14 February 2023
VietNam Holding Limited
('VNH' or the 'Company')
Director Declaration
In accordance with the requirements of Listing Rule 9.6.14, VNH advises that it has been notified of the following change to Directorships in other publicly quoted Companies held by a member of the Board:
Sean Hurst has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dolphin Capital Investors Limited, a Company listed on the AIM section of the London Stock Exchange, with effect from 13 February 2023.
There have been no other changes to the information set out in LR 9.6.13R (2) to LR 9.6.13R (6) in respect of Mr. Hurst.
For further information, please contact:
Sanne Group (Guernsey) Limited: +44 (0) 2035 303600