Final Results - Part 5

Vodafone Group Plc 27 May 2003 Vodafone Group Plc Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2003 PART 5 UNAUDITED PROPORTIONATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2003 Basis of preparation The tables of financial information below are presented on a proportionate basis. Proportionate presentation is not a measure recognised under UK GAAP and is not intended to replace the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. However, since significant entities in which the Group has an interest are not consolidated, proportionate information is provided as supplemental data to facilitate a more detailed understanding and assessment of the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. Proportionate financial information is not presented in the Group's Annual Report & Accounts and Form 20-F for the year ended 31 March 2003. UK GAAP requires consolidation of entities controlled by the Group and the equity method of accounting for entities in which the Group has significant influence but not a controlling interest. Proportionate presentation is a pro rata consolidation, which reflects the Group's share of turnover and expenses in both its consolidated and unconsolidated entities. Proportionate results are calculated by multiplying the Group's ownership interest in each entity by each entity's results. Proportionate information includes results from the Group's equity accounted investments and investments held at cost. The Group does not have control over the turnover, expenses or cash flow of these investments and is only entitled to cash from dividends received from these entities. The Group does not own the underlying assets of these investments. Proportionate turnover is stated net of inter-company turnover. Proportionate EBITDA is defined as operating profit before exceptional items plus depreciation and amortisation of subsidiary undertakings, joint ventures, associated undertakings and investments, proportionate to equity stakes. Proportionate EBITDA represents the Group's ownership interests in the respective entities' EBITDA. As such, proportionate EBITDA does not represent EBITDA available to the Group. Analysis of proportionate turnover Year ended Year ended 31 March 2003 31 March 2002 £m £m Proportionate turnover Mobile telecommunications: Northern Europe 7,422 6,516 Central Europe 5,333 4,694 Southern Europe 6,334 5,109 --------- --------- Europe 19,089 16,319 Americas 5,802 5,638 Asia Pacific 6,436 5,373 Middle East and Africa 526 488 --------- --------- 31,853 27,818 Other operations: Europe 752 821 Asia Pacific 1,321 1,160 --------- --------- 33,926 29,799 ========= ========= Reconciliation of proportionate turnover to statutory turnover Proportionate turnover 33,926 29,799 Minority share of turnover in subsidiary undertakings 5,437 3,822 Group share of turnover in joint ventures, associated undertakings and trade investments (8,988) (10,776) --------- --------- 30,375 22,845 ========= ========= Analysis of proportionate EBITDA, before exceptional items Year ended Year ended 31 March 2003 31 March 2002 £m £m Proportionate EBITDA, before exceptional items Mobile telecommunications: Northern Europe 2,899 2,264 Central Europe 2,281 2,068 Southern Europe 2,716 2,131 --------- --------- Europe 7,896 6,463 Americas 1,977 1,907 Asia Pacific 2,119 1,321 Middle East and Africa 243 211 --------- --------- 12,235 9,902 Other operations: Europe 48 (8) Asia Pacific 396 199 --------- --------- 12,679 10,093 ========= ========= Reconciliation of proportionate EBITDA, before exceptional items to total Group operating loss Proportionate EBITDA, before exceptional items 12,679 10,093 Minority share of EBITDA in subsidiary undertakings 1,889 1,333 Group's share of EBITDA in joint ventures, associated undertakings and trade investments (3,351) (3,395) Charges for depreciation (3,979) (2,880) Exceptional operating items (496) (4,486) Goodwill amortisation (11,875) (10,962) Amortisation of other intangibles (53) (34) Loss on disposal of fixed assets (109) (46) Share of losses in joint ventures and associated undertakings (156) (1,457) --------- --------- (5,451) (11,834) ========= ========= OTHER INFORMATION 1) Copies of the Group's Annual Review and Summary Financial Statement will be sent to all shareholders. Further copies, and copies of the Group's Annual Report & Accounts and Form 20-F, will be available from the Company's registered office: Vodafone House The Connection Newbury Berkshire RG14 2FN 2) This Preliminary Results Announcement will also be available on the Vodafone Group Plc website,, from 27 May 2003. For further information: Vodafone Group Tim Brown, Group Corporate Affairs Director Tel: +44 (0) 1635 673310 Investor Relations Melissa Stimpson Darren Jones Tel: +44 (0) 1635 673310 Media Relations Bobby Leach Ben Padovan Tel: +44 (0) 1635 673310 Tavistock Communications Lulu Bridges John West Justin Griffiths Tel: +44 (0) 20 7600 2288 High resolution photographs are available to the media free of charge at Tel: +44 (0)20 7608 1000 Forward-Looking Statements This document contains 'forward-looking statements' within the meaning of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 with respect to the Group's financial condition, results of operations and businesses and certain of the Group's plans and objectives with respect to these items. In particular, forward-looking statements include statements with respect to Vodafone's expectations as to launch and roll-out dates for products and services, including, for example, 3G services, Vodafone live! and Mobile Office from Vodafone; the ability to integrate our operations throughout the Group in the same format and on the same technical platform; the development and impact of new mobile technology, including the expected benefits of GPRS, 3G and other services and demand for such services; the completion of Vodafone's brand migration programme and the results of its brand awareness and brand preference campaigns; growth in customers and usage, including improvements in customer mix; future performance, including turnover, ARPU, cash flows, costs, capital expenditures and improvements in margin, non-voice services and their revenue contribution; the rate of dividend growth by the Group or its existing investments; expected effective tax rates and expected tax payments; the ability to realise synergies through cost savings, revenue generating services, benchmarking and operational experience; future acquisitions, including increases in ownership in existing investments and pending offers for investments; future disposals; mobile penetration and coverage rates; expectations with respect to long-term shareholder value growth; our ability to be the mobile market leader, overall market trends and other trend projections. Forward-looking statements are sometimes, but not always, identified by their use of a date in the future or such words as 'anticipates', 'aims', 'could', 'may', 'should', 'expects', 'believes', 'intends', 'plans' or 'targets'. By their nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive, speculative and involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: changes in economic or political conditions in markets served by operations of the Group that would adversely affect the level of demand for mobile services; greater than anticipated competitive activity requiring changes in pricing models and/or new product offerings or resulting in higher costs of acquiring new customers or providing new services, or slower customer growth or reduced customer retention; the impact on capital spending from investment in network capacity and the deployment of new technologies, or the rapid obsolescence of existing technology; slower customer growth or reduced customer retention; the possibility that technologies, including mobile internet platforms, and services, including 3G services, will not perform according to expectations or that vendors' performance will not meet the Group's requirements; changes in the projected growth rates of the mobile telecommunications industry; the Group's ability to realise expected synergies and benefits associated with 3G technologies, the integration of our operations and those of recently acquired companies, the completion of the Group's brand migration programme and the consolidation of IT systems; future revenue contributions of both voice and non-voice services offered by the Group; lower than expected impact of GPRS, 3G and Vodafone live! and Mobile Office from Vodafone on the Group's future revenues, cost structure and capital expenditure outlays; the ability of the Group to harmonise mobile platforms and any delays, impediments or other problems associated with the roll-out and scope of 3G technology and services and Vodafone live! and Mobile Office from Vodafone in new markets; the ability of the Group to offer new services and secure the timely delivery of high-quality, reliable GPRS and 3G handsets, network equipment and other key products from suppliers; greater than anticipated prices of new mobile handsets; the ability to realise benefits from entering into partnerships for developing data and internet services and entering into service franchising and brand licensing; the possibility that the pursuit of new, unexpected strategic opportunities may have a negative impact on one or more of the measurements of our financial performance; any unfavourable conditions, regulatory or otherwise, imposed in connection with pending or future acquisitions or dispositions; changes in the regulatory framework in which the Group operates, including possible action by the European Commission regulating rates the Group is permitted to charge; the Group's ability to develop competitive data content and services which will attract new customers and increase average usage; the impact of legal or other proceedings against the Group or other companies in the mobile telecommunications industry; changes in exchange rates, including particularly the exchange rate of the pound to the euro, US dollar and the Japanese Yen; the risk that, upon obtaining control of certain investments, the Group discovers additional information relating to the businesses of that investment leading to restructuring charges or write-offs or with other negative implications; and loss of suppliers or disruption of supply chains. Furthermore, a review of the reasons why actual results and developments may differ materially from the expectations disclosed or implied within forward-looking statements can be found under 'Risk Factors' contained in our Annual Report & Accounts and Form 20-F with respect to the financial year ended 31 March 2002 and in our Annual Report & Accounts and Form 20-F to be published with respect to the financial year ended 31 March 2003. All subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or any member of the Group or any persons acting on their behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the factors referred to above. Neither Vodafone nor any of its affiliates intends to update these forward-looking statements. Use of Non-GAAP Financial Information In presenting and discussing the Group's reported financial position, operating results and cash flows, certain information is derived from amounts calculated in accordance with UK GAAP, but this information is not itself an expressly permitted GAAP measure. Such non-GAAP measures should not be viewed in isolation as alternatives to the equivalent GAAP measure. A summary of certain of the non-GAAP measures included in this results announcement, together with details where additional information and reconciliation to the nearest equivalent GAAP measure can be found, is shown below. Location in this results announcement of Equivalent GAAP reconciliation and Non-GAAP measure measure further information ---------------- --------------- ------------------ EBITDA, before exceptional Net cash inflow Note 7 on page 31 items from operating activities Total Group operating Total Group Note 2 on page 29 profit (before goodwill operating loss amortisation and exceptional items) Sales and administration Sales and Other costs, before goodwill Administration reconciliations, amortisation and costs below exceptional items Profit on ordinary Loss on Group Financial activities before ordinary Highlights on taxation (before activities page 2 goodwill amortisation before and exceptional items) taxation Free cash flow Net cash inflow Cash flows and from operating funding on activities page 21 Adjusted earnings Earnings per Note 6 on per share share page 31 Proportionate turnover Statutory Proportionate turnover financial information on pages 34 and 35 Proportionate EBITDA, Total Group Proportionate before exceptional operating loss Financial items information on pages 34 and 35 Other reconciliations Reconciliation of sales and administrative costs, before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items, to total sales and administrative expenses Year ended Year ended 31 March 2003 31 March 2002 £m £m Sales and administrative expenses, before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items 5,403 4,328 Goodwill amortisation 11,875 10,962 Exceptional operating items 496 4,486 --------- --------- Sales and administrative expenses 17,774 19,776 ========= ========= VODAFONE GROUP PLC - MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES PROPORTIONATE NET CUSTOMERS - 1 APRIL 2002 TO 31 MARCH 2003 9 MONTHS TO 31 DECEMBER 2002 ------------------------------------------ PERCENTAGE COUNTRY OWNERSHIP AT 1 APRIL NET STAKE AT 31 DEC (note 1) (note 2) 2002 ADDITIONS CHANGES 2002 (%) (000s) (000s) (000s) (000s) NORTHERN EUROPE UK 100.0 13,186 38 - 13,224 Ireland 100.0 1,704 25 - 1,729 Netherlands 97.2 2,289 10 248 2,547 (note 6) Sweden 99.1 827 107 44 978 Others 5,000 273 6 5,279 TOTAL 23,006 453 298 23,757 CENTRAL EUROPE Germany 100.0 21,434 1,243 55 22,732 Hungary 83.8 330 189 49 568 Others 1,567 226 - 1,793 TOTAL 23,331 1,658 104 25,093 SOUTHERN EUROPE Greece 64.0 1,539 131 349 2,019 Italy 76.8 13,560 993 39 14,592 Malta 80.0 122 10 - 132 Portugal 94.4 1,445 109 310 1,864 (note 6) Spain 100.0 7,241 708 172 8,121 Albania 82.4 130 136 19 285 Others 438 108 - 546 TOTAL 24,475 2,195 889 27,559 AMERICAS United 44.4 13,081 1,120 185 14,386 States (note 4) Others 689 30 - 719 TOTAL 13,770 1,150 185 15,105 ASIA PACIFIC Japan 69.7 8,496 758 - 9,254 Australia 100.0 2,050 307 97 2,454 New Zealand 100.0 1,095 125 - 1,220 Others 1,685 553 1,687 3,925 TOTAL 13,326 1,743 1,784 16,853 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA Egypt 60.0 1,031 247 - 1,278 Others 2,197 380 262 2,839 TOTAL 3,228 627 262 4,117 GROUP TOTAL 101,136 7,826 3,522 112,484 VODAFONE GROUP PLC - MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES PROPORTIONATE NET CUSTOMERS - 1 APRIL 2002 TO 31 MARCH 2003 (CONTINUED) QUARTER TO 31 MARCH 2003 --------------------------------------- PERCENTAGE STAKE COUNTRY OWNERSHIP AT 31 DEC NET CHANGES AT 31 MAR PREPAID (note 1) (note 2) 2002 ADDITIONS (note 3) 2003 (note 5) (%) (000s) (000s) (000s) (000s) (%) NORTHERN EUROPE UK 100.0 13,224 76 - 13,300 59 Ireland 100.0 1,729 11 - 1,740 71 Netherlands 97.2 2,547 (9) 645 3,183 59 (note 6) Sweden 99.1 978 13 322 1,313 30 Others 5,279 62 1,568 6,909 52 TOTAL 23,757 153 2,535 26,445 55 CENTRAL EUROPE Germany 100.0 22,732 208 - 22,940 53 Hungary 83.8 568 94 137 799 88 Others 1,793 65 - 1,858 45 TOTAL 25,093 367 137 25,597 52 SOUTHERN EUROPE Greece 64.0 2,019 103 44 2,166 71 Italy 76.8 14,592 316 - 14,908 92 Malta 80.0 132 (2) - 130 92 Portugal 94.4 1,864 29 1,019 2,912 73 (note 6) Spain 100.0 8,121 419 556 9,096 57 Albania 82.4 285 35 2 322 97 Others 546 (9) - 537 65 TOTAL 27,559 891 1,621 30,071 78 AMERICAS United 44.4 14,386 403 3 14,792 7 States (note 4) Others 719 (16) - 703 83 TOTAL 15,105 387 3 15,495 11 ASIA PACIFIC Japan 69.7 9,254 448 - 9,702 6 Australia 100.0 2,454 110 - 2,564 50 New Zealand 100.0 1,220 69 - 1,289 78 Others 3,925 204 - 4,129 60 TOTAL 16,853 831 - 17,684 55 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA Egypt 60.0 1,278 80 - 1,358 84 Others 2,839 181 39 3,059 86 TOTAL 4,117 261 39 4,417 86 GROUP TOTAL 112,484 2,890 4,335 119,709 53 note 1 All countries now operate under the Vodafone brand with the exception of the United States (Verizon Wireless) and Japan (J-Phone Vodafone). Italy migrated to the single Vodafone brand during May 2003. note 2 All ownership percentages are stated as at 31 March 2003 and, subject to note 6 below, exclude options, warrants or other rights or obligations of Vodafone Group Plc to increase or decrease ownership in any venture. Ownership interests have been rounded to the nearest tenth of one percent. note 3 Represents stake increases in Vodafone Netherlands from 77.6% to 97.2%, Vodafone Sweden from 74.6% to 99.1%, SFR from 32.0% to 43.9%, Vodafone Hungary from 68.3% to 83.8%, Vodafone Greece from 62.7% to 64.0%, Vodafone Portugal from 61.4% to 94.4%, Vodafone Spain from 93.8% to 100.0%, Vodafone Albania from 81.7% to 82.4% and Safaricom Limited in Kenya from 30.0% to 35.0%. note 4 The Group's proportionate customer base has been adjusted for Verizon Wireless's proportionate ownership of its customer base across all its network interests of approximately 98.6% at 31 March 2003. In the absence of acquired interests, this proportionate ownership will vary slightly from quarter to quarter dependent on the underlying mix of net additions across each of these networks. note 5 Prepaid customer percentages are calculated on a venture basis. note 6 Includes interests which the Company was irrevocably committed to purchase. VODAFONE GROUP PLC - MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES CONTROLLED ACTIVE CUSTOMER INFORMATION AS AT 31 MARCH 2003 CONTROLLED ACTIVE CONTROLLED (note 1) ----------------------------- COUNTRY PREPAID CONTRACT TOTAL INACTIVE (%) (%) (%) (%) NORTHERN EUROPE UK 88 95 91 9 Ireland 100 99 100 - Netherlands 89 99 93 7 Sweden 95 95 95 5 TOTAL 90 96 92 8 CENTRAL EUROPE Germany 90 94 92 8 Hungary* 89 97 90 10 TOTAL 90 94 92 8 SOUTHERN EUROPE Greece 67 94 75 25 Italy 95 92 95 5 Malta 98 98 98 2 Portugal 83 99 88 12 Spain 94 99 96 4 Albania 94 95 94 6 TOTAL 92 97 93 ASIA PACIFIC Japan (note 2) N/A N/A 98 2 Australia 93 92 93 7 New Zealand 98 100 98 2 TOTAL 95 93 98 2 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA Egypt* 97 100 97 3 TOTAL 97 100 97 3 CONTROLLED GROUP TOTAL 91 95 93 7 CONTROLLED INACTIVE CUSTOMER INFORMATION - HISTORY CONTROLLED INACTIVE CUSTOMERS AS AT COUNTRY MARCH JUNE SEPTEMBER DECEMBER MARCH 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Germany 9 8 8 8 8 Italy 7 7 6 5 5 Japan 1 1 1 1 2 UK 11 9 7 8 9 Controlled Total 8 7 6 6 7 note 1 Active customers are defined as customers who have made or received a chargeable event in the last three months or, where information is not available, defined as customers who have made a chargeable event in the last three months (indicated by *). note 2 Customer activity information for Japan is only available on a total customer basis. VODAFONE GROUP PLC - MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES MONTHLY REGISTERED BLENDED ARPU FOR THE 15 MONTHS TO 31 MARCH 2003 Country Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 Germany EUR 25.1 22.7 25.4 25.2 26.5 26.5 27.9 27.7 Italy EUR 28.8 25.6 29.6 27.9 29.4 28.9 31.9 28.6 Japan JPY 7,470 7,200 7,630 7,310 7,400 7,160 7,670 7,410 UK (note 1) GBP 22.9 22.0 23.8 22.9 24.6 22.7 24.9 24.7 Country Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 Germany EUR 26.8 27.4 25.4 25.4 25.6 23.2 25.8 Italy EUR 29.0 29.3 28.0 29.5 29.3 26.5 29.1 Japan JPY 7,180 7,350 7,120 7,360 7,120 6,840 7,270 UK (note 1) GBP 24.9 25.5 24.3 23.5 24.7 23.4 25.6 ARPU INFORMATION FOR THE 12 MONTH PERIOD TO 31 MARCH 2003 ARPU (note 2) COUNTRY CURRENCY REGISTERED REGISTERED REGISTERED PREPAID CONTRACT TOTAL NORTHERN EUROPE UK (note 1) GBP 125 532 292 Ireland EUR 336 1,085 553 Netherlands EUR 174 863 437 Sweden SEK 908 6,258 4,713 CENTRAL EUROPE Germany EUR 130 519 313 Hungary HUF 43,098 173,974 56,784 SOUTHERN EUROPE Italy EUR 298 818 347 Malta MTL 87 895 151 Portugal EUR 178 711 330 Spain EUR 158 631 372 ASIA PACIFIC Japan JPY N/A N/A 87,159 Australia AUD 312 873 633 New Zealand NZD 314 1,866 663 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA Egypt EGP 682 2,824 1,002 ARPU - HISTORY REGISTERED TOTAL ARPU FOR THE 12 MONTH PERIOD TO COUNTRY CURRENCY MARCH JUNE SEPTEMBER DECEMBER MARCH 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 Germany EUR 298 302 308 312 313 Italy EUR 345 345 345 347 347 Japan JPY 91,903 90,302 89,193 88,238 87,159 UK (note 1) GBP 276 278 282 287 292 note 1 During the period from 1 October 2002 to 31 March 2003, Vodafone UK operated under interim commercial terms with one of its service providers. Final terms were agreed in April 2003. Recognising revenues and costs on a consistent basis during the interim period to the bases before and after this period would result in additional service revenues and costs of £74 million. For consistency and comparability purposes, these revenues have been included in the calculation of UK ARPU but have been excluded from Group turnover in accordance with UK GAAP. The impact of the inclusion of these amounts has been to increase ARPU for the 12 months to 31 December 2002 and 31 March 2003 from £284 and £286 to £287 and £292, respectively. note 2 ARPU is calculated as total revenues excluding handset revenues and connection fees divided by the weighted average number of customers during the period. VODAFONE GROUP PLC - MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES NON-VOICE SERVICES AS A PERCENTAGE OF SERVICE REVENUES PROPORTIONATE BASIS 12 MONTHS TO 31 MARCH 2003 MARCH 2003 (MONTH ONLY) COUNTRY MESSAGING DATA TOTAL MESSAGING DATA TOTAL NORTHERN EUROPE UK (note 1) 13.4% 1.0% 14.4% 14.0% 1.2% 15.2% Others 9.4% 0.5% 9.9% 10.5% 0.7% 11.2% TOTAL 11.6% 0.8% 12.4% 12.3% 0.9% 13.2% CENTRAL EUROPE Germany 15.6% 0.8% 16.4% 15.6% 1.0% 16.6% Others 8.3% 1.2% 9.5% 9.5% 1.7% 11.2% TOTAL 14.7% 0.9% 15.6% 14.8% 1.1% 15.9% SOUTHERN EUROPE Italy 10.8% 0.5% 11.3% 11.2% 0.6% 11.8% Others 9.1% 0.3% 9.4% 10.0% 0.6% 10.6% TOTAL 10.0% 0.4% 10.4% 10.7% 0.6% 11.3% AMERICAS United States 0.4% 0.7% 1.1% 0.7% 0.8% 1.5% Others 0.1% - 0.1% 0.1% - 0.1% TOTAL 0.4% 0.7% 1.1% 0.7% 0.8% 1.5% ASIA PACIFIC Japan 7.5% 12.8% 20.3% 7.7% 14.0% 21.7% Others 8.8% 0.6% 9.4% 11.4% 1.0% 12.4% TOTAL 7.8% 10.3% 18.1% 8.5% 11.1% 19.6% MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA 3.7% - 3.7% 4.3% - 4.3% PROPORTIONATE GROUP TOTAL 8.9% 2.4% 11.3% 9.6% 2.7% 12.3% STATUTORY BASIS CONTROLLED GROUP TOTAL 11.0% 3.6% 14.6% 11.6% 4.0% 15.6% NON-VOICE SERVICES AS A PERCENTAGE OF SERVICE REVENUES - HISTORY 12 MONTHS TO COUNTRY MAR 2002 JUN 2002 SEP 2002 DEC 2002 MAR 2003 Germany 14.4% 14.8% 15.4% 16.1% 16.4% Italy 8.7% 9.4% 10.1% 10.7% 11.3% Japan 15.1% 16.6% 18.1% 19.3% 20.3% UK (note 1) 11.8% 12.6% 13.2% 13.9% 14.4% Proportionate 8.7% 9.5% 10.1% 10.7% 11.3% Total Statutory Total 11.1% 12.1% 13.2% 13.9% 14.6% MONTH ONLY COUNTRY MAR 2002 JUN 2002 SEP 2002 DEC 2002 MAR 2003 Germany 15.2% 15.6% 16.2% 19.2% 16.6% Italy 9.8% 10.4% 10.4% 12.9% 11.8% Japan 19.8% 19.9% 20.2% 20.6% 21.7% UK (note 1) 13.4% 14.3% 13.8% 16.0% 15.2% Proportionate 10.3% 10.9% 10.9% 12.5% 12.3% Total Statutory Total 13.5% 14.0% 14.3% 16.0% 15.6% note 1 During the period from 1 October 2002 to 31 March 2003, Vodafone UK operated under interim commercial terms with one of its service providers. Final terms were agreed in April 2003. Recognising revenues and costs on a consistent basis during the interim period to the bases before and after this period would result in additional service revenues and costs of £74 million. For consistency and comparability purposes, these revenues have been included in the calculation of non-voice services as a percentage of service revenues. The impact of the inclusion of these amounts has been to decrease UK non-voice services as a percentage of service revenues for the months of December 2002 and March 2003 from 16.1% and 15.3% to 16.0% and 15.2%, respectively. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
UK 100