
Vodafone Group PLC 8 May 2001 8 May 2001 SALE OF TELE.RING IN AUSTRIA Vodafone Group Plc ('Vodafone') announces today that it has agreed to sell its 100% equity stake in the Austrian telecommunications company, tele.ring Telekom Service GmbH ('tele.ring') for an undisclosed amount to Western Wireless International Corporation. The value of the net assets being disposed of represents less than 1% of Vodafone's net assets. The transaction is subject to Austrian regulatory approval. Vodafone was advised by UBS Warburg. - ends - For further information: Vodafone Group Plc Tim Brown, Group Corporate Affairs Director Melissa Stimpson, Head of Group Investor Relations Jon Earl, Investor Relations Manager Darren Jones, Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1635 673310 Tavistock Communications Lulu Bridges/Sarah Landgrebe Tel: +44 (0) 20 7600 2288 UBS Warburg Warren Finegold Charles Butterworth Tel: +44 (0) 20 7567 8000
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