Interim Results - Part 2

Vodafone Group Plc 18 November 2003 VODAFONE GROUP PLC INTERIM RESULTS PART 2 Data revenue as a percentage of service revenue, for the year ended 30 September 2003, increased to 15.0% compared with 14.4% for the year ended March 2003, due to ongoing take-up by customers of the full range of available data products and services and continued growth in SMS messaging. This has partly been driven by Vodafone live! which now has over 710,000 UK customers. At 30 September 2003, Vodafone UK had 13,483,000 registered customers, with contract customers representing 41% of the total base. Acquisition and retention costs have increased as a result of additional incentives to grow market share. Vodafone UK has consolidated its market position through the acquisition of the service providers Singlepoint and Project Telecom, who had a combined total of approximately 1.6 million customers on the Vodafone network at the period end. The UK business continues to invest in high value customers and increased customer retention, supported by the recent launch of Vodafone's membership of the Nectar loyalty programme. In a recent market survey, Vodafone UK continued to rank first in terms of customer satisfaction in the prepaid market and increased customer satisfaction in the contract segment. Blended churn for the twelve months to 30 September 2003 decreased when compared to the twelve months to 31 March 2003, with prepaid churn falling from 34.5% to 33.2% partially offset by a rise in contract churn from 23.1% to 23.7%. The proportion of active customers was maintained at 91%. On 24 July 2003, Vodafone UK reduced its termination charges by RPI minus 15% (on the weighted average charge for the previous year) to comply with its licence requirements. This reduction implemented the decision of the Competition Commission in January 2003. Oftel is required to conduct a market review of call termination under the new EC regulatory framework brought into force on 25 July 2003. Oftel has proposed a further cut in termination charges in this financial year and in each of the following two financial years. This review is currently in progress and is expected to take until early 2004 to complete. The EBITDA margin fell as operating efficiencies were more than offset by increased acquisition and retention costs, the reduction in termination rates and costs associated with Cellular Operations which was acquired at the end of the previous financial year. Vodafone UK is also experiencing the effect of increasingly competitive offnet prices in the UK market. Ireland Vodafone Ireland's turnover increased by 13% when measured in local currency and operating profit before goodwill amortisation increased by 25% when measured in local currency. Turnover benefited from blended ARPU growth of 4%, in part as a result of strong growth in data revenues, which improved to represent 20.1% of service revenues for the year ended 30 September 2003. Vodafone Ireland successfully met Phase 1 of its 3G licence obligation on 1 May 2003 and maintained its leadership with an approximate market share of 55% and a closing customer base of 1,803,000. Northern Europe Financial highlights Six months to % change 30 September 2003 2002 £m £m £ €(4) Turnover Germany: - Voice services 2,099 1,784 18 6 - Data services 438 345 27 15 ------ ------ - Total service revenue 2,537 2,129 19 8 - Equipment and other 171 122 40 26 ------ ------ 2,708 2,251 20 9 Other Northern Europe 968 738 31 ------ ------ 3,676 2,989 23 ------ ------ Total Group Germany 911 775 18 3 operating profit(1) Other Northern Europe 778 536 45 ------ ------ 1,689 1,311 29 ------ ------ Proportionate Germany 46.7% 46.2% EBITDA margin(2) Other Northern Europe 41.1% 40.4% Key performance indicators (Germany only) ARPU(3) €312 €313 Churn(3) 19.1% 21.2% Acquisition and retention costs net of equipment revenues, as a percentage of service revenues 12.4% 10.3% (1) before goodwill amortisation (2) see pages 31 and 32 for details of proportionate turnover and EBITDA (3) ARPU and churn information represents the twelve month periods ended 30 September 2003 and 31 March 2003, respectively (4) local currency percentage change excluding any Group allocations Germany Vodafone Germany performed well in the period, increasing turnover and operating profit before goodwill amortisation in a highly competitive market where penetration levels climbed to 74% by the end of June. Vodafone Germany continues to be the second largest operator by customers with an estimated 38% share of the market at 30 June 2003. Statutory turnover increased principally as a result of service revenue growth, driven by a larger customer base, which has increased by 840,000 customers to 23,780,000 at 30 September 2003. Blended ARPU, for the year ended 30 September 2003, was stable when compared to the year ended 31 March 2003. Contract ARPU decreased from €519 to €502 due to the level of new, lower spending, contract customers, while prepaid ARPU remained stable at €130. Revenue growth benefited from focus on the acquisition and retention of contract customers, which accounted for 76% of the net additions in the period. This increased the proportion of contract customers within the total customer base to 48% from 47% over the six months ended 30 September 2003. Data revenues represented 17.0% of service revenues for the twelve months ended 30 September 2003, compared to 16.4% for the twelve months ended 31 March 2003, as a result of improved service offerings including Vodafone live!, which now has over 1 million customers in Germany. Activity levels remained unchanged at 92% and blended churn decreased following a decrease in prepaid churn from 24.8% for the twelve month period ended 31 March 2003 to 20.6%, partially offset by an increase in contract churn from 16.8% to 17.4%. The growth in operating profit before goodwill amortisation was affected by a higher depreciation charge in the six months to 30 September 2003 than in the comparable period, arising from increased investment in the network. In addition, acquisition and retention costs net of equipment revenues increased to 12.4% of service revenues as a result of the high volume of upgrades and gross contract connections. In May 2003, Vodafone Germany became the first operator in Germany to enable customers to download video clips. In addition, MMS services and content on Vodafone live! have continued to be extended. Vodafone Germany's 3G network infrastructure rollout is proceeding according to plan and in accordance with the licence obligation to provide at least 25% population coverage by the end of the calendar year 2003. Vodafone Germany successfully performed call handover between its pilot 3G and 2G networks during the period. Other Northern Europe The Group's other operations in the Northern Europe region experienced good growth, with proportionate customers increasing by 6% to 14,844,000 in the period, including the effect of stake increases in the Netherlands, from 97.2% to 99.8%, and Hungary, from 83.8% to 87.9%. The increase in statutory turnover for these operations was primarily as a result of a combination of customer growth and enhanced usage. In the Netherlands, an 11% increase in revenues when measured in local currency was driven by both increases in data service usage and revenue, which increased by 37%, and a 3% increase in the customer base. Customer numbers in Sweden and Hungary also grew, by 4% and 27% respectively, increasing revenues in these countries. Turnover growth translated into improved operating profit before goodwill amortisation in the Netherlands, although EBITDA margins decreased slightly due to higher net acquisition and retention costs. In Sweden, operating expenses increased significantly as a result of the cost of fulfilling 3G licence obligations in relation to population coverage, which led to a decrease in operating profit before goodwill amortisation. The Group's associated companies in the Northern Europe region also performed well in the period. SFR, in which the Group increased its effective stake from 31.9% to 43.9% in the second half of the previous financial year, reported a strong financial performance, with revenue increasing strongly as a result of a 3% increase in the customer base to 13,770,000 and broadly stable ARPU. The Group's share of operating profit before goodwill amortisation of SFR grew strongly as a result of the increased revenues, focus on cost effectiveness measures and the stake increase. Proximus, Polkomtel and Swisscom Mobile, which operate in Belgium, Poland and Switzerland, respectively, also generated growth in both turnover and operating profit before goodwill amortisation in the period. Since 31 March 2003, Partner Network Agreements have been signed with Og-Vodafone (formerly Islandssimi hf) in Iceland and Bite GSM in Lithuania. Southern Europe Financial highlights Six months to % change 30 September 2003 2002 £m £m £ €(4) Turnover Italy: - Voice services 2,191 1,774 24 11 - Data services 312 208 50 35 ------ ------ - Total service revenue 2,503 1,982 26 14 - Equipment and other 109 104 5 (6) ------ ------ 2,612 2,086 25 13 Other Southern Europe 2,223 1,791 24 ------ ------ 4,835 3,877 25 ------ ------ Total Group operating Italy 1,113 777 43 27 profit(1) Other Southern Europe 616 484 27 ------ ------ 1,729 1,261 37 ------ ------ Proportionate Italy 54.8% 49.4% EBITDA Other Southern margin(2) Europe 38.6% 37.1% Key performance indicators (Italy only) ARPU(3) €355 €347 Churn(3) 17.2% 17.3% Acquisition and retention costs net of equipment revenues, as a percentage of service revenues 2.6% 3.5% (1) before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items (2) see pages 31 and 32 for details of proportionate turnover and EBITDA (3) ARPU and churn information represents the twelve month periods ended 30 September 2003 and 31 March 2003, respectively (4) local currency percentage change excluding any Group allocations Italy Notwithstanding high penetration levels in the Italian market and strong competition, including that arising as a result of the introduction of a new competitor at the end of the previous financial year, Vodafone Italy continues to capture market share and produce excellent results. In local currency, statutory turnover increased by 13%, driven by a 14% increase in service revenues, arising from growth in the customer base and ARPU, partially offset by a 6% decrease in equipment revenues as a result of reduced handset sales. Data service revenues increased by 35% driven by a 32% increase in SMS messaging revenues and a 126% increase in other data revenues. Data revenues represented 12.2% of service revenues during the year ended 30 September 2003, compared to 11.3% in the year ended 31 March 2003. At 30 September 2003, Vodafone Italy's customer base stood at 19,982,000, representing an increase of 3% since 31 March 2003, primarily as a result of successful promotional campaigns. Vodafone Italy has maintained its leadership in overall customer satisfaction and has notably come first in terms of tariff satisfaction in recent surveys. Blended churn reduced slightly despite the entry of a new competitor into the market, mainly as a result of the success of the Vodafone One loyalty programme and other focused customer base management activities. Prepaid customers continue to represent 92% of the customer base. The rise in blended ARPU is mainly attributable to an increase in prepaid ARPU from €298 for the year ended 31 March 2003 to €304 for the year ended 30 September 2003. Contract ARPU grew from €818 in the year ended 31 March 2003 to €853 for the year ended 30 September 2003, as a result of a selective customer acquisition and retention policy targeting high value customers. In local currency, operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items grew by 27%, reflecting both the growth in service revenues and an excellent EBITDA margin. The EBITDA margin for the six months to 30 September 2003 benefited by 1.4 percentage points as a result of no accrual being made for a contribution tax levied by the local regulatory authority following a favourable European Court of Justice ruling on its legality. Brand awareness has improved since the introduction of the single Vodafone brand in May 2003 and the launch of Vodafone live! in October 2002, which has attracted over 430,000 customers since launch. Other Southern Europe Proportionate customers for the Group's other operations in the Southern Europe region increased by 7% during the period, including an increase of 1.7 percentage points arising from stake changes in the Group's operations in Portugal, Greece, Albania and Malta. Vodafone Spain's turnover for the six months ended 30 September 2003 increased by 23% to £1,286 million (12% when measured in local currency) as a result of an increase in the customer base and strong voice and data usage which more than offset a negative impact of a reduction in the intercarrier rate in November 2002. The EBITDA margin improved, benefiting from reduced acquisition and retention costs. Turnover increased in all of the region's other markets. In Portugal, turnover increased by 5% in local currency, including a 41% increase in data revenues as a result of Vodafone live! and an MMS bulk offering. Vodafone Portugal was among the first companies in Europe to offer video MMS services. AMERICAS Financial highlights Six months to % change 30 September 2003 2002 £m £m £ $(4) Total Group Verizon Wireless 712 653 9 16 operating Other Americas (7) (9) (22) profit/(loss)(1) ------- ------- 705 644 9 ------- ------- Proportionate Verizon Wireless 3,102 2,841 9 17 turnover(2) Other Americas 31 66 (53) ------- ------- 3,133 2,907 8 ------- ------- Proportionate Verizon Wireless 35.7% 35.3% EBITDA Other Americas 6.5% 12.1% margin(2) Key performance indicators (Verizon Wireless only) ARPU(3) $593 $584 Churn(3) 23.2% 26.5% Acquisition and retention costs net of equipment revenues, as a percentage of service revenues 13.7% 13.1% (1) before goodwill amortisation (2) see pages 31 and 32 for details of proportionate EBITDA (3) ARPU and churn information represents the twelve month periods ended 30 September 2003 and 31 March 2003, respectively (4) local currency percentage change excluding any Group allocations Verizon Wireless Within the highly competitive US market, Verizon Wireless continues to outperform its competitors and ranked first in customer net additions for the six months ended 30 September 2003, further increasing its lead over the number two provider. At 30 September 2003, Verizon Wireless' total customer base stood at 36,026,000, an 8% increase on 31 March 2003. At 30 June 2003, US market penetration had reached approximately 51%, with Verizon Wireless' market share at approximately 24%. The increase in proportionate turnover was primarily due to increased service revenue from the larger customer base and higher ARPU. Data revenues for the six months to 30 September 2003 increased by 152% over the comparable period and have been positively affected by the growth of data products, including 'Get It Now', and picture messaging. Approximately 28% of the customer base is actively using a data or SMS product compared to 19% at 31 March 2003. Blended ARPU increased slightly due to a focus on selling plans with higher access price points, for which Verizon Wireless incurred a slightly higher average cost to connect. Churn decreased due to a reduction in contract churn, attributable to a combination of the quality of Verizon Wireless' network and customer satisfaction, which have ranked highest in a number of external surveys, the success of retention programmes and the adverse effect of MCI's withdrawal from the wholesale market during the year ended 31 March 2003. The proportionate EBITDA margin increased from 35.3% to 35.7% principally as a result of increased cost efficiencies. This was partially offset by increased acquisition and retention costs, net of equipment revenues, as a percentage of service revenues resulting from increased gross additions and upgrade activities. The Group's share of Verizon Wireless' operating profit before goodwill amortisation increased by 16%, in local currency, for the six months to 30 September 2003 as a result of the turnover and EBITDA margin performance, partially offset by a 21% increase in the charge for depreciation. The higher depreciation charge arose from the level of capital expenditure incurred to increase network capacity to the levels necessary to satisfy the demands placed on it through increased usage, a larger customer base and the upgrade to 1xRTT, which now covers virtually all of Verizon Wireless' coast-to-coast network. On 23 May 2003, Verizon Wireless completed a transaction with Northcoast Communications L.L.C., to purchase 50 Personal Communications ('PCS') licences and related network assets for approximately $762 million in cash. The PCS licences cover large portions of the East Coast and Midwest, serving approximately 47 million people. As part of a broader collaboration, on 1 August 2003, the Group and Verizon Wireless announced their intention to develop a dual branded 'Verizon Vodafone' laptop data card service for business customers working and travelling between the US and Europe. The data card will be based on Vodafone's data card service, Vodafone Mobile Connect Card, which Verizon Wireless will develop and market under licence from Vodafone. In addition, Vodafone and Verizon Wireless are working together on joint global contracts for content, international account management, SMS messaging between the CDMA and GSM networks of Verizon Wireless and Vodafone, as well as ongoing best practice sharing. Verizon Wireless continues to expand its product base, with the launch during the period of a new walkie-talkie product called 'Push to Talk', a picture messaging service to complement its 'Get It Now' data product and a selected Wireless LAN service that enables high speed wireless data service coverage in a number of travel-related venues such as hotels and airports. The Federal Communications Commission has set 24 November 2003 as the start date for wireless local number portability compliance. Other Americas On 29 July 2003, the Group completed the disposal of its stake in the Mexican mobile operator Grupo Iusacell. ASIA PACIFIC Financial highlights Six months to % change 30 September 2003 2002 £m £m £ Y(4) Turnover Japan: - Voice services 2,462 2,415 2 5 - Data services 680 585 16 19 ------ ------ - Total service revenue 3,142 3,000 5 8 - Equipment and other 727 731 (1) 1 ------ ------ 3,869 3,731 4 6 Other Asia Pacific 488 395 24 ------ ------ 4,357 4,126 6 ------ ------ Total Group Japan 672 696 (3) (1) operating Other Asia profit(1) Pacific 64 38 68 ------ ------ 736 734 - ------ ------ Proportionate Japan 32.4% 32.0% EBITDA Other Asia margin(2) Pacific 38.5% 37.8% Key performance indicators (Japan only) ARPU(3) Y84,818 Y87,159 Churn(3) 23.4% 23.3% Acquisition and retention costs net of equipment revenues, as a percentage of service revenues 18.1% 20.0% (1) before goodwill amortisation (2) see pages 31 and 32 for details of proportionate turnover and EBITDA (3) ARPU and churn information represents the twelve month periods ended 30 September 2003 and 31 March 2003, respectively (4) local currency percentage change excluding any Group allocations Japan Japan's mobile telecommunications market remained robust as mobile services continued to expand, driven by the roll out of high speed 3G and other data services. Market penetration increased by three percentage points to 62% at 30 September 2003, compared to 59% at 31 March 2003. Vodafone Japan's market share improved marginally from 18.5% to 18.6% in the period, with net additions of 628,000 resulting in period end customers of 14,540,000. The key drivers of this growth have been the continued success of J-Sky services, which have now been rebranded as Vodafone live! services, and the new prepaid offering, launched in February 2003. In addition, in May 2003 Vodafone Japan launched the popular J-SH53 handset, which was the world's first megapixel camera phone. However, customer growth has slowed in the last quarter and Vodafone Japan has captured a significantly reduced level of the total market net additions as a result of its competitors offering a wider and more attractive range of handsets and price plans. In line with the adoption of the single Vodafone brand on 1 October 2003, Vodafone Japan prepared a range of measures, including new price plans, handsets and services, to ensure a successful brand launch associated with value to the customer and targeted at stimulating growth in net connections. Turnover for Vodafone Japan increased by 6% in local currency over the comparable period, primarily driven by service revenue growth. Vodafone Japan continues to have the highest ARPU in the Group and, although ARPU declined as expected, data and content revenues continued to increase. Net acquisition costs decreased due to more cost efficient purchasing and increased prepaid connections. In addition, Vodafone Japan has continued to streamline operations in areas such as customer care, logistics and billing system management. In April 2003, Vodafone Japan opened a new customer service centre, consolidating the service centres in eastern Japan so as to reduce overall operating costs and improve service levels. These benefits were partially offset by an increase in provisions for slow moving handset stocks and incremental overheads in operating the 3G network. The EBITDA margin increased slightly to 32.4% for the six month period ended 30 September 2003. Operating profit before goodwill amortisation decreased, principally due to a £58 million increase in the depreciation charge as a result of the commencement of 3G commercial services. Vodafone Japan launched 3G services in December 2002 and has expanded its 3G network to 11,300 operational 3G base stations covering 95.9% of the population at 30 September 2003. 3G growth is expected to continue with the launch of Vodafone branded products and services. International roaming services, enabled by the launch of the W-CDMA 3G network, also increased significantly, with voice roaming services available in 81 countries and regions using 116 operators at 30 September 2003. Other Asia Pacific In an intensely competitive environment, Vodafone Australia increased its customer base by 2% in the six months ended 30 September 2003, notwithstanding heavy subsidisation of handsets by competitors. The contract base declined by 5% but the prepaid base increased by 9%, helped by new service offerings. Early September 2003 saw the launch of 'red SIM', a new mass market proposition supported by an integrated brand campaign designed to raise the profile of the business in the Australian market place. Compared to the same period last year, turnover and EBITDA increased as a result of the growth in the customer base. Blended ARPU declined from AUD633 to AUD587 compared to the year ended 31 March 2003 as a result of the continued change in base from access-based plans with subsidies, to non-subsidised plans with no access fees. Data revenues increased by 39% compared to the same period last year, from increased SMS volumes, use of WAP browsing services and Vodafone live! customers. Vodafone New Zealand continued to grow both turnover and EBITDA margins compared to the same period last year. Blended ARPU increased to NZD665 from NZD663 compared to the year ended 31 March 2003. The business has continued to focus on controlling operating expenditure while maintaining revenue growth. Customers increased by 11% since 31 March 2003 to 1,429,000 customers. China Mobile (Hong Kong) Limited, in which the Group has a 3.27% stake, increased its customer base by 9% to 135,001,000 in the six months to 30 September 2003. This growth in the period was despite a slowdown in April and May due to the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. ARPU fell as competition increased, particularly at the low end of the market, driven by the limited mobility PHS service rolled out nationwide by China's fixed-line operators. SMS volumes increased by 57% to 48.4 billion messages sent in the six months ended 30 September 2003 compared to 30.8 billion in the six months ended 31 March 2003. The Group disposed of its interest in its Indian associate, RPG Cellular Services Ltd, during the period. A new Partner Network Agreement was announced with M1 in Singapore on 3 November 2003, being the first Vodafone partner in this region. MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA Financial highlights Six months to 30 September 2003 2002 % change £m £m Turnover 157 143 10 Total Group operating profit(1) 140 88 59 Proportionate EBITDA margin(2) 48.3% 45.8% (1) before goodwill amortisation (2) see pages 31 and 32 for details of proportionate turnover and EBITDA The Group's operations in the Middle East and Africa region comprise Vodafone Egypt and the Group's associated companies in South Africa (Vodacom) and Kenya (Safaricom). In addition, the Group has a Partner Network Agreement with MTC-Vodafone, which is the one of the leading mobile operators in Kuwait. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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