reducing the amount of energy absorbed by the body
by approximately 90 per cent. They also simplify system design, thus allowing
design standardisation and reduced time to market and cost for manufacturers.
Sarantel's antennas significantly improve the performance of wireless systems by
increasing their range and effective bandwidth.
The Company supplies antennas to the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) market
and the North American satellite radio market and Sarantel's antennas have been
successfully designed into Personal Navigation Devices (PNDs), laptops and
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). Sarantel's antenna technology is also
capable of servicing multiple high volume markets such as Wi-Fi, 3G and
Sarantel is listed on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange and is
included in the IT Hardware sector (93) within the Telecommunications equipment
sub-sector (938) and has a RIC code of SLG.L
We are pleased to present our interim results for the six months to 31 March
2006. The Company posted a solid performance for the first half and we continue
to make demonstrable gains in all areas of our business.
Trading Results
In the six months to 31st March 2006, revenues more than doubled to £2.3m (2005:
£1.0m). Demand for Sarantel's innovative antennas continued to increase and
during the first half, approximately 20 per cent. of our revenues came from new
product shipments to the North American satellite radio market. Due to the
nature of our markets and existing customers we continue to face limited near
term visibility of orders.
Operating losses reduced to £2.8m (2005: £2.9m) during the period under review.
Material costs were lower while operating charges increased as a result of the
planned investment in staff, research and development activities as well as the
increase in the level of activity. The trend for both material and overhead
costs is in line with management's plans. Loss before tax narrowed to £2.7m from
As stated in the announcement of the XM Satellite Radio order delay in December,
Sarantel focused on producing antennas for stock. This resulted in increased
spend on working capital as stock levels increased to £1.0m (2005: £0.2m) while
debtors increased in line with the level of shipments. Operating cash outflow
during the first six months was £3.4m, of which £1.3m arose from this higher
working capital requirement.
Capital expenditure amounted to approximately £1.4m, (2004: £1.0m) as we
continued to increase production capacity. The Board is confident that the
Company will have sufficient installed capacity at the end of this financial
year to reach profitability.
During the first half year, approximately £0.3m of the Company's capital
expenditure was funded through hire purchase or lease agreements. At the end of
March, the Company had in place further leasing and hire purchase facilities
amounting to approximately £1.8m worth of new equipment.
Cash balances at 31 March 2006 were £8.4m.
Operational Review
Following the delay to the commencement of the XM Satellite Radio order at the
start of the financial year, we were pleased to confirm in March that we had
successfully commenced volume deliveries of our satellite radio antennas. We
have received excellent feedback regarding the performance and form factor of
these antennas and the initial product reviews have been very positive. The
successful production ramp up of the new satellite radio antenna validated a
significant manufacturing process improvement that was introduced for our new
generation of antenna products. This innovation dramatically improves the
scaleability of our manufacturing process while reducing unit cost.
Prototype production of our second generation GPS antenna has commenced and we
are encouraged by the broad market interest in this product, which provides
better performance in a smaller package at a better cost.
As planned, we have significantly improved our operational capability by
achieving a four-fold increase in our capacity at Wellingborough over the past
twelve months. The Company continues to investigate potential partners for
future outsourced manufacturing capacity.
Management and Staff
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of Sarantel's employees for
their continued hard work and dedication.
Accounting Policies
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
in accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards. The principal
accounting policies of the Company have remained unchanged from those set out in
the Company's 2005 annual report and financial statements. The Company has
prepared an initial IFRS conversion plan and is taking professional advice with
regard to the appropriate timing for adopting IFRS, at the latest by the year
ending 30th September 2008.
Sarantel has experienced strong revenue growth and we expect this trend to
continue. The board decided to build manufacturing capacity in advance of orders
to ensure the Company is positioned to capitalise on potential market demand. We
are encouraged by the level of new design activity with XM Satellite Radio and
GPS and expect to convert a number of these designs to new business. Near term
order visibility however remains limited and it is still too early to determine
how much revenue we can expect from satellite radio this year. Regardless of
these near term issues, we believe our technology is well positioned to capture
opportunities presented by market trends towards thinner, more highly integrated
portable devices and expect order visibility to improve as we continue the
successful expansion of our customer base.
David Wither
Chief Executive Officer
24th May 2006
Note 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to
31 March 31 March 30 September
2006 2005 2005
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Turnover 2,275,093 1,012,677 2,802,454
------------ ------------ ------------
Operating costs
Change in stocks of finished
goods and work in progress 405,591 (64,805) (92,319)
Raw materials and consumables (1,537,565) (850,542) (1,464,061)
------------ ------------ ------------
Total material cost (1,131,974) (915,347) (1,556,380)
============ ============ ============
Other operating expenses - (115,000) (115,000)
Other external charges (354,910) (105,522) (677,930)
Staff costs (1,818,917) (1,326,889) (3,034,483)
Other operating charges (1,793,536) (1,438,164) (3,308,919)
------------ ------------ ------------
Total operating charges (3,967,363) (2,985,575) (7,136,332)
Operating loss before
depreciation and
exceptional non-recurring
costs (2,090,584) (2,055,325) (4,497,310)
Depreciation and other amounts
written off tangible and
intangible assets (733,660) (527,954)* (1,087,982)
Exceptional non-recurring costs 2 - (304,966) (304,966)
Operating loss (2,824,244) (2,888,245) (5,890,258)
Interest receivable and
similar income 163,740 73,630 328,447
------------ ------------ ------------
Loss on ordinary activities
before taxation (2,660,504) (2,814,615) (5,561,811)
Tax on loss on ordinary activities 3 65,000 40,000 150,215
------------ ------------ ------------
Loss on ordinary activities
after taxation (2,595,504) (2,774,615) (5,411,596)
============ ============ ============
Earnings per share
- basic 4 (4.8)p (8.1)p (12.3)p
============ ============ ============
* The comparative figure for depreciation for the 6 months to 31 March 2005 has
been restated to reflect the change in estimated useful economic life of certain
fixed assets effected in the statutory financial statements for the year ended
30 September 2005.
31 March 2006 31 March 2005 30 September
Unaudited Unaudited 2005
Restated Audited
£ £ £
Fixed assets 6,255,591 3,639,479* 5,247,650
Current assets
Stocks 983,081 227,905 126,281
Debtors 1,370,627 642,038 1,046,655
Cash at bank and in hand 8,375,522 16,722,895 13,134,412
------------ ------------ ------------
10,729,230 17,592,838 14,307,348
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year (1,835,623) (1,509,199) (2,009,708)
------------ ------------ ------------
Net current assets 8,893,607 16,083,639 12,297,640
------------ ------------ ------------
Total assets less current
liabilities 15,149,198 19,723,118 17,545,290
Creditors: amounts falling
due after one year (540,594) (74,570) (460,257)
------------ ------------ ------------
14,608,604 19,648,548 17,085,033
============ ============ ============
Share capital 5,450,380 5,293,796 5,355,891
Share premium 14,366,489 14,330,532 14,341,907
Other reserve 13,389,540 13,389,540 13,389,536
Profit and loss account (18,597,805) (13,365,320) (16,002,301)
------------ ------------ ------------
14,608,604 19,648,548 17,085,033
============ ============ ============
* The comparative figure for fixed assets at 31 March 2005 has been restated to
reflect the change in estimated useful economic life of certain fixed assets
effected in the statutory financial statements for the year ended 30 September
Note 6 months to 6 months to 31 12 months to 30
31 March March 2005 September 2005
2006 Unaudited Audited
Unaudited Restated
£ £ £
Net cash outflow
from operating
activities 5 (3,414,064) (1,598,510) (3,950,835)
Returns on investments
and servicing of finance 163,740 73,630 328,447
Corporation tax received - 125,000 165,215
Capital expenditure and
financial investment (1,423,575) (1,024,096) (2,248,525)
------------ ------------ ------------
Net cash outflow before
financing (4,673,899) (2,423,976) (5,705,698)
Financing (84,991) 17,077,825 16,771,064
------------ ------------ ------------
(Decrease)/Increase in
cash 6 (4,758,890) 14,653,849 11,065,366
============ ============ ============
6 months to 31 6 months to 12 months to 30
March 2006 31 March September
2005 2005
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Loss for the period (2,595,504) (2,774,615) (5,411,596)
Issue of shares net of expenses 119,075 17,077,825 16,617,450
Issue of share in subsidiary prior
to reconstruction 533,841
------------ ------------ ------------
Net increase/(decrease) in
shareholders' funds (2,476,429) 14,303,210 11,739,695
Opening shareholders' funds 17,085,033 5,345,338 5,345,338
------------ ------------ ------------
Closing shareholders' funds 14,608,604 19,648,548 17,085,033
============ ============ ============
The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost convention.
Accounting Policies
The principal accounting policies of the group have remained unchanged from
those set out in the group's 2005 annual report and financial statements. In
those financial statements the useful estimated economic life of certain fixed
assets was shortened and therefore the comparative figure for depreciation for
the 6 months to 31 March 2005 has been restated to reflect that change. The
impact on the results for that period is to increase the loss and reduce net
assets by £156,954.
The interim financial information in this report has neither been audited nor
reviewed by the Company's auditors.
6 months to 31 6 months to 12 months to 30
March 2006 31 March 2005 September 2005
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Stock write-off - (109,198) (109,198)
Variation of Share Exchange
Agreement - (115,000) (115,000)
Non-recurring professional
charges - (80,768) (80,768)
------------ ------------ ------------
Total exceptional
non-recurring costs - (304,966) (304,966)
============ ============ ============
6 months to 31 6 months to 12 months to 30
March 2006 31 March 2005 September 2005
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Current tax
UK corporation tax based on
the results for 6 months
to 31 March 2006 65,000 40,000 150,215
============ ============ ============
The taxation credit arises in respect of research and development expenditure
and is subject to agreement with the Inland Revenue.
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings
attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the year. Shares held in employee share trusts are
treated as cancelled for the purposes of this calculation.
Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in
the calculations are set out below.
Basic earnings per share
6 Months to 31 6 Months to 31 12 Months to 30
March 2006 March 2005 Sept 2005
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Earnings (2,595,504) (2,774,615) (5,411,596)
Weighted average
number of shares 53,856,628 34,438,823 43,867,040
Per share amount
pence (4.8)p (8.1)p (12.3)p
6 months to 31 6 months to 12 months to 30
March 2006 31 March 2005 September 2005
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Operating loss (2,824,244) (2,888,245) (5,890,258)
Depreciation 733,660 527,954 1,087,982
(Increase)/decrease in stock (856,800) 26,713 237,534
(Increase)/decrease in debtors (323,972) (90,244) (448,303)
(Decrease)/increase in
creditors (142,708) 601,114 947,210
Non-cash exceptional
non-recurring costs - 224,198 115,000
------------ ------------ ------------
Net cash outflow from
operating activities (3,414,064) (1,598,510) (3,950,835)
============ ============ ============
6 months to 31 6 months to 12 months to 30
March 2006 31 March 2005 September 2005
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
(Decrease)/increase in cash
in the period (4,758,890) 14,653,849 11,065,366
Cash outflow in respect of
finance leases and HP 204,066 - 191,586
New finance leases and HP (318,026) - (949,842)
------------ ------------ ------------
Change in net funds resulting
from cash flows (4,872,850) 14,653,849 10,307,110
Net funds at beginning of
period 12,323,004 2,069,046 2,015,894
------------ ------------ ------------
Net funds at end of period 7,450,154 16,722,895 12,323,004
============ ============ ============
At 1 Oct 2005 Cash Flows At 31 March 2006
Net cash: £ £ £
Cash in hand and at bank 13,134,412 (4,758,890) 8,375,522
Finance leases and hire
purchase agreements (811,408) (113,960) (925,368)
------------ ------------ ------------
Net funds 12,323,004 (4,872,850) 7,450,154
------------ ------------ ------------
The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute
statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
figures for the year ended 30 September 2005 have been extracted from the
statutory financial statements which have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors' report on those financial statements was unqualified
and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange