Q3 & 9 Months Results

Unilever PLC Unilever NV 5 November 1999 UNILEVER REPORTS £868 MILLION PRETAX PROFIT FOR THIRD QUARTER -- PLC Interim Dividend Fixed At 3.93p -- Unilever today reported pretax profit of £868 million on sales up 2% to £7,065 million for the third quarter 1999. Operating profit before exceptional items rose 3% but net profit, on the same basis, declined 3% as a result of lower interest income following the payment of the special dividend in June 1999. Largely due to the exceptional profit on the disposal of Plant Breeding International Cambridge in the third quarter 1998, pre-tax profit and net profit after exceptional items is 19% below last year. Highlights in the quarter to end September included a further improvement in volume and margins in Western Europe, although Europe's overall results were held back by continuing difficult markets in Russia and Eastern Europe. Asia and Pacific forged ahead with a 10% growth in sales across the region and a strong improvement in margins. For the nine months, Unilever sales were £20,721 million, a 1% improvement over 1998. Operating profit before exceptional items improved by 6% to £2,333 million. Pretax profit was 7% lower due to the impact of lower interest income following payment of the special dividend, and exceptional items. THIRD QUARTER NINE MONTHS £ millions £ millions 1999 1998 1999 1998 7,065 6,928 +2% Turnover 20,721 20,432 +1% 886 1,054 -16% Operating Profit 2,217 2,346 -5% 934 909 +3% -before exceptional items- 2,333 2,195 +6% 868 1,076 -19% Pretax Profit 2,260 2,439 -7% Net Profit 549 678 -19% at constant exchange rates 1,439 1,546 -7% 584 601 -3% -before exceptional items- 1,520 1,460 +4% 554 676 -18% at current exchange rates 1,420 1,539 -8% 8.09p 9.07p -11% Earnings per share 19.90p 20.61p -4% per 1.40p (1998: 1.25p) ordinary PLC share Interim Dividends: per 1.40p ordinary PLC share: 3.93p +33% per Fl.1.12 ordinary N.V. share Fl. 0.88 +9% BUSINESS PERFORMANCE: Europe: overall sales flat although Western European volumes well ahead: home and personal care businesses achieved excellent growth. Ice cream and tea also performed strongly. Russian and Eastern European markets continued to be difficult. North America: good growth in most home and personal care categories, notably personal wash, deodorants and hair; offset by declines in some food categories and in prestige. Margins and profits again improved. Africa and Middle East: sales up 5%; compared to strong quarter last year profits in South Africa fell due to rephasing of promotional activity. Improved results elsewhere almost compensated. Asia & Pacific: sales up 10% across region, due in part to economic recovery in East Asia. Particularly good performances in India, Japan, Vietnam. Margins and profits rose strongly despite higher marketing investment. Latin America: sales rose 4% despite difficult economic conditions. Ice cream and personal care performed well. Continued investment to defend strong market positions, particularly laundry; margin and profit development reflects commitment. NET FUNDS At closing rates of exchange, Net Funds were £0.4bn. compared to £4.1bn at the end of 1998. The decrease is mainly due to payment of the special dividend of £4bn, and the normal part of the final dividend 1998. UNILEVER RESULTS Third Quarter 1999 and Interim Dividends The directors of Unilever announce the Group's unaudited consolidated results for the third quarter and first nine months of 1999, and the interim ordinary dividends for 1999. THIRD QUARTER Financial results At constant rates of exchange, sales increased by 2% and operating profit before exceptional items rose by 3%. Net profit, also before exceptional items, fell 3% reflecting lower interest income following payment of the special dividend in June 1999. Largely due to the exceptional profit on the disposal of Plant Breeding International Cambridge in the third quarter 1998, net profit after exceptional items is 19% below last year. At current rates of exchange the trends are similar. Business performance The following commentary is based on operating profit before exceptional items, at constant rates of exchange. In Europe, although overall sales were flat, Western European volumes were well ahead of last year. This was especially so in our home and personal care businesses which again achieved excellent growth. Ice cream and tea also performed strongly, but other foods categories were somewhat lower than last year. Russian and Eastern European markets continued to be difficult. In North America there was good growth in most home and personal care categories, notably personal wash, deodorants and hair. This was offset by declines in some food categories, mainly spreads and ice cream and also in prestige. Margins and profits again improved. In Africa and Middle East, sales were up 5%. Compared to a strong third quarter in 1998 profits in South Africa fell, due to rephasing of promotional activities, but improved results elsewhere in the region largely compensated for this. In Asia and Pacific, sales were up 10% across the region, in part due to economic recovery in East Asia. There were particularly good performances in India, Japan and Vietnam. Margins and profits both rose strongly despite a higher level of marketing investments. In Latin America, sales rose 4% despite the difficult economic conditions. Our ice cream and personal care categories both performed well. We continue to invest to defend our strong market positions, particularly in laundry, and margin and profit development reflects this commitment. NINE MONTHS At constant rates of exchange, sales increased by 1% and operating profit before exceptional items rose by 6%. Net profit, also before exceptional items, is up 4%. At current rates of exchange, net profit after exceptional items decreased by 8% in guilders and sterling and 10% in US dollars, influenced by the swing in exceptional items referred to above. Taking account of the share consolidation in June 1999, earnings per share decreased by 4% in guilders and sterling and 6% in US dollars. INTERIM DIVIDEND In accordance with the interim dividend policy, the interim dividend has been set at 35% of last year's total normal dividend per share, based on the stronger of our two reporting currencies over the first nine months, which for this period was the guilder. The interim dividend, to be paid on 17 December 1999, is therefore fixed at Fl. 0.88 per Fl. 1.12 ordinary share of Unilever N.V., an increase of 9% from last year. The interim dividend per 1.40p ordinary share of Unilever PLC is set at 3.93p, an increase of 33% from last year. PLC's interim dividend in respect of 1999 has been calculated without reference to ACT. The Unilever N.V. shares will go ex-dividend on 8 November 1999, and the Unilever PLC shares will go ex-dividend on 15 November 1999. ADVANCE CORPORATION TAX (ACT) In accordance with the provisions of the UK Finance Act 1998, ACT was abolished with effect from 6 April 1999. Therefore, PLC is no longer required to take ACT into account under the terms of the Equalisation Agreement. BALANCE SHEET AND CASH FLOW The main movements in the balance sheet from the start of this year to the end of the third quarter were in debtors, net funds and trade and other creditors. Debtors were somewhat higher at the end of the third quarter, mainly due to seasonal factors. Net funds at closing rates of exchange were £0.4 billion, compared to £4.1 billion at the end of l998. The decrease in funds is mainly due to payment of the special dividend of £4 billion, and the normal part of the final dividend for l998. These were included in trade and other creditors at the end of l998. Capital and reserves increased by £1.6 billion reflecting profits in the period, together with the issue of 211 million preference shares, amounting to £0.9 billion in value, to those shareholders in Unilever N.V. who elected to receive the special dividend in that form. Cash flow from operating activities in the nine months was strong at £2.5 billion. This was almost £0.5 billion higher than the corresponding period last year and arises from lower investment in working capital. YEAR 2000 In mid-1996 Unilever began a comprehensive programme to secure business continuity throughout the millennium date change period. All preparatory phases of the programme are complete, covering internal compliance, assessment of supply chain partners and infrastructure providers and preparation of contingency plans. During the remaining weeks prior to the end of the year, we are minimising changes to systems and exercising continual vigilance to ensure Y2k compliance is maintained. We have introduced a communication system linking all business units for regular information exchange and to alert key functions and our operating companies where events require urgent action. We have a programme of training and rehearsal for the millennium transition period. It remains difficult to assess the impact of any service interruptions from suppliers or public utilities resulting from Year 2000 failures. However, we believe we have taken the necessary actions to mitigate the risks of disruption to our business during the date changeover period. A combination of minor failures is now the most likely source of business interruption. Preparation of business continuity plans to address the highest priority concerns are now complete. Cumulatively we have spent £170 million on this programme. The current estimated total expenditure of protecting business continuity throughout the millennium change period is around £250 million. This includes all external costs, associated depreciation on capital expenditure, and directly related internal costs during the period from 1996 to completion of the programme, which will extend beyond 2000. EURO REPORTING We are publishing supplementary results information in euro throughout 1999 and will replace the guilder and sterling with the euro as the reporting currency from the first quarter 2000. Following this change supplementary information will be available in sterling. Supplementary information in euro is given in the attachment to this announcement. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT - CONSTANT EXCHANGE RATES (unaudited) In the profit and loss account given below, the results in both years have been translated at constant exchange rates, being the annual average exchange rates for 1998. This reporting convention facilitates comparisons since the impact of exchange rate fluctuations is eliminated. Third Quarter £ Millions Nine Months 1999 1998 Incr./ 1999 1998 Incr./ (Decr.) (Decr.) 7,065 6,928 2 % TURNOVER 20,721 20,432 1 % 886 1,054 (16)% OPERATING PROFIT 2,217 2,346 (5)% 934 909 3 % Operating Profit before 2,333 2,195 6 % exceptional items 9 7 Income from fixed investments 26 19 (27) 15 Interest (net) 17 74 868 1,076 (19)% PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 2,260 2,439 (7)% (282) (368) Taxation (723) (808) 586 708 (17)% PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 1,537 1,631 (6)% (37) (30) Minority Interests (98) (85) NET PROFIT AT CONSTANT 1998 549 678 (19)% EXCHANGE RATES 1,439 1,546 (7)% 584 601 (3)% Net Profit before exceptional items 1,520 1,460 4 % NET PROFIT AT EXCHANGE RATES 554 676 (18)% CURRENT IN EACH PERIOD 1,420 1,539 (8)% COMBINED EARNINGS PER SHARE * 8.09p 9.07p(11)% - per 1.40p (1998: 1.25p) 19.90p 20.61p (4)% ordinary share 7.88p 8.85p(11)% - per 1.40p (1998: 1.25p) 19.40p 20.11p (4)% ordinary share - diluted * See note on page 9 on 'Share Consolidation' STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES (unaudited) £ Millions Nine Months 1999 1998 Net profit 1,420 1,539 Currency retranslation (255) (146) Total recognised gains 1,165 1,393 SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET (unaudited) £ Millions As at 2 As at 31 October December 1999 1998 Goodwill 339 200 Fixed assets 5,543 5,885 Stocks 3,192 3,351 Debtors 4,934 4,755 Cash and current investments 4,010 7,329 Trade & other creditors (6,111) (11,586) ______ ______ 11,907 9,934 Borrowings 3,646 3,250 Provisions for liabilities and charges 2,947 3,044 Minority interests 315 288 Capital and reserves 4,999 3,352 ______ ______ 11,907 9,934 CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) £ Millions Nine Months 1999 1998 Cash flow from operating activities 2,547 2,056 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (78) - Taxation (573) (588) Capital expenditure and financial investment (680) (621) Acquisitions and disposals (191) 287 Dividends paid on ordinary share capital (4,532) (469) CASH INFLOW / (OUTFLOW) BEFORE MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND FINANCING (3,507) 665 Management of liquid resources 3,090 (883) Financing 576 395 INCREASE IN CASH IN THE PERIOD 159 177 RECONCILIATION OF CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS NET FUNDS AT 1 JANUARY 4,079 3,183 INCREASE IN CASH IN THE PERIOD 159 177 Cash flow from (increase)/decrease in borrowings (571) (389) Cash flow from increase/(decrease) in liquid resources (3,090) 883 Change in net funds resulting from cash flows (3,502) 671 Borrowings within group companies acquired (1) (17) Borrowings within group companies sold - 2 Liquid resources within group companies acquired 1 - Liquid resources within group companies sold - (1) Non cash movements (2) 26 Currency retranslation (212) 92 MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS IN THE PERIOD (3,716) 773 NET FUNDS AT PERIOD END 363 3,956 GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS Third Quarter £ Millions Nine Months 1999 1998 %Incr./ 1999 1998% Incr./ (Decr.) (Decr.) Turnover 3,290 3,304 - % Europe 9,608 9,750 (1)% 1,459 1,459 - % North America 4,244 4,213 1 % 405 385 5 % Africa and Middle East 1,181 1,113 6 % 1,056 962 10 % Asia and Pacific 3,133 2,883 9 % 855 818 4 % Latin America 2,555 2,473 3 % 7,065 6,928 2 % TURNOVER 20,721 20,432 1 % Operating profit - before exceptional items 540 523 3 % Europe 1,227 1,213 1 % 179 171 5 % North America 412 361 14 % 49 50 (4)% Africa and Middle East 141 123 14 % 121 96 27 % Asia and Pacific 330 255 30 % 45 69 (34)% Latin America* 223 243 (8)% 934 909 3 % Sub-total 2,333 2,195 6 % (48) 145 Exceptional Items (116) 151 886 1,054 (16)% OPERATING PROFIT 2,217 2,346 (5)% % % Operating margin - before % % exceptional items 16.4% 15.8% Europe 12.8% 12.4% 12.2% 11.7% North America 9.7% 8.6% 12.0% 13.0% Africa and Middle East 11.9% 11.1% 11.5% 9.9% Asia and Pacific 10.5% 8.8% 5.3% 8.5% Latin America 8.7% 9.8% 13.2% 13.1% OPERATING MARGIN BEI 11.3% 10.7% 12.5% 15.2% OPERATING MARGIN 10.7% 11.5% * Note: At current rates of exchange for the first nine months of 1999 operating profit for Latin America reduces by approximately £33 million, reflecting the currency devaluations in the region. OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Third Quarter £ Millions Nine Months 1999 1998 %Incr./ 1999 1998 %Incr./ (Decr.) (Decr.) TURNOVER 3,580 3,593 - % Foods 10,564 10,778 (2)% 1,214 1,295 (6)% Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 3,621 3,789 (4)% 1,352 1,247 8 % Ice cream and beverages 3,697 3,643 1 % 1,014 1,051 (4)% Culinary and frozen products 3,246 3,346 (3)% 1,558 1,489 5 % Home Care and Professional Cleaning 4,671 4,432 5 % 1,832 1,754 4 % Personal Care 5,213 4,943 5 % 95 92 2 % Other Operations 273 279 (2)% 7,065 6,928 2 % TURNOVER 20,721 20,432 1 % OPERATING PROFIT - before exceptional items 460 442 4 % Foods 1,075 1,053 2 % 128 148 (13)% Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 356 354 1 % 221 192 15 % Ice cream and beverages 414 394 5 % 111 102 8 % Culinary and frozen products 305 305 - % 134 184 (27)% Home Care and Professional Cleaning 453 466 (3)% 330 274 20 % Personal Care 763 622 23 % 10 9 11 % Other Operations 42 54 (22)% 934 909 3 % Subtotal 2,333 2,195 6 % (48) 145 Exceptional items (116) 151 886 1,054 (16)% OPERATING PROFIT 2,217 2,346 (5)% % % OPERATING MARGIN - before % % exceptional items 12.8% 12.3% Foods 10.2% 9.8% 10.6% 11.4% Oil and dairy based foods and bakery 9.8% 9.3% 16.3% 15.4% Ice cream and beverages 11.2% 10.8% 10.9% 9.8% Culinary and frozen products 9.4% 9.1% 8.6% 12.3% Home Care and Professional Cleaning 9.7% 10.5% 18.0% 15.6% Personal Care 14.6% 12.6% 11.0% 10.1% Other Operations 15.4% 19.4% 13.2% 13.1% OPERATING MARGIN BEI 11.3% 10.7% 12.5% 15.2% OPERATING MARGIN 10.7% 11.5% NOTES Acquisitions In the first nine months of 1999 the effect on turnover and operating profit of acquisitions made in the period was £45 million and a £1 million loss respectively. Exchange Rates The results for 1999 and the comparative figures for 1998 have been translated at constant average rates of exchange, being the annual average rates for 1998. For our reporting currencies these were £1 = Fl. 3.29 = US $1.66. In addition, the results, earnings per share and cash flow statement have been translated at rates current in each period. For our reporting currencies these were: Third Quarter Nine Months 1999 £1 = Fl. 3.36 = US $ 1.61 £1 = Fl. 3.31 = US $1.61 1998 £1 = Fl. 3.29 = US $ 1.65 £1 = Fl. 3.33 = US $1.65 The balance sheet figures have been translated at period-end rates of exchange. For our reporting currencies these were £1 = Fl. 3.41 = US $1.66 at the end of the first nine months (31 December 1998: £1 = Fl. 3.12 = US $1.66). Change in Accounting Standards Following the adoption of United Kingdom Financial Reporting Standard 14 'Earnings per share', dividends paid on own shares held internally to meet Employee Share Option plans have been excluded both from the results for the period and from dividends. 1998 figures have been restated on the same basis. Share consolidation On 9th June 1999 the 1.25p ordinary shares of PLC were consolidated, so that every 112 1.25p ordinary shares was replaced by 100 1.40p ordinary shares. This consolidation was associated with the payment of a special dividend of 66.13p per 1.25p share, so that the economic impact was that of a share buy back at fair value and therefore, in accordance with UK Accounting Standard FRS14, earnings per share for prior periods have not been restated. Combined earnings per share The average combined number of share units used to calculate EPS are: 1.40p Basic Diluted Cumulative Q3 7,086,800,207 7,269,424,755 End of Q3 6,609,998,704 6,792,623,253 Fl. 1.12 Basic Diluted Cumulative Q3 1,063,020,030 1,090,413,713 End of Q3 991,499,805 1,018,893,488 The combined earnings per share calculations are based on the average number of share units representing the combined ordinary shares of NV and PLC in issue during the year, less the average number of shares held to meet options granted under various employee share plans. The number of combined share units is calculated from the underlying NV and PLC shares using the exchange rate of £1 = Fl. 12, in accordance with the Equalisation Agreement, taking into account the share consolidation of 9th June 1999. The diluted earnings per share is based on the basic average number of share units, plus all shares under option together, with those PLC shares which will be issued in 2038 under the arrangements for the variation of the Leverhulme Trust. This is reduced, in accordance with FRS 14, by the number of shares that could be purchased with the expected proceeds from the exercise of options by employees. INTERIM DIVIDENDS The Boards today declared interim dividends in respect of 1999 on the ordinary shares at the following rates which are equivalent in value at the rate of exchange applied under the terms of the Equalisation Agreement between the two companies: PLC Per ordinary share 3.93p (1998: 2.95p) N.V. Per ordinary share Fl. 0.88 (1998: Fl. 0.81) The PLC interim dividend will be paid on 17 December 1999, to shareholders registered at close of business on 19 November 1999. The N.V. interim dividend will be payable as from 17 December 1999, to shareholders registered at close of business on 5 November 1999. In previous years Advance Corporation Tax ('ACT') in respect of any dividend paid by PLC was treated as part of the dividend for the purpose of equalising N.V.'s and PLC's dividends under the Equalisation Agreement. In line with this, PLC's 1998 interim dividend was calculated by reference to the then rate of ACT (twenty/eightieths). ACT was abolished with effect from 6 April 1999 and therefore PLC's 1999 interim dividend has been calculated without reference to ACT. Dates The provisional results for the fourth quarter and for the year 1999 and the proposed final dividends for 1999 will be published on Tuesday 22nd February, 2000. Salient figures for the above results will be published in the Financial Times and Daily Telegraph on Saturday 6 November 1999. ENQUIRIES: UNILEVER PRESS OFFICE 0171 822 6805 Internet: http://www.unilever.com E-mail: press-office.london@unilever.com


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