Board review of investment policy and structure
The board of Electra Private Equity PLC announces that it is reviewing the Company's investment strategy and policy and its structure. The review will look at all options for maximising long-term shareholder value.
The Company's current Investment Strategy and Policy was approved by shareholders in October 2006 and some amendments regarding capital structure, distributions and fees were announced in February 2015*. In the ten years to September 2015, Electra's share price increased by 210% compared to 72% for the FTSE All-Share index. This corresponded to an annual return on equity of 13%, in line with Electra's long-term objective of annual returns between 10% and 15%.
The board presently anticipates that the current review will be completed during the autumn, and the outcome will be announced to shareholders as soon as appropriate. For the present, however, the Company's business will operate as usual.
Interim chairman, Dame Kate Barker, said: "Electra's strategy and investment policy has remained substantially unchanged for almost ten years. Together with the outcome of the General Meeting on 5 November 2015, which indicated that a significant proportion of shareholders wish a review to take place, this has led the board to conclude now is the right time to undertake one. We will look at whether the current strategy remains best suited to maximise shareholder value in the future. We remain open to further discussions with all shareholders."
For further enquiries, please contact:
Brunswick Group
+44 20 7404 5959
Gill Ackers
Rowan Brown
* ELECTRA PRIVATE EQUITY PLC: Review of capital structure, distributions and fees (11.02.2015): http://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail/ELTA/12245295.html