Final Results - Year Ended 31 March 2000, Part 1
Vodafone AirTouch PLC
30 May 2000
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (1) Year ended Year ended Percentage
31 March 31 March increase
2000 1999 %
Proportionate customers at
year end 39,139,000 25,421,000 54
Proportionate turnover £12,569m £9,185m 37
Proportionate EBITDA
- before exceptional items (4) £3,948m £3,046m 30
Proportionate total Group
operating profit
- before goodwill and
exceptional items (4) £2,708m £2,055m 32
Non-proportionate profit on
ordinary activities before
taxation (5)
- before goodwill and
exceptional items (4) £2,474m £1,800m 37
(Details on page 16)
Total Group operating profit
- before goodwill and
exceptional items (4) £2,538m £972m 161
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation
- before goodwill and
exceptional items (4) £2,154m £878m 145
Basic earnings per share (6)
- before goodwill and
exceptional items (4) 4.71p 3.77p 25
- after goodwill and
exceptional items 1.80p 4.12p
Dividends per share (6) 1.335p 1.272p 5
The acquisition of Mannesmann AG received clearance from the
European Commission on 12 April 2000. Accordingly, the results
of Mannesmann AG are not included in either the pro forma or
statutory profit and loss accounts, or customer information, for
the year ended 31 March 2000.
(1) The unaudited pro forma profit and loss accounts and
customer information are calculated on the basis that the merger
with AirTouch Communications, Inc. took place on 1 April in each
year presented, which is further described in Note 2 to the
preliminary announcement. The audited statutory financial
information is calculated on the basis required by accounting
standards and includes the results of AirTouch Communications,
Inc. from 30 June 1999, the date of closure of the merger.
(2) Pro forma proportionate customer and financial information
excludes E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH.
(3) Exceptional items comprise the profit on disposal of fixed
asset investments, reorganisation costs following the merger with
AirTouch Communications, Inc. and exceptional finance costs
incurred in restructuring the Group's borrowing facilities as a
result of the Mannesmann acquisition.
(4) Non-proportionate pro forma profit on ordinary activities
before taxation, goodwill and exceptional items is analysed in
Note 3.
(5) Prior year earnings and dividends per share have been
adjusted to give effect to the capitalisation issue on 30
September 1999.
Chris Gent, Chief Executive of Vodafone AirTouch Plc, commented:
'By any standard, the year ended 31 March 2000 has seen
exceptional progress for Vodafone AirTouch. In the course of the
year, we saw the closure of the AirTouch transaction and
agreements with both Bell Atlantic and Mannesmann, which
completed in April 2000. The effect of all of these transactions
collectively is to more than quadruple the size of the business
in a year when we achieved outstanding underlying growth on all
With regard to the successful implementation of the Group's
strategy, the last financial year saw major advances on all
fronts. Our strategy is aimed at pursuing growth in three
different ways; accelerated customer growth, geographic expansion
and the provision of new services to customers.
We expect to see mobile substitute for fixed in both voice and
data services for the consumer and then be extended and enriched
to provide services that have never before been available to
users, increasing usage in every market. This will give enormous
growth potential for Vodafone AirTouch, to the benefit of our
customers and shareholders.'
Group highlights:
* Strong progress following completion of the merger with
AirTouch Communications, Inc. on 30 June 1999, reflected in
record improvements in turnover, operating profit, EBITDA and
customer numbers.
* Worldwide customer base at 31 March 2000 of 39.1 million
proportionate customers, up 54%. 86.1 million customers in
ventures the Group invests in or controls.
* Pro forma proportionate EBITDA, before exceptional items, up
30% on the comparable period to £3,948m.
* Earnings per share growth of 25%, before goodwill and
exceptional items.
* Creation of Verizon Wireless on 3 April 2000, a new US joint
venture business with a national footprint, in which the Group
will have a 45% interest.
* Mannesmann acquisition completed on 12 April 2000.
* VIZZAVI launched as the brand name for the Group's multi-
access Global Internet Portal in May 2000; based on a single
global technology platform, VIZZAVI will maintain existing
relationships with customers and capture new revenue streams in
the emerging market for Internet services.
Regional highlights:
Europe, Middle East & Africa
* Pro forma proportionate customers increased by 71% in the
year to 15.6 million.
* Pro forma total Group operating profit from EMEA
operations, before goodwill, increased by 34% to £1,321m.
* Group interest in E-Plus disposed of at a profit of £939m.
* Commercial service launched in Hungary and increased
ownership interests in the Group's investments in Italy,
Poland and Romania.
* EMEA's pro forma proportionate mobile customers increased
by 13.3 million to over 28.9 million customers (excluding
Orange) through the Mannesmann acquisition, based on venture
customers at 31 March 2000.
* New multi-access Internet portal company for Europe created
on 17 May 2000 under a 50/50 joint venture agreement with
VivendiNet (a joint venture between Vivendi and Canal+). The new
venture, operating under the VIZZAVI global brand name, will
become the default home page for Vodafone's, Vivendi's and
Canal+'s national operating companies, giving access to more
than 70 million customers.
United Kingdom
* Market leader with 8.8 million customers and market share
of 32%. 3.2 million net new customers connected in the year,
1.5 times the number achieved in the comparable period.
* UK Group operating profit before goodwill increased to
£706m, up 10% on last year.
* Substantial growth in value added services. Nine-fold
increase from March 1999 in the use of Short Message Service
(SMS) to 141 million messages in March 2000.
* Successful launch of wireless portal in December 1999, with
over 60,000 registered customers at the year end. Largest
available UK 3G licence acquired in April 2000.
United States & Asia Pacific
* Proportionate customers at year end of 14.7 million, a pro
forma increase of 38%.
* Pro forma total Group operating profit of £915m from United
States and Asia Pacific operations, before goodwill and
exceptional reorganisation costs of £30m, an increase of 45%.
* Verizon Wireless created on 3 April 2000. This new US joint
venture will serve more than 23 million customers following
anticipated completion of Bell Atlantic - GTE merger.
* Ownership interests increased to over 20% in each of nine
regional cellular networks operating in Japanese market.
At 31 March 2000, the EMEA region had network operations in
sixteen countries, operating through seven subsidiary network
companies and nine associated undertakings. Pro forma customer
and profit growth during the year, which exclude any impact from
the acquisition of Mannesmann AG, for which EC clearance was
received on 12 April 2000, were strong across the region.
EMEA's proportionate customers increased to 15,662,000 at 31
March 2000, which represents pro forma growth for the year of
6,492,000 customers (71%). Pro forma proportionate turnover
increased by 38% to £4,437m for the year, whilst pro forma
proportionate EBITDA increased from £1,127m to £1,492m,
representing growth of 32%.
Pro forma consolidated turnover for the year to 31 March 2000
grew by 26% from £1,617m to £2,030m, with EMEA's contribution to
pro forma total Group operating profit, before goodwill,
increasing by 34% to £1,321m.
During the year, the Group increased its shareholdings in several
of its associates. In August 1999, the Group exercised an option
to increase its stake in Omnitel Pronto Italia, Italy's second
GSM network, from 17.8% to 21.6% and, in November 1999, the Group
increased its stake in MobiFon, Romania's third GSM operator,
from 10.0% to 20.1%. In December and January, the Group
exercised its pre-emption rights to increase its shareholding in
Polkomtel, Poland's second GSM operator, from 19.25% to 19.61%.
With the further consolidation of the distribution chain in a
number of EMEA markets, certain subsidiaries also made strategic
acquisitions during the year. In Greece, Panafon acquired a 25%
shareholding in a service provider, Mobitel, subject to
regulatory approvals and, in Sweden, Europolitan acquired a
dealer chain, Ocom.
Growth in prepaid services has continued and, at 31 March 2000,
over 54% of the region's proportionate customers were connected
to prepaid tariffs, compared with 30% a year earlier. As a result
of the change in mix towards prepaid, and the general trend of
lower tariffs across the region, ARPU (at constant exchange
rates) declined from £354 last year to £318 in the year to 31
March 2000. Average network churn in the region remained low
during the year at 20.5%, calculated on a pro forma basis.
Following the AirTouch merger on 30 June 1999, the Group's listed
subsidiaries include Telecel and Europolitan. These are in
addition to Panafon and Libertel, the latter being listed on the
Amsterdam Stock Exchange in June 1999. The market capitalisation
of these companies at the end of the year was as follows:
Listed in Market capitalisation
31 March 2000
Europolitan Stockholm £5.5bn
Libertel Amsterdam £4.2bn
Panafon Athens £4.7bn
Telecel Lisbon £2.6bn
On 4 February 2000, the Group completed the sale of its 17.24%
interest in E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH in accordance with an
undertaking provided to the European Commission as part of the
AirTouch merger, giving a profit on disposal of £939m.
On 30 November 1999, the Group's 50.1% subsidiary, Vodafone
Hungary, commenced commercial service as the third cellular
network operator in that country.
On 13 March 2000, Airtel Movil in Spain was the first EMEA mobile
operator to be awarded a third generation (UMTS) licence. The
company is expected to build out its network during 2001, with
service launch anticipated in late 2001, subject to
infrastructure and handset availability.
Following the European Commission's approval of the acquisition
of Mannesmann AG on 12 April 2000, the Group's effective interest
in Mannesmann Mobilfunk and Omnitel Pronto Italia increased to
approximately 99.1% and 76.0%, respectively. This resulted in an
approximate 13.3 million increase in the region's total pro forma
proportionate customers to over 28.9 million (excluding
Mannesmann's interest in Orange), based on total venture
customers of 51.1 million at 31 March 2000.
Discussions are underway to achieve the rapid integration of the
former Mannesmann businesses into the existing Vodafone AirTouch
portfolio. This will ensure that initiatives to realise the
significant potential synergy benefits, both on cost (in areas
such as infrastructure and handset procurement) and revenues
(through improved product offerings across the enlarged European
footprint), will start immediately.
In addition to the increased shareholdings in mobile operations,
the Group also acquired Mannesmann's interests in the following
fixed line businesses - Arcor in Germany, Infostrada in Italy,
Cegetel in France and tele.ring in Austria. tele.ring also plans
to launch a mobile service in Austria in June 2000, following its
successful bid for a new licence, and will be the fourth mobile
operator in the Austrian market.
VIZZAVI joint venture
On 17 May 2000, the Group and VivendiNet (a joint venture between
Vivendi and Canal+) announced that an agreement had been signed
for the creation of a new joint venture company, VIZZAVI, to
establish a multi-access Internet portal for Europe. The Group
and VivendiNet will both have a 50% shareholding in VIZZAVI and
anticipate making an Initial Public Offering within two years.
The new venture, operating under the VIZZAVI global brand name,
will become the default home page for Vodafone's, Vivendi's and
Canal+'s national operating companies throughout Europe, with
access to more than 70 million customers. The multi-access
Internet portal will provide services to customers in a
consistent format across different platforms, including mobile
handsets, personal computers, televisions and personal digital
assistants. VIZZAVI will have its own technology team to develop
the multi-access interfaces, working in close co-operation with
the Group's global mobile platform technology team to ensure a
seamless global service.
Vivendi has indicated its interest in purchasing the Group's
entire 15% shareholding in Cegetel's capital stock.
The year saw continued rapid expansion in the UK mobile phone
market, which grew by 12.4 million new customers compared with
5.8 million the previous year. There are now over 27 million
mobile phone customers in the UK and market penetration is 46%
compared with 26% at the beginning of the financial year.
Vodafone has maintained its clear leadership in this highly
competitive market place with a record 3,216,000 net new
customers, closing the year with a customer base of 8,791,000 and
a market share of 32%, 5% or 1.4 million customers ahead of its
nearest competitor.
Turnover in the UK increased by 39% from £2,088m to £2,901m.
Operating profit, before goodwill, grew by £62m to £706m, an
increase of 10%, whilst EBITDA increased by 14% to £934m. This
growth in profits is after connection costs on record customer
growth and continued tariff cuts.
Network business
Pre-paid products have driven the growth in the UK mobile market
during the year. Vodafone's Pay As You Talk (PAYT) product has
operated very successfully in this market, achieving 3,233,000
net connections in the year ended 31 March 2000, compared with
1,648,000 net connections last year. PAYT customers totalled
5,079,000 at 31 March 2000 and represented almost 58% of
Vodafone's UK customer base.
The success of PAYT is reflected in the average revenue per
customer (ARPU) for the twelve months ended 31 March 2000 which,
at £175 (£199 before trade discounts), was up by 10% from £159
(£178 before trade discounts) at 31 March 1999. PAYT cost to
connect for the twelve months ended 31 March 2000 was held at £50
in a highly competitive marketplace, compared with £43 in the
twelve months to 31 March 1999.
Following a 55,000 reduction in the contract customer base in the
first half of the year, revised tariffs and other changes to
commercial policy resulted in a net second half increase of
38,000, giving a closing contract customer base of 3,712,000.
Cost to connect rose to £94 for the 12 months ended 31 March 2000
from £88 for the comparable period, reflecting competitive
pressures. ARPU was stable at £421 (£554 before trade discounts)
for the twelve months ended 31 March 2000 compared to £423 (£553
before trade discounts) at 31 March 1999. This reflects tariff
reductions being balanced by increased usage.
Overall average revenue per customer (both contract and PAYT) has
declined from £378 last year to £305 this year due to the effect
of the increase in the PAYT base.
Network churn has fallen in the six months ended 31 March 2000 to
28.3% from 33.2% in the previous six months, reflecting
management actions taken in the second half of the year. Overall
churn in the 12 months ended 31 March 2000 rose to 29.8% from
26.0 % the previous year.
Vodafone continues to have the widest roaming capability of the
UK operators, with agreements in 107 countries and across 234
networks, giving over 170 million customers access to its
network. Roaming revenues, both from Vodafone customers using
their phones overseas and visitors using the UK network,
represented 24% of contract digital outgoing airtime and access
revenues, compared with 23% last year.
Vodafone continues to invest to improve network quality. £523m
was spent on capital expenditure in the year, enabling the
company to sustain, and in certain areas improve, overall network
quality through a period of significantly increasing demand.
During the year over 1,600 base stations were installed, with
6,700 in operation at 31 March 2000.
Distribution business
The Group's distribution companies continued to drive the
majority of Vodafone's growth, achieving net growth, excluding
service provider acquisitions, of 198,000 contract customers and
two thirds of the growth in PAYT. By the end of March 2000, the
Group's distribution companies accounted for 63% of the Vodafone
contract customer base, up from 48% at the end of March 1999.
The share of the contract customer base connected through the
Group's distribution businesses was boosted by the acquisition of
MC Mobile Services, UniqueAir, Scottish Telecommunications
(Services) and 3@ Telecom during the year, for an aggregate cost
of £84m.
Market leadership on PAYT has been sustained by continuing to
increase availability through a wide range of retailers.
Throughout the period, Vodafone has continued to work with
traditional independent service providers and dealers to balance
growth through these channels with that coming from new channels
on PAYT.
Vodafone Retail has shown continued success and grew to 272
shops, with average connections per shop up by 57%. Vodafone
Corporate increased its market share in the overall corporate
An option to dispose of the Group's 20% interest in the Martin
Dawes service provider business was exercised in the year,
resulting in a profit on disposal of £11m. The high level of
churn through this service provider, following the disposal of
our shareholding, was adequately compensated for by the strong
performance of the wholly-owned distribution businesses.
During the year, Vodafone Paging improved its share of the highly
competitive subscription paging market through securing several
major corporate contracts. The new paging services recently
launched have positioned the company to take the lead in the
introduction of two-way messaging services into the traditional
paging market.
Value Added and Data Service business
Vodafone Value Added and Data Services saw strong growth in the
Short Message Service (SMS) and continued to lead the UK market
in the commercial development of data and value added services.
At the end of March, 43% of Vodafone's customers made use of SMS,
compared with 15% at the same time last year. The average number
of messages sent by each customer also increased with a total of
141 million short messages being carried on the network in March
2000, compared with 15 million in March 1999.
Future Services
The UK's multi-media portal was launched in December 1999 and, by
the end of the financial year, had over 60,000 registered
customers. Additional services are being progressively launched
and, by the end of May, the UK portal is expected to have over
90,000 customers. Migration to the new global service delivery
platform and Internet brand is anticipated to take place in July
In April, Vodafone was successful in acquiring the largest UK 3G
licence available to an existing operator, for £5.964 billion.
This gives the maximum spectrum available to enable the full
development of video, picture messaging, e-commerce and other
data and mobile multi-media services. For the first time,
Vodafone will have more capacity for its products and services
than any of its UK competitors. In parallel with the development
of the 3G network, Vodafone is testing and rolling out GPRS,
which is expected to be in commercial service during the last
quarter of the year ending March 2001.
Proportionate customers for the United States and Asia
Pacific region increased by 38%, on a pro forma basis,
during the year ended 31 March 2000, to 14,686,000.
Pro forma proportionate turnover increased from £3,807m for the
year ended 31 March 1999 to £5,187m, an increase of 36%, and pro
forma proportionate EBITDA, before exceptional items, increased
by 38% to £1,522m.
Pro forma turnover in the twelve months to 31 March 2000
increased by 19% to £3,956m, with pro forma total Group operating
profit increasing by 45% to £915m, before goodwill and
exceptional reorganisation costs of £30m incurred in the US
following the merger with AirTouch. The Group is seeing clear
benefits from this expenditure, which is generating synergies in
line with the plan developed before merger completion.
US Cellular & PCS Operations
The Group's mobile operations in the US increased total
proportionate customers on a pro forma basis by 1,873,000 to
10,553,000 at the year end, an increase of 22%. This increase
includes over 402,000 customers added through the acquisition of
CommNet and 214,000 net customers connected by the CMT and PCS
PrimeCo joint ventures.
Strong growth in the number of digital customers resulted from
the continued rollout of the US digital network. 4,196,000
proportionate customers were connected to the digital network at
31 March 2000, representing 40% of the customer base at the end
of the year, compared with 22% at 31 March 1999. The migration of
customers from analogue to digital networks has been stimulated
by incentives, an extensive advertising campaign and a new range
of tariffs. On average, customers connected to the digital
network generate higher revenues and a lower level of churn than
those connected to the analogue network.
In the twelve months to 31 March 2000, average cost to connect
decreased to £141 from £145 (at constant exchange rates) for the
comparable period. The decline in the average cost to connect
during the year has been achieved despite the growth in the
digital customer base, where handset prices are considerably
higher than those for analogue customers. This, together with the
costs incurred in migrating existing customers from analogue to
digital, has affected the level of profitability.
ARPU for the twelve months to 31 March 2000 on subsidiary US
networks was £293, a decrease of 7% on the same period last year.
However, in recent months, the average monthly revenue per
customer has improved with some markets beginning to see an
increase in ARPU, as higher usage, and the benefits of customer
migration to the digital network, offset the effects of tariff
reductions. Average monthly usage per customer increased during
the year to 141 minutes, compared with 122 minutes for the
comparable period.
Churn on wholly owned US networks during the year ended 31 March
2000 was 29% compared with 27% in the prior year. The effects of
new retention initiatives, together with the increased number of
customers on the digital network, are beginning to reduce the
level of churn in US operations.
Positive measures have also been taken to reduce reliance on
independent retailers to support customer growth. The opening of
new retail shops has continued, improving the distribution of
cellular services in the US market. During the year, the total
number of retail outlets increased by 222 stores to 316 at 31
March 2000. Customers connected through wholly owned retail
operations are less expensive to connect and, at the present
time, churn is at a significantly lower rate.
On 6 January 2000, the outstanding share capital of CommNet was
acquired. CommNet operates wireless services in the mid-west of
the United States and had over 402,000 customers at acquisition.
On 15 March 2000, AirTouch pre-launched the Group's global
platform for mobile data and Internet services in Michigan, Ohio,
Oregon and Washington. By mid-May, 81,000 customers were
connected to the service, with new activations being made at a
rate of between 800 and 1,200 per day.
The US paging business had 3.5 million customers at 31 March 2000
and continued to trade profitably during the year.
Bell Atlantic Joint Venture
On 3 April 2000, Verizon Wireless was created by the combination
of Vodafone AirTouch's and Bell Atlantic's US cellular, PCS and
paging assets. Further businesses will be contributed to the
joint venture following the anticipated completion of the merger
between Bell Atlantic Corp. and GTE Corp., when Verizon Wireless
will rank as the market leader in the US wireless industry
serving, more than 23 million customers and covering 96 of the
top 100 US markets. The Group will have a 45% shareholding in
this new venture and has nominated three of the seven board
members and one executive officer.
Verizon Wireless will have the national scale and scope to
realise revenue enhancements, cost savings and capital
efficiencies. The company will achieve cost savings through
reduced roaming costs and increased economies of scale in
transport, billing volumes, handset purchases and advertising.
Combining common CDMA technology platforms will also yield
capital efficiencies, simplified integration and superior network
Vodafone AirTouch and Bell Atlantic have announced that they are
planning an Initial Public Offering for Verizon Wireless.
Australia/New Zealand/Fiji
The Group's interests in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji
increased their proportionate customers by 726,000 to 1,795,000
at 31 March 2000, an increase of 68%. This increase in customers
has driven strong growth in revenue and operating profit.
Vodafone Australia increased its customer base by 48% in the year
ended 31 March 2000 to 1,440,000 customers, 18% of the total
Australian digital market. From April 2000, Australian customers
were among the first in the world to access an early release of
the Group's global platform for mobile data and Internet
Strong growth continued in New Zealand and its customer base was
473,000 at 31 March 2000, an increase of more than 290,000
customers in the year. Since acquiring this operation on 30
October 1998, the customer base has grown by more than 263%.
Vodafone Fiji, in which the Group has a 49% shareholding,
increased its customer base by 200% during the year to 24,000
customers at 31 March 2000.
The Group is making necessary preparations to proceed with an
Initial Public Offering of these interests through Vodafone
Pacific and will continue to monitor market conditions in order
to assess the optimal timing for the Offering.
During the year, the Group increased its equity interests to more
than 20% in each of Japan's nine regional mobile
telecommunications companies, becoming the second largest
shareholder, behind Japan Telecom, in each venture. The total
consideration paid for the increased ownership interests in the
three Digital Phone and six Digital Tu-Ka companies was £342m.
At 31 March 2000, the Group's proportionate customers amounted to
1,907,000, with overall customer growth in ventures in which the
Group has an interest being 31% in the year.
The nationwide roll-out of the Digital Phone Group's 'J-Phone'
brand to each of the six former Digital Tu-Ka companies has been
very successful. This will increase the ability of the renamed 'J-
Phone' companies to compete in the Japanese mobile
telecommunications market.
'Sky Walker', the J-Phone short message service (SMS), is proving
to be very popular and is currently used by as many as 80% of J-
Phone customers in the Tokyo area. 'J-Sky', J-Phone's Internet
service, was introduced in December 1999 and there are
approximately one million customers currently connected to this
service across the J-Phone companies.
On 30 March 2000, the Group announced that, together with its
partners, Japan Telecom and British Telecom, it had agreed to
restructure its interests in Japan ahead of the third generation
licence application in April 2000. The Group's ownership
interests are substantially unchanged by the restructuring.
Satellite Services
All major operational milestones were met for the Group's
satellite services businesses in the US, Canada and Mexico in
1999, and commercial service has been launched throughout North
America. Sales of services will be accomplished through a
network of agents and resellers, including sales channels
established through Verizon Wireless.
In March 2000, the Group launched Vodafone Globalstar in
Australia, the country's first ever fully integrated
GSM/satellite mobile service.
Profit and loss account
Turnover increased to £7,873m from £3,360m last year. This
increase includes £3,375m in respect of acquisitions and strong
growth from continuing operations.
Profit on ordinary activities before tax increased to £1,349m
from £935m primarily due to the profit on the sale of E-Plus,
organic growth from continuing operations and contributions
arising from the acquired AirTouch businesses, offset by
goodwill amortisation.
Due to the significance of the merger with AirTouch
Communications, Inc., unaudited pro forma consolidated profit and
loss accounts have been presented for the years ended 31 March
2000 and 31 March 1999, calculated on the basis that the merger
took place on 1 April in each financial year. The following
discussion of Group turnover and operating profit is based on the
pro forma consolidated profit and loss accounts, as this provides
a direct comparison of operating performance.
Approval from the European Commission for the acquisition of
Mannesmann AG was received on 12 April 2000. In addition, the
transaction with Bell Atlantic Corp. to create Verizon Wireless
was completed on 3 April 2000. Accordingly, the statutory and
pro forma profit and loss accounts for the year ended 31 March
2000 do not include any amounts in relation to the acquisition of
Mannesmann AG or the creation of the Verizon Wireless joint
Pro forma Group turnover
Pro forma Group turnover for the financial year increased by
£1,869m to £8,887m, representing pro forma growth of 27%.
Pro forma turnover in EMEA increased by 26% to £2,030m, with
strong turnover growth across the region as pro forma customers
in controlled businesses increased by 52% during the year. The
growth in pre-paid services has been an important feature of this
result, with over 54% of the region's proportionate customers now
being connected to pre-paid products.
Turnover in the UK increased by 39% to £2,901m, reflecting strong
PAYT customer growth, the success of data services and increased
minutes' usage, offset by the impact of tariff reductions.
Customer numbers in the Group's subsidiaries in the US, Australia
and New Zealand increased by 26% to almost 12,000,000 customers
at 31 March 2000, resulting in a £643m (19%) increase in pro
forma turnover for the United States & Asia Pacific region to
Total pro forma proportionate turnover, which reflects the
Group's ownership interests in its world-wide operations,
increased during the year by 37% to £12,569m. The Group's total
proportionate customers increased to 39,139,000 at 31 March 2000,
representing pro forma growth of 54%.
Total pro forma Group operating profit
Total pro forma Group operating profit increased by 30% from
£2,260m to £2,942m, before goodwill and exceptional
reorganisation costs.
Pro forma total Group operating profit for EMEA, before goodwill,
and including the Group's share of associated undertakings,
increased by 34% to £1,321m. This growth reflects strong trading
throughout the region, in particular by subsidiaries in Egypt,
the Netherlands and Sweden and by associated undertakings in
Germany, Italy, South Africa and Spain. This was offset by a
reduction in operating profit in France due to high connection
costs incurred on customer growth in SFR.
In the UK, total operating profit before goodwill, increased by
£62m to £706m. This growth in operating profit is after
connection costs on record customer growth, 50% higher than last
year, and tariff reductions.
The United States & Asia Pacific region reported a pro forma
increase of 45% in total Group operating profit to £915m, before
goodwill, and exceptional reorganisation costs of £30m incurred
in the US following the merger with AirTouch. The increase in
operating profit reflects strong organic growth in Australasia
and Japan, the impact of stake increases in Japan and the first
full year of results from New Zealand. These factors are offset
by the cost of migrating US customers from analogue to digital,
with 40% of customers now on digital tariffs compared to 22% last
Movements in exchange rates had an adverse impact of £21m on the
increase in pro forma total Group operating profit. The adverse
effect of exchange rate movements from the strength of sterling
against the Euro was partially offset by compensating exchange
rate movements against the US Dollar and Yen.
Pro forma proportionate EBITDA increased by 30% from £3,046m to
£3,948m. Proportionate EBITDA is defined as operating profit
before exceptional reorganisation costs, plus depreciation and
amortisation of subsidiaries, joint ventures, associated
undertakings and investments, proportionate to equity stakes.
Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments and businesses
The profit on disposal of fixed asset investments of £954m
primarily comprises a profit of £939m on the disposal of the
Group's 17.24% interest in E-plus Mobilfunk GmbH. This disposal
was a condition to the European Commission's approval of the
merger with AirTouch. The remaining profit on disposal includes
the sale of the Group's 20% interest in the UK service provider
business, Martin Dawes, and the disposal of the Group's 50%
shareholding in Comfone AG in Switzerland.
Net interest costs in respect of the Group's net borrowings
increased by £257m to £333m during the year, before charging £17m
of exceptional finance costs incurred in restructuring the
Group's borrowing facilities as a result of the Mannesmann
acquisition. This increase reflects a £5,135m increase in net
borrowings during the year, mainly due to the additional debt
arising from the merger with AirTouch. Group interest, excluding
the Group's share of interest payable by joint ventures and
associated undertakings, is covered 7.3 times by Group EBITDA
(before exceptional reorganisation costs). The Group's main
interest exposures are sterling, Euro and US dollar interest
The effective rate of taxation for the year, before goodwill and
disposals, increased to 32.5% from 28.7% in the year ended 31
March 1999. The 3.8% increase in the effective tax rate is
primarily the result of the higher tax rates attributable to the
former AirTouch operations, whose results have been included for
the nine month period following merger completion.
Basic earnings per share
Basic earnings per share, before goodwill and exceptional items,
increased by 25% from 3.77p to 4.71p, after adjusting the
comparative figure for the capitalisation (bonus) issue on 30
September 1999.
Basic earnings per share, after goodwill and exceptional items,
fell from 4.12p last year to 1.80p. This includes a reduction of
6.32p per share in relation to the amortisation of capitalised
goodwill, arising primarily from the merger with AirTouch and
other acquisitions completed during the year.
The proposed final dividend of 0.680p produces a total for the
year of 1.335p, an increase of 5% over last year, and reflects
the Group's continuing strong trading performance and cash
generation. Dividend cover, before goodwill amortisation,
increased to 3.5 times compared with 3.3 times in the year ended
31 March 1999.
The Group employed approximately 40,700 people at 31 March 2000,
compared with 13,300 at last year end. This increase includes
approximately 20,700 employees who joined the Group following the
merger with AirTouch and the completion of other acquisitions in
the year. 69% of the Group's total employees work outside the
United Kingdom.
Balance sheet
Fixed assets
Total fixed assets have increased in the year from £2,851m to
£150,851m at 31 March 2000.
£41,379m of this increase is in relation to goodwill, net of
amortisation charges, arising on acquisitions and investments in
new businesses completed during the year, which has been
capitalised and amortised in accordance with the Group's
accounting policies. During the year, £21,789m of goodwill (net
of amortisation) has been capitalised within intangible fixed
assets in relation to acquired subsidiaries, with a further
£19,590m being allocated to investments in joint ventures and
associated undertakings. Included in these amounts is goodwill
arising on the merger with AirTouch, provisionally calculated as
£41.0 billion. This is being amortised primarily by reference to
the unexpired licence period and conditions for licence renewal
of the underlying acquired network businesses, with the
amortisation periods ranging between 8 and 40 years.
The Group's investments, which include equity investments and
loans advanced to associated undertakings and other investments,
increased by £121,966m in the year as shown in the table below.
At 1 April 1999 372
Acquisition of Mannesmann 101,246
New investments, including goodwill of £19,590m 20,999
Other movements (279)
At 31 March 2000 122,338
The investment of £101,246m in respect of Mannesmann AG
represents the ordinary shares issued to the shareholders and
convertible bond holders of Mannesmann AG at 31 March 2000. This
follows the receipt of valid acceptances representing
approximately 98.62% of the issued share capital of the company
and 99.72% of the convertible bond at 27 March 2000, the date
that the Company's Offer closed. The Mannesmann acquisition
completed on 12 April 2000, the date that clearance was received
from the European Commission.
Tangible fixed assets increased by £4,157m during the year,
primarily relating to the merger with AirTouch and continued
capital investment in the Group's world-wide network operations.
Equity shareholders' funds
Total equity shareholders' funds at 31 March 2000 had increased
to £140,833m, compared with £815m at 31 March 1999. The increase
includes the issue of new share capital of £140,037m, primarily
in relation to the merger with AirTouch and the acquisition of
Mannesmann, unvested option consideration of £1,165m in respect
of the merger with AirTouch, a profit for the financial year of
£487m (after goodwill amortisation of £1,712m), offset by
dividends paid and proposed of £620m and an adverse currency
translation adjustment in reserves of £1,130m.
Cash flows and net borrowings
Cash generated from operating activities increased by £1,465m to
£2,510m due primarily to the growth in the Group's operations and
the inclusion of the operating cash flows of the former AirTouch
businesses following the merger. The principal cash outflows
during the period related to cash consideration for investment
purchases of £4,801m, net capital expenditure of £1,739m and net
interest and other finance charges of £406m, including dividends
paid to minority interests of £93m. Net capital expenditure of
£1,739m is after deducting £279m of cash receipts in relation to
the sub-leasing of certain US communications towers.
An analysis of net payments made in respect of investments is set
out in the table below.
AirTouch Communications, Inc. 3,534
CommNet Cellular, Inc. 459
J-Phone Group 342
Omnitel 112
Other 354
These cash outflows were offset by cash inflows of £236m in
respect of dividends from associated undertakings, £1,028m from
the disposal of fixed asset investments and loan repayments, and
proceeds of £362m on the exercise of share options by employees.
As a result of these cash flows, and acquired indebtedness of
£2,133m, net debt at the year end was £6,643m, an increase of
£5,135m from 31 March 1999. A maturity analysis of net debt at
31 March 2000 is shown below.
Analysed by repayment year: £m
Less than 1 year 605
Between 1-2 years 481
Between 2-5 years 1,681
More than 5 years 3,876
Debt repayable within one year in the above analysis is net of
cash and other liquid investments amounting to £189m at 31 March
2000. £700m of the gross debt maturing within one year was
commercial paper, issued under the Group's US$5 billion
commercial paper programme. This programme is supported by bank
facilities with more than one year to maturity.
The Group launched a Euro1.5 billion eurobond issue in October
1999 and a US$5.25 billion bond in February 2000, with maturities
of between 5 and 30 years, the proceeds from which were used to
refinance short term borrowings.
Funding and liquidity
The Group has a strong financial position demonstrated by credit
ratings of P-1/F1/A2 short term and A/A/A- long term from
Moody's, Fitch IBCA Duff & Phelps and Standard and Poor's,
respectively, which reflect the amended ratings of the Group
following the acquisition of Mannesmann and the UK 3G licence
auction. This enables the Group to access a wide range of debt
finance including bonds, commercial paper and committed bank
The maturity of the undrawn committed facility available to the
Group at 31 March 2000 is shown below:
Analysed by year of expiry: Euro (million)
Within 1 year 9,500
Between 2-5 years 7,500
The committed facility comprises a syndicated senior credit
facility of Euro30 billion, which was subsequently reduced to
Euro17 billion on 11 March 2000. The portion of the facility
maturing within one year may be extended, at the option of the
Group, for a further period of between 6 and 12 months.
In May 2000, the Group issued US$3.75 billion of Floating Rate
Notes, of which US$0.75 billion is due in June 2001 and US$3.0
billion in December 2001.
On 26 May 2000, the Group signed an additional US$5 billion 364
day bank facility, extendable at the option of the Group by a
further 9 months.
Subsequent events
On 3 April 2000, a new US joint venture wireless business with a
national footprint, Verizon Wireless, was created by the
combination of Vodafone AirTouch's and Bell Atlantic's US
cellular, PCS and paging assets. Following the anticipated
completion of the merger between Bell Atlantic Corp. and GTE
Corp., the Group will have a 45% shareholding in the new venture.
On 12 April 2000, the acquisition of Mannesmann AG received
clearance from the European Commission. The acquisition has
resulted in increased shareholdings in certain mobile operations,
with a pro forma increase in the proportionate customer base of
the Europe, Middle East & Africa region to over 28.9 million,
based on customer numbers at 31 March 2000. Mannesmann's
interests also include fixed line businesses in Germany, Italy,
France and Austria as well as non-telecommunications businesses,
primarily Atecs Mannesmann, its engineering and automotive
On 17 April 2000, the Group announced that Mannesmann AG had
reached an agreement with Siemens AG and Robert Bosch AG on the
disposal of a 50% plus two shares stake in Atecs Mannesmannn,
with an option arrangement over Mannesmann AG's remaining stake.
The transaction values Atecs Mannesmann at approximately Euro 9.6
billion, consisting of a payment of Euro 3.116 billion to be paid
on completion of the sale of the stake of 50% plus two shares, or
on 30 September 2000 if sooner, Euro 3.657 billion to Euro 3.807
billion to be paid upon the exercise of certain options between
closing and 31 December 2003, and Euro 2.827 billion of pension
and non-trading financial liabilities to be assumed by Siemens AG
and Robert Bosch AG. The proceeds from the sale will be used to
reduce Group net debt.
On 27 April 2000, the UK business was successful in acquiring the
largest 3G licence available to an existing operator at a cost of
£5.964 billion.
On 17 May 2000, the Group and VivendiNet (a joint venture between
Vivendi and Canal+) announced that an agreement had been signed
for the creation of a new joint venture company, VIZZAVI, to
establish a multi-access Internet portal for Europe. The Group
and VivendiNet will both have a 50% shareholding in the new
company. Vivendi has indicated its interest in purchasing the
Group's entire 15% shareholding in Cegetel's capital stock.
Vodafone AirTouch is very well positioned technically,
financially and managerially not only to enjoy the rapid growth
still to come in mobile telephony but also to lead the way in
multi-access Internet service development, in the best markets in
the world.