Customer Growth Figures

Vodafone AirTouch PLC 5 July 2000 VODAFONE AIRTOUCH TOPS 59 MILLION CUSTOMERS Vodafone AirTouch today reported record customer connections for the second calendar quarter of 2000 bringing its world-wide customer base to more than 59 million proportionate customers. In the 25 countries, on five continents, in which it has an interest Vodafone AirTouch connected more than 6.6 million net new proportionate customers. For the first time the figures include customers from the acquisition of Mannesmann. The largest Vodafone AirTouch region is the European Region which reported more than 4.38 million net new connections and a customer base at the end of June of over 32.28 million. In the European Region Vodafone AirTouch now has telecommunications interests in 14 countries and represents 54% of the Groups' world-wide customer base. In the Americas and Asia Pacific Region at the end of June 2000, Vodafone AirTouch had a customer base of more than 16.25 million, having added more than 1.46 million net new customers during the quarter. Vodafone AirTouch has telecommunications interests in 7 countries in the Region. These figures include additional customers as a result of the revised Vodafone AirTouch shareholding in Verizon Wireless. The newly formed UK, Middle East, Africa Region, which manages the Groups' telecommunications interests in 4 countries, added over 770,000 net new customers. The UK contributed 572,000 of which over 75,000 were contract customers, the highest growth for over a year. Churn in the UK continues to reduce. The Regional customer base at the end of June 2000 was more than 10.77 million. Commenting, Chris Gent, Chief Executive of Vodafone AirTouch Plc, said: 'The customer growth figures we have reported today highlight the importance of being a global player. Through organic growth and acquisition we have seen our customer base increase almost tenfold in the last two years. During the first quarter of our increased ownership, both Italy and Germany have shown exceptional growth. In the UK we have resisted involvement in a chase for customers at any cost, and have adopted a prudent approach to controlling potential pre-pay fraud whilst maintaining the quality of our customer base. Verizon Wireless, following the completion of the Bell Atlantic/GTE merger, is now firmly established to take advantage of its nation- wide coverage in the USA.' VODAFONE AIRTOUCH APRIL-JUNE 2000 QUARTERLY NET CUSTOMER ADDITIONS OPERATOR ADDITIONS PROPORTIONATE CUSTOMER BASE EUROPE D2 2.68 million 13.79 million Omnitel 994,000 9.62 million Others 706,000 8.87 million TOTAL 4.38 million 32.28 million AMERICAS & ASIA PACIFIC Verizon 1.05 million 11.60 million Vodafone Australasia 204,000 1.99 million Others 206,000 2.66 million TOTAL 1.46 million 16.25 million UK, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA UK 572,000 9.36 million Others 198,000 1.41 million TOTAL 770,000 10.77 million For further information contact: Terry Barwick, Director of Corporate Affairs Tim Brown, Investor Relations Director Melissa Stimpson, Senior Investor Relations Manager Mike Caldwell, Corporate Communications Director At Vodafone AirTouch Telephone +44 (0) 1635 33251 Lulu Bridges Tavistock Commmunications Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7600 2288
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