Appointed as Supplier to Govt

Vodafone Group PLC 30 August 2000 VODAFONE APPOINTED AS MOBILE SUPPLIER TO GOVERNMENT The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) today announced that Vodafone has been selected as its strategic partner for the provision of mobile communications to the Government. Vodafone Corporate, Vodafone's specialist service provider for the corporate market, has been given supplier status by the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) under the Government Telecommunications Mobile (GTM) agreement. This agreement potentially encompasses over 100,000 mobile phone users in the government arena, and optimises the purchasing power of all government departments by improving services whilst reducing overall costs. Peter Gershon, Chief Executive of OGC, commented: 'I am delighted that this agreement is now in place. The major benefit to any public sector organisation purchasing products or services from the registered GTM service provider is that there is no requirement for the organisation to go through the usual tender process, as the contracts have already been negotiated and price checked by independent consultants to the CCTA.' Peter Bamford, Chief Executive, Vodafone UK added: 'Vodafone has put in place a wide spectrum of products and services to provide total communications solutions for public sector organisations, and this agreement provides us with the opportunity to help them run their businesses effectively and competitively. We will also be able to highlight the benefits of new technologies such as m-commerce through Vodafone's internet capabilities.' To cater for the varying usage requirements of the public sector, Vodafone Corporate offers a range of tariffs specifically designed for the government marketplace. Assistance with budgeting and cost allocation processes is provided in the form of Vision, an advanced call analysis software package that translates billing information into accessible data on disk or CD-ROM. Vodafone works closely with Government at both national and regional level. The Group is increasingly working in broader policy areas, advising on issues such as electronic commerce and the information age. Vodafone also participates in the Government's Information Age Partnership Policy Group, working to deliver a knowledge-based economy in the UK. In addition to its capacity as an advisor on mobile telecommunications issues to the government, Vodafone also acts as a supplier to the public sector including contracts with local, regional and central government departments such as the Ministry of Defence, the NHS and the emergency services. The OGC, launched in October last year, oversees the purchasing activity of some 200 Government departments and agencies, performing an important role in the Government's modernisation and competitiveness agenda and ensuring best value for major elements of public expenditure. It provides a central resource of procurement skills for departments and sets the strategic framework within which departments operate. For further information contact: Terry Barwick, Director of Corporate Affairs Tim Brown, Investor Relations Director Melissa Stimpson, Senior Investor Relations Manager Mike Caldwell, Corporate Communications Director At Vodafone Group Plc Telephone: +44 (0) 1635 33251 Lulu Bridges Tavistock Communications Telephone: + 44 (0) 20 7600 2288 Malcolm Graves OGC Press Office Telephone: 020 7211 1366 E-mail: Website: NOTES TO EDITORS: About Vodafone Corporate Vodafone Corporate Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vodafone UK. Established in July 1997 as part of a comprehensive re-alignment of Group service provision subsidiaries, Vodafone Corporate is the UK's only service provider specialising solely in the requirements of business and corporate users. Through Vodafone Corporate, public sector users can access products and services contained within the Business Solutions Portfolio, which make the most of mobile communications by offering a 'one-stop shop' service. A photocall is taking place at 10 am today outside HM Treasury, with Andrew Smith, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Peter Gershon, Chief Executive OGC, and Graham Ward, Managing Director Vodafone Corporate. Copies of the photographs will be available from the Treasury Press Office on 0207 270 5192 or the Vodafone Press Office on 07000 500100.
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