Co-operation Agreement

Vodafone AirTouch PLC 12 June 2000 VODAFONE AND BT SIGN CO-OPERATION AGREEMENT TO ACQUIRE ADDITIONAL SHAREHOLDINGS IN SPANISH MOBILE OPERATOR AIRTEL Vodafone AirTouch Plc ('Vodafone') and British Telecommunications Plc ('BT') today announce that they have signed a co-operation arrangement whereby they will work together to acquire additional shareholdings in the Spanish mobile operator Airtel Movil, S.A. ('Airtel' or 'the Company'). The agreement includes commercial terms whereby the two parties will jointly expand and develop the Company in consultation with one another. BT agrees to support Vodafone in acquiring further shares in Airtel and should Vodafone's holding exceed 55%, then BT has the option to acquire the excess. In the event that Vodafone holds in excess of 55% the board will be restructured to give Vodafone and BT equal representation. This agreement follows the signing by Vodafone on 22 January 2000 of arrangements whereby it granted to Acciona, S.A. and affiliates of Torreal, S.A. and Corporacion Financiera Alba, S.A. a series of conditional put options in respect of their shareholdings representing, in aggregate, 16.91% of Airtel. Airtel is Spain's second largest mobile phone operator and at 31 March had over 5.6 m customers. The company has introduced fixed line telephony and Internet offerings as part of its strategy to use its wireless customer base to become a full service telecommunications company. Airtel operates in the fast growing Spanish telecommunications market. This agreement forms part of Vodafone's and BT's strategies to increase their positions in the European markets. Through this agreement, Vodafone and BT aim to increase their presence in the Spanish market and jointly take a greater role in the long-term development of Airtel. Vodafone and BT have also signed a commercial agreement outlining how BT's wholly owned subsidiary, BT Tel, would increasingly work with Airtel to provide a full range of services to BT Tel's customers in the Spanish corporate market. BT Tel is Spain's second largest data communications and Internet company. The agreement also outlines how Vodafone and BT will set up mobile internet portals with Airtel. In the year ending December 1999, Airtel had revenues of approximately ESP 333.4 billion, EBITDA of approximately ESP 75.4 billion and profits after tax of approximately ESP 24.6 billion. The net asset value of Airtel according to local accounting standards as of December 1999 was approximately ESP 119.2 billion. Commenting on the transaction, Chris Gent, Chief Executive of Vodafone, said: 'Spain is one of Europe's fastest growing mobile markets. Today's announcement that two of the world's leading telecommunications companies have reached an agreement will further strengthen Airtel's position in the market and enhance the Company's future growth prospects.' Commenting on the transaction, Sir Peter Bonfield, Chief Executive of BT, said: 'I am delighted that Vodafone and BT have today reached an agreement on Airtel. Airtel is a rapidly growing company and a major force in the Spanish mobile market. This agreement also strengthens BT Tel's position in the Spanish fixed and Internet markets.' For further information contact: Terry Barwick, Director of Corporate Affairs Tim Brown, Investor Relations Director Melissa Stimpson, Senior Investor Relations Manager Mike Caldwell, Corporate Communications Director At Vodafone AirTouch Plc Telephone: +44 (0) 1635 33251 Lulu Bridges Tavistock Communications Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7600 2288
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