Final Results - Part 3

Vodafone Group Plc 29 May 2007 Vodafone Group Plc Preliminary Results for year ended 31 March 2007 PART 3 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES PROPORTIONATE MOBILE CUSTOMERS - 1 APRIL 2006 TO 31 MARCH 2007 NINE MONTHS TO 31 DECEMBER 2006 QUARTER TO 31 MARCH 2007 ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- COUNTRY PERCENTAGE AT OTHER AT OTHER AT OWNERSHIP 1 APR NET MOVEMENTS 31 DEC NET MOVEMENTS 31 MAR PREPAID (1) 2006 ADDITIONS (2) 2006 ADDITIONS (2) 2007 (3) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) (%) Europe: Germany 100.0% 29,191 1,140 291 30,622 196 - 30,818 54.4% Italy 76.9% 18,490 1,639 - 20,129 905 - 21,034 92.0% Spain 100.0% 13,521 1,527 (584) 14,464 429 - 14,893 45.2% UK 100.0% 16,304 635 - 16,939 472 - 17,411 60.7% ---------------------------------------------------------------- 77,506 4,941 (293) 82,154 2,002 - 84,156 65.5% Albania 99.9% 772 147 - 919 36 - 955 96.6% Greece 99.9% 4,471 481 3 4,955 96 - 5,051 69.2% Ireland 100.0% 2,075 103 - 2,178 (1) - 2,177 73.3% Malta 100.0% 175 13 - 188 (2) - 186 89.6% Netherlands 100.0% 3,909 51 (143) 3,817 63 - 3,880 45.3% Portugal 100.0% 4,276 487 (145) 4,618 133 - 4,751 79.0% ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15,678 1,282 (285) 16,675 325 - 17,000 68.8% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total Europe 93,184 6,223 (578) 98,829 2,327 - 101,156 66.0% ---------------------------------------------------------------- EMAPA: Eastern Europe: Czech Republic 100.0% 2,214 199 - 2,413 62 - 2,475 47.5% Romania 100.0% 6,384 1,333 - 7,717 237 - 7,954 66.2% Hungary 100.0% 2,063 71 - 2,134 29 - 2,163 61.1% Turkey 100.0% - 1,818 10,930 12,748 1,152 - 13,900 90.1% Poland 19.6% 1,918 437 - 2,355 128 - 2,483 59.8% ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12,579 3,858 10,930 27,367 1,608 - 28,975 71.2% Middle East, Africa & Asia: Egypt 54.9% 3,314 1,062 403 4,779 520 - 5,299 93.8% Kenya 35.0% 1,380 487 - 1,867 262 - 2,129 98.5% South Africa(4) 50.0% 10,968 3,211 (1,191) 12,988 847 - 13,835 89.4% India 1,958 1,239 - 3,197 347 (3,544) - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- 17,620 5,999 (788) 22,831 1,976 (3,544) 21,263 91.5% Pacific: Australia 100.0% 3,177 126 (25) 3,278 89 - 3,367 73.6% New Zealand 100.0% 2,068 132 - 2,200 44 - 2,244 75.8% Fiji 49.0% 101 34 - 135 4 - 139 95.3% ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5,346 292 (25) 5,613 137 - 5,750 75.4% Associates and Investments: United States 45.0% 23,530 2,696 4 26,230 735 357 27,322 5.6% Other 18,312 1,639 (2,237) 17,714 669 3,544 21,927 78.3% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 41,842 4,335 (2,233) 43,944 1,404 3,901 49,249 68.0% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total EMAPA 77,387 14,484 7,884 99,755 5,125 357 105,237 70.4% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 170,571 20,707 7,306 198,584 7,452 357 206,393 69.7% ----------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: (1) All ownership percentages are stated as at 31 March 2007 and exclude options, warrants or other rights or obligations of the Group to increase or decrease ownership in any venture. Ownership interests have been rounded to the nearest tenth of one percent. (2) Other movements includes acquisitions of interests in operating companies in the Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa and disposals in Australia, Belgium and Switzerland. It also includes the conversion of Bharti Airtel from a joint venture to an investment after joint control was relinquished and an adjustment to Verizon Wireless' proportionate customer base to exclude minority interests. Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and South Africa were also impacted by a change in disconnection policies. (3) Prepaid customer percentages are calculated on a venture basis. At 31 March 2007, there were 630.3 million venture customers. (4) Customers in South Africa refers to the Group's interests in Vodacom Group (Pty) Limited and includes customers in South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Mozambique and Tanzania. The Group's proportionate customer base in South Africa has been adjusted for its proportionate ownership of the customer bases across all their network interests of approximately 91.8% at 31 March 2007. MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES VODAFONE LIVE! ACTIVE DEVICES NINE MONTHS TO QUARTER TO 31 DECEMBER 2006 31 MARCH 2007 ------------------------------------ ---------------------- COUNTRY AT 1 NET AT 31 NET AT 31 APR 2006 ADDITIONS DEC 2006 ADDITIONS MAR 2007 ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) Europe: Germany 6,214 238 6,452 (69) 6,383 Italy 4,097 1,389 5,486 186 5,672 Spain 5,514 1,330 6,844 347 7,191 UK(2) 4,181 529 4,710 (1,099) 3,611 Other 4,229 956 5,185 187 5,372 --------------------------------------------------------- Total Europe 24,235 4,442 28,677 (448) 28,229 Total EMAPA 2,835 1,163 3,998 95 4,093 --------------------------------------------------------- Group Statutory Total(1) 27,070 5,605 32,675 (353) 32,322 --------------------------------------------------------- Notes: (1) The table above only includes Vodafone live! customers in the Group's subsidiary and joint venture undertakings. At 31 March 2007, there were an additional 7.6 million (31 December 2006: 7.2 million, 30 September 2006: 6.8 million, 30 June 2006: 6.5 million, 31 March 2006: 5.9 million) registered Vodafone live! venture customers in the Group's associated undertakings. (2) During the quarter the UK revised the methodology of calculating Vodafone live! active devices which resulted in a reduction of over 1.0 million devices. 3G DEVICES NINE MONTHS TO QUARTER TO 31 DECEMBER 2006 31 MARCH 2007 ----------------------------------- ---------------------- COUNTRY AT 1 NET AT 31 NET AT 31 APR 2006 ADDITIONS DEC 2006 ADDITIONS MAR 2007 ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) ('000s) Europe: Germany 2,025 1,270 3,295 425 3,720 Italy 2,250 1,177 3,427 335 3,762 Spain 902 1,377 2,279 611 2,890 UK 1,033 426 1,459 479 1,938 Other 1,230 842 2,072 281 2,353 ----------------------------------------------------------- Total Europe 7,440 5,092 12,532 2,131 14,663 Total EMAPA(2) 416 632 1,048 157 1,205 --------------------------------------------------------- Group Statutory Total(1) 7,856 5,724 13,580 2,288 15,868 --------------------------------------------------------- Consumer devices 7,196 5,104 12,300 1,946 14,246 Business devices 660 620 1,280 342 1,622 --------------------------------------------------------- 7,856 5,724 13,580 2,288 15,868 --------------------------------------------------------- Notes: (1) The table above only includes 3G devices in the Group's subsidiary and joint venture undertakings. At 31 March 2007, there were an additional 3.0 million (31 December 2006: 2.6 million, 30 September 2006: 2.3 million, 30 June 2006: 2.0 million, 31 March 2006: 1.7 million) registered Vodafone live! with 3G and Vodafone Mobile Connect 3G/GPRS data card venture customers in the Group's associated undertakings. (2) With effect from the quarter ended 31 December 2006, 3G devices now include the results of Vodafone Romania and previously reported numbers have been restated to include an additional 135,000 and 222,000 3G devices at 1 April 2006 and 30 September 2006 respectively. MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES AVERAGE MONTHLY MOBILE REVENUE PER USER IN THE QUARTER COUNTRY 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Europe: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Germany Total 24.3 24.4 22.9 21.5 22.1 22.4 20.9 19.3 (EUR) Contract 39.8 41.0 38.8 37.2 38.4 39.0 36.7 34.7 Prepaid 9.2 9.0 8.3 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.0 6.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Italy Total 30.4 29.9 27.7 26.4 27.6 27.1 25.8 23.4 (EUR) Contract 79.4 75.0 73.7 71.0 72.6 68.0 71.1 69.5 Prepaid 25.8 25.9 23.5 22.2 23.3 23.2 21.5 19.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spain Total 36.2 37.7 35.3 33.3 35.3 36.4 35.3 33.8 (EUR) Contract 58.5 60.7 56.3 52.8 54.8 55.2 51.3 48.9 Prepaid 15.4 16.2 15.0 13.9 15.0 15.4 16.0 15.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK Total 24.6 25.1 23.8 22.7 23.7 24.5 23.6 22.7 (GBP) Contract 46.5 47.9 44.8 43.9 45.2 46.5 43.7 43.4 Prepaid 9.5 9.9 9.5 8.8 8.9 9.4 9.5 8.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albania Total 2,255 2,534 2,259 2,098 2,122 2,311 2,086 1,868 (ALL) Contract 18,783 19,815 18,499 16,777 17,240 17,941 16,329 14,612 Prepaid 1,680 1,936 1,701 1,593 1,606 1,782 1,605 1,419 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greece Total 32.2 34.2 31.3 29.8 31.1 31.0 27.6 24.7 (EUR) Contract 65.1 69.7 64.2 61.5 65.6 66.8 61.6 56.5 Prepaid 15.1 15.7 14.1 13.4 13.7 13.4 11.4 10.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ireland Total 51.4 53.1 50.2 48.6 48.8 46.9 45.6 44.6 (EUR) Contract 101.9 107.8 99.9 99.3 102.8 99.4 94.5 92.5 Prepaid 32.1 32.6 31.6 30.0 29.3 28.0 27.9 27.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malta Total 14.0 16.2 13.0 12.1 14.7 16.6 12.6 12.0 (MTL) Contract 74.6 91.4 61.8 54.4 72.3 87.1 52.6 49.6 Prepaid 7.4 7.8 7.3 6.9 7.4 7.9 7.3 6.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Netherlands Total 37.1 36.6 34.5 33.6 35.7 36.9 31.7 36.1 (EUR) Contract 69.5 68.6 64.7 61.3 63.5 64.6 52.0 57.8 Prepaid 11.3 11.0 9.8 9.2 10.1 10.4 9.8 9.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portugal Total 26.4 27.1 24.0 23.3 23.5 24.4 22.8 22.1 (EUR) Contract 67.3 69.8 61.9 62.4 62.2 62.8 57.8 54.2 Prepaid 14.3 14.7 13.4 12.9 13.0 13.9 13.2 13.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMAPA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subsidiaries: Australia Total 47.8 48.2 51.4 47.9 49.4 52.4 54.0 51.3 (AUD) Contract 92.8 93.6 94.3 92.0 92.7 96.4 98.8 97.1 Prepaid 26.7 31.1 35.0 32.0 33.9 36.2 37.2 34.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Czech Republic Total 680 679 679 644 674 670 658 613 (CZK) Contract 1,029 1,017 1,015 951 978 966 946 897 Prepaid 340 342 337 311 331 334 331 295 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Egypt Total 91.4 89.4 74.1 79.0 79.4 88.1 79.4 75.0 (EGP) Contract 268.6 283.9 274.1 289.3 292.1 309.7 289.9 295.8 Prepaid 60.7 62.4 52.0 56.0 57.1 66.7 61.4 59.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hungary Total 5,321 5,153 4,885 4,647 5,066 5,339 5,171 4,749 (HUF) Contract 11,302 11,264 9,666 8,809 9,129 9,097 8,529 7,847 Prepaid 3,391 3,046 3,043 2,887 3,125 3,359 3,250 2,839 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Zealand Total 50.7 51.0 51.2 51.2 46.6 46.6 50.7 49.3 (NZD) Contract 138.9 139.7 137.2 138.5 126.1 125.3 128.9 122.8 Prepaid 25.9 25.6 25.9 25.7 23.2 22.5 23.7 23.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turkey(1) Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16.5 14.4 14.4 (TRY) Contract N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 31.4 28.2 28.7 Prepaid N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 14.8 12.9 12.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Romania Total 14.9 15.9 15.4 13.9 15.2 15.9 15.6 14.0 (USD) Contract 30.2 31.1 29.5 27.0 29.5 30.8 30.6 27.1 Prepaid 6.3 7.1 7.0 6.0 6.7 7.3 7.0 6.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: (1) On 24 May 2006, the Group acquired substantially all the assets and business of Telsim Mobil Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri in Turkey. As a result, average monthly revenue per user in the quarter has only been published with effect from the quarter ended 30 September 2006. MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES MOBILE NON-VOICE SERVICE REVENUE AS A PERCENTAGE OF SERVICE REVENUE(1) QUARTER TO 31 MARCH 2007 ------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY MESSAGING DATA TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Germany 14.7% 9.7% 24.4% Italy 15.1% 5.3% 20.4% Spain 9.3% 6.7% 16.0% UK 17.2% 7.1% 24.3% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Statutory Total 12.8% 6.1% 18.9% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: (1) Service revenue from the mobile telecommunications businesses excludes fixed line operators and DSL revenue. HISTORIC MOBILE NON-VOICE SERVICE REVENUE INFORMATION NON-VOICE SERVICES AS A PERCENTAGE OF SERVICE REVENUE(1) IN THE QUARTER TO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Germany 19.3% 19.5% 20.4% 21.7% 21.2% 21.6% 22.9% 24.4% Italy 14.9% 16.8% 17.4% 18.0% 17.3% 17.5% 18.7% 20.4% Spain 13.7% 14.2% 14.8% 15.1% 15.7% 14.7% 15.3% 16.0% UK 19.3% 19.7% 20.7% 21.3% 20.9% 21.7% 23.2% 24.3% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Statutory Total 16.2% 16.6% 17.2% 17.8% 17.4% 17.8% 18.9% 18.9% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: (1) Service revenue from the mobile telecommunications businesses excludes fixed line operators and DSL revenue. MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES MOBILE CUSTOMER CHURN ANNUALISED CHURN INFORMATION IN THE QUARTER TO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Germany(1)Total 17.3% 19.7% 21.2% 22.6% 20.7% 22.1% 20.1% 24.2% Contract 13.1% 14.3% 16.8% 16.7% 14.6% 13.5% 15.7% 14.9% Prepaid 21.1% 24.6% 25.2% 27.7% 26.0% 29.5% 23.9% 31.9% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Italy Total 17.3% 18.7% 19.1% 19.5% 20.8% 21.7% 19.4% 20.6% Contract 14.9% 14.5% 16.6% 14.5% 17.2% 13.6% 14.8% 14.1% Prepaid 17.5% 19.1% 19.3% 19.9% 21.1% 22.4% 19.8% 21.2% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spain (2) Total 21.7% 20.7% 20.6% 20.6% 20.5% 37.0% 23.4% 24.7% Contract 13.6% 12.5% 13.9% 14.1% 12.3% 13.4% 15.3% 16.6% Prepaid 29.0% 28.1% 26.9% 26.9% 28.9% 62.5% 32.8% 34.5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UK Total 32.4% 33.1% 31.9% 31.2% 32.8% 37.6% 35.4% 29.8% Contract 23.2% 21.6% 20.2% 21.2% 20.1% 18.8% 17.9% 17.4% Prepaid 38.3% 40.5% 39.5% 37.5% 40.9% 49.9% 47.0% 37.9% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes: (1) The customer churn for Germany for the quarter ended 31 December 2006 benefited from a regulatory driven change in the prepaid disconnection policy, which reduced disconnections by 291,000 in the quarter. The underlying prepaid customer churn, excluding this change, was 31.1% and total churn was 24.0%. (2) The customer churn for Spain for the quarter ended 30 September 2006 includes the effect of 584,000 disconnections following a change in the application of disconnection policies. The underlying customer churn, excluding these disconnections, was 20.1%. ACTIVE MOBILE CUSTOMERS ACTIVE CUSTOMERS(1) AT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Germany 93.0% 92.8% 91.5% 90.6% 90.6% 90.6% 89.9% 89.6% Italy 92.2% 92.8% 92.1% 91.2% 90.9% 90.4% 89.3% 88.0% Spain 94.8% 95.0% 95.7% 94.3% 93.8% 98.5% 95.1% 94.0% UK 88.8% 90.6% 90.8% 88.4% 85.7% 86.9% 86.7% 88.5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Statutory Total(1) 91.3% 92.2% 92.1% 91.6% 91.0% 91.6% 90.8% 90.5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: (1) An active customer is defined as one who either pays a monthly fee or has made or received a chargeable event in the last 3 months. The Group's subsidiary in Turkey, the Group's joint venture in Kenya and the Group's former joint venture in India are currently unable to measure active customers on this basis and so have been excluded from the calculation of the Group Statutory Total activity percentages in the table above. MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES MOBILE VOICE USAGE VOLUMES TOTAL VOICE MINUTES(1) (MILLIONS) IN THE QUARTER TO --------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY 3O JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 30 JUN 30 SEP 31 DEC 31 MAR 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Europe: Germany 6,356 6,428 7,010 6,993 7,614 7,979 8,650 9,230 Italy 7,173 7,164 7,521 7,746 7,687 8,050 8,256 8,439 Spain 5,648 5,859 5,966 6,362 6,978 7,533 7,655 8,248 UK 6,810 6,937 7,167 7,145 7,207 7,579 8,160 8,790 Albania 129 144 141 135 148 166 160 167 Greece 1,757 1,896 1,870 1,869 2,075 2,216 2,113 1,985 Ireland 1,263 1,279 1,302 1,289 1,380 1,422 1,462 1,420 Malta 42 47 43 43 49 55 50 48 Netherlands 1,697 1,601 1,755 1,733 1,820 1,711 1,868 1,900 Portugal 1,319 1,384 1,386 1,402 1,472 1,606 1,586 1,612 Sweden 688 681 753 - - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Europe 32,882 33,420 34,914 34,717 36,430 38,317 39,960 41,839 EMAPA: Eastern Europe Czech Republic(2) 289 840 899 925 901 868 919 916 Hungary 741 792 842 866 948 980 1,030 1,030 Romania(2)(4) 463 1,486 1,630 1,628 1,873 2,059 2,231 2,339 Turkey(3) - - - - 2,494 6,451 5,781 6,224 Joint Ventures 538 392 466 505 575 641 717 681 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,031 3,510 3,837 3,924 6,791 10,999 10,678 11,190 Middle East, Africa & Asia Egypt 1,979 2,341 2,278 2,442 2,869 3,462 3,670 4,156 Joint Ventures 1,463 1,539 2,105 4,153 5,160 5,713 6,638 5,781 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,442 3,880 4,383 6,595 8,029 9,175 10,308 9,937 Pacific Australia 1,619 1,818 1,957 2,001 2,006 2,141 2,238 2,222 New Zealand 540 559 616 602 597 597 672 771 Joint Ventures 20 26 27 26 28 33 34 32 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,179 2,403 2,600 2,629 2,631 2,771 2,944 3,025 TOTAL EMAPA 7,652 9,793 10,820 13,148 17,451 22,945 23,930 24,152 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Statutory Total 40,534 43,213 45,734 47,865 53,881 61,262 63,890 65,991 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: (1) The total voice minute information presented in the table above represents the volume of minutes handled by each local network and includes incoming, outgoing and visitor calls. The voice minute information in respect of Germany, Czech Republic and New Zealand reflects minutes billed which are rounded up under certain tariffs. (2) MobiFon S.A. in Romania and Oskar Mobil a.s. in the Czech Republic became subsidiaries on 31 May 2005. Voice minutes in the quarter to 30 June 2005 only include volumes during the month of June 2005. Prior to 31 May 2005, MobiFon S.A. was treated as a joint venture and was previously included within Eastern Europe Joint Ventures. (3) On 24 May 2006, the Group acquired substantially all the assets and business of Telsim Mobil Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri in Turkey. The quarter ended 30 June 2006 has been restated to include voice minutes from the acquisition date. (4) During the quarter to 31 December 2006, Vodafone Romania restated usage volumes for all quarters in the prior year. Previous volumes were billed minutes and this has now been restated to network minutes. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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