Holding in Company

Vodafone AirTouch PLC 26 July 2000 To Company Announcements Office Vodafone AirTouch Plc ('the Company') In accordance with Section 329 of the Companies Act 1985, I have to inform you that the Company was notified today that on 20 July 2000 The Capital Group Companies Inc, including its affiliates Capital Guardian Trust Company, Capital International Limited, Capital International Inc, Capital International SA and Capital Research and Management Company, had holdings forming part of funds managed on behalf of investment clients in 1,825,176,659 ordinary shares of US$0.10 each in the capital of the Company. These holdings represent 2.97 per cent of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company. Set out below is a list of registered holders as notified by The Capital Group Companies Inc and their respective holdings in the Company. Holdings by Management Companies and Fund: Number of Percent of Shares Outstanding Capital Guardian Trust Company 791,750,582 1.29 Capital International Limited 162,534,631 0.26 Capital International SA 59,487,284 0.10 Capital International Inc 27,643,572 0.04 Capital Research & Management Company 783,760,590 1.27 From S R Scott Company Secretary
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