Final Results - Year Ended 31 March 2000, Part 2
Vodafone AirTouch PLC
30 May 2000
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
- Continuing operations 4,498 3,360
- Acquisitions 3,375 -
------ ------
7,873 3,360
====== ======
Operating profit
- Continuing operations 980 847
- Acquisitions 1 -
------ ------
981 847
Share of operating profit/(loss)
in joint ventures and associated
- Continuing operations 104 116
- Acquisitions (289) -
------ ------
Total Group operating profit 796 963
Disposal of fixed asset investments 954 66
------ ------
Profit on ordinary activities
before interest 1,750 1,029
Net interest payable
- Group (350) (76)
- Joint ventures and associated (51) (18)
------ ------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 1,349 935
Tax on profit on ordinary activities (685) (252)
------ ------
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 664 683
Equity minority interests (137) (46)
Non-equity minority interests (40) -
------ ------
Profit for the financial year 487 637
Equity dividends (620) (197)
------ ------
Retained (loss)/profit for Group
and its share of joint ventures
and associated undertakings (133) 440
====== ======
Basic earnings per share 1.80p 4.12p
Diluted earnings per share 1.78p 4.11p
Adjusted basic earnings per share 4.71p 3.77p
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Turnover 8,887 7,018
===== =====
Operating profit 1,013 762
Share of operating loss in
joint ventures and associated
undertakings (376) (760)
------- -------
Total Group operating profit 637 2
Total Group operating profit
before goodwill and
exceptional items:
- Subsidiary undertakings 1,886 1,624
- Joint ventures and associated
undertakings 1,056 636
------- -------
2,942 2,260
Amortisation of goodwill (2,275) (2,258)
Exceptional reorganisation costs (30) -
------- -------
Total Group operating profit 637 2
------- -------
Disposal of fixed asset
investments 975 116
------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
before interest 1,612 118
Net interest payable (485) (460)
------- -------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before taxation 1,127 (342)
Tax on profit/(loss) on
ordinary activities (810) (584)
------- -------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities after taxation 317 (926)
Equity minority interests (162) (129)
Non-equity minority interests (51) (51)
------- -------
Profit/(loss) for the
financial year 104 (1,106)
===== =====
Basic earnings/(loss) per share 0.34p (3.64)p
Adjusted basic earnings per share 4.64p 3.47p
* See basis of pro forma financial information described in Note 2
31 MARCH 2000
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 22,206 329
Tangible assets 6,307 2,150
Investments 122,338 372
Investments in joint ventures:
- Share of gross assets 2,912 -
- Share of gross liabilities (241) -
------- -------
2,671 -
Investments in associated
undertakings 17,979 275
Other investments 101,688 97
------- -------
150,851 2,851
------- -------
Current assets
Stocks 190 45
Debtors 2,138 741
Liquid investments 30 -
Cash at bank and in hand 159 6
------- -------
2,517 792
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year 4,441 1,530
------- -------
Net current liabilities (1,924) (738)
------- -------
Total assets less
current liabilities 148,927 2,113
Creditors: amounts falling
due after more than one year 6,374 1,179
Provisions for liabilities and charges 193 10
------- -------
142,360 924
===== =====
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 3,797 155
Share premium account 39,577 96
Merger reserve 96,914 -
Other reserve 1,120 -
Profit and loss account (575) 564
------- -------
Total equity shareholders' funds 140,833 815
Equity minority interests 523 105
Non-equity minority interests 1,004 4
------- -------
142,360 924
===== =====
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Net cash inflow from operating
activities 2,510 1,045
Dividends received from
associated undertakings 236 3
Net cash outflow for returns
on investments and servicing
of finance (406) (90)
Taxation (325) (195)
Net cash outflow for capital
expenditure and
financial investment (756) (688)
Net cash outflow for acquisitions
and disposals (4,756) (317)
Equity dividends paid (221) (118)
------- -------
Cash outflow before management of
liquid resources and financing (3,718) (360)
Management of liquid resources (33) -
Net cash inflow from financing 3,867 353
------- -------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in
the year 116 (7)
===== =====
Reconciliation of net cash flow
to movement in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the 116 (7)
Cash inflow from increase in debt (3,468) (360)
Cash outflow from increase in
liquid resources 33 -
------- -------
Increase in net debt resulting
from cash flows (3,319) (367)
Debt acquired on acquisition of
subsidiaries (2,133) -
Other movements 1 (5)
Translation difference 316 (19)
------- -------
Increase in net debt in the year (5,135) (391)
Opening net debt (1,508) (1,117)
------- -------
Closing net debt (6,643) (1,508)
===== =====
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Profit for the financial year 487 637
Currency translation (1,130) 6
------- -------
Total recognised gains and
losses for the year (643) 643
===== =====
Profit for the financial year 487 637
Equity dividends (620) (197)
------- -------
(133) 440
Currency translation (1,130) 6
New share capital subscribed 140,037 19
Unvested option consideration 1,165 -
Goodwill transferred to the
profit and loss account in
respect of business disposals 18 11
Scrip dividends 81 64
Other (20) (8)
------- -------
Net movement in equity
shareholders' funds 140,018 532
Opening equity shareholders' funds 815 283
------- -------
Closing equity shareholders' funds 140,833 815
===== =====
1 Basis of preparation
The preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2000 are an
abridged statement of the full Group accounts which were approved by
the Board of Directors on 29 May 2000. The Auditors' Report on these
accounts was unqualified. The preliminary results do not comprise
statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985. The non-pro forma information relating to the year ended
31 March 1999, except where restated for the capitalisation (bonus)
issue in the year, is an extract from the published accounts for that
year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and on
which the Auditors' Report was unqualified.
On 29 June 1999, Vodafone Group Plc ('Vodafone Group') was renamed
Vodafone AirTouch Plc ('Vodafone AirTouch'). On 30 June 1999, the
merger of Vodafone AirTouch and AirTouch Communications, Inc.
('AirTouch') was completed. Vodafone AirTouch has accounted for the
merger as an acquisition under UK GAAP in accordance with Financial
Reporting Standard ('FRS') 6, 'Acquisitions and Mergers'. The
unaudited pro forma consolidated financial information is also
prepared on this basis.
Vodafone AirTouch's offer for Mannesmann closed on 27 March 2000,
with valid acceptances for approximately 98.62% of the ordinary
shares of Mannesmann AG having been received by that date. European
Commission approval of the acquisition was received on 12 April 2000.
Accordingly, the Group's consolidated profit and loss account
prepared for the year ended 31 March 2000, and the unaudited pro
forma consolidated profit and loss account, do not include the impact
of the acquisition of Mannesmann AG. Additionally, the Group's
consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 March 2000
and the pro forma consolidated profit and loss accounts do not
include any adjustments arising from the creation, on 3 April 2000,
of Verizon Wireless under a joint venture arrangement with Bell
The Group has adopted FRS 15 - 'Tangible Fixed Assets' and FRS 16 -
'Current Tax' in the year. Compliance with these standards has not
required any changes to prior year comparatives.
2 Basis of pro forma financial information
The unaudited pro forma consolidated profit and loss account and
accompanying notes of Vodafone AirTouch for the year ended 31 March
2000 have been derived from its consolidated financial results for
that period, and the unaudited financial results of AirTouch for the
three month period ended 30 June 1999. The unaudited pro forma
consolidated profit and loss account and accompanying notes of
Vodafone AirTouch for the year ended 31 March 1999 are derived from
the audited consolidated financial statements of Vodafone Group, and
the unaudited consolidated financial statements of AirTouch, prepared
for the corresponding period. The financial statements of AirTouch,
which were previously prepared under US GAAP, have been adjusted to
conform materially to Vodafone AirTouch's accounting policies under
UK GAAP following the merger.
The pro forma results for the year ended 31 March 2000 and the year
ended 31 March 1999 have been determined as if the merger took place
on 1 April 1999 and 1 April 1998, respectively, the first day of the
financial accounting period presented in the unaudited pro forma
consolidated profit and loss accounts for those periods.
The pro forma merger adjustments reflected in the unaudited pro forma
consolidated profit and loss accounts include assumptions made by
Vodafone AirTouch's management that it believes to be reasonable.
The unaudited pro forma consolidated profit and loss accounts do not
take into account any synergies, including cost savings, or any
severance and restructuring costs, which may or are expected to occur
as a result of the merger, except in so far as such costs and savings
have been included in the financial statements of Vodafone AirTouch
for the year ended 31 March 2000.
3 Segmental analysis
The Group operates substantially in one class of business, the supply
of mobile telecommunications services and products. Analysis of total
Group operating profit, net assets, pro forma turnover and pro forma
total Group operating profit by geographical region is set out below.
Total Group operating profit is stated after the inclusion of the
Group's share of operating profit in joint ventures and associated
Statutory basis
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Total Group operating profit (before
goodwill and exceptional items)
Europe, Middle East & Africa 1,103 314
United Kingdom 706 644
United States & Asia Pacific 729 14
2,538 972
------- -------
Amortisation of goodwill (1,712) (9)
Exceptional reorganisation costs (30) -
------- -------
796 963
===== =====
At At
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Net assets
Europe, Middle East & Africa 119,511 900
United Kingdom 729 779
United States & Asia Pacific 28,763 753
Net borrowings (6,643) (1,508)
------- -------
142,360 924
===== =====
Pro forma basis*
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Europe, Middle East & Africa 2,030 1,617
United Kingdom 2,901 2,088
United States & Asia Pacific 3,956 3,313
------- -------
8,887 7,018
====== ======
Total Group operating profit
(before goodwill and exceptional items)
Europe, Middle East & Africa 1,321 983
United Kingdom 706 644
United States & Asia Pacific 915 633
------- -------
2,942 2,260
Amortisation of goodwill (2,275) (2,258)
Exceptional reorganisation costs (30) -
------- -------
637 2
====== ======
Profit on ordinary activities before
taxation, goodwill and exceptional
Total Group operating profit
(before goodwill and exceptional
reorganisation costs) 2,942 2,260
Net interest payable
(before exceptional finance costs) (468) (460)
------- -------
2,474 1,800
====== ======
* See basis of pro forma financial information described in Note 2.
Exceptional reorganisation costs are in respect of the merger with
AirTouch and have been incurred in the United States. Exceptional
finance costs of £17m have been incurred in restructuring the Group's
borrowing facilities as a result of the acquisition of Mannesmann.
4 Taxation
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
United Kingdom taxation 128 169
International taxation:
Subsidiary undertakings 366 73
Joint ventures and associated
undertakings 191 10
------- -------
557 83
------- -------
685 252
====== ======
5 Equity dividends
The directors propose a final dividend of 0.680p per share for the
year ended 31 March 2000, making a total of 1.335p (1999 - 1.272p)
for the year. The record date for the final dividend is 9 June 2000
and the dividend is payable on 11 August 2000.
Shareholders may take a scrip dividend alternative to the cash
dividend in accordance with the rules of Vodafone AirTouch Plc's
Scrip Dividend Scheme. The ex-dividend date is 5 June 2000 and the
last date for elections or variations to mandates under the Scrip
Dividend Scheme is 12 July 2000.
6 Earnings per share
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Statutory basis
Earnings for basic and diluted
earnings per share 487 637
Amortisation of goodwill 1,712 9
Exceptional reorganisation costs, net
of attributable taxation 19 -
Disposals of fixed asset investments,
net of attributable taxation (954) (64)
Exceptional finance costs, net
of attributable taxation 12 -
------- -------
Earnings for adjusted earnings
per share 1,276 582
====== ======
Weighted average number of shares (millions):
Basic and adjusted 27,100 15,445
Earnings per share have been restated for prior periods to give effect
to the capitalisation issue on 30 September 1999.
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Pro forma basis*
Earnings/(loss) for the
financial year for basic
earnings/(loss) per share 104 (1,106)
Amortisation of goodwill 2,275 2,258
Exceptional reorganisation
costs, net of attributable
taxation 19 -
Disposals of fixed asset
net of attributable taxation (975) (98)
Exceptional finance costs, net
of attributable taxation 12 -
------- ------
Earnings for adjusted earnings
per share 1,435 1,054
====== ======
Weighted average number of shares (millions):
Basic and adjusted 30,908 30,381
* See basis of pro forma financial information described in Note 2.
7 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Operating profit 981 847
Depreciation and amortisation 1,432 297
Increase in stocks (65) (15)
Increase in debtors (271) (213)
Increase in creditors 433 129
------- -------
2,510 1,045
====== ======
8 Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Purchase of intangible fixed assets (185) (18)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,848) (737)
Purchase of trade investments (17) (4)
Disposal of interests in tangible fixed
assets 294 54
Disposal of trade investments 991 14
Loans repaid by associated undertakings 9 3
------- -------
(756) (688)
====== ======
9 Net cash outflow for acquisitions and disposals
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (4,062) (255)
Net cash acquired with subsidiary
undertakings 4 -
Disposal of interest in
subsidiary undertaking - 19
Purchase of interests in
associated undertakings (717) (75)
Purchase of customer bases (9) (10)
Disposal of interests in
associated undertakings 28 4
------- -------
(4,756) (317)
====== ======
10 Analysis of net debt
Acquisitions changes &
At 1 (excluding exchange At 31
April Cash cash & movements March
1999 flow overdrafts) 2000
£m £m £m £m £m
Liquid investments - 33 - (3) 30
------ ------ ------ ------- -------
Cash at bank
and in hand 6 153 - - 159
Bank overdrafts (6) (37) - - (43)
------ ------ ------ ------- -------
- 116 - - 116
------ ------ ------ ------- -------
Debt due within
one year
(other than
bank overdrafts) (371) (149) (449) 218 (751)
Debt due after
one year (1,137) (3,319) (1,684) 102 (6,038)
------ ----- ------- ------ -------
(1,508) (3,468) (2,133) 320 (6,789)
------ ----- ------- ------ ------
(1,508) (3,319) (2,133) 317 (6,643)
===== ===== ===== ===== =====
11 Summary of differences between UK and US GAAP
The preliminary results have been prepared in accordance with UK
generally accepted accounting principles ('UK GAAP'), which differ in
certain significant respects from US GAAP. A description of the
relevant accounting principles which differ materially is provided
within Vodafone AirTouch Plc's Annual Report & Accounts for the year
ended 31 March 2000. The effects of these differing accounting
principles are as follows:
Statutory basis
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
UK GAAP net income 487 637
Items (decreasing)/increasing
net income:
Goodwill amortisation (425) (99)
Reorganisation costs 25 -
Profit on disposal of
fixed asset investments 1 4
Income taxes 439 (28)
Minority interests 35 -
Other (9) (4)
----- -----
Net income in accordance with
US GAAP 553 510
===== =====
US GAAP basic earnings per ordinary share 2.04p 3.30p
Pro forma basis *
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
UK GAAP pro forma net 104 (1,106)
Items (decreasing)/increasing
net income/(loss):
Goodwill amortisation (534) (535)
Reorganisation costs 25 -
Profit on disposal of
fixed asset investments 1 4
Income taxes 625 637
Minority interests 46 45
Other (9) 4
------- -------
Pro forma net income/(loss)
in accordance with US GAAP 258 (951)
===== =====
US GAAP pro forma basic
earnings/(loss) per
ordinary share 0.83p (3.13)p
* See basis of pro forma financial information described in Note 2.
12 Unaudited pro forma proportionate information
The following tables of pro forma customer and financial information
are presented on a proportionate basis. Proportionate presentation
is not required by UK GAAP and is not intended to replace the
consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with UK
GAAP. However, since significant entities in which the Group has an
interest are not consolidated, proportionate information is provided
as supplemental data to facilitate a more detailed understanding and
assessment of the consolidated financial statements prepared in
accordance with UK GAAP.
UK GAAP requires consolidation of entities controlled by the Group
and the equity method of accounting for entities in which the Group
has significant influence but not a controlling interest. Joint
ventures are consolidated using the gross equity method.
Proportionate presentation is a pro rata consolidation, which
reflects the Group's share of turnover and expenses in both its
consolidated and unconsolidated entities. Proportionate results are
calculated by multiplying the Group's ownership interest in each
entity by each entity's results.
Proportionate information includes results from the Group's equity
accounted investments and investments held at cost. The Group does
not have control over the turnover, expenses or cash flow of these
investments and is only entitled to cash from dividends received from
these entities. The Group does not own the underlying assets of
these investments.
As a condition to the European Commission's approval of the merger
with AirTouch Communications, Inc. the Group entered into an
undertaking to dispose of its interest in E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH
following merger completion. As a result, pro forma proportionate
customer and financial information excludes E-Plus for the years
Pro forma basis
At At
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
Proportionate customer
information (thousands)
Europe, Middle East & Africa 15,662 9,170
United Kingdom 8,791 5,575
United States & Asia Pacific 14,686 10,676
------- -------
Proportionate number of customers 39,139 25,421
===== =====
Pro forma basis*
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2000 1999
£m £m
Proportionate financial information
Europe, Middle East & Africa 4,437 3,208
United Kingdom 2,945 2,170
United States & Asia Pacific 5,187 3,807
------- -------
Proportionate turnover 12,569 9,185
===== =====
Europe, Middle East & Africa 1,492 1,127
United Kingdom 934 816
United States & Asia Pacific 1,522 1,103
------- -------
Proportionate EBITDA ** 3,948 3,046
Less: Depreciation
and amortisation,
excluding goodwill (1,240) (991)
------- -------
Proportionate total Group
operating profit before
goodwill and exceptional
costs 2,708 2,055
===== =====
* See basis of pro forma financial information described in Note 2.
** Proportionate EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation
and amortisation) is defined as operating profit before
exceptional reorganisation costs plus depreciation and
amortisation of subsidiary undertakings, joint ventures,
associated undertakings and investments, proportionate to equity
stakes. Proportionate EBITDA represents the Group's ownership
interests in the respective entities' EBITDA. As such,
proportionate EBITDA does not represent EBITDA available to the
13 Rates of dividends
2000 1999
Final proposed (1999 - second interim) 10.8% 10.2%
(% of nominal value)
Amount absorbed (to shareholders
on the Register at close of
business on 9 June 2000) £417m £100m
Interim already paid (% of
nominal value) 10.8% 9.9%
Amount absorbed £203m £97m
TOTAL (% of nominal value) 21.6% 20.1%
The rates of dividends for the year ended 31 March 1999 have been
Statements in this document relating to future status or
circumstances, including statements regarding future performance,
costs, revenues, cash flows, earnings, divestments, growth, market
share and other trend projections and the synergistic benefits of
transactions, are forward-looking statements. These statements may
generally, but not always, be identified by the use of words such as
'anticipates', 'should', 'expects', 'estimates', 'believes' or
similar expressions. By their nature, forward-looking statements
involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and
depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There can be
no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from
those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements due
to many factors, many of which are outside Vodafone AirTouch's
control, including the ability to obtain regulatory approvals
(including new licences) without onerous conditions, the risk of
negative impacts on Vodafone AirTouch's credit ratings, the
potential costs, including tax costs, of divesting Orange and
Mannesmann's industrial businesses, general economic conditions,
competition, technical difficulties and the need for increased
capital expenditure (such as that resulting from increased demand
for usage, new business opportunities, new licences and deployment
of new technologies) and the ability to release benefits from
entering into partnerships for developing data and internet
For further information contact:-
Terry Barwick, Director of Corporate Affairs
Tim Brown, Director of Investor Relations
Melissa Stimpson, Senior Investor Relations Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 1635 33251
Lulu Bridges / Peter Willetts
Tavistock Communications
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7600 2288