Vast Resources plc / Ticker: VAST / Index: AIM / Sector: Mining
29 January 2019
Vast Resources plc
(“Vast” or the “Company”)
Shareholder Q&A Document
Vast Resources plc, the AIM listed mining company with operations in Romania and Zimbabwe, is pleased to advise that it has published a Shareholder Q&A document addressing questions from shareholders, which can be accessed at:
The questions and answers can also be viewed below:
Due to the unexpected communication from Mercuria Energy Trading SA (‘Mercuria’) on 18 January, a positive result for all six Resolutions are of vital importance to ensure the future development of the Company.
The Board is in discussions with five potential off-take partners, of which three are now in advanced stages of due diligence. The Board is hopeful of these negotiations being concluded quickly, potentially within three to six weeks, however these schedules, and the timings of any draw-down of funds, are largely out of the Company’s direct control and will be dictated by the relevant legal advisers and what the potential providers of finance require. It should be noted that the Board has been totally transparent regarding Vast’s position as a result of Mercuria’s decision not to proceed with the second tranche of funds which has resulted in the Company and the potential off-take partners working at an accelerated pace in order to close as quickly as practicable.
The Board holds the opinion that the recent unrest seen in some areas of Zimbabwe will subside and the President’s focus on attracting foreign investors is still at the forefront of his agenda.
A significant amount of preparatory work has been performed which underpins the management’s confidence in the value of the Heritage Concession and the Board has determined that there will be no further material investment in the diamonds either by loan finance using the authority to issue collateral security or otherwise, until the Board is confident that there is:
It is however critical that the funds are in place to commit to development once these investment criteria are satisfied.
US$600,000 has already been paid of the US$1.5 million and a further US$900,000 is required to release the Romanian assets.
The total outstanding debt to SSGI is US$3.4Mil
The project plan for Baita Plai is included in a presentation to be released shortly. The Board will not be in a position to release the Eureka plan until the Company’s 25.01% subsidiary has finalised the requisite funding.
This is wholly dependent on having the funds to do so (which in turn involves having the ability to issue capital as requested in Resolutions Five and Six being passed) and having in place a replacement off-take agreement. The Company has commenced work on site, but the drawdown of the off-take will determine the start date of major works. The Company remains hopeful of commissioning by the end of H1 2019 but in any event commencement should be within 6 months of funding being secured.
The headroom for the diamonds is restricted to the development of the Heritage Diamond Concession and the headroom for Bergen is restricted to the Bergen funding. The £800,000 nominal headroom will be directed towards Baita Plai; however it is not specifically ring-fenced as such.
Red Mercury has applied for the Mining Licence in accordance with the usual and proper procedures however due to the recent unrest in some parts of the country, the focus of the government has been on stabilising these areas of disturbance rather than on the issuance of new licences. Notwithstanding this, the Board and management are in regular communication with the authorities and partners in Zimbabwe and the Company is still expecting a positive outcome hence the request for Resolutions One and Two. Vast itself has not applied for a licence.
Please refer to a presentation to be released shortly which provides some indication of what we feel based on our internal analysis.
These funds have largely been spent on repayment of capital to SSGI and have allowed the Company to proceed with the Heritage Diamond Concession, assemble the requisite diamond mining team, and prepare the desktop study for moving forward into development once the necessary approvals are received.
At the time of the AGM the Board was confident that the second tranche from Mercuria was proceeding – this remained the case until 18 January when the Board was advised to the contrary. As a result of discussions with a Competent Person appointed by Mercuria it was decided, as announced in the Chairman’s letter of 15 January 2019, that increased development capital would be required by an accelerated move to full production. This and developments with the Heritage Diamond Claim modelling, has necessitated further investment with the objective of accelerating nearer term cash flow.
Without the resolutions being passed and without the resultant additional capital injections to the Company, Vast will be prevented from expanding into profitable production, and could therefore be in a financially vulnerable position.
The purpose of this Q&A is to assist shareholders in understanding what has already been announced via an RNS. The Company has a regulatory obligation to release all price sensitive information via RNS without delay and the Board will continue to do this in respect of all appropriate actions, achievement and outcomes. The Board is not in a position to provide any insight into the content or timings of future RNS announcements at this time as they are dictated by developments occurring operationally or corporately in real-time.
Eureka is an interesting, and potentially lucrative, aspect of Vast’s entire portfolio however in terms of the Company’s risk/reward matrix, it is of lower priority compared to Baita Plai and the Heritage Concession. The two aforementioned assets have the potential to deliver short pay-back periods compared to Eureka, and this is why Baita Plai and the Heritage Concession have been selected for accelerated development to deliver positive cash flow in as short timeframe as possible.
Divesting the Company’s remaining interest in Pickstone-Peerless may be an option as is putting Manaila on care and maintenance, however the Company would still require funding to bring the near-term cash producing assets in to production. Furthermore, there is also a liability of US$4 million to Mercuria for the Tranche A funding that would become due and payable should the Company cease operations at Manaila. Whilst producing, the Company maintains a level of optionality over Manaila as the new off-take partner may also take over Tranche A and fund the expansion of Manaila which is expected to transform its production profile and financial performance.
With the new off-take partner in place and with the headroom being requested under the various Resolutions, the Board believes that the Company will be in a position to realise its stated strategic objectives in 2019. Based on the current information on Baita Plai and the Heritage Concession, and if the Company is able to execute its production plans as envisaged, these assets will be self-sustaining and should also cover corporate overheads in order to generate profits for the group.
The new trucks are due at the end of February; however, this introduces a significant cash flow burden to the Company in the form of lease repayments that Vast cannot service until the new off-take partner is in place.
The news is technically correct, Vast has not been given a licence to mine diamonds with the ZCDC on current claims.
As explained in the RNS dated 22 August 2018, under the Agreement with Red Mercury, Red Mercury will be responsible for providing a full mining licence and Vast will be responsible for, as per the agreed principles of the Joint Venture, to procure funding such as is necessary to develop an efficiently operating diamond mine on the Heritage Concession.
The agreed principles of the Joint Venture:
For further information, visit or please contact:
Vast Resources plc Andrew Prelea (Chief Executive Officer) | +44 (0) 20 7236 1177 |
Beaumont Cornish - Financial & Nominated Adviser Roland Cornish James Biddle | +44 (0) 020 7628 3396 |
Brandon Hill Capital Ltd – Joint Broker Jonathan Evans | +44 (0) 20 3463 5016 |
SVS Securities Plc – Joint Broker Tom Curran Ben Tadd | +44 (0) 20 3700 0100 |
St Brides Partners Ltd Susie Geliher Juliet Earl | +44 (0) 20 7236 1177 |
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 (“MAR”).
Vast Resources plc is an AIM listed mining and resource development company focussed on the rapid advancement of high-quality brownfield projects and recommencing production at previously producing mines in Romania and Zimbabwe.
Vast Resources currently owns and operates the Manaila Polymetallic Mine in Romania, which was commissioned in 2015, and is focussed on its expansion through the development of a second open pit operation and new metallurgical complex at the Carlibaba Extension Area. The Company’s Romanian portfolio also includes interests in two brownfield development projects; the Baita Plai Polymetallic Mine (80% interest), which has a reported 1,800,000-tonne copper-silver-zinc-lead-gold-tungsten-molybdenum ore body at 6% copper equivalent (Russian Reserves and Resources Reporting System) within the mining licence area; and the Blueberry Project (29.41% interest), a 7.285km² brownfield area of prospectivity in the Golden Quadrilateral of Romania located in the immediate vicinity of the now closed Baia de Aries mine.
The Company also has interests in a number of projects in Zimbabwe including a controlling 25 per cent. interest in the producing Pickstone-Peerless Gold Mine, a 23.75% economic interest in the Eureka Gold Mine, and an 86.67% interest in a SPV which has a due diligence access agreement and pre-agreed joint venture terms on a diamond concession within the Marange Diamond Fields, widely considered to be one of the richest sources of alluvial diamonds globally.