IFRS Update - Part 1
Vodafone Group Plc
20 January 2005
20 January 2005 Embargo: Not for
before 07:00 hours
20 January 2005
Vodafone Group Plc ('Vodafone') is preparing for the adoption of International
Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as its primary accounting basis for the
year ending 31 March 2006. As part of this transition, Vodafone is presenting
today financial information prepared in accordance with IFRS for the six months
to 30 September 2004 and, for illustrative purposes only, pro forma financial
information for the year ended 31 March 2004.
Vodafone will report under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ('UK GAAP')
for the year ending 31 March 2005, and will subsequently present this financial
information in accordance with IFRS.
The primary changes to Vodafone's reported financial information from the
adoption of IFRS are as a result of the:
• requirement not to amortise goodwill;
• proportionate consolidation for certain Group interests, most notably
Vodafone Italy, resulting from their reclassification as joint ventures;
• requirement to amortise mobile licences on a straight line basis;
• recognition of deferred tax liabilities on a different basis;
• inclusion of a fair value charge in relation to employee share options;
• recognition of all employee benefit related assets and obligations,
principally pensions; and
• recognition of certain financial instruments at fair value and the
reclassification of preference shares as debt.
Ken Hydon, Financial Director, commented:
'The financial information provided today shows how IFRS impacts on Vodafone's
recent results in advance of its adoption in the next financial year. The most
significant change is that Vodafone will no longer amortise goodwill, resulting
in a clearer presentation of underlying business performance.
For the six months ended 30 September 2004 the impact of the adoption of IFRS is
to increase profit attributable to equity shareholders by £6.8 billion
comprising a credit of £7.3 billion in relation to the cessation of goodwill
amortisation, a £0.3 billion reduction in non-recurring tax income and a net
charge of £0.2 billion in relation to other adjustments'.
For further information:
Vodafone Group
Simon Lewis, Group Corporate Affairs Director
Tel: +44 (0) 1635 673310
Investor Relations Media Relations
Charles Butterworth Bobby Leach
Darren Jones Ben Padovan
Sarah Moriarty
Tel: +44 (0) 1635 673310 Tel: +44 (0) 1635 673310
Tavistock Communications
Lulu Bridges
John West
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7920 3150
Introduction 4
Basis of Preparation 5
Key Impact Analysis 7
Performance Measurement 12
Outlook 13
Restated IFRS Consolidated Primary Statements 14
Six month period ended 30 September 2004
Year ended 31 March 2004 - Pro forma
Notes to IFRS Financial Information 21
Unaudited Proportionate Financial Information 23
Other Information 24
Forward Looking Statements 25
Audit report from Deloitte & Touche LLP on the Consolidated Opening IFRS
Balance Sheet as at 1 April 2004 26
Review report from Deloitte & Touche LLP on the IFRS Interim Financial
Information for the six months ended 30 September 2004 27
The following detailed reconciliations of UK GAAP to IFRS are available
on www.vodafone.com/investor:
Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement for six months
ended 30 September 2004
Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement for year ended 31
March 2004 (pro forma)
Vodafone Group Plc and its subsidiaries (together, 'the Group') are preparing
for the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS')(1) as
its primary accounting basis, following the adoption of Regulation No. 1606/2002
by the European Parliament on 19 July 2002.
IFRS will apply for the first time in the Group's Annual Report for the year
ending 31 March 2006. Consequently, the Group's financial results for the six
month period ending 30 September 2005 will be prepared under IFRS.
This press release explains how the Group's previously reported UK GAAP
financial performance and position are reported under IFRS. It includes, on an
IFRS basis:
• the Group's consolidated balance sheet at 1 April 2004, the Group's
expected date of transition (2);
• the Group's consolidated balance sheet at 30 September 2004; and
• the Group's consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of
recognised income and expense and consolidated cash flow statement, for the
six months ended 30 September 2004.
In addition, certain pro forma financial information in relation to the year
ended 31 March 2004 has been included in this analysis, for illustrative
purposes only. As set out in the 'Basis of preparation' on page 6, this
information does not reflect the full adoption of IFRS for that year but has
been presented to provide an indication of how the adoption of IFRS would have
affected the Group's consolidated income statement, and consolidated cash flow
statement for that year.
Reconciliations to assist the reader in understanding the nature and quantum of
differences between UK GAAP and IFRS for the financial information above are
available on www.vodafone.com/investor.
The consolidated opening balance sheet as at 1 April 2004, as prepared on the
basis set out in 'Basis of preparation' on page 5, has been audited by Deloitte
& Touche LLP. Their audit report to the Company is set out on page 26.
The consolidated balance sheet as at 30 September 2004, the consolidated income
statement, consolidated statement of recognised income and expense and
consolidated cash flow statement for the six months ended 30 September 2004, as
prepared on the basis set out in 'Basis of preparation' on page 5, have been
reviewed by Deloitte & Touche LLP. Their review report to the Company is set out
on page 27.
(1) References to IFRS throughout this document refer to the application of
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), including International
Accounting Standards ('IAS') and interpretations issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') and its committees, and as interpreted by
any regulatory bodies applicable to the Group.
(2) Under current US Securities and Exchange Commission ('SEC') reporting
requirements, the Group is required to provide two years of audited comparative
income statements and cash flow statements and one year of audited comparative
balance sheet data. Therefore, the year ended 31 March 2004 would ordinarily be
included in the Group's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ending 31 March
2006 under IFRS. However, the Group has assumed that the SEC will finalise a
proposed SEC rule on first time adoption of IFRS, which would require only one
year of IFRS comparative information to be provided in the Group's Annual Report
on Form 20-F for the year ending 31 March 2006. The opening IFRS balance sheet
and transition date to IFRS is therefore expected to be 1 April 2004.
The financial information presented in this document has been prepared on the
basis of all International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), including
International Accounting Standards ('IAS') and interpretations issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') and its committees, and as
interpreted by any regulatory bodies applicable to the Group. These are subject
to ongoing amendment by the IASB and subsequent endorsement by the European
Commission and are therefore subject to possible change. As a result,
information contained within this release will require updating for any
subsequent amendment to IFRS required for first time adoption or those new
standards that the Group may elect to adopt early.
In preparing this financial information, the Group has assumed that the European
Commission will endorse IFRS 2, 'Share-based Payment' and the amendment to IAS
19, 'Employee Benefits - Actuarial Gains and Losses, Group Plans and
On 19 November 2004, the European Commission endorsed an amended version of
IAS 39, 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' rather than the
full version as previously published by the IASB. In accordance with guidance
issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board, the full version of IAS 39, as
issued by the IASB, has been adopted in the preparation of this financial
1. IFRS 1 exemptions
IFRS 1, 'First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards'
sets out the procedures that the Group must follow when it adopts IFRS for the
first time as the basis for preparing its consolidated financial statements. The
Group is required to establish its IFRS accounting policies as at 31 March 2006
and, in general, apply these retrospectively to determine the IFRS opening
balance sheet at its date of transition, 1 April 2004.
This standard provides a number of optional exceptions to this general
principle. The most significant of these are set out below, together with a
description in each case of the exception adopted by the Group.
a. Business combinations that occurred before the opening IFRS balance sheet
date (IFRS 3, 'Business Combinations').
The Group has elected not to apply IFRS 3 retrospectively to business
combinations that took place before the date of transition. As a result, in the
opening balance sheet, goodwill arising from past business combinations
(£96,931m) remains as stated under UK GAAP at 31 March 2004.
b. Employee Benefits - actuarial gains and losses (IAS 19, 'Employee Benefits')
The Group has elected to recognise all cumulative actuarial gains and losses in
relation to employee benefit schemes at the date of transition. The Group has
recognised actuarial gains and losses in full in the period in which they occur
in a statement of recognised income and expense in accordance with the amendment
to IAS 19, issued on 16 December 2004.
c. Share-based Payments (IFRS 2, 'Share-based Payment')
The Group has elected to apply IFRS 2 to all relevant share based payment
transactions granted but not fully vested at 1 April 2004.
d. Financial Instruments (IAS 39, 'Financial Instruments : Recognition and
Measurement' and IAS 32, 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation')
The Group has applied IAS 32 and IAS 39 for all periods presented and has
therefore not taken advantage of the exemption in IFRS 1 that would enable the
Group to only apply these standards from 1 April 2005.
2. Pro forma financial information for the year ended 31 March 2004
The pro forma financial information for the year ended 31 March 2004 has been
prepared for illustrative purposes only. It has been prepared on the basis that
the IFRS transition date is 1 April 2003, with the exception that, other than
the reversal of goodwill amortisation reported in the UK GAAP financial
statements, the full requirements of accounting for business combinations under
IFRS 3 have not been applied.
If IFRS 3 had been adopted in full for the year ended 31 March 2004 and business
combinations occurring in the period from 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004 had been
reported accordingly, additional intangible fixed assets and related deferred
tax liabilities would have been recognised with a corresponding reduction in
goodwill. The income statement would have included amortisation expense, in
relation to the recognised finite lived intangible assets and the related
deferred tax effects.
Furthermore, were the IFRS transition date to be 1 April 2003, then these
additional intangible fixed assets, deferred tax liabilities and related
amortisation charge and tax credits would have similarly impacted the
consolidated income statement for the six months ended 30 September 2004, and
the consolidated balance sheet at 30 September 2004.
As a result of the above, the pro forma financial information for the year ended
31 March 2004 is not presented in full accordance with IFRS.
3. Presentation of financial information
The primary statements within the financial information contained in this
document have been presented substantially in accordance with IAS 1,
'Presentation of Financial Statements'. However, this format and presentation
may require modification in the event that further guidance is issued and as
practice develops.
The analysis below sets out the most significant adjustments arising from the
transition to IFRS. In addition, the pro forma adjustments for the year ended 31
March 2004 are presented for illustrative purposes only as described in 'Basis
of preparation' on page 6.
1) Presentation of Financial Statements
The format of the Group's primary financial statements has been presented
substantially in accordance with IAS 1, 'Presentation of Financial Statements'.
This has a significant impact on the presentation of the Group's share of the
results of associated undertakings in the Group's consolidated income statement.
Under UK GAAP, the Group's share of associated undertaking operating profit,
interest and tax have been disclosed separately in the consolidated income
statement. In accordance with IAS 1, the results of associated undertakings are
presented as a single line item.
In addition, discontinued operations have been presented in the Group's pro
forma income statement for the year ended 31 March 2004 in accordance with IFRS
5, 'Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations'.
2) Scope of Consolidation
IAS 31, 'Interests in Joint Ventures' defines a jointly controlled entity as an
entity where unanimous consent over the strategic financial and operating
decisions is required between the parties sharing control. Control is defined as
the power to govern the financial and operating decisions of an entity so as to
obtain economic benefit from it.
The Group has reviewed the classification of its investments and concluded that
the Group's 76.8% interest in Vodafone Italy, currently classified as a
subsidiary undertaking under UK GAAP, should be accounted for as a joint venture
under IFRS. In addition, the Group's interests in South Africa, Poland, Romania,
Kenya and Fiji, which are currently classified as associated undertakings under
UK GAAP, have been classified as joint ventures under IFRS as a result of the
contractual rights held by the Group. The Group has adopted proportionate
consolidation as the method of accounting for these six entities.
Under UK GAAP, the revenue, operating profit, net financing costs and taxation
of Vodafone Italy are consolidated in full in the income statement with a
corresponding allocation to minority interest. Under proportionate
consolidation, the Group recognises its share of all income statement lines with
no allocation to minority interest. There is no effect on the result for a
financial period from this adjustment.
Under UK GAAP, the Group's interests in South Africa, Poland, Romania, Kenya and
Fiji are accounted for under the equity method, with the Group's share of
operating profit, interest and tax being recognised separately in the
consolidated income statement. Under proportionate consolidation the Group
recognises its share of all income statement lines. There is no effect on the
result for a financial period from this adjustment.
Under UK GAAP, the Group fully consolidates the cash flows of Vodafone Italy,
but does not consolidate the cash flows of its associated undertakings. The IFRS
consolidated cash flow statements reflect the Group's share of cash flows
relating to its joint ventures on a line by line basis, with a corresponding
recognition of the Group's share of net debt for each of the proportionately
consolidated entities.
The IFRS consolidated balance sheet at 1 April 2004 reflect the proportionate
consolidation on a line by line basis of the balance sheets of the operations
listed above. Accordingly, the UK GAAP minority interest balance in respect of
Vodafone Italy and the UK GAAP carrying value of investments in associated
undertakings (excluding goodwill) in South Africa, Poland, Romania, Kenya and
Fiji are eliminated from the consolidated balance sheets.
3) Intangible Assets
a) Goodwill and acquired intangible asset amortisation
IAS 38, 'Intangible Assets' requires that goodwill is not amortised. Instead it
is subject to an annual impairment review. As the Group has elected not to apply
IFRS 3 retrospectively to business combinations prior to the opening balance
sheet date under IFRS, the UK GAAP goodwill balance at 31 March 2004 (£96,931m)
has been included in the opening IFRS consolidated balance sheet and is no
longer amortised.
The credit arising from the adoption of IAS 38 on the Group's consolidated
income statement in respect of goodwill amortisation is set out below:
Six months Pro Forma
ended Year ended
30 September 31 March
2004 2004
£m £m
Goodwill amortisation (7,300) (15,207)
------------- -------------
From 1 April 2004, business acquisitions have been accounted for in accordance
with IFRS 3, 'Business Combinations'. The amortisation charge in relation to
acquired intangible assets, principally related to the recognition of finite
lived intangible assets on the acquisition of minority interests in Vodafone
Japan, is set out below:
Six months Pro Forma
ended Year ended
30 September 31 March
2004 2004
£m £m(1)
Acquired intangible asset amortisation 32 N/A
------------- -------------
(1) As described in 'Basis of Preparation' on page 6 the requirements of IFRS 3
have not been applied to business combinations in the year ended 31 March 2004.
In accordance with IAS 12, a deferred tax liability has been established
relating to the acquired intangible assets in respect of the acquisition of
minority interests in Vodafone Japan.
IFRS 1 requires that an impairment review of goodwill be conducted in accordance
with IAS 36, 'Impairment of Assets' at the date of transition irrespective of
whether an indication exists that goodwill may be impaired. No impairments were
necessary as at 1 April 2004 following the review carried out in accordance with
this standard.
b) Licence fee amortisation
Under IAS 38, capitalised payments for mobile licences are amortised on a
straight-line basis over their useful economic life. Amortisation is charged
from the commencement of service of the network. Under UK GAAP, the Group's
policy is to amortise such costs in proportion to the capacity of the network
during the start up period and then on a straight-line basis thereafter. The
incremental charge in the Group's income statement as a result of the adoption
of straight-line amortisation of licences is as follows:
Six months Pro Forma
ended Year ended
30 September 31 March
2004 2004
£m £m
Licence fee amortisation 244 88
------------- -------------
As a result of this adjustment an additional deferred tax credit of £94m and
£29m was recognised for the six months ended 30 September 2004 and year ended 31
March 2004 (on a pro forma basis), respectively.
The total charge under IFRS in respect of amortisation of licences and
acquired intangible assets was £480m for the six months ended 30 September 2004
and £186m for the year ended 31 March 2004 (on a pro forma basis).
c) Computer Software
Under UK GAAP, all capitalised computer software is included within tangible
fixed assets on the balance sheet. Under IFRS, only computer software that is
integral to a related item of hardware should be included as property, plant and
equipment. All other computer software should be recorded as an intangible
Accordingly, a reclassification has been made in the opening balance sheet of
£949m between property, plant and equipment and intangible assets.
4) Deferred and Current Taxes
The scope of IAS 12, 'Income Taxes' is wider than the corresponding UK GAAP
standards, and requires deferred tax to be provided on all temporary differences
rather than just timing differences under UK GAAP.
As a result, the Group's IFRS opening balance sheet at 1 April 2004 includes
an additional deferred tax liability of £1,801m in respect of the differences
between the carrying value and tax written down value of the Group's
investments in associated undertakings and joint ventures. This comprises £1.3bn
in respect of differences that arose when US investments were acquired and
£0.5bn in respect of undistributed earnings of certain associated undertakings
and joint ventures, principally Vodafone Italy. At 30 September 2004, the
liability fell to £1,762m due to the reversal of certain withholding tax costs
following changes in tax legislation (£73m), which offset the increase in
liability due to undistributed earnings generated in the period (£34m). UK GAAP
does not permit deferred tax to be provided on the undistributed earnings of
the Group's associated undertakings and joint ventures until there is a binding
obligation to distribute those earnings.
IAS 12 also requires deferred tax to be provided in respect of the Group's
liabilities under its post employment benefit arrangements and on other employee
benefits such as share and share option schemes. The tax impact of these and
other IFRS adjustments is quantified in the relevant section of this release.
Under IFRS, in accordance with IAS 1, 'Presentation of Financial Statements',
'Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities' on the face of the consolidated
income statement comprises the tax charge of the Company, its subsidiaries and
its share of the tax charge of joint ventures. The Group's share of its
associated undertakings' tax charges is shown as part of 'Share of result in
associated undertakings' rather than being disclosed as part of the tax charge
under UK GAAP.
In respect of the Verizon Wireless partnership, the line 'Share of result in
associated undertakings' includes the Group's share of pre-tax partnership
income and the Group's share of the post-tax income attributable to corporate
entities (as determined for US corporate income tax purposes) held by the
partnership. The tax attributable to the Group's share of allocable partnership
income is included as part of 'Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities' on
the consolidated income statement. This treatment reflects the fact that tax on
allocable partnership income is, for US corporate income tax purposes, a
liability of the partners and not the partnership.
5) Share-based Payment
IFRS 2, 'Share-based Payment' requires that an expense for equity instruments
granted be recognised in the financial statements based on their fair value at
the date of grant. This expense, which is primarily in relation to employee
option and performance share schemes, is recognised over the vesting period of
the scheme.
While IFRS 2 allows the measurement of this expense to be calculated only on
options granted after 7 November 2002, the Group has applied IFRS 2 to all
instruments granted but not fully vested as at 1 April 2004. The Group has
adopted the binomial model for the purposes of computing fair value under IFRS.
The charges arising from the adoption of IFRS 2 on the Group's income statement
are as follows:
Six months Pro Forma
ended Year ended
30 September 31 March
2004 2004
£m £m
Pre 7 November 2002 grants 36 123
Post 7 November 2002 grants 14 19
------------ -----------
Total 50 142
============ ============
Deferred tax is provided based upon the expected future tax deductions relating
to share-based payment transactions, and is recognised over the vesting period
of the schemes concerned. The additional deferred tax credit in respect of
the recognition of these share-based payment transactions was £37m for the year
ended 31 March 2004, on a pro forma basis, and £9m in the six months ended 30
September 2004.
6) Post Employment Benefits
The Group currently applies the provisions of SSAP 24 under UK GAAP and provides
detailed disclosure under FRS 17 in accounting for pensions and other
post-employment benefits.
The Group has elected to adopt early the amendment to IAS 19, 'Employee
Benefits' issued by the IASB on 16 December 2004 which allows all actuarial
gains and losses to be charged or credited to equity.
The Group's opening IFRS balance sheet reflects the assets and liabilities of
the Group's defined benefit schemes totalling a net liability of £154m.
This amount represents less than 0.2% of the Group's market capitalisation at 31
March 2004. The transitional adjustment of £257m to opening reserves comprises
the reversal of entries in relation to UK GAAP accounting under SSAP 24 less the
recognition of the net liabilities of the Group's and associated undertakings'
defined benefit schemes. The incremental (credit)/charge arising from the
adoption of IAS 19 on the Group's income statement is as follows:
Six months Pro Forma
ended Year ended
30 September 31 March
2004 2004
£m £m
Defined Benefit Schemes (3) 10
------------- ------------
A related tax charge/(credit) of £1m and (£2m) was recognised for the six months
ended 30 September 2004 and year ended 31 March 2004, on a pro forma basis,
7) Financial Instruments
IAS 32, 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation' and IAS 39
'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' address the accounting for,
and reporting of, financial instruments. IAS 39 sets out detailed accounting
requirements in relation to financial assets and liabilities.
All derivative financial instruments are accounted for at fair market value
whilst other financial instruments are accounted for either at amortised cost or
at fair value depending on their classification. Subject to stringent criteria,
financial assets and financial liabilities may be designated as forming hedge
relationships as a result of which fair value changes are offset in the income
statement or charged/credited to equity depending on the nature of the hedge
a) Reclassification of non-equity minority interests to liabilities
The primary impact of the implementation of IAS 32 is the reclassification of
the $1.65bn preferred shares issued by the Group's subsidiary, Vodafone Americas
Inc., from non-equity minority interests to liabilities. The reclassification at
1 April 2004 was £875m. Dividend payments by this subsidiary, which were
previously reported in the Group's income statement as non-equity minority
interests, have been reclassified to net financing costs.
b) Fair value of available for sale financial assets
The Group has classified certain of its cost-based investments as
'available for sale' financial assets as defined in IAS 39. This classification
does not reflect the intentions of management in relation to these investments.
These assets are measured at fair value at each reporting date with movements in
fair value taken to equity. At 1 April 2004, a cumulative increase of £233m in
the fair value over the carrying value of these investments has been recognised,
with a further £28m increase recognised in the period to 30 September 2004,
principally related to the Group's investment in China Mobile (Hong Kong)
c) Other adjustments
Hedge accounting has been adopted for the majority of the Group's interest rate
swaps and underlying capital market debt, thereby reducing potential volatility
in the income statement.
Certain derivative financial instruments used to manage interest rate and
foreign exchange exposures are not held in hedge relationships. However, these
tend to be relatively short term in nature, causing limited income statement
8) Post Balance Sheet Events
IAS 10, 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date' requires that dividends declared
after the balance sheet date should not be recognised as a liability at that
balance sheet date as the liability does not represent a present obligation as
defined by IAS 37, 'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets'.
The final dividend declared in May 2004 in relation to the financial year ended
31 March 2004 of £728m has been reversed in the opening balance sheet and
charged to equity in the balance sheet as at 30 September 2004. An adjustment to
reverse the interim dividend declared in October 2004 (£1,263m) has also been
made to the balance sheet as at 30 September 2004.
9) Minority Interests
IAS 27, 'Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements' requires that except in
certain specific circumstances, where a minority shareholder exists in a
subsidiary, and where losses of the relevant entity applicable to the minority
exceed the minority interest in the subsidiary's equity then this excess should
be allocated to the majority shareholder. In this instance, the minority's share
of continuing losses of the investment cannot be attributed against that
minority shareholder.
The impact of this adjustment is a charge to profit attributable to equity
shareholders in the Group's income statement as follows:
Six months Pro Forma
ended Year ended
30 September 31 March
2004 2004
£m £m
Negative minority interests - 15
------------ ------------
Income Statement
The IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board ('FASB') have
established an international working group on performance reporting. This has
been set up to help the Boards in their joint project to establish standards for
the presentation of information in financial statements that would improve the
usefulness of that information in assessing the financial performance of an
entity. Given that this project has yet to reach any conclusions, the Group has
provisionally defined a number of additional performance measures that it
anticipates publishing under IFRS.
• 'Adjusted Group operating profit' defined as:
'Operating profit from subsidiaries and the share of operating profit from joint
ventures that are proportionately consolidated plus the Group's share of the net
result from equity accounted interests and excluding items not related to
underlying business performance'.
This measure will include the Group's share of the tax and interest and minority
interests in equity accounted interests. The adjustment for items not relating
to underlying business performance is broadly equivalent to the current UK GAAP
classification for exceptional operating items.
• 'Adjusted earnings per share' is measured using:
'Net income attributable to equity shareholders, adjusted for:
- Non-operating income and expense;
- Net result in relation to discontinued operations; and
- Other items not relating to underlying business performance'
An analysis of adjusted Group operating profit and the adjusted earnings per
share measure is provided in the notes to IFRS information on page 21.
Cash Flow Statement
The Group will continue to disclose free cash flow, which under IFRS will
comprise free cash flow from subsidiaries, the Group's share of free cash flow
of proportionately consolidated joint ventures.
The Group defines free cash flow as net cash from operating activities less net
cash flow arising from the purchase and sale of tangible and intangible fixed
assets, plus dividends received from associated undertakings, less taxation cash
flows and net cash outflows for returns on investments and servicing of finance.
Proportionate information
The Group will continue to publish proportionate financial information. The
basis of preparation of this information together with restated financial
information is set out on page 23.
The tables below set out the Group's outlook statements for the years ending 31
March 2005 and 31 March 2006 as announced on 16 November 2004 and on the basis
that they had been provided under IFRS at that date. Please see forward-looking
statements on page 25. Under IFRS, these expectations may also vary as a result
of changes in the accounting bases under which these outlook statements are
based. This could arise from the non-adoption of IFRS standards by the EU and
the issue of new IFRS standards that the Group may either be required or may
wish to adopt in the relevant financial year.
For the year ending 31 March 2005
Organic average proportionate mobile customer Around 10% Around 10%
Organic proportionate mobile revenue growth High single High single
digit digit (1)
Proportionate mobile EBITDA margin excluding Broadly Broadly
stake changes in the 2005 financial year stable stable (1)
Capitalised tangible and intangible fixed asset Around £5 Around £5
additions (excluding licences) billion billion
Free cash flow Around £7 Slightly below £7
billion billion (2)
Share purchases Around £4 Around £4
billion billion
(1) Compared to the amount computed under IFRS for the year ended 31 March 2004
(2) Results from presentational changes arising from the proportionate
consolidation of joint ventures under IFRS
(3) The proportionate mobile EBITDA margin including the impact of stake changes
in the 2005 financial year is expected to be slightly lower compared to that
for the year ended 31 March 2004 on both an IFRS and UK GAAP basis
For the year ending 31 March 2006
Organic average proportionate mobile customer High single High single
growth digit digit
Organic proportionate mobile revenue growth High single High single
digit digit (1)
Vodafone live! with 3G registered customers 10 million 10 million
at 31 March 2006 (2)
Proportionate mobile EBITDA margin Broadly Broadly
stable stable (1)
Capitalised tangible and intangible fixed asset In the order In the order
additions (excluding licences) of £5 of £5
billion billion
(1) Compared to the amount computed under IFRS for the year ending 31 March 2005
(2) Outlook includes all customers in the following countries: Albania,
Australia, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malta,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange